DISCLAIMER: I don't own Steven Universe nor SuperNoobs.

"I kind of joined the football team." Steven finally told them.

"YOU DID WHA...!?"

"Perhaps I should start from the beginning."

***Flashback about an hour ago***

"Oh boy this is going to be sweet," Jock grinned with anticipation as he watched Steven arriving at the Football field.

"Hey Jock, am I late?" Steven asked with concern after seeing the annoyed expressions on the other football players faces.

"Oh no Steven you're just in time for you welcoming party." Jock winked to his teammates. The football team immediately scrambled about. Steven watched with awe as the team ran around in performing random tasks. While Steven found this fascinating, he was unsure if he should be worried about what they're doing due to all the warnings and misgivings his friends had about Jock. However all doubts evaporated after they they finished setting up. "It's amazing," Steven said with awe.

"Huh," Jock turned around to see that his team hanged up a 'Welcome' sign on the bleachers as well as prepared a table with cake and punch. "Guys, seriously? When I said we should prepare a welcome party, I meant the other welcome party. Wink wink!" Jock winked at his team twice.

"Oh," the team said getting the message and quickly started breaking everything down. Which of course Steven found very disappointing since he really wanted to try that cake. After two football players carted the cake back into the school, they returned carrying a large tub filled with water and something else that Steven couldn't make out.

Jock smiled menacingly as he reached into the tub and pulls out a wet towel! Steven started to sweat as he watched Jock and the other football players masterfully twirling the towels into short thick rope and then whipping them in the air. The loud cracking noise triggered a long forgotten memory in Steven brain.

Back when he was a kid, he and Amethyst was watching one of those underdog sports movies. During the locker scenes, the players would often playfully whip each other with wet towels. Which at the time seemed odd since they both knew that towels are soft and fluffy. Still it looked like the people in the movie were having fun so Amethyst decided to try it out. Sneaking away to the bathroom and grabbed one of Steven's towels. She then soaked it in the toilet, since she didn't want to tip Steven off by turning on the sink. She then crept back to where Steven was, and then waiting for the right moment, she whipped him! Only to find out that a wet towel is far more painful than the movie portrayed. Even though that happened years ago, and he has been through worst, it badly traumatized him since. Not only was it the first time he was hurt, it was also the first time that someone he trusted and loved had purposely hurt him. It took a long time (about a week) for Amethyst to regain Steven's trust after that. Mostly involving taking him out to eat donuts, fry bits, and Cookie Cat ice cream sandwiches.

Steven gulped as he slowly backed away from the football team. Wanting to milk the drama, they close in slowly whipping their vile weapons of moist cloth in order to intimidate Steven. Then one of the football players whipped Steven's arm, and while it didn't hurt as much as it did when he was a kid, it still stung. Soon the rest of the team started whipping at him as well! Steven was tempted to erect his bubble shield around himself for protection, but he recalls promising the Noobs and his dad that he would never use his powers in school. Not one to break a promise (again) Steven opted to just run away, but the football team started to surround him. Thankfully, due to a lifetime of hard (not really) training and fighting monsters, Steven's highly honed skills allowed him to evade and dodge the football teams relentless attacks. Before long he found a hole in their defense and made a mad dash for freedom.

However he wasn't the only one who noticed the hole. Jock spotted Steven making a break for it and ran in to intercept. "Oh no you don't!" he declared jumping right in front of Steven ready to tackle him into the ground. Realizing that he can't avoid Jock in time, Steven braced for impact!

The two boys collided with extreme force (or at least that's what gossipers would say) in reality it was just a normal tackle. However during the point of impact, Steven realized that with his Gem strength he could easily knock Jock out of his way but if he did Jock could be seriously hurt even with wearing protective gear. So even though he knows that it will most likely ruin his best chance for escape, and end up being the Football team's whipping boy, Steven allowed Jock to knock him on the ground. As the rest of the football team gathered around him, Steven closed his eyes so he doesn't see the dreaded towels coming.

"TWEEEEEEET!" The sounds of a high pitch whistle sounded and the football team started to back off.

"Okay WHAT is going on HERE!" the coach demanded.

"We're just welcoming the noob," Jock reported.

"I see," Coach Huntz nodding in approval. "JOCK GO LONG!" he ordered.

"Right Coach!" Jock yelled running down the field.

"You," Coach Huntz pointing to Steven.

"Yes sir?" Steven gulped. He wasn't sure why but there was something scary about this teacher. It could be the he yells every other word, or the man's lazy eye. Whatever it was Steven couldn't help but be intimidated by this man.

"Take this and THROW it to Jock," Coach Huntz ordered handing Steven a football.

"Uh what?" Steven feeling very confused.

"THROW IT!" Coach Huntz screamed. Before he knew it, Steven had thrown the ball. The only thing is Steven has never really played football before with the exception of that time with his fake mom in the cloud room. In fact he's never even really watched a football game. So he has no idea of how to properly throw a football. Instead he flung the ball in a manner similar to how he throws his shield at monsters; and because Coach Huntz startled him, Steven threw the ball a little stronger than he intended. The ball flew straight through air like a bullet, heading straight for Jock.

"I got it!" Jock yelled as he prepared himself to catch it. The ball hit Jock with such force that it knocked all the clothes off of his body. When the dizziness cleared up, Jock found himself wearing nothing but his briefs. "Hey I'm in my underwear!" Jock cheered as he proudly ran around showing off his mostly naked body.

"Sorry," Steven tried to apologize.

"That was..." Coach Huntz glaring down at the frightened young boy. "FANTASTIC!" Coach hugging Steven. "Kid I've been WATCHING you this whole time. You've managed to evade my entire TEAM like if they were standing still. If you had done a proper TACKLE you might have knocked Jock down. And best of all you ARM is like a cannon." Coach Huntz praised. "KID I want you on the team!"

"Wha..." Steven shocked by this.

"Please, we NEED you. Our team is having it's worst season in the history of Cornbury Middle School. I though that those THREE NOOBS were going to turn things around but they quit on us after only one game." Coach Huntz sniffed as a tear formed in his eye. The rest of the football team started crying as well.

"I don't know," Steven hesitated. The Noobs warned him about attracting too much attention to himself. Not to mention the fact that he's only here in Cornbury for a month.

"PLEASE you don't want to disappoint the Cornbury Squirrel do you?" Coach Huntz brought in the school mascot, who for some reason had this sad pleading look on his mask.

Steven tried his best to resist the big endearing eyes, but he just can't ignore a cry for help. Especially when they are literally crying. "Alright I'll join," he agreed.

"YAY!" the team including Jock cheered and the mascot somehow now has a happy face on. "Now set up for the other other welcome party!" Jock instructed. Again the team scrambled bringing in a case full of baseball bats, hockey sticks, and croquet mallets. The team quickly grabbed one of the items and smiled menacingly at Steven. Steven began sweating as the slowly walked over to him, getting ready to hit him with their new toys. "NO no no, not that welcoming. I meant the other other other welcoming party. The first one you had. Geez guys!" Jock groaned. The team immediately put away the sports equipment and brought back the cake and welcome sign, and Steven spent the rest of the afternoon eating cake with his new teammates.

***Back to the Present***

"But they didn't have a uniform my size so they had to take my measurements and special order one for me. It should be here in 7 to 10 business days. That's when Jock gave me his old jacket saying that it's a token of our new brotherhood." Steven finished off.

"Are you kidding me!?" Kevin griped. He couldn't believe the story that Steven had just told them. Neither could anyone else apparently, judging by all the blank stares and open jaws.

"You can't join the football team!" Tyler said.

"Why not?" Steven asked.

"Because you have super powers. It's unfair to the other team that doesn't." Tyler reasoned. He couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu here.

"Yeah it like cheating," Roach jumped in. Steven lowered his head in disappointment. Not so much for him not being able to join the team, but for having to tell Jock and the others that he has to quit.

"Now hold on here," Kevin interrupted with a sly smile. "Is it really cheating?" he asked everyone.

"Yes it is," Tyler preached.

"Is it really?" Kevin asked again. "I mean after all this isn't like the time we tired to use our Battle Balls. Steven was born with these powers. They are technically he natural skills. I mean, is it really all that different from Jock who was born with big muscles as well?" Kevin challenged.

"Well yeah it different...sort of. I mean it just is!" Tyler trying to find a way to justify his position. After all Kevin did have a point that about Steven being born with special powers.

"I have to agree with the blond kid," Greg stepped in. He hadn't learn all the names of the noobs yet. "I'm just not comfortable about Steven being on the team."

"But dad, you said that I should try to experience school life to the fullest. Isn't trying out for teams part of school life?" Steven pleaded.

"Well yeah but this is different," Greg choking on his own words. Trying to find the right ones to justify his position.

"Besides Steven is only going to be here for a month. It's not like he's going to be here for the championship. So why not let him enjoy it?" Kevin justified.

At this point Tyler knew he was going to lose the argument. "Well Mr. Universe. He's your son." Tyler putting it all on Greg's shoulders.

"Well I," Greg feeling really confused and conflicted.

"Please dad," Steven pleaded.

"Okay screwball, but you have to promise that you won't use any Gem powers on the field." Greg insisted.

"I wasn't going to," Steven cheered. Already imagining himself at a big game with his dad, Connie, the Gems, and everyone in Beach City cheering him on.

"This is great. With Steven on the team that means we can share in the perks of being associates with a football player." Kevin grinned recalling how the school used to treat him, Roach, and Shope like gods when they were part of the team. While he won't get all the benefits, Kevin will be satisfied with whatever perks comes his way.

"Now that we have that settled. We better get Steven over to the Galacticus for his check up." XR4Ti reminded everyone.

As the SuperNoobs and the Universes headed over to their ship; high above their heads in another sector of space, a lava planet is making its way towards the Gem Empire's boarder. On the planet a sinister meeting is taking place. One that will shake the very core of the Gem Empire.

The six eye image of the Virus Creator screamed in anger against its agent. "Don't blame me! How was I suppose to know that virus would only infect one type of Gem. If you ask me that's a vast improvement over what we had before, none of our viruses working on them." Count Venamus argued.

After carefully studying the virus sample that Venamus brought back with him after the battle against the SuperNoobs and Crystal Gems, the Creators were able to cultivate it. They then sent a sample strain to one of the more remote Gem colony worlds to test if it will work. At first it seemed that the virus was a failure. Unable to infecting a single Gem. That is until it came into contact with an Agate. The Virus Agate Beast rampaged around the colony for a few hours; only able to infect two others, both also Agates, before a squadron of Rubies and Quartz showed up to shatter them.

Count Venamus, who was sent to observe how the new virus strain performs, quickly speculated that the virus is only capable of infecting Agate type Gems. Most likely due to the fact that the mutated virus had infected a corrupted Agate back when an infected Steven forced fused with her. Since Agates are an administration Gems, they are rare far in between. Only a few are around to manage and control the other worker Gem classes. Meaning that infections on Gem colonies would at a be minimal. A fact that did not sit well with the Creators, as he demanded answers and more importantly a come up with a solution.

"But Creator, I'm not a biologist!" Venamus argued.

"No, you're just a s-s-second rate hit man for hire. With no imagination." a mysterious voice hissed from behind him.

Venamus groaned without even turning to see who it was. "Ugh Lady Miasma." Recognizing her tone and attitude. Oh and her accent as well.

This serpent like creature slithered over next to Venamus. She had black scales with a pair of orange stripes travelling along her body. She didn't have any limbs but she was wearing a mechanical vest plate equipped with four robotic arms. "Great Creator," Lady Miasma bowed before her master. "I've been going over Venamus's report about the Gem s-s-strain."

"That's Count Venamus to you," Venamus mumbled. Wanting nothing more than to throw her into the lava below.

Ignoring him, Miasma continued. "It s-s-s-seems the s-s-source of this new s-s-strain if from a human/Gem hybrid called S-s-steven. If we capture and s-s-study him, we'll be able to determine how he's-s-s able to create a virus-s-s capable of infect other Gem type-s-s-s." The Creator grunted his approval of this plan.

"Very well Great Creator," Venamus grovelled. "It just so happens that I have a new plan and a new vena-ship"

The Creator stopped him there as he uttered his orders.

"I am honored great Creator," Miasma bowed.

"You're sending her!" Venamus gasped. "B-b-bu-but Earth is in my sector!" The Creator grunted angrily at Venamus. "Well I admit that I have been less than successful against the SuperNoobs, but what makes you think that she'll do any better!"

"I certainly can't do any worst," Miasma mocked.

"Don't be so sure about that. If you're planning to go after Steven, you'd not only have the SuperNoobs to deal with but the Crystal Gems as well." Venamus warned.

"I already have a plan to deal with all of them. You'll see it's perfect." That's when she noticed the sour expression on Venamus's face. "Oh but don't worry, if I'm feeling generous I'll save one of them for you to deal with." Miasma gloated as she slithered away.

"We'll see about that," Venamus snickered. If there's one thing he's learned over his many defeats at the hands of the Noobs is to never underestimate them; and not because they are clever or even competent warriors. It's mainly due to the ridiculous amount of luck they seem to possess. Just imagining Miasma getting her tail handed to her because the of something stupid, got Venamus laughing. Venamus ended up laughing so hard he ended up choking himself again.