And it is written that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in Hell. As he breaks, so shall it break.

Dean Winchester spent over thirty years being tortured, constantly. Many demons wanted a piece of him for themselves or others. After a while he got so used to it that most things didn't affect him. He laughed at them, goaded them, held that mask high and didn't let them see his doubt. When he broke all of hell rejoiced, 'a righteous man has shed blood in Hell' they cried. 'The seal is broken!'

Then the angels came and pulled him from perdition, ending the celebrations as they fought to open the seals.

The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it.

The angels believed that when the Apocalypse came Michael would take his true vessel and fight Lucifer. After all, 'the righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it' and Dean Winchester, the righteous man, is Michael's vessel.

But that wasn't God's meaning behind that prophecy. Dean Winchester would end the Apocalypse, but not as a puppet. With the blood of two families of hunting and the free will of a hero, dedicated to saving others, he would finished it his own way.

The archangel Michael, with the flaming sword. The fighter of demons, holy force against evil.

The flaming sword- Dean Winchester was meant to be it. But he was also the archangel Michael, in most ways. The good son, the soldier, the older brother tasked with watching over his younger brother, destined to kill the other.

But he was also different in most ways. The good son- who turned away from his father to stand with his brother, the soldier- who fell in love and showed mercy, the older brother tasked with watching over his younger brother- who let him leave in order to follow his beliefs, destined to kill the other- and fought destiny to save him.

He found this life because of demons and he dedicated it to fighting them and -in his own way- he was a holy force against evil.

Hello! I'm meant to be studying so I hope someone is reading while avoiding studying too! ~Scarlet