There is a photo in Dean's room. It's small and framed and only Sam and Dean know about it. It shows a man, turned away from the camera. Two black wings are coming out of his back and they slant out of the photo.


Sam found it after he was searching through his room for a knife. It was hidden at the back of his bottom drawer, carefully framed and clean. If Dean knows that Sam found it he doesn't mention it. If Sam had looked behind the first photo he would have found another four.

One shows the same dark-haired man facing the camera, looking stoically at it, but his blue eyes are shining.

The second showed him and Dean sitting close together, the man's head on his shoulder and both of them holding hands.

The next showed Sam, Bobby Singer and Dean all laughing.

The last showed Sam, Dean and the man. Sam and Dean are laughing and the man has a happy look on his face as he watches them.

There is also a small strip of photos like the ones from a photo booth showing a golden haired man and the dark haired man in it. The first one shows the blond laughing at the other while he frowns. By the last the dark haired man is smiling too and looking over at the blond.


When Sam had found them he hadn't noticed the writing on the back. He had flipped them over, hoping to find out who had taken the photos. Each one had writing on the back.

Castiel's wings, he showed me them out in the woods at the back of the bunker.

Cas before he left on a mission. Bobby let me borrow his camera.

Found this in my camera. You idjits. –Bobby. Cas and me.

After the wendigo hunt in Montana.

You looked happy. We should make Castiel cook more often. –Bobby.The first time Cas cooked. He had insisted, saying it was just like science. Best meal we had in years.

Got Cassie into a photo booth! Thought you would like a copy Dean-o ~Gabriel. Thanks Gabe.