Charlie, Dean, Bobby.
That small collection had grown, moving to an envelope in the same drawer.
Charlie and Cas in the kitchen, leaning over three mugs. Cas's first hot chocolate. It was written in slightly smudged green ink. Why would you make Sam take a photo? An important moment Dean! This was written in a blue pen, as though the photo had been passed back and forth over time.
A tattered photo of two scruffy kids laughing over an old cars engine. 1989. 10 + 6 There was one of a dark haired woman and her son standing in a garden, Dean behind them, facing away at a barbeque. Ben and Lisa. A sleek black Chevy with a long pair of legs sticking out of the window- followed by another photo of Sam, leaning out of the same window, his hair in a mess. Serial killer look suits him. Cas was in the Impala, gazing out of the window where rain had blurred the glass. He had a book filled with sketches of mythical creatures open on his lap, one hand resting on a page, his fingers wrapped over the edge of the corner. His eyes were glazed over and a soft, small smile could be seen as he watched the water hit the cars window outside.