The next morning their work was done in silence. No words, no comradery, just a job to get done. The mood didn't help Emmet's thoughts as he just kept replaying the ceremony over and over in his head. There were no calendars on the island but from what he could tell he'd been there nearly two weeks. Meaning that in two weeks he had gotten a robot arm, been taken in by a community of watermelon people and watched a sacrifice to an angry sea goddess. It had been the most intense two weeks of his life and it still wasn't over yet.

When he had gotten on his raft and floated his way down river for the first time he thought that he'd be like the No Home Boys. Just him and his raft, free to go where he pleased, he hated trains though so he had picked the river over the rails. But he doubted that in any of the books the No Home Boys had become cyborgs or seen Cthulu. If they had then they had to be amazing books and if he ever got off the island he'd buy them as soon possible.

Number Two was in as bad a mood as he was. Just doing the work with none of pep he had gotten used too. It made him the more determined to get off the island together. To set sail and never look back, maybe even send some help. But he doubted anything on earth could fight whatever it was lurking in seas around Watermelon Island. He decided to just focus on building the raft, just the raft, nothing but the raft. Where was everybody?

The one moment he decided to not solely focus on the raft he saw that he was alone. They had ditched him? Whatever, it was done anyway. He didn't even feel like celebrating, looking out over the horizon he saw a rapidly approaching storm that matched his mood. It may not be smart but he just wanted to leave already, he'd just head back to the village say his goodbyes before grabbing Number Two and getting out of there. But when he reached the village though a cold feeling rushed through his body and chilled him to the core. Everybody was in the center again. When approached they all turned to him, hands touching their noses. He realized he was the only one not doing the same. Fear grabbed him and his heart hammered like a drum in his chest. Would they sacrifice him now, leave him on that cliff to be eaten by that monster? He felt the need to run, but where? There was nowhere to go. He doubted he could make it to the raft before they caught him.

The elder came out of the crowd. His staff pointed at Emmet and he stumbled backwards before falling. There he lay surrounded by the villagers all giving him a solemn look as the elder nodded. But before anyone could move to grab him something moved in front of him. It took him a moment to register it as Number Two. He just stood there, before the whole village and lifted his arms high, palms up. The elder seemed to look at them both before pointing his staff at Number Two and nodding. As the others converged on his friend Number Two just looked back sadly and gave him a small wave before he was blocked from sight by the others.

It happened so quickly and when Emmet was finally able to focus again he just stood and ran. He ran away from the village, away from that monster, away from his friend…

"This is so freaking unfair!" He didn't yell to anyone in particular. He just roared out the words and screamed as he tore his way through the forest. He was scratched several times and even fell some of the way but he kept running until he reached the beach. He slammed into the raft and pushed it with all his might. A small part of him realized that moving it should be impossible. It was way too heavy and nowhere near the surf. But with a whir he realized that his robot arm was doing most of the work and soon he had gotten the raft out into the water. He hopped on board and focused on unfurling the leaf sails. He tried not to think about the fact that his friend would be eaten with the hour. When a tremor hit the boat he realized it might be even sooner.

He gave up on the sails and just sat down. He shut his eyes but as he did he just thought about how Number Two was helped build the raft he sat on. How they spent every day working together, laughing together, how they had just spent the time being friends. It was nice. But it wasn't his responsibility, Number Two had made a decision and he was going through with it. He had nothing to do with it. He just wished he didn't feel so terrible about it all. Another tremor rocked the boat, harder this time. He ignored it and just sadly looked at his robotic arm.

"I don't suppose you could help."

The arm came to life with a burst of static. "…recharge failed…minimal…recharge."

"Thought so, it's not like you had some kind of sea monster cannon in you or something."

"…cannon….modified mode….activate…"

Suddenly the arm came to life and the fingers changed. They moved so that they fit along the black edges of the arm aiming inwards with one remaining outwards in the center. It was the index finger and as he fiddled with the button inside it sparked and charged. He stopped before he blew a hole in anything and just took in the sight. His hand was now a gun. A hand gun, no wait, hand cannon. A cannon that was also his hand, a weapon. This was amazing. As another tremor rocked the boat he realized that not only was this amazing, it was exactly what he needed. He unfurled the sails and quickly aimed the raft back towards the island. The storm winds were favorable and soon he was riding the waves along the edge of the island at breakneck speeds.

"Don't worry little buddy, I'm nearly there." He quickly turned the raft towards the bay where the monster rose from. She was already there, chains wrapped around her arms and torso rising menacingly above the water like an angry myth come to life. From that distance he could barely make out the golden star off of Number two's body shining in the rapidly covered sun. It began to rain and thunder rocked the air. But even then he could hear the monster wail over the storm.


He knew what was about to happen, and he wasn't going to let it. "Hey, you old sea hag, look over here!" He roared with all his might. Any other time he would have been glad for the storm and the sound of the surf covering up his voice, getting that things attention was not a good idea by any stretch of the imagination. But as he saw his friend look over at him in surprise he realized he had to shout harder. "Hey, let me get a good look at you before I shoot you!"

"Huh?" The monster had heard him and turned. It was looking at him and his boat in complete confusion. Perfect. He activated his new arm cannon and took aim. His dad had taken him to a shooting range when he was ten. To this day he had remembered his step by step instructions as if he had told him that day. Breath in, breath out, aim and pull the trigger on the exhale. He breathed in, ignoring the rain that had begun to shower down and just focusing on the salty freshness around him. He breathed out, releasing his fear and focusing on the moment. He pressed his index finger inside the robot arm and with a few seconds charge it fired. The shot was instant, looked like a beam of pure light, and it kicked like a horse. Emmet was thrown backwards and the whole raft shifted as the light shot flew through the air and hit the monster directly in one of its horrible eyes.

It screamed in pain before falling into the ocean. He watched it sink into the water and looked at the spot blankly. "I did it?" All the fear and panic came up at once and he felt like vomiting. Instead he just laughed hysterically and raised his arms up in victory. "I did it!" He whooped in celebration before a roar split through the air. "Oh, oh that's not good."

The monster broke through the surface and fixed all of its remaining eyes on him. They didn't look happy. "Little insect, I'll eat you!"

At that moment Emmet realized that he had never really known fear. Because literally nothing in his life could ever match the sheer terror of having a living sea monster the size of a building come at him like a tidal wave. The panic nearly froze him but his sheer desire to live got his body moving.

"Hand, propeller hands now, now, now!" He shouted at the robot arm. He couldn't even hear what it said over the roar and clap of thunder that came as the monster drew closer. It was nearly on him before the propeller function started up. He jumped as hard as he physically could over the edge of the raft and let the propellers lift him into the air just as the monster plowed through the area. He didn't want to look down, partly to avoid looking at the remains of so much time and effort, mostly to not look at the monster right on his tail.

He flew forward and up the cliff face, he used his feet to go upwards faster as the roar of the monster rocked the area. When he reached the top he saw that Number Two was rapidly running back and forth in panic the others were hiding and looking terrified as well. He didn't have time to think about them. He just grabbed Number two's hand and jumped upwards, sending them both soaring into the air. Together they flew over the village, the others running around in panic. He felt kind of bad about that, but he was pretty sure would feel worse being caught by what was chasing him.

"Steven!" There was that name again. This Steven guy must really be some piece of work. Emmet felt relatively safe in the stormy rainy filled air, looking behind him though he saw that the monster was roaring at them from the ocean. Her chains held her down as she just screamed at them, hatred practically oozing from her eyes. "I will find you, and I will eat you whole! Steven!"

"Hah, good luck with that sucker!" Emmet didn't really know what possessed him to say that. It wasn't like she could hear him from that far away. But it felt good to say, and he needed a win. Looking at Number Two he saw the melon shake its head. "What? We're fine, not like she can get us from all the way over there. Everything's coming up Emmet." Which was about the moment that lightning struck him.

It happened so quickly that he didn't even register that he had somehow survived being hit by lightning. What did register was the fact that the propellers had stopped working, and that Number Two and him were falling through the air. "Propellers activate, activate! Come on!"

They suddenly whirred back to life, but not quickly enough to completely break their fall. Lifting Number Two up he shielded his friends body the best he could as they crashed through the jungle foliage. The propellers suddenly got tangled up in some vines and the Two were sent tumbling though the air. He managed to back first on a muddy hill, so most of the force was safely broken. The momentum though sent Number Two and him sliding across the floor. He felt plenty of rocks and branches on their way before he finally skidded to a stop.

"Ugh, anyone get the number of that truck that hit me?" Emmet groaned as he sat up. He groaned harder as he was suddenly crushed by a hug. "I get it, I get it Number Two, please let go. I think might ribs might be broken."

Number Two let go but that didn't stop him from skipping around and talking excitedly. Emmet watched him go and chuckled as the little melon reenacted the rescue. But as he went on he realized how bad the situation was now. No boat, the village probably hated them now, and he had personally made an enemy of a giant sea monster. It had been a busy day. Plus he was pretty sure that he had been struck by lightning. Lightning! By all movie logic he should have super powers, but all he felt was cold and bruised. "This bites." He said as he lay back groaning. He regretted it immediately as his head hit something hard. He rubbed his head gingerly as he looked behind. "What the…" It was some kind of stone pad. It was made of a weird sort of gem, but unlike the geode caves this thing looked like it had been expertly cut. He stepped on top of it and the arm suddenly came to life.

"…charge….fully…pad ready….warp…"

"Wait, warp? This thing can get us out of here?" He turned to Number Two excitedly only to see him looking out towards the forest. He could make a fair guess as to what he was looking towards. "Hey, Number Two, we need to go." When he didn't move he walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. His friend turned to him, sadness in his eyes. "I know you want to go back, but I don't think they'd let you off the hook so easily after our little escape. They'd probably put you right back on that cliff as soon as you got back. Look, I know this is all just…just a huge mess. But sometimes…sometimes you just have to run away." Number Two didn't look any happier, but he also didn't resist when Emmet picked him up and carried him under his arm towards the pad. He could hear the sound of something coming towards them in the distance and what sounded like hissing? It didn't matter though.

"Arm, get us out of here."

"Warp pad…prepare…activate…"

Suddenly the pad was enveloped in a light, and in moments Number Two and Emmet were gone.