The ranger shivered, pulling his hoody tighter against himself as he followed his Elven friend through the now darker forest. The human's tracking abilities were now hindered. "We must find shelter soon, Legolas!" he called as the wind howled around them.

"I know, Estel. We will." They walked for many miles and Aragorn began to become sluggish. "Are you alright?" Legolas asked loudly. The Man yawned, blinked his eyes and stared through half lidded eyes at his companion.

Legolas frowned in concern and pulled his friend close, worried that the human was being affected by the weather. "Mellon nín, you must stay awake until we find shelter!" The Elf gently slapped the ranger's cheeks. Aragorn sighed as the Elf looked around. "Estel, how would you feel about sleeping in a tree?"

Aragorn gave a funny look to his comrade. "Why?"

The Elf smiled. "These trees are friendly. They said it is alright." Aragorn shrugged. "Sounds good to me, as long as we get out of this wind!"

So Legolas touched a tree gently as it lowered one of its branches and both Elf and human climbed and settled against the bark and Aragorn fell asleep, safe against both friends.

In the morning, Legolas was careful as he roused the sleeping Man. When the ranger opened his eyes he was startled by all the snow on the ground. He let out a frustrated groan and Legolas smiled sheepishly.

"You know, Ada is going to kill us for being late!" Aragorn replied, seeing the Elf's reaction.

"Aye, I do." Aragorn slowly pulled off his pack and opened it, handing an apple to Legolas and then he took one for himself.

"It's likely to snow again," Legolas said after he finished his apple. Aragorn nodded, shivering. Suddenly, he let out a huge sneeze and Legolas held him steady as he sneezed a couple more times.

"You are getting ill." Aragorn sighed, leaning against his friend. In truth, his head was pounding and he was downright miserable. He hated how stuffy he felt and how his body ached all over. "Oh, Legolas! Why am I always getting ill? I hate it so much!"

Legolas rubbed his shoulder in sympathy. "I know." The Elf was worried as he had never become sick, except when he was poisoned. Thinking of that, Legolas shuddered.

"What's the matter, mellon nín?" Aragorn asked softly.

"I do not understand how humans get ill, but was wondering if it was like when I had been poisoned." Legolas said.

"Well..." Aragorn thought hard. "Sometimes sickness happens because of someone else being around us when they are ill and they pass it to us. Other times, it can be from a certain kind of food or unclean water. Other times, it's from the weather and sometimes there seems to be no reason we get ill in the first place and we are left wondering what is happening ourselves. Often times we get just as confused as you about our bodies," Aragorn explained.

Legolas nodded he was worried as Aragorn sneezed a couple more times. " I'm sure your father would understand if we sent him a message."

Aragorn sighed knowing that his friend could speak to the trees. Aragorn sat down in the snow by a tree leaning his head against it as Legolas laid his hands on the tree the Ranger was leaning against. Slowly and quietly the elf communited to the tree.

Once Legolas was done he turned his action to the man only to find his eyes where shut. The elf shook him gently and Aragorn opened his eyes.

" We will be better off in a cave right now especially you." Legolas told him softly.

" But you hate..." Aragorn let out a sneeze again and moaned.

" It's no need a cave." Legolas replied. " Come."

The elf helped the Ranger up and they started walking together again.