"Estel!" Legolas cried out as the large orcs bound his hands behind his back.
"Don't worry. I'm right over here, mellon nin!" Aragorn replied and relief came to the elf as he saw the young man only a few feet away from him. However the good feeling didn't last long as both of them were pulled roughly to their feet.
"We know how to take care of the likes of you." The largest orc growled and he kicked the elf in the side. Legolas stayed silent, trying to find his friend again. His eyes widened when he spotted his comrade just as Aragorn was struck in the side of his head with an orc's weapon, and then the foul beasts beat the human's head against a stone. "Legolas!" The ranger cried out. Legolas wished he could go to his friend, but he wasn't able to go anywhere and he bit back a frustrated cry, angry nonetheless.
"Estel, hold on..." Legolas was about to say more when a fist slammed into his face and rendered him unconscious. That night the two friends found themselves shackled in heavy chains.
Aragorn groaned softly as he awoke and terror filled him as he looked around the dank, dark, blackened cell. "Legolas, oh mellon nin!" A sob reached the elf's ears as he felt a soft hand touch his forehead. Legolas whimpered in pain and barely opened his eyes.
"Estel, I'm here my friend. I'm here..."
The human's eyes shut momentarily in shame; his friend was hurt and it was his entire fault.
"Don't blame yourself...little one." Legolas whispered.
Aragorn gaped in surprise. "Little one?"
Legolas chuckled in spite of the pain he felt. "Well you are still young..." The elf saw the look the ranger gave him.
"Nay I am 31..." Aragorn sighed; he indeed felt like a child. Legolas heard the ranger mutter under his breath. Then he noticed the tear falling from his comrade's eye.
"Estel?" Legolas felt a chill go through his body and gave his companion a startled look.
"You're cold?" Legolas gave a nod and the young man moved closer to him.
"We are near Mordor..." Legolas whispered. Aragorn, as best he could, tried to warm his elven comrade. Suddenly, the cell door was flung open and a large orc unchained the ranger, pulled Aragorn roughly up by his hair and forced him out the door.
Legolas cried out in terror for his friend as the cell door banged and was locked again. The elf could hear him screaming his name and telling him not to give up hope. Suddenly the whole blackened room was empty and then he heard something that took his breath away; the sound of Aragorn hitting the ground after the orcs threw him down the stairs.
Legolas crawled to the corner of the cell praying as he let the tears come. It was early morning before Aragorn was brought back to his friend. Legolas awoke to the sight of a bloody body chained beside him the ranger's eyes where closed, he was breathing shallow as if he were close to death. "Gwador!" Legolas moved closer and saw the man's body drenched in sweat.
"Le.g..o...la...s!" Silently Legolas closed his hand over his comrade's. "It is well ."
Aragorn laid his head on the elf's leg as his body gave out. The elf felt the exact moment that it happened and winced.
The twins had also been captured by the orcs, but neither knew where their brother and Legolas were. Elladan cursed under his breath as he felt the slime on the floor of their cell. "Disgusting creatures!" Elrohir raged as he sank down beside his brother.
The twins had only gone to visit Aragorn at one of the ranger settlements when out of nowhere the whole camp had exploded with the quality of an all out war with the orcs. Legolas had tried his best to help all of them, but was soon brought down, wounded. The whole day truly ended up like a nightmare.
The twins could hear Legolas' cries as he prayed and Elrohir bowed his head in defeat. There was no way they could do any good when being locked in a different place. He felt an arm go around his back. "Do not worry. Someone will help us..." Slowly and softly he sang a song abou the forests and soon after his brother joined in.
Legolas held his friend close, worried about his health. In an arm and leg the man had broken bones, he had sprained the joint in his other leg, it looked as though something was seriously wrong with his hand and black and blue bruises coated the man's body. he shivered in agony and the Elf could only hope that he hadn't also damage to his spine.
"Legolas, try to wake him up," Elladan said from teh other cell, trying his best to help the younger gently tapped the human's cheek and the ranger groaned, but didn't wake.
"He will not wake up!" Legolas called, hoping to be heard by the twins. He heard the twins whispering amongst themselves.
"What is his condition?" Elrohir asked.
"Very poor. He has broken bones, a sprained joint, and something is wrong with his hand. I am not sure what all else is wrong with him."
"Do not move him unless you have to! Elladan told , the sound of orcs bursting into the room caused them all to inadvertently cringe "Okay, you lulgijak, it's your turn!"
Lulgijak- is an orcish insult means bloody flowers