It had been two weeks since they had started dating. Living together was like second nature to them. Stephanie had taken the job at PepsiCo as the Regional Head. This meant that her schedule had changed drastically. The only time they had together was at night where they both dropped into the bed and promptly fell asleep.
Stephanie know that the pressure would slowly ease as she gradually grew into her role. There were so many things she needed to learn how to handle, but having been a regional manager for a lingerie company, she knew how to handle the pressure. She was a little bit surprised that her years as a bounty hunter would not go in vain. She knew how to handle people and that is why they were paying her the big bucks.
The first month at any job is spent quietly learning about your surroundings and the way the people interact. She had sixty hour weeks, she was tired to her bone, but she was loving it.
Ranger was feeling abandoned. He understood that she had just started at a new job and that she needed to focus on her work, but he couldn't help but feel neglected. She did make up for her busy schedule by spending time with him through the weekends, but it just wasn't the same. He really liked the cuddles he was getting daily. His men were feeling just as neglected as him.
A/N: Just a little follow up story to Embrace. I finished writing it this morning, I hope you like it :D Please leave me a review, they make me feel better.