Hey guys welcome to the second chapter of the story.
Sorry for the delay. I was out of town so could not update.
DISCLAIMER: I do no own percy Jackson and Olympians.
"YOU HAVE DOOMED THESE CHILDREN'S ATHENA" a voice boomed from behind them
Startled by the voice annabeth was up and had her dagger out and positioned under the neck of the attacker in a blink of an eye before she even knew the identity of the person. Upon making eye contact with silver eyes and feeling a silver knife above her ribcage just above her heart she realizied the identity of the person and immediately relaxed and bowed lightly " Lady Artemis".
By now both Poseidon and Athena were standing up and had there weapons out and pointing at Artemis ,looking surprised.
"How did you enter my domain " Poseidon asked " and how did you even sneak up here not even my wife know of this place".
"I thought this place was secure barnacles beard" Athena accused irritated
"Relax dad and please keep your trident down she is not here to fight" Percy said casually. Only then did they realized that the only person not even remotely surprised by Artemis sudden appearance was percy.
"Son , what is the meaning of this" Poseidon asked looking confused and slightly angry. He knew the only one other then him who could lead Artemis there was his son.
"First lets all settle down and keep our weapons away father then i will explain the situation." Percy said plactating his father's fears. All present vanquished there weapons though Athena and Poseidon kept giving Artemis suspicious glances.
"now son do you know the danger you have forced on us by bringing her here" Poseidon asked strictly.
" Danger " Artemis yelled angrily " I bring danger! , you are the one that told them the truth thus making them the greatest target for next great tragedy. Don't you know the punishment they will suffer at the hands of fates because of your misgivings."
" We know very well sister, they are our children afterall. What I would like to know is why are you here. Did father send you here." Athena asked calmly though you could clearly see the storm brewing in her eyes. She clearly suspected Artemis to be a sent by Zeus to spy on them.
" I came here on my own accord. I did not trust your intentions with these demigods and i was right. You have doomed them both." Artemis shouted at them both
After all she had seen them suffer through she could not lose them due to some mistakes made by there own parents.
"I doomed no one it was the only choose..." Poseidon started saying but could not finish before Athena cut in.
" We could not trust her Poseidon , for all we know she could be sent by father to spy on us." Athena interjected giving her a nasty glare. Athena did not know what she did wrong but suddenly one day , half a decade ago out of blue her sister Artemis started acting strangely hostile towards her, never supporting her on any counsil meetings. She was her greatest ally and friend once but became her greatest rival overnight second only to Poseidon. From then on Athena never trusted her.
"My lady Athena I can assure you if those would have been her intentions , I Wouldn't have let her come here in the first place " Percy interjected
" And you know of her intentions! . You vanquished some immortals and now you know all about God's. You could not understand child, you are too naive." Athena replied.
Annabeth clearly did not like the hidden insult made inside the words but she let it go. Her mother never liked Percy but after tartarus even she knew that Percy was not a setback but rather a good choice for her even if she would not accept it outwards.
" You are accusing me of spying when i know very well what such an information in wrong hands could do to them both " artemis asked shocked " Get off your high horse Athena and for once see them past your means for conquest. Tell me are you here because you care for your daughter's safety or are you here because you see her as potential weapon to upsurge our father."
Athena looked ready to murder. If looks could kill artemis would had died 100 times over. "I do not have to answer your question ,after all you know nothing about children , you don't have any. Don't accuse me of actions you know not. My daughter is my pride and joy. I care about her even if I sometimes don't show it. It's called tough parenting"
"If tough parenting means sending your daughter to Tartarus then I am glad I do not have children's Athena because I would never condemned any of my hunter to such a fate and they are like my daughter's." Artemis replied with casual indifference but her eyes were brimming with uncontrolled hidden anger
Athena looked ready to hurl her spear directly at Artemis but before she could do something thunder boomed in the distance alerting them all of Zeus approaching presence. They all stiffened at once. Athena was fastest too recover and came into action. She materialized a backpack and hurled it at annabeth.
"Go, whatever you need to know is in the bag. i don't think we will meet again daughter. Just remember who you are and your heritage. You will face harrowing tasks ahead, never fear. Your wisdom will guide you."And teleported them away. Artemis also went along with them.
The last thing Percy remembered was a booming voice, most likely of Zeus ,asking for an explanation for the anonymous meeting, before everything went black.
Sorry people. Had this in folder for a long time. Didn't get much time. Will try writing soon. Maybe from starting.