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Next upload will be a summary chapter for everything that has happened through the end of this chapter. I figured it would be helpful for those of you who have been reading for a while but don't want to re-read the entire fic.
Chapter 64: Feel Pain
"Really…?" Nagato lowered his hands. The indifference on his face showed through in his tone. "Is that all the great Madara Uchiha has to offer?"
Madara grimaced in pain through his cracked mask. That last attack had been a close call, even for him. It left his clothes tattered, singed, and ripped. His left arm was even torn completely out of its shoulder socket.
Blood from Madara's wound slowly trickled into the water beneath his feet. Their fight raged on within the Hidden Rain until Nagato forced a change in venue to limit the damage to his village and people. That's how they found themselves battling on the surface of the massive lake bordering the outskirts of the Hidden Rain. It continued to downpour with no sign of reprieve.
"Shall we kill him once and for all?" Konan asked stoically as she touched down behind Madara.
Nagato and Konan had their former partner flanked on both sides. Conventional methods could not help him escape, and the secrets of his eye were now known.
'I expected that Nagato would be a formidable foe if he were to betray me, but her,' Madara looked over his shoulder to shoot a sharp glare at Konan. 'I never anticipated how dangerous she could be as my enemy. I've been under her scrutiny for years… she's been studying my abilities and how to counter them all this time without my knowledge. Nagato alone is trouble enough, but the two of them? This is not good.'
"In order to escape into that troublesome pocket dimension using your visual Jutsu, you must first materialize, no?" Nagato asked with a glint of superiority in his eyes. "Then there's your ability to phase through objects… which you can only maintain for five minutes."
"What of it?" Madara growled. "Don't think you've won just because you know a couple of my many abilities."
"You can't win, and you know it," Pain countered. "Your only option is to retreat, and when you materialize to transport I shall kill you. So, the question remains… how long before you run out of chakra?"
Madara had heard enough and rushed him, though Nagato didn't bother to move or mount any defense. Just as Madara was in range, his senses screamed at him that something was wrong. His phase ability activated just in time as hundreds of paper shuriken passed through him from every possible angle. His momentum carried him through Nagato's body and out the other side.
This was his chance— he didn't bother to stop and continued running in the other direction. If he put some distance between them, then he could potentially escape into his Kamui dimension and live to fight another day.
'To think I would be forced to retreat like a coward… no matter, I will come back for the Rinnegan when it best suits me.'
Madara stopped in his tracks when Konan touched down, blocking his path.
"Paper wings," Madara noted with thinly veiled contempt. "Even now, you put on a silly act of an angel? How pathetic."
"God wants you dead," Konan raised her hand at him. Paper from her large wings spiraled to life and launched at her enemy. "So that means you must die."
"Fire Style: Bomb Blast Dance!"
Madara spat out a spiraling blaze of fire that collided with Konan's continuous swarm of paper. The techniques clashed together, though neither seemed to gain any notable advantage. Sweat trickled down Madara's cheek and mixed in with the downpouring rain. The water-soaked sheets of paper were more resistant to Fire Style than he anticipated.
"Universal Pull!"
Madara felt himself get yanked backward. He corrected himself in that direction to see Nagato with his hand outstretched.
'Just like he said,' Madara closed his eye for a moment of concentration, then snapped it back open. 'He waited for the moment I would materialize.'
Nagato allowed his opponent to get within range, then swiped at his throat. Once again, Madara phased through him as if he weren't even there.
Madara stopped his forward momentum and pivoted in midair with his own hand outstretched. The instant their bodies were no longer touching, he would strike at the back of Nagato's skull. If capturing him outright was impossible, then Madara would simply decapitate Nagato and take his entire head with him. With Nagato out of the way, killing Konan would be simple.
"You're mine…"
"Ack!" Madara felt something wrap around his throat. When he looked down, his eyes widened. "Y-You!"
A third arm had emerged out of Nagato's back.
"T-The Asura P-Path?" Madara could feel his windpipe start to collapse in on itself from the pressure. "Y-You baited me into slipping through you knowing that I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to take your head off."
"That's right," Nagato turned around slowly until the two of them were facing. His third arm shifted along with him— now protruding out of his stomach. "You are an opportunistic parasite, and for that, you shall pay the ultimate price."
"Y-You fool," Madara let out an amused, yes stifled chuckle. "Don't you realize that I could simply—" He paused. "W-What, I can't mold my chakra—"
A seal snaked its way down Nagato's arm and wrapped around Madara's neck and chest area.
"I've imbued you with sealing Jutsu… you cannot use that bothersome eye to escape this time," Nagato spoke with unfettered confidence. "Did you think I would not come prepared to kill you— don't you realize that I have been waiting for this moment since we devised Project Matsuura?"
"You bastard," Madara laced his words with pure, unfiltered venom. "To think that you would betray me like this— you will be nothing without me. Naruto Uzumaki and Jiraiya of the Sannin will be here soon, and without me, you shall die!"
"You simply do not understand," Konan had slowly made her way over to them, instead choosing to bask in and savor his desperate words of fear. "Pain is invincible as he is now. No one is capable of stopping us anymore. We no longer need you… once the Nine-Tails is in our grasp, the world shall bow before the might of the true Akatsuki and the Hidden Rain."
"Madara… you are a small, twisted man who is unable to comprehend what the world needs to be led down the path to peace. Project Tsuki no Me is nothing more than a pitiful attempt to run away and hide from your pain inside a dream world. True peace can only be achieved through the feeling and then acceptance of pain. Those who have experienced the same pain can learn to understand one another! We shall connect the entire world through that pain, and stop all conflict in the process."
"Heh… heh… heh… heh… hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Madara broke out in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!"
"Was something I said funny?" Nagato asked evenly.
"N-No, not really," They could tell by his tone that he was smiling underneath his mask. Nagato tightened the grip he had around Madara's throat. "It's just ironic… that childlike delusion you have is one of the reasons you were a perfect candidate to receive my Rinnegan… naive… foolish… easy to manipulate…. I shouldn't have allowed it to go unchecked to this point. You have completely lost your mind and fallen deep into that delusion, and that will be your undoing."
"What did you say? A candidate for your Rinnegan?"
"That's right… you aren't some special God destined to make the world a better place," Madara choked back on his laugh. "You're just a failed laboratory experiment of mine. Like I said… you would have been nothing without me— I made you into what you are!"
"You lie. I am the Child of Prophecy that Jiraiya-Sensei spoke of all those years ago… a God sent down from the heavens to guide the world to peace."
"No… you are no God… you're a deluded, broken man who has lost himself in power and started to believe in his own act. This world is hopeless… a fake God cannot hope to save it. Your plan shall only lead to mass deaths and the continuance of despair. Project Tsuki no Me was meant to stop humanity from perpetuating the cycle of hatred that crippled your nation. You've ruined any chance this world had of experiencing peace and harmony. I only wish I could be here to see everything around you crash and burn."
"Nagato, don't listen to him," Konan saw the look on her friend's face and decided to step in. "He's only trying to get into your head. Kill him, now!"
"It's alright, deep down you know I'm ri—"
Just like he had done to Tsunade days prior, Nagato reached in and yanked Madara's soul out of his body. Madara's eyes glazed over and went limp in Nagato's arm. To not take any chances with someone so crafty, Nagato launched the corpse up into the air and activated the Asura path in his left arm.
The arm transformed into an energy cannon and blasted their former leader out of the sky. His body was instantly vaporized, and nothing was left.
Their oppressor was now dead— killed by their own hands just like Hanzo of the Salamander had been. This was meant to be a cause for celebration, and yet Konan felt that something had changed within her friend.
"Nagato, pay his words no thought," Konan prodded gently. "He knew that it was over… he just wanted to get inside your head one last time. Don't allow him to win."
"I know." That was all that Nagato said in response.
"What shall we do about Zetsu?" Konan quickly changed the subject.
"Kill him on sight," Nagato responded coldly. "Though, there is no need to concern ourselves with him until we have the Nine-Tails. He is but a small fish in a vast ocean."
"Understood, then let us go. We must rest and prepare ourselves for whatever the Hidden Leaf has planned."
The two remaining Hidden Rain orphans that were molded under the tutelage of the legendary Jiraiya the Gallant left. They were finally free to fulfill the true purpose of the Akatsuki, unencumbered by any outside forces.
The Akatsuki would never be the same again.
"I am not doing that."
"I said that I am not doing that."
"The hell do you mean 'you're not doing that'? You have to!"
"No, I don't. You can't force me to do that."
"Is it really even a big ask?" Frustration began to enter his voice. "I don't see why you can't just let it slide for this one thing!"
"I do not need to explain myself to the likes of you. Get the hell out. You woke me up from my nap."
"Are you bored— do you find these back-and-forths amusing? We both know that this is necessary. It affects you, too. You can't refuse."
"Of course I'm bored! What kind of idiotic question is that? I am locked in a cage!"
"So, are you going to let us do this, or not?"
"Insolent little brat, I told you last time that you weren't allowed to use that name!"
"I'm going to keep using it."
"You Uzumaki are all the same— hard-headed and foolish," Kurama growled in frustration for what felt like the tenth time in their short conversation. "What makes you think I would extend this courtesy to someone who shows me such disrespect?"
"Because we could both die, otherwise."
"Fine, child, I shall allow it," Kurama's mouth twisted upward into an unnerving smile. "However, my acquiescence to your request comes with it one condition."
"And what might that be?" Naruto furrowed his brow.
"If you are outmatched by the Rinnegan user, break the seal and release me before you are defeated."
"What— have you completely lost your mind?! That would kill me!"
"If you're about to be killed by Tailed Beast extraction anyway, the least you could do is allow me my freedom to fight for my own survival. Or, would you prefer the Akatsuki seal me away and take over the world?"
Naruto scratched the top of his head and closed his eyes as a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek. He could feel Kurama's gaze on him and shifted uncomfortably.
"Well boy, what is your answer?" Kurama pressed.
"I'm thinking!" Naruto threw his arms into the air in indignation. "This ain't exactly a decision I can make lightly, ya know!"
"What is there to think about, exactly?" The Nine-Tails leaned forward slightly. "I am merely asking that if you believe you will lose, set me free before that happens. I think that is a rather reasonable request."
"And if you manage to survive… am I just supposed to expect you won't go and take revenge on the Leaf Village for imprisoning you for so many years?"
"If the village leaves me alone, we will have no quarrel."
"On what grounds should I believe you?"
"I give you my word… it is up to you whether or not you believe it."
"How would I even set you free— just rip that off?" Naruto pointed up at the sealing tag on the cage's metal door. He leaned closer and squinted for a better look. "Something tells me it's not that simple… I would have to look into how my father constructed the seal to get a better idea. I don't really have the time to do that, though."
"You are most likely right," Kurama admitted with a touch of annoyance. "As you are already aware, I planned to degrade the seal's integrity over time by funneling my chakra through the cracks any chance I could. Once you became aware of this, however, it was pointless to continue. Due to that, the seal is still very much intact. Removing the tag won't grant me my freedom, but… there is a much simpler way."
"Simpler— how?" Naruto's eyes widened in realization. Of course; how had he not figured it out sooner? "Are you saying… that my seal has a key?"
"Correct," Kurama confirmed. "Your father created the key in front of my very eyes on the belly of one of his toad summons. I have no doubt in my mind that the Sannin is currently safeguarding it. You must get it from him."
"Is that right?" Naruto rubbed his chin in thought. A key was something he hadn't even considered, and yet it made perfect sense. From what Jiraiya told him, his father entrusted him with the Nine-Tails in hopes he could one day control its power; hence the need for a key. Naruto looked back up at Kurama and smirked. "Fine, I accept your condition. I'll get the seal's key from Master Jiraiya and do what needs to be done if it comes to that."
"Just what I wanted to hear…"
"I'm leaving now," Naruto spoke with finality. "Make sure you hold up your end of the bargain until the very end. No funny business."
"Of course… I wouldn't dream of it."
"Naruto-boy, are ya okay?" Fukasaku waved his baton in front of his student's face for what was now the third time. "Do I need to hit ya some more?"
"Ah," Naruto shook his head. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with the welcomed sight of the beautiful Mount Myoboku scenery. "I hear ya loud and clear, boss. There's no need for violence."
"What was that about, lad?" Fukasaku furrowed his brow. "Ya spaced out for a few minutes there. Everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything should be fine now," Naruto said with a thumbs up. "Hop on my shoulder again so we can try that fusion you were talking about. Something tells me it's gonna work this time."
"Is that right? Fukasaku asked skeptically, then shrugged. "If you say so. Third time's the charm, after all, right?"
The multi-day trek back to the Leaf Village from the Land of Earth was hauntingly quiet. Once Sakura had managed to compose herself enough to function, she spoke briefly with Katsuyu on their next steps before the reverse summoning was undone. Her return was met by a conscious Suigetsu, who had just awoken from his injury-induced coma, and a curious crowd of friends inquiring about the nature of her departure. Before her sudden reappearance, the two teams were talking casually amongst themselves waiting patiently for her return. Spirits appeared high and smiles were plentiful.
They had no idea the bombshell that was about to be dropped on their heads.
Even the stoics, Shino, Kakashi, and Sasuke were in complete disbelief. Kiba, Karin, and Suigetsu appeared horrified by the news… and Hinata did her best to hold back tears. Sakura just barely managed to impart what knowledge Katsuyu relayed to her, and then she quickly dissociated from the conversation and drifted to the back of the room. It had all been too much for her young mind to handle. As the most senior Shinobi, Kakashi stepped up to calm everyone's nerves. He did that despite his own mind swirling like a maelstrom at the disaster they found themselves in.
Their new mission was simple.
Return to the Hidden Leaf as fast as possible and hand what they had learned off to the village's upper leadership. Such sensitive information needed to be delivered in person, as the risk of the Akatsuki or an enemy nation intercepting it could have devastating consequences.
That was where they found themselves now.
Sakura glanced out the window to her right. Her brow was tensely knitted together, and there were noticeable bags beneath her squinted, uncharacteristically dull emerald eyes. A faint ringing sound in her inner left ear had persisted for days. At first, it had caused a great deal of distress, but now she found a strange comfort in it. Her senses were entirely honed in on that sound, blissfully unaware of what the muffled voices around her were saying.
Shikaku stumbled back and collapsed into his chair– the shock from the news was almost too much for any of them to handle.
"I-I can't believe this," Shikaku breathed out, eyes wide and mouth agape as a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek. "I knew the situation was grave, but this? To think Lady Tsunade could be… how could this have happened?!"
"You didn't seem surprised that the Akatsuki were behind this," Kakashi noted. "What do you already know?"
Shikaku had since buried his head into his hands in a rare show of defeat. His preparation for the worst was calculated, and yet this was outside the scope of even his grimmest projections. They had a fiasco on their hands that put the fate of their nation into question. There was no time to panic now. He took a deep breath, then quickly stood up so he was at eye level with the bearers of bad news.
"Tsunade left a note behind on her desk detailing her disappearance," Shikaku explained. "Luckily, I was here early in the morning and stumbled on it before anyone else could. We were one hit of the snooze button away from a nationwide panic."
"Does anyone else know?" Kakashi asked.
"Just Shikamaru, no one else. I needed someone I could trust to both keep the information contained and also help analyze the situation to formulate countermeasures." Shikaku balled his fist tight and slammed it on his desk. "That's why I was confident we could salvage the situation, but now I am at a loss for what to do."
"She left a note… what did it say?"
Everyone in the room turned to face Sakura, who up to this point had hung in the back of the crowd in silence. She clearly was not in the proper head space, and while no one could blame her for such a thing, it was not at the top of their list of priorities at the moment.
The frown on Shikaku's face only deepened. Sakura was in rough shape– that much was glaringly obvious. As someone who knew a thing or two about loss, he emphasized.
"Not much that would be of any benefit to us, unfortunately. I venture to guess she was being watched while writing it and couldn't reveal too much," Shikaku let out a weary sigh and rubbed at his jaw. The reality of the situation had yet to fully set in for him, but he could feel it coming. "Aside from a personal piece meant specifically for Master Jiraiya, Lady Tsunade wrote that she was being forced to leave the village with someone she referred to as Yahiko, and was to be held captive somewhere in the Hidden Rain as a lure to draw out Master Jiraiya and Naruto."
"Something clearly changed," Shino spoke up for the first time. Despite being in the wake of a tragedy, he did his best to keep a level head. It was the Aburame way– pragmatism when needed, human emotions once the dust settles. "Why would the enemy alter their plans so drastically?"
"Or, maybe nothing changed," Kakashi suggested. He, too, was starting to feel the effects of the accumulation of stress and sorrow. His voice scratched uncomfortably against the inside of his throat. He cleared it and continued. "The enemy didn't know that Lady Tsunade planned ahead by summoning Katsuyu… that they were being watched."
"Ah, I see," Shino nodded his understanding and pushed his shads further up the bridge of his nose. "So, their plan was simply to make it appear that they took Lady Tsunade captive."
"That way, they get all of the benefits with none of the risk from keeping her alive." Shikaku slammed his fist against the wall and grunted in a rare display of anger. "Dammit, I should have seen it coming! He wanted her to pass that information along to us… it was meant to lull us into a false sense of security. If Naruto and Jiraiya had thought for a second she could be saved, they would have rushed in recklessly to save her and put themselves in even more danger."
"Lady Tsunade's quick thinking could be the difference in finally putting the Akatsuki into the ground," Kiba offered. Akamaru barked in agreement. "It wasn't for nothing!"
"Yes, that's true," Kakashi placed his hand on Sakura's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze. When she looked up at him in surprise, he smiled through his mask. "Her last act as Hokage could very well be the key to finally bringing down the Akatsuki once and for all. It was a death befitting a Shinobi."
Sakura did everything in her power to not break down at that moment. The weight of everything she was feeling was almost too much to bear. Her heart was broken in two at the loss of someone she considered to be a second mother. Despite that, she managed to find some level of solace in Kiba and Kakashi's words. She used her palm to wipe away any stray tears.
"Thank you– Kakashi-sensei, Kiba," Sakura breathed in deeply, then exhaled. Her emerald eyes, once again fierce and determined, had recaptured some of their brilliance. "The next thing we need to do is recall Naruto and Jiraiya and end this, right?"
"No, we can't let them know what happened yet," Shikaku answered almost immediately. "They need to remain at Mount Myoboku and complete their training."
"What!?" Sakura blurted out. She took a step forward, eyes nearly as wide as dinner plates. The other members of her team, even Kakashi, appeared surprised by Shikaku's orders. "How could you say that– we can't just leave them in the dark about this!"
Karin and Suigetsu just gave each other an uncomfortable look. As recent Orochimaru defectors and newly minted Shinobi of the Leaf, the idea of mouthing off to a superior was not something they were used to. Suigetsu once watched Orochimaru harvest the organs of a guard who made the mistake of looking at him for too long. Meanwhile, Karin had been tasked with cleaning the mess up afterward.
"We can and we will," Shikaku shut down any notion that this was up for debate. "The most important thing we can do right now is ensure they finish their training. It's the best chance we have. If we tell them before they're ready, I fully expect those two to go off half-cocked without a second thought and get themselves killed. If that were to happen, it could very well mean the end of the world."
Sakura had heard enough of this, she turned and stormed toward the exit.
"Sakura!" Shikaku called out.
Sakura stopped with her hand on the knob of the door and stood there for what seemed like ages. After a tense bout of silence, she left without a word.
"Oh boy," Kakashi sighed. They needed cooler heads to prevail now more than ever. "I don't think she'll tell anyone about this, but someone should really go with her. I don't think being alone is what's best for her right now."
Karin and Suigetsu shared a look, nodded, then turned to Kakashi.
"We'll go talk to her," Karin said.
"Oh, uh," Kakashi seemed a bit taken aback that they volunteered so readily. He forgot how quickly the two of them had made friends with Naruto and, by extension, Sakura. That realization flashed across his tired face as he nodded in understanding. "Then I leave her in your capable hands."
Karin and Suigetsu quickly left to follow their friend, leaving Shikaku, Kakashi, Shino, Kiba, and Akamaru inside the room to hash out the rest.
"Are… you sure this is what's best?" Hinata asked hesitantly.
"Believe me, I don't want it to have to be this way," Shikaku admitted. A part of him believed that there was no correct choice. No matter what they did to get ahead of this, they lost the moment Tsunade was killed. All they could do was mitigate as much of the damage as possible. "I don't even want to think about how Master Jiraiya will react when he learns I kept this from him."
"Speaking of that, how long did you plan on keeping this from the rest of the village?" Kakashi once again had the floor. "It's been days already– I would assume people will start asking questions soon if they haven't already."
"As far as the village is concerned, Lady Tsunade left urgently early that morning on a classified mission to meet with a representative of the Land of Fire's Feudal Lord. I forged the paperwork myself and left it for the Hokage's assistant, Kai, to find on her desk," Shikaku couldn't suppress his frown. He hated to deceive his comrades, but he didn't see any other way around it. "With the Five Kage Summit looming over our heads, the last thing we can do is appear weak to the other nations. If this got out now, then we could have a full-scale invasion on our hands."
"You can only lie for so long though, right?" Kiba didn't like the smell of this at all. Akamaru barked in agreement. "What happens when people start to ask questions?"
"It was never meant to be a permanent solution," Shikaku clarified. "It's just to buy enough time for our Shinobi forces currently out on missions to return. I have already reduced the number of outgoing missions being assigned, which is normal practice when a sitting Kage is away, so that shouldn't raise any alarms. When our enemies find out the truth, and they will find out, my main concern is that we are well enough defended in case any of them get too bold for their own good."
"I can't say that I like it, but I don't see any other way," Kakashi admitted.
"There's nothing to like about this situation, Kakashi," Shikaku just wanted to close his eyes and never have to open them again. He was getting too old for this. "As far as I'm concerned, we're up shit's creek without a paddle."
"What of the matter of the Sixth Hokage?" Shino once again showed his pragmatism by asking the question no one else wanted to touch with a ten-foot pole. "Not only will we need a new leader, but the Five Kage Summit is approaching as you said. Did you have any candidates in mind?"
"I have a couple names in mind," Shikaku quickly glanced in Kakashi's direction, which was not lost on anyone in the room. Team Eight stole glances at Kakashi, though he appeared unfazed at Shikaku's insinuation. "However, that is a problem for a different day. There are more pressing issues that need my attention."
"What do you need from us?" Kakashi asked.
"Standby for now," Shikaku waved them off. "Go get some rest– I'll let you know if I need anything."
Shikaku watched as Kakashi and Team Eight filed out of his office. He sat back in his chair and let out a long, tired sigh. After learning that their worst-case nightmare scenario was reality, he needed to speak to Shikamaru at once. His eyelids slowly closed– it felt like anvils were tied to his eyelashes. After about thirty seconds of sitting in his own morbid thoughts, he stood back up and headed for the door.
Troublesome didn't even begin to describe this mess.
Sasuke looked down at the box in his arms and scowled. To think he would be sent on a tedious errand while the rest of his team was debriefed on their mission. He knew the true purpose behind this gesture, though that didn't make it any less annoying.
It was of the utmost importance that members of his team be seen by the public eye in unassuming fashions after such a high-profile mission. If routine procedures were suddenly abandoned, it would raise questions by those in the dark. The Hokage was dead, and they couldn't risk any questioning eyes aimed in their direction.
'I'll just have Kakashi fill me in later,' Sasuke thought to himself as he continued to walk through the streets. '...Need to make sure Suigetsu doesn't run his mouth about any of this.'
Something suddenly bumped into his shoulder, followed by a dull thud.
Sasuke looked up. He was so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed a middle-aged-looking woman walk into his path.
"I'm so sorry– I should really look where I'm going, haha!" The woman apologized despite being the one who was knocked over. Any attempt to look up was blocked by the bright rays of the sun. She put a hand to her forehead to act as a visor and was met with unexpectedly stoic onyx eyes. "O-Oh."
Sasuke looked down at her for a moment before he tucked the box under his armpit and with his other arm lent out an outstretched hand. The woman looked at it hesitantly, as if unsure if it was wise to trust such a gesture.
"No need to apologize," Sasuke said in his usual tone. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I'm the one who needs to be more careful."
That elicited a smile from the woman, who then happily grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled herself up.
"Such a kind boy– your parents raised you well," She pinched his cheek affectionately. Her smile grew from Sasuke's surprised reaction. "...though, you ought to smile more. It suits you well."
"I'll… keep that in mind," Sasuke rubbed his cheek, still somewhat taken aback by the stranger's forwardness.
"You take care, now!"
"Yeah… likewise…"
Sasuke walked out of the Torture and Interrogation Headquarters and wiped his hands clean of this tedious assignment. It was someone else's problem now. With his job now finished, it was time someone filled him in on their mission debrief.
He walked aimlessly down the street– thoughts meandering around something he'd rather not address.
To an extent, Sasuke understood what Sakura was going through. The grief of losing those close to you was a universal truth in this world. Still, confronting painful and complex emotions made him uncomfortable so it was in his nature to simply not talk about or acknowledge them. That was just the easier thing to do.
'Kakashi will tell me what I need to know… I'll go and find him.'
As Sasuke continued to walk through the village, he couldn't help but notice something had changed. The villagers, civilian and Shinobi alike, no longer gave him a wide berth when their paths crossed. When someone looked at him, instead of averting their gaze, they smiled politely even though he never reciprocated. Aside from some of his old classmates, the majority of the village initially greeted Team Hebi somewhat coldly when rumors spread that they were in the village to stay. After all, a team of former Orochimaru soldiers, one of which was a Leaf defector, weren't exactly expected to be honored guests. They weren't trusted— simple as that. Who could blame them?
Sasuke had long since accepted this fact, instead opting to put his head down and ignore the noise. The only reason he noticed this recent shift was because of that woman from earlier. Her kindness was unexpected, and yet strangely welcomed. It made him crave more.
Whether it be their affiliation with the Leaf's beloved blond-haired author or their assistance on successful high-profile missions, it was nice to see that their public perception was bettering.
Sasuke cracked a small smile.
"Ugh… what the– where the hell am I?!"
After what felt like days, maybe weeks, the bag was finally pulled off of his head. The light assaulted his eyes, which reflexively squinted to adjust to the new stimulus. His head was still foggy from the Genjutsu… if he had a stomach, it would definitely feel sick right about now.
"Is this some sort of sick joke?"
"Hold on… I… I know that voice," Hidan's eyes finally adjusted, then quickly widened in surprise upon seeing none other than Sasori of the Red Sand staring back. "You…?"
"Shit," Sasori lowered his head. His tone was layered in a mix of annoyance and dejection. "Of all the people they could have captured, why did it have to be you?"
"Sasori… how the– you're supposed to be dead!" Hidan finally got a good look around. They were in some kind of cage locked in a reinforced room with a vault door. "Where the hell are we?! What the fuck is going on!?"
"You were captured by the Leaf Village and thrown in a cell with me," Sasori clarified in hopes it would quiet down his erratic cellmate. "I wasn't killed, I've been here as a prisoner the entire time."
"Huh!?" Hidan exclaimed dubiously. "Ya got captured by Leaf Village clowns? That's pretty pathetic of you if you ask me."
Sasori's eye twitched. "But you–"
"Hey, where the hell is the rest of my body, anyway!? The last thing I remember is getting surprise attacked by that pointy-toothed bastard and being buried underground! When I find him, I'm gonna cut his throat out and bathe in his blood! Ya hear me, Sasori?! Just get us out of here, find my body, and I'll do the rest! I'm going to bring down the might of Jashin on this pathetic village and– mm mmm mm mmmmmmmmm!"
"Seems I finally found a use for that leftover cloth," Sasori breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't even enjoy the last looks of shock and confusion on Hidan's face when he placed the bag back over his head. Hidan's continued muffled sounds of rage, while much quieter now, would still be an annoying distraction during his work.
"Ibiki!" Sasori yelled.
Silence… well, silence aside from the muffled tantrum of the severed head.
"I know you can hear me, Ibiki, you rat bastard! If this is your idea of a joke, it isn't funny!"
It was faint behind the steel door separating them from the rest of T&I's Headquarters, but Sasori could hear it. It couldn't be anything else.
The uncharacteristically booming laughter of none other than Ibiki Morino.
Sasori ground his teeth in frustration. After besting Ibiki numerous times in their not-so-friendly game of wits since arriving in the Leaf, this was a battle he would have to admit defeat in. Sasori's hope was that Ibiki would allow him to trade something of value in exchange for his sanity back.
Psychological warfare was child's play compared to being locked in a room with a loud, religious lunatic.
Sakura let out a shaky breath. She sat with her knees pressed against her chest and her head buried between them. A crisp, cool breeze brushed against her skin and through her hair. Under normal circumstances that would have soothed her, but it barely registered in her mind. These last few days, the mission required her to be a perfect soldier. Unchecked emotions could put her and the squad in danger, so for the sake of the team she chose to bury her feelings as deeply as she could until they were safely back in the village.
That was when the dam broke. Waves of anger, sadness, despair, pain, and the like crashed over her like a tidal wave. It was unlike anything Sakura had felt before. Tsunade was more than just a mentor and leader to her… she was like a second mother. The loss of Shizune, who Sakura had looked up to like an older sister, had been bad enough— but this? It was almost too much to bear.
"L-Lady Tsunade," Sakura's voice quivered. The view from atop her Master's stone head was the same as always, and yet everything about it had changed. "What am I supposed to do without you? You were supposed to always be there— to watch over me…"
Sakura jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She relaxed slightly when greeted with Karin's somber smile.
"K-Karin, hi," Sakura wiped the tears from her eyes and forced a smile. "S-Sorry, I didn't hear you."
A few paces behind Karin, Sakura saw Suigetsu casually sipping on the water bottle he was always carrying around. Suigetsu looked visibly expectedly, though one could appreciate the fact that he was there at all. This was far outside of his comfort zone.
Upon noticing emerald eyes on him, Suigetsu nodded in her direction.
Sakura blinked at his brazenness.
"Suigetsu, seriously… 'Yo'?!" Karin repeated in exasperation. "What the hell was that shit?"
"What do you want me to say, Karin?" Suigetsu shot back. "I'm not exactly the comforting type! My specialty is taking things apart, not putting them back together!"
"Ah, just stand there and shaddup, then!" Karin pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "I seriously can't with him sometimes."
Suigetsu nodded his agreement, produced a thumbs-up, and then crossed his arms at his chest. That was definitely something he could do.
Karin was about to profusely apologize for her teammate's lack of tact, but she stopped herself. Sakura was giggling at their antics; her smile no longer seemed entirely forced. A bit of levity might have been something she desperately needed.
"Never change, you guys," Sakura turned her attention back to the view of the village. This time, she allowed herself to bask in the peaceful breeze the higher elevation granted them. "I'm really glad you two decided to join the Leaf. It's been nice having you around."
"I was thinking the same thing," Karin settled into the spot right next to Sakura. Together, they admired the sights of the village and beyond. "I actually think about it a lot. Something like this would have never been possible for me without Lady Tsunade."
Sakura turned to her, eyes wide.
"I didn't know Lady Tsunade well, but from what I've observed from her and the people around her, she was an amazing and respected person," Karin spoke from the heart. There was no need to lie for Sakura's sake. "This village— the people here, it's unlike anything I've been around before."
"W-What about your home village? I'm sure they can't be that much different from here," Sakura's puffy eyes gazed at her curiously. "I mean— I know you were one of Orochimaru's followers for a time, but what about before that?"
Karin's eyes darkened slightly. Sakura winced— had she said something wrong?
"My mother and I were taken in as refugees by the Village Hidden in the Grass under certain conditions," Karin began slowly in a low, slightly labored tone. "I'm not sure if you were made aware, but I have a special ability that allows me to heal others by letting them bite me and siphon my chakra."
"Certain conditions?" Sakura's brow knitted together worriedly. "You don't mean—"
"My mother had the same ability, and the Hidden Grass required that my mother use it to heal their wounded when needed," Karin caught herself grinding her teeth together. She tried to not think about her past too much… it's not like doing so would change anything. "My mother agreed to their terms for my sake… so I could have a safe and peaceful life within a Ninja Village. However, such a burden was simply too much for a single person. I offered my help, but she stubbornly refused as mothers do." Karin allowed herself a bittersweet smile at the thought of her mother's selflessness. "One day, the village suffered significant casualties from a surprise enemy attack. My mother fulfilled her duty and healed as many of their wounded as she could. She died that same day from chakra exhaustion."
"O-Oh my God," Sakura instinctively grasped Karin's hand and held it tight. "Karin, I'm so sorry! I had no idea— that's horrible! How could they do that to her?"
"They carelessly threw the life of an outsider away for the sake of their own people… I can't say we should have expected anything different." Karin admitted bitterly. "I'll never forget that day. It was hot and humid… I think it had rained the night before because when I stepped outside I could still smell the dew on the grass, you know? I could feel her chakra gradually weakening throughout the course of the day. I ran to the hospital as fast as I could. My mother… I'd never seen her look so exhausted, and yet when I tried to beg the doctors to help she livened right back up and turned me away. I think she'd still be alive if she wasn't so damn stubborn."
"She did it to protect you, Karin," Sakura insisted. "It was for your sake that she put her life on the line. Wouldn't you do the same if you were a mother?"
"Except… when she died, the village turned to me to pick up where she left off— a child," Karin felt Sakura's grip around her hand loosen ever so slightly. "All she did… was leave me alone in a place to be used up and discarded just like she was." Karin used her free hand and pulled down her collar to reveal the skin on her neck and upper chest.
They were littered with scarred bite marks,
Sakura felt her stomach lurch.
"From being used by the Hidden Grass and then being 'saved' by Orochimaru, I assumed that was how my life was always going to be. I never thought I would be able to truly call a place my home… I haven't been here for very long, but the Hidden Leaf feels like it could be my home. Now that I know what it feels like, I realize that's all I have ever wanted," Karin's voice cracked and wavered, but she forged ahead regardless of her feelings. "Sakura, I'm not telling you all of this to try and make this about me. I… just couldn't think of another way to express to you how unbelievably grateful I am for Lady Tsunade's kindness. Without her, I'd still be wandering aimlessly in this world looking for somewhere to accept me for who I am. Your Master was an unbelievable woman, and I'll do everything in my power to help you track down the people who did this to her."
Sakura just stared at Karin slack-jawed with tears in her eyes, which matched the mistiness of Karin's. It never occurred to her that Karin would have such a strong connection to the village and Lady Tsunade in just a couple short months.
"I never thought I'd say this, but I feel the same way," Karin and Sakura turned quickly to look at Suigetsu. He lookedalmost embarrassed at the attention when he usually reveled in it. "Growing up in the Bloody Mist, then being a lab experiment for Orochimaru, I didn't think a place could be so welcoming. It took some getting used to, but it's… nice? The Hokage was a special lady… I've never seen someone get blondie to sweat so much. That cocky bastard respected and feared her like nothing else— it's no wonder this place is so great. A great place needs an ever greater leader, ya know?"
Karin just barely managed to suppress her shock at Suigetsu's rare display of maturity. His guard was always up around other people, so even she hadn't known his true feelings.
"You guys," Sakura breathed out shakily. "I-I don't know what to say…"
"We can sit here in silence and simply enjoy each other's company," Karin said with a shrug. "Or, if you're up for it, we can talk about whatever it is you're feeling. It's up to you, but we aren't leaving."
"N-No, you don't have to stay here on my account," Sakura protested weakly. "I'll be alright— there's no need to waste your time with me."
"That's what friends are for," Karin smiled warmly. "And it's not wasting! There isn't any other place we'd rather be."
"Yeah, Pinky, you ain't getting rid of us that easily!" Suigetsu plopped down on Sakura's other side. He flashed his signature toothy grin.
Sakura couldn't help but return their smiles. The last thing Sakura wanted to be was a burden to others, and while she couldn't bring herself to admit it aloud, their company was immensely welcomed right now.
"So," Karin leaned in closer. "Does that sound good? I'd love to hear some stories about Lady Tsunade while we're at it, as well. I'm sure you've got plenty of great ones."
"Y-Yes," Sakura nodded swiftly. "Though, I'm not sure where to even start…"
The three of them sat atop the stone head of the Fifth Hokage talking the night away. A shoulder to cry on can be found in the most unexpected of places. If that shoulder can also pull you from your dark depths and get you smiling at your most emotionally vulnerable, that is what we call a true friend.
Fukasaku looked left, then right. To his right, Naruto was settled into an offensive stance. The orange shade around his horizontal pupils was indicative of Sage Mode. Across from him, Jiraiya stood settled into a stance of his own. He, too, had the eyes denoting a Perfect Sage.
They stood in a large clearing within the Mount Myoboku forest. Dozens of smaller toads stood at the outermost edges of the makeshift arena, with many opting to get a better view of the action from up in the trees. Even Lady Shima was there— her expression a mix of pride and curiosity. Fukasaku handled most of their training, so this would be the first time she would witness the fruits of his labor.
It was eerily quiet as excitement hung in the air.
Fukasaku gave a final look to Naruto; he nodded. Then looked to Jiraiya, who did the same. Fukasaku slowly lifted his hand high into the sky, then swiftly swiped down.
This chapter ran longer than anticipated, so I had to split it into two pieces. I've got most of the second half written already, so that means the next one should be out quicker than usual.
Leave your thoughts in the reviews if you're feeling kind.
Until next time with Chapter 65: "Summary Chapter."
After that comes Chapter 66: "Contemplate Pain."
MaxPrime: Naruto also has either been out of the village or, when he's in the village, he's busy with important things. Not much time to see Hinata, or really anyone that he isn't involved with on a mission.
The Disquieting One - Kashin Koji from Boruto isn't Jiraiya's lovechild, and he won't be appearing in this fic. As for Samurai, I don't plan on going super in depth with them but they will play a part when we reach the Kage Summit.
Ayayacchi - Wow, chapter 10 is a long time. Good to see you're still reading!
oSayan - Yeah, arrogance blinded Madara to the fact that Nagato and Konan hated him enough to betray him. All they needed was the power to do it.
Tiger 6329 - You think last chapter was the shortest so far? It wasn't even in the top 30 shortest chapters for this fic. There's no need to increase the chapter length lol.
Gamesdean1 - This is one of the reviews that convinced me to write a summary chapter. It'll be out next. Thanks for the input and for being a reader for so long!
Passive Person - 10/10 rating? Let's goooooooooooo. Appreciate the kind words as always.
throwaway9999 - Tsunade just can't match someone like Pain. The disrespect was inevitable, but she landed a good shot in her own way by summoning Katsuyu to gather intel and report back.
NaruCrazy - Will do. Your input is appreciated!
Lilthug - I don't think Kiba can handle Karin lol. To be fair, this Karin is way more tolerable than her canon counterpart imo.