Chapter III: Whiterun


Rhonan and Valka stopped and a town called Riverwood, both feeling the need for rest. They rented a room at the local Inn, the Sleeping Giant Inn, hot food and good Ale raising their road weary mood.

As they got settled in the shared room, he began to question her skills, trying to learn what was in need of improvement.

She pondered his question for a moment before replying "I am only fifteen, of low birth so, no marriage offers yet. My mother passed a few winters back and I took a position in the kitchens of the lord, Ulfric Stormcloak. He is a tyrant, tried to use me as a shield to get away from the Imperials after him" She paused, trying to restrain her rage before she continued.

"I can cook, clean and sing, that's about it" She finished lamely, head bowed in shame before the warrior sat in front of her. Hearing a grunting laugh she peered up to see him smiling down at her. A slight blush spattered her cheeks as she realised he was amused by her lack of real skills.

"It is fine, I shall train you Valka. Fear not, for I too am young, only fifteen also. My mother passed some years back as well, we have much in common it would seem" This amused him even more.

Above them in his own plane of existence an old man smiled thinking 'More then you know my boy; more then you know'

As the two continued to get acquainted, word spread like wildfire, a Dragon burned Helgen to ashes. As they continued to enjoy a relaxing conversation, Riverwood was in a panic. Word spread all the way to Whiterun, putting the city on alert, the patrols being strengthened and walls constantly manned.

This message would spread further, mere weeks before all of Skyrim would be aware of the newly risen threat.

Line Break


Rhonan approached the gates, his lupine features and glowing eyes putting the guards on edge. "Halt, gates are closed. State your business or move on" one of the guards demanded.

Valka stayed just behind her master, avoiding attention for the most part. Rhonan on the other hand, glared at he guards, his amber orbs boring holes through them. "Move" he growled.

One of them actually started quailing in his boots!

"We can't just let you in, you an unknown!" the same guard shrilly spoke.

The glare got hotter, a silent snarl forcing the Lycans upper lip to rise in a sneer. "Last chance… Move." The rumble emanating from the tall man was the icing on the cake; the guards stumbling to get the gate open and allow him entrance. It was fun scaring weaklings.

As they past through the town, ignoring a dramatic squabble near the gates between some Imp lover and a female smith, the duo made for the nearby Inn, one run by a servant of his fathers, the Drunken Huntsmen, a safe harbour.

As the duo got settled, Rhonan considered what he could get done whist here. He wanted more members of the Companions for his Wolf Guard, and he was in need of a Smith. Those were now his main focus.

Turning to Valka he said "sit. I'm going to teach you how to access your Magicka, after I shall teach you three basic spells" he stated.

After Valka was settled, eager to learn to harness such a power, he began. "Close your eyes, good, now calm yourself, and relax. When you feel relaxed enough, turn your senses inwards, dig deep. Imagine a large pool; the pool of water is near your core, your heart. This is your Magicka, it is from here that you will draw the energy to fuel the spells I shall teach you, focus." This continued throughout the night, him smacking her every time she fell asleep or lost her focus.

As the sun began to rise, she finely found it, her core. Digging into the large pool, she was amazed she had missed it for so long. Hearing a huffing laugh, she opened her eyes to see an amused Rhonan. "Wondered if you would ever get there, eh?" she blushed at his words, agreeing meekly.

Reaching into his bag, he pulled out three tomes, two with the symbol of the school of Restoration and the last the symbol of Destruction. "These shall teach you the spells Healing, Wards and Fire. Take your time, any questions come to me. Don't practice the fire spell first or inside a building, dangerous is an understatement, also make sure there is a bucket of water nearby" He grinned, pleased with his newest follower's progress.

Valka saw the thick book growing pale, this was shameful, a disgrace. "Master… I, I can't read, forgive me" She said, eyes growing wet.

Rhonan looked surprised at first before shrugging "Very well, I shall locate you a teacher, this is one thing I don't have the time to teach. Take this coin, go to the market and find some fresh clothes for yourself, you need them" With that he began heading towards the door, only to pause.

"Also take this, never hurts to have some extra protection" He stated, passing her a well made dagger, wrapped in leather sheath. Gaining a grateful nod, she took it and grasped the small purse of gold.

Line Break

Dragons Reach


Reaching the keep, Rhonan diverted to the keeps mage quarters, thinking them to be the perfect teacher. Before he could get far, he was intercepted by an angry Dunmer. "How dare you, walking into the Jarls hall unannounced with blades no less! Speak, who are you!" She demanded, hand on her own sword.

Rhonan raised an eyebrow, giving her a dark look. He was not a fan of Dunmer, they got to uppity, to superior. His inner wolf roared at him to unleash it, tear the fool apart. He stayed his hand, for now. "My name is Rhonan, I have business with the court mage. My Apprentice, found in Helgen, needs to learn to read, I have little enough time as is" He explained.

He noted her expression soften "You were at Helgen? Come the Jarl will speak with you" Rhonan frowned as he was led to the seated man. The blonde ruler was only just leaving his prime, blonde hair showing wisps of greying.

The Elf leaned in and informed the man of his story, trying to be quiet. To Rhonan, his Lycan sense of hearing could make out the heartbeats of insects in the cellar, whispering just sounds normal, no difference.

"Come, tell me your tale traveller" The Jarl spoke, his eyes kind yet full of grit.

"Rhonan of Atmora is my name. a few days past, I travelled through a town called Helgen, merely wishing to pass through. I was weigh laid by a black Dragon, its eyes red as blood. Seeing the destruction it wrought, I grasped my Axe and leaped into battle, dealing two staggering blows before the beast retreated" he paused for a moment before continuing. "I only located one survivor, a young maiden, she was badly hurt. Upon healing her, we travelled together here; she wished to become my servant. I came here searching for a reading master, one to teach her" he finished, eyes turning to the hooded mage to the side of the Jarl.

Balgruff considered all he had heard, humming in thought. "If you wish it, my mage shall teach the girl, if you do a task for me" he said, eyes alite with interest.

Thinking it over, Rhonan agreed, nothing better to do at the moment. "Your task is to go to Bleakfalls Barrow, in the mountains south of here, and north of Riverwood. Within the Borough you will locate a stone tablet inside the inner chamber. This I need for my research into the Dragons" the Mage said, his voice ripe with excitement.

Looking at a map passed to him by the Dunmer, Irileth, he noted the position of Bleakfalls. "This could take some time. Is there a time limit, if not I would hazard a guess that this may take at least a week" He said, getting nods of agreement.

After hashing out some other smaller details, Rhonan looked into the Mages selection of Magical tomes. Picking up two, Fireball and Lightning.

Taking his leave he went to inform Valka of his task and her lessons. This better be fun.

(A/N) Hey there, quick session on Magicka.

Rhonan can use a handful of spell from the five schools, but his main study has been in Elder Magic.

Now to me Elder Magic encompasses the arts not diverted into any school, Teleportation, Blood Magic, Mind Magic (Not illusion, more akin to Legillemancy from Harry Potter), Soul magic etc…

As you no doubt guessed, we are indeed now getting stuck into the Skyrim story. Rhonan knows some Mind Magics and some other Elder magics thanks to Hermaus Mora owing Hircine from a bet.

You may have also noted Rhonan being more restrained; this comes with him being away from home, bare in mind, he's fifteen as well. People know about raids in the reach, not about who commands them so it's safe for him to be amongst the sheep.

Any side quests you think would be fun? Leave a review or PM. Thanks!