I obviously don't own Pokemon or the original nuzlockze challenge or the original idea of gijinka pokemon. If you thought that I own any of those, then you obviously have a problem.
Claus' pokemon are going to be based on my own nuzlockze challenge, that I am taking right now. So far I have three pokemon, one male and two female. (That was the only hint that I will give about them.)
The other two characters pokemon are going to be based on the second and third pokemon that I find in a certain area. I also consider that the first two routes in the game have catchable pokemon, since we didn't have pokeball before we visit them for the first time.
1- The pokemon will die instead of faint. (Unless in a rival battle and in a wild battle.)
2- Every main character can't use healing item. (That also includes berries.)
3- The character will catch only the first pokemon that they find in the area. They also will give nicknames to all of them.
4- The only lengendaries catchable are Rayquaza, Latios and Latias. (They are needed in this plot.)
5- Healing itens can not be used, even if the character find it on the ground or it was a gift.
6- Gift pokemon and traded pokemon are classified as the area pokemon.
7- The characters will not be able to catch a pokemon if they already catch one of the same evolution line.
8- A similar plot to make it interesting, yet not entirely different. (Is this a rule?)
03/17/2005 - 20:00 - Littleroot Town
A boy was finally packing all his stuff to start his journey. The professor called him to get the needed data to complete a strange device that he received from Oak.
The device's name is pokedex, it was created to show the general info of every pokemon's species, the one that he would receive was made only to have the data of the pokemon that exist on Hoenn. It can collect collect the info throught two ways: battling the pokemon for a certain amount of time, while pointing the camera to it, or by just catching it using any type of pokeball. The second one is the fastest and easier during some cases.
Having decided that he have put everything in his bag, he decided that it was finally time to meet his partner.
Getting out of his home, he felt the fresh air of the simple town that he live, it made him remember that he will leave this town on the next day. He sighed after thinking that, the town is nice, but it's so little that it's easy to get used to it.
After 10 minutes of walking, he finally arrived at Birch's lab. Its exterior wasn't pretty, but he already knew that it was much worse inside.
Taking a deep breath, he entered it, hoping that nothing to heavy would fall on him. At least it was only two small books this time.
"My Arceus. Claus, are you okay?" Birch asked worried that something bad happened to his soon to be little adventurer, a name that he decided to use to don't be arrested for child work.
"It only was two books." Claus replied. "Remember the day that it was a entire shelf? You really need to clean this lab a bit more, don't you think?"
"I, kinda of, am the type of the guy who like to learn something by looking at it closely. But you can make all this a lot more easier. Do you want to know how?"
"Filling the pokedex?"
"Cleaning the lab." Birch said handing a broom to Claus.
"It was just a joke. But you could clean if you want to." He murmured the last part and walked to the center of the lab.
There was something that filled Claus with fascination, it was something that he wished to see in ages and know that he is finally seeing it almost make he start to cry with joy, happiness and admiration. The vision was way better then he ever thought it would be. It was almost like he was in heaven. Not even the years of preparation made he prepared to this.
"YOU ACTUALLY CLEANED A TABLE!" He shooted in happiness and hugged it. "It might be a dream." He murmured kissing it.
"I know that I usually don't do it, but I am sure that there is no need to do something like that." Birch said surprised. "Anyway, just take a step back because I will call out for the three pokemon." Claus did as told and Birch took three spheres from his bag and throwed it on the air, making them open and three beings drop above the table.
The first one was appeared to be a 9- years old boy with short green hair. He was wearing a green jacket with a red shirt underneath it, green shorts and green shoes. He also have a green tail that almost is to big to him. His eyes were red and didn't have a circular shape, it actually was like a slit, which makes sense since he actually is a gecko. He also seems to be thin. He greeted the human boy waving his hand.
The second one also appeared to be a 9 years old boy, but with orange hair instead of green. He was wearing a orange long sleeved jacket with yellow sleeves, orange pants and yellow boots. The little chick's eyes was brown and with a circular shape. He also was very thin. He didn't greet the human, he just sat on the table.
The last one appeared to be an 8 years old girl with light blue hair. She wore a light blue shirt with a white stripe on it, blue skirt and blue sandals. She have two small orange frills on her cheeks, one light blue at the top of her head and an almost white as a tail.. She was a bit chubby, yet very cute. She greeted Claus with a smile then sat on the table and started to tilt her legs.
"The three of them were taught how the modern world works and some others things that might help you in the future." Birch said. "And remember, they might look like kids, but it is just because they still are on their first stage, it limit them to a child like appearance." He points to the treecko. "His true age is 19." He points to the torchic. "This one is 22 years old." He points to the mudkip. "She actually isn't that old, she is just 10 years old."
"Wow. I really thought that they were children." Claus said surprised.
"You and everybody that take a first look on us." Torchic said, with voice as childish as his body.
"Don't mind it, he just been on the selection list for a long time." The treecko said.
"I see." Claus said and looked to the professor. "I actually made a decision while I was packing my things." He took a deep breath. "I have choose the torchic.
"You aren't being serious." The chick said surprised, but what surprised him much more was the determinated expression on the human boy's face. "Are you?"
"Of course not." He said walking to the table and hugged the chick, startling the other two pokemon. "I would be glad to have you as my partner."
"Great. Years of waiting and my partner is a 10 years old boy." He sarcastly said. "Could you stop hugging me?" He said trying to shove the kid out of him.
"Sorry. Too much fun."
"Never do it again unless I am the one starting it."
"Okay." Claus replied afraid of his choose. "My name is Claus. What is your name?" The answer that he got was everyone in the room laughing.
"You really are priceless." The chick commented. "The name is Torchic."
"Isn't that your specie's name?"
"Yes, but every torchic's name is torchic. We don't need a complex name to know who is who. If you call out a certain torchic by the name Torchic in the middle of a group with 100 torchics, only the one that you called would come. But since it's too hard for humans, we are open to nicknames."
"I see... What about Chances?"
"Yeah. Because what were the chances of we end up as partners?"
"... One out of three?"
"No, they were much lower than that." Claus said as Chaces got out of the table. Both looked at the professor and said.
"TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr lleett mmee hhaavvee aa phoukmeamnon.." Since both of then said at the same time, Birch couldn't understand the last world.
"No need to thank." He said and the two child-like being leaves the lab. Birch grabbed the broom again and turned to the remaing pokemons. "Which of you will clean my lab?"
Cara normal: And that was the first chapter. If you want to see more, so then follow it, that way you will get notified when the next chapter come out.
Claus: And don't forget to review. If you want to ask something, just ask and we will answer your question.
Chances: Are we really going to do it?
Cara normal: Yes, we will only because i want to.
Chances: Please kill me.