A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of my first fanfiction ever! If the story is not to your liking: I do apologize. If you do like this story: thank you and feel free to thank HavasuWhiskey for gently nudging me to and helping me write it. I plan to have this story run for a while, which explains the M rating. I'll start warning for curse words and sexually explicit content when we get there. If we ever get there ;). Please enjoy the story and feel free to send me a message!

"Thanks for joining the meeting Cherie, it is always so much easier sitting through those awful budget meetings when I get to look at your handsome face."

"No problem Caroline", Booth answered while chewing on a piece of pie at his favorite diner.

"Right, now I've got to go. Can I leave you two kids alone? Miss Johnson, you'll be able to get back to the justice department?" Caroline looked from Booth to Lilly Johnson and back, her eyes finally settling on Lilly.

Lilly glanced at Caroline and with offering a polite smile she confidently said "I'll manage, thank you." The agent and the intern both watched Caroline leave the diner. When the prosecutor was out of sight, Lilly turned her head back to Booth and broke the silence. "That is amazing, the first case I get to look at a case involving a Walter PPK. I knew criminal law in practice would be exciting, but finding 007's gun; that takes it to the next level." Booth could feel a chuckle rising up through his chest and he smiled at her excitement. He leaned closer towards Lilly over the table as he responded "A Bond fan huh? We once had a case involving not only that gun but also a bond car." Booth quickly described the case and concluded with: "and since then I have never been able to look at cats the same way." "Ohh no, I love cats", Lilly exclaimed with playful disgust.

Booth grinned at her reaction and another memory popped to the surface, "my son wanted a kitten right after we solved that case. So naturally that didn't happen." Lilly laughed, "that must have been quite the conversation." "Yeah it was hard to explain, since I told him I wouldn't talk about my work with until he grows hair under his arms." Booth's phone interrupted their casual conversation. "I have to get going to the Jeffersonian", Booth said with his phone in his hand. "Bones has found something. Do you have time to join me or does Caroline need you back asap?"

"Sure, I would love to join you, I am due to meet the team there this week anyways, so I might as well get a head start. I do have to be back at 15.15 for court with miss Julian."

"Great." Booth rubbed his hands together flashing one of his signature smiles. "I'll introduce you to the team."

At the platform:

As they walked into the building where the Medio Legal Lab was housed Lilly couldn't decide which part was the most impressive. It either was the authentic and imperial look from the outside, all the high tech security measures or the impressive status of the institution as the best lab in the country.

"Squints listen up." Booth clapped his hands to gather everyone around the platform and get their attention. Before he continued talking he looked around to see if Lilly caught up with him and was also near the platform. As he spotted her he shot a kind smile her way and turned back to the group of squints in front of him. "I would like to introduce you to miss Lilly Johnson. As you all know, she is interning with the justice department in collaboration with the Major Crimes division of the FBI and the Jeffersonian Medio Legal Lab." As Booth named his department, he proudly straightened his tie. After Booth finished naming all the squints that were present, Hodgins jumped to the chance to ask the first question.

"So are you an agent trainee with the FBI"? Hodgins asked Lilly, suspicious of the newcomer in front of him as he remembered that trainee agents also had to shadow other federal establishments. She sure was dressed like one of the suits, Hodgins thought. He definitely wasn't willing to work with another government agent. It had taken him long enough to find Booth tolerable.

"No, I am studying to get my master's degree in Criminal law, so my only affiliation with the FBI is through this internship program." Bones raised an eyebrow, "so if you are studying law, what are you doing here then, miss Johnson?"

Lilly could feel dr. Brennan sizing her up, probably trying to decide if she was okay with a non forensic anthropology intern walking around the Medio Legal Lab. "Well, long story short I am here to see how science plays a role in the criminal justice system."

Cam cut in, coming to Lilly's aid. "And that is why miss Johnson is going to shadow each one of us for at least a few days" Cam wanted to mention her email where she had explained in detail what the role of miss Johnson would be and how her type of internship had came to life, but she knew that would be idle, at least in regards to dr. Brennan.

"So do you have any forensic training?" Bones asked, ignoring Cam's remark and continuing her own kind of interrogation.

"No I don't, I have taken advanced science courses, so I have a basic understanding, but I am mostly trained in the legal field. I just finished my master's degree in Civil law last semester. My focus during this internship is mostly on understanding and translating scientific results into argumentation for the prosecution and gaining insight in your roles in that process. Nevertheless, I am always open to suggestions to further my knowledge. So if there's a book or topic any of you think I should look into, let me know and I probably will. I just finished a course on the incorrect use of statistics and explanation of chance in the legal profession. Within a few weeks I'll start a course on criminology."

Lilly noticed how Bones eyes visually became less strict and more welcoming as Lilly finished stating her types of education and hunger to learn. Cam worried about another fit from dr. Brennan about how she wouldn't allow anyone to work around her bones who wasn't at least working on gaining a PhD, but before she could add anything to help Lilly dr. Brennan responded again and much to Cam's surprise. "Very well", Bones stated accompanied by a curt but not unfriendly nod towards Lilly. "Welcome to the team miss Johnson."

"Great!" Booth exclaimed, clasping his hands together, "now that we have made the introductions; Bones what do you got for me?"

Federal court:

"So Cherie, how was it meeting the squint team?", Caroline asked as they climbed the steps to the court house.

"Well my first impressions of them are good, I just hope they feel the same way about me."

Caroline nodded. "It probably will take them some time to get used to you since you are not quite one their own. They live in their own nice little science bubble and you take a lot more into account then just facts and figures. Was the good doctor nice to you? She will be the toughest nut to crack."

"You mean dr. Brennan?" Lilly asked as they made their way through the court house security, which was more like both women flashing their security cards and walking passed the security station unchecked.

"Uhu", Caroline hummed in agreement.

"She was critical about me not being a PhD science student. But after I talked about my diploma's and the extra courses I have taken, she acutally welcomed me to the team." Caroline smiled, "I am impressed Cherie, it sounds like you meeting the team went better than I could have hoped. Lord knows I still have a hard time understanding them and their gibberish."

Lilly smiled as she was aware that a big part of why Caroline wanted this intern program was so she wouldn't have to deal with the Jeffersonian as much. Instead of commenting on that, Lilly was curious about dr. Hodgins: "I am just wondering, what does dr. Hodgins have against the FBI? It seemed like he likes agent Booth so I don't understand his aversion."

"I couldn't tell you Cherie, I don't really know except that he is a big time believer in the dark spirits of the underworld. I am sure he'd be delighted if you ask him to explain it to you. He sure tries every time he sees me."

They made it all the way to the heavy wooden doors where soon the court would decide over a case Caroline had been preparing for months. As Caroline opened one of the doors she said, " Now, let's make some criminals sweat."

Lilly's apartment

Lilly opened the door to her apartment, dropped her bag by the door and then let herself fall face first into her sofa. She was exhausted and it was only 6.30 pm, but it had been a great day. After her first week just concentrating on getting to know the federal prosecutors office and their regulations it was nice to get to meet the Jeffersonian team. She loved being surrounded by people who are great at what they do and who visibly show that they love doing it. Agent Booth and Bones obviously were the leaders. Wait, where did that leave dr. Soroyan?

It had been a rather full day. Her mind drifted to the new case. Some idiot had lit up a his own home, because he was afraid the police would find his illegal gun collection. Too bad for him after the fire was under control, the police send cadaver dogs that had found a body in the garden and they still found all of his guns, including the Bond gun. He claimed he didn't know who the body was and that claim seemed to be supported by dr. Brennan's preliminary findings. The next suspect was the owner of the house, but it seemed the FBI hadn't been able to locate him yet.

It was great to see agent Booth laughing and talking freely at lunch today and during the drive to the Jeffersonian institute. In the short period she had known him, she had noticed that something was bothering him. Even a stupid person could see he was a good man, but he seemed preoccupied by something that could make him snarky every once in a while. Oh well, if he wanted her to know about it, he would tell her in his own time.

The team at the Jeffersonian was nice as well. Why people considered dr. Brennan to be a cold fish was lost on Lilly. Sure, dr. Brennan was serious, factual, maybe even private, but Lilly felt those were great qualities and she actually felt welcomed by dr. Brennan. A critical view of the world was an advantage, not a disadvantage. Lilly really looked forward to seeing the forensic anthropologist in action.

Lilly wondered about the squinterns, as she had heard Agent Booth call them. She hadn't met any of them yet, because she had to be at court in time to see Caroline crush the defense. Too bad she hadn't been able to hang around the Jeffersonian a while longer, but she would sure get the chance to do that over the upcoming weeks and months. On the other hand she really didn't want to miss Caroline's performance in court. It was amazing how Caroline could interact with a jury. That trial lawyer didn't even seem to understand there were actually other people in the court room than the judge. He was such a butt kisser, it could almost make Lilly gag just thinking about it again. Probably some low shot court appointed lawyer who didn't believe his client was worthy enough to defend, but saw an opportunity to score points with the judge. Lilly hated people who were that self-centered and unfocused on their job.

Lilly yawned. She should really get ready for bed. No doubt tomorrow would be another busy day. With a groan Lilly got up from the sofa, stepped out of her heels, stretched her arms over her head to stretch her back and headed into the shower.