I stiffened beside my best friend, Aragorn, as we heard the Orc's chuckles, who knew they had us trapped. Our once peaceful campsite had become a death trap. I held my bow at the ready, an arrow already notched on the string. I pulled it to a full draw and released the arrow, striking an Orc in the head before they were able to come upon us. Aragorn's sword stabbed an Orc in the stomach and I slashed at them with my Elven knifes. The fight was lasting too long and before I knew what happened, something rushed past me in a blur. I was too busy fighting to truly understand what had happened until a horrible cry of pain suddenly reached my ears. It was then that I realized that Aragorn had saved my life.
After the last Orc had been killed, I sprinted over to my companion, who was slumped over onto the grass. "Estel?" I cried out in concern. My friend moaned, but laid still. "Estel, can you move?" I asked, kneeling down and touching his shoulder. His blood was rushing out of his body onto the ground around us as he turned his head to look at me.
"I can't...get...up..." I could hear how weak his voice sounded. "Please...get...the green...bag...of...herbs."
My face blanched; he only used the herbs in the green bag when someone couldn't be healed. The herbs made it easier to die as it tended to make them go to sleep so they wouldn't feel any pain. I grabbed his pack that was by the ring of rocks where we had made our fire the night before and took the bag out. I began to weep as I took out a cup and canteen. I poured water into the cup and then crushed the herbs before I mixed it up. I went back to my comrade's side, knelt down and lifted him up with great care so that he could drink the mixture.
After I helped him drink it, I helped him lay back down. He closed his eyes as I tried comforting him through rubbing his back. "Hannon...le, Legolas...for all.. you have...done.. for me..." I couldn't say a thing. Aragorn wheezed in pain and I started singing softly. Aragorn's breathing slowed and he fell asleep; it was almost like he was in a coma. Really, the herbs had done their dirty work, but I was hoping beyond hope that he could still hear me as I started another song.
My tenuous control over my emotions slipped as I buried my face in his shoulder blade. I didn't know if I would go on without him. There was much work still left to do, and the throne of Gondor remained unclaimed. I could feel his heartbeat becoming slower and slower until it finally stopped altogether. I sighed as I sat my friend up. He was finally free of pain forever.
Final goodbye by sassyfriend
Books » Lord of the Rings Rated: K, English, Tragedy, Aragorn, Legolas, Words: 486, Favs: 5, Published: 5/5/2017