Hi there, so I started this story 6 years ago and had posted it on . It is still in the works and I'm just getting back to it now. I thought I'd post it here too. I think Fanfics are just for fun so I'm not going back to edit it even though I see some places that could use it. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to review!
Chapter 1
"GET BACK HERE YOUNG LADY RIGHT NOW!" The cashier chased the young thief until he ran out of breath. He looked up at the police officer who was standing there and pointed at the girl who was running ahead. "Catch that girl! She stole vodka from my store!"
The policeman turned and jumped in his car and chased after her. She kept looking back as the adreniline kept raising. He was catching up to her. Arriving at the train station, a freight train was just pulling away. She ran for it and jumped on board an unattended boxcar. The police officer watched as the train took off.
"Kristina has a condition called rylodysplastic anemia. She's suffering bone-marrow failure and isn't manufacturing blood cells properly." The words left the doctor's lips, but she didn't understand.
"How serious is it?"
"Without proper treatment, it's life threatening. we're giving her a steroid to try and jump-start her red blood cell production. If that doesn't work, she'll need a bone marrow transplant."
She dropped the bottle of vodka in her father's lap. "Here!"
He picked up the bottle with his greasy hands looking at the label. "I said I wanted Smirnoffs."
"That's all I saw, and the cashier caught me. He chased me. I had to work quick."
"After all I taught you, you can't even get one simple thing right!"
"Can I eat dinner now?"
"No! Go to your room!" He took the cap off the bottle and threw it at her. The cap hit her eye and she ran to her room. She looked in her dirty mirror and ran her finger over the cut on her eyebrow. "Why does he always do this?" She then ran her fingers over a small framed picture on her night table. "I will find you one day Danny. And it'll be just the two of us."She jumped when she heard yelling. She opened her door just a tad to see what was going on.
"Where is my money?" The large man had her father by his collar.
Her father took another sip from the bottle then wiped his sweaty lips. "I don't got it yet."
The man threw him to the ground "You are a pathetic waste of a life." He kicked him then left.
Once she knew the man was gone, she went out and kneeled by her father and poked him but he didn't move. Her jaw dropped "He's dead?"
To the 13 year old, he looked dead. She sat there staring at him for about five minutes then started to smile. "I"M FREE!" She jumped up and ran to her room. She grabbed her raggedy backpack and threw in her two outfits, her dirty stuffed rabbit, and her picture of Danny. She ran through the living room jumping over her father to the kitchen and looked in their empty fridge to see if there was anything. She never knew what was in there because she wasn't allowed in the kitchen. All she could see was an opened bottle of beer and an apple sitting in the rusted refridgerator. She grabbed the apple then waltzed back out jumping over her father and to the door.
She looked back one last time at him, then left closing the door behind never returning again.
She kissed her 3 year old's forehead. "I love you so much baby girl."
"Momma, me hurt."
"I know sweetheart, the doctors are trying to help you feel better."
She pointed to her mother's belly and smiled. "Baby!"
"That's right." She took her toddler's hand and brought it to her stomach. "That's why you need lots of rest to get ready to be a big sister."
"Big sister!"
"That's right. Now how about you close your eyes and get some rest sweetie?"
"You right here?"
"Mommy will be right here when you wake up." Kristina closed her green eyes and her mother kissed her fingers. "I'll be right here."
The doctor walked in and looked at Kristina's vitals.
"Any improvement?"
He shook his head. "I'm sorry Alexis."
Alexis took a deep breath. "Does... does she need the transplant?"
They turned around and saw Sonny walk in and Alexis walked into his arms crying. "Shh shh... it's ok honey." He looked at the doctor.
"Does she?"
The doctor nodded. "Yes. We need to start looking for a donor.
Sonny nodded. "Can my wife and I have a moment with our daughter?"
"Yes of course. I'll be back to check on her soon." he left to check on other patients.
Sonny and Alexis looked over at their weak little girl. "I can't lose her Sonny. I can't lose another child."
Sonny looked at her confused. "What do you mean ANOTHER child?"
She slipped the banana under her shirt being sure that noone saw her then walked behind a lady who was reaching for a box of fruit loops. She dropped the banana in the lady's cart then crawled under the shelf and watched the lady walk away. She followed close behind while the lady checked out making sure noone saw her. The lady left the grocery store and headed to her car. The young girl would hide between cars, still following the lady. The lady took a couple of bags to put in the back seat of her car. That was her chance. The girl snuck up behind the cart and grabbed the banana out of one of the bags.
"Hi there."
Her eyes grew wide as she looked up at the lady. She was caught. She submitted, afraid of getting in trouble and handed over the banana and turned about to run off but the lady stopped her.
"Wait, don't leave without your banana." She handed her the banana. "Just be sure to ask next time" She winked at her and put the rest
of the bags in the car then smiled at her and climbed in the driver's seat.
She stood there in shock as she heard the engine start. Then she quickly memorized the license plate number.
[I]The crying burned her eardrums. She looked around the room. She was in a hospital bed. The crying wouldn't stop. "I'm coming baby."
She climbed out of bed and held onto the walls as she walked toward the nursery. The crying kept getting louder and louder. She walked in the nursery and saw her baby laying in the incubator. "I'm coming sweetheart. I'm coming. She looked down and saw her baby with brown hair and brown eyes crying. But as she reached down to pick her up the incubator was sliding away. She went after it but the room
kept getting wider and wider, and her baby kept sliding away but wouldn't stop crying. She started running as fast as she could after
her baby but couldn't catch up. "I'm coming baby!" She kept calling. But she kept slipping further and further away from her. "I'm coming baby!"[I]
Alexis jumped up and Sonny put her arm around her. "It's ok Lex. It's ok. You just had a bad dream." he moved her hair out of her face
and kissed her forehead. "Was it about Kristina?"
Alexis shook her head then looked around. "Kristina. I need to see her." She stood up.
Sonny stood up and stopped her "She's going for more tests, remember?"
Alexis nodded. "Oh.. yeah."
Sonny ushered Alexis to sit back down. "You never answered me before... what other child were you talking about?"
"I... uh..."
"Okay we need to find a donor... now." Dr Webber interrupted.
She woke suddenly when she heard a noise. She looked up and there was a homeless man digging through the garbage disposal she was
sleeping next to. She brought her knees to her chin afraid that the man would hurt her. He looked down at her. "What are you doing kid? The streets are no place for a kid like you." He climbed out of the garbage and walked away. She wiped some tears from her eyes then pulled out the banana from her backpack and ate it.
After she finished eating, the threw the banana peel in the garbage and started walking. She had no idea where she was going, but she was hoping she'd find that license plate go by on the road. She saw lots of cars go by. Some license plates even had other states written on them. She walked by a group of teenagers, who looked about her age and they were laughing. When they walked by her, one of
the girls spoke loudly. "Like, eew... was that girl like born in a garbage truck or something?"
The other other girl replied. "I know right. Looks like she hasn't showered in like years." They continued on walking and she could hear them laughing. She sat down on the sidewalk and pulled out her stuffed rabbit hugging it, and cried.