"Checking up on everyone again, Summoner?" The Summoner paused in their steps to look towards the approaching wind mage. They offered a smile.
"Yes I am, Soren. I've made it a bit of a habit now that's hard to break."
"I see… It's something you enjoy?"
"You could say so, I suppose. I like to get to know all the heroes here. It only seems fair when I'm the one commanding them. After all if I make a mistake-"
"We suffer for it," he finished crisply. They stiffened at his tone and clasped their hands in front of them.
"Yes…" They looked back up at him, pursing their lips in thought. "But I do my best. I've been learning about everyone here and trying to remember their strengths and weaknesses so I don't cause any unnecessary suffering." Soren eyed them sharply as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Remember when you first met me after I had summoned you? After you asked for Ike, you basically scoffed at the knowledge that I was the tactician. It sorta hurt, but I can understand. I certainly don't look the part. But you still stay with me, even when Ike isn't on the battlefield to scold you!" They said with amusement much to the wind mage's displeasure. "I greatly appreciate your support, Soren. It means a lot that you trust my judgement and follow my commands."
Soren's brow furrowed as the summoner smiled brightly at him, taking a small bow as they did so.
"Not that it's anyone's business," he began, shifting his crimson gaze away. "But in my world I'm considered a Branded. It's basically a title that condemned me to hatred and scorn at birth." The summoner's smile vanished and their hands swung at their side with shock. The wind mage seemed equally surprised by his words and his body went rigid as he looked back in their direction. For a moment, the summoner could see unfathomable pain swirling in those hard red eyes as he waited for a rejection to come. Yet he was suddenly closed off to instead offer a glare as icy as a glacier. "No matter who I am though, I have a duty." He began to turn away only to stiffen as a hand closed around his robes.
"W-wait! In… in my world, there's people who are different and hated, or judged too. But I assure you," their eyes narrowed as they caught his wide gaze. "I am not one of those people who look down on someone because of who they are." Their grip tightened for a moment before releasing him and stepping away. They looked away as they tugged at their robe. "I don't care what you are. You've never done anything wrong by me. I'm honored to have you fight alongside us," they finished quietly. Soren was silent a moment before giving a soft sigh and gesturing with his hand. The summoner blinked before following after him.
"I found some scrolls in the library I'd like to share with you. I'm sure that they will aid you in the next battle." They watched him a moment before grinning, picking up their pace considerably.
"You know, for all your ice and bluntness, you're actually very kind." Soren snorted at their words yet the summoner saw a brief smile tug at his lips.
"If only for Ike. But… perhaps I can make an exception for you."
A/N: I was surprised Soren offers that information since in the game, he only tells Ike after years of friendship. I use they/them pronouns for the Summoner since I'm sure we all base the gender differently.
Summer's here so I actually have creativity again! So I thought I'd post some random little drabbles about the summoner and the heroes that pop up in my head. I finally got Soren and I literally screamed. I finally have all my babies and I could cry.
Until we meet again~
- Zehava