Please Note: This is just a brief plot introduction of the story. It does not represent the size of chapters that may follow, and will possibly be deleted at a later time. I'm open to any thoughts, ideas, and constructive criticism available.
Harry Potter and the Element of Surprise
The flames spread quickly through the modern home. Police, ambulances, and fire trucks wailed in the distance as the lone figure stood up, panic rushing through his mind as he realized what was going on. Desperately trying to think of a way out, he paced across the smallest bedroom. He had already checked the door, once again, to confirm that it was locked. He was on the second floor, his wand stowed in his trunk hidden away in the cupboard. Smoke was starting to billow through the cat flap in the door, and he stepped back as if already scalded by flames. Cursing himself, he rushed over to Hedwig and opened the door to her cage before bringing her to his window.
"Go on, girl. To the Burrow, you can't stay," He urged her to try to squeeze through bars much like her very own cage. He hoped they were far enough apart that she could make it through. Hedwig, the loyal owl that he loved so dearly, hooted indignantly and pecked his hand. She wouldn't leave without him, but he didn't have time for this. He stared at her for a moment, getting frantic as the smoke now filled ceiling space.
"Hedwig. I can't go with you, I'll have to find another way. You have to go! Just… hurry!" He finally yelled at her. The smoke was getting heavier by the minute and he broke into coughs as she easily squeezed through the bars, shaking out her ruffled feathers before taking off into the night. He leaned against the wall to the left of his window, eventually sliding down to form a small huddle at the bottom. He cried as he realized just how weak he was, yet everyone expected him to be the "Savior of the Wizarding World". The fire department had arrived on scene minutes ago to the fully involved house fire, and yet nobody had come to save him. This was how he would meet his end, in a goddamn house fire that was probably caused by his idiot cousin playing with matches.
He choked on his tears as he started violently coughing again. The smoke was still billowing through the door filling the room more and more, with only a little escaping through the window, and the room was getting too hot to stand. And stand it he couldn't, for he could feel his eyelids drooping as he began to succumb to his exhaustion and lack of oxygen. The last thing he saw before he was unconscious was a bright blue light.
Harry awoke to blinding white light and groaned as he turned his head to see a blurry figure shuffling around him with jars and bottles in his hands. He felt something uncomfortable around his face and reached his hand up to take it off, only for it to be intercepted by a larger strongly calloused one.
"Can't… helping… oxygen." Everything sounded far off and faded, and his head was pounding.
Merlin, what's wrong with me?
Agitated, he yanked his hand back and tried once again to reach for the annoying thing around his face. The strong hand gripped his again, and he clearly heard one word out of the short explanation the man gave this time.
Too tired to fight, he obeyed and allowed himself to relax. His arm plopped down next to him on the gurney as the man released his hand. Everything hurt and he opened his eyes briefly, only for somebody to shine a torch into it. He groaned loudly with pain as his head throbbed even more and snapped his eyes shut before attempting to turn away from the source. Pain shot through his body as he let out a strangled scream. His vision went black and his body limp as he fell into unconsciousness once again.