The city of Dennish looked as it always did, filthy and riddled with thieves, vandals, and other sorts of criminals. Gajeel and Juvia, entered through a dilapidated city gate; deciding to make a stop at the bandit city upon the dragonslayer's request. The two phantoms wandered the rainy markets and residential streets until they arrived at the tavern they usually stop at when first entering town.
When Gajeel pushed open the door and entered the dark ale house the familiar stench of stale beer, soggy wood, and watered down liquor attacked his nose causing a displeased snarl to manifest on his face and a growl to rumble from his lips. The patrons sitting at the tables, the wooden surfaces molding and sticky with layers of lost booze, turned their eyes to the source of dull light and sound and froze in fear realizing they were looking at the infamous Black Steel Gajeel and his quiet comrade, one of the powerful Element Four of Phantom Lord known to many as the Rain Woman.
The nightmare of Dennish had returned home.
The bar and all its patrons were silent as death for too long, Gajeel became annoyed with the humming of rapid heartbeats around the dingy room and shouted from the entrance, "The hell are y'all lookin' at!?"
The violent growl in his voice jolted everyone out of their stupors and the bar filled itself again with whispers of money trails and coveted information. The dragonslayer's heavy boots thumped on the old beer soaked floor that creaked under his hard steps as he walked over to the bar, the aqueous femme fatale following quietly behind him. Her seemingly timid presence, a front for the elemental force she could control and wreck havoc with.
"Two pints of tha usual garbage ya serve 'round here," Gajeel slammed his fist on the bar, the iron studs on his fingerless gloves, reflecting the orange flames from the lantern hanging above, matched the ones embedded in his forearms, ears and face. The thick fabric stained brown with foreign blood from the last mission. Gajeel Redfox was known to all present for his strength and his abuse of said strength to get his point across. To challenge the tall, well built ruffian was a death wish nobody dared to have granted and all requests were obliged. Gajeel had come home, even if he would rather be at the guild miles away, he found he missed the cowering drunks and charlatans making way for him wherever he went.
Two steins of ale were pushed to the two phantoms and as the ebony haired brute placed the hop heavy liquid to his lips he stopped as something caught his eye. At the back end corner of the bar a small figure sat shrouded in a tattered brown cloak. On the bar before the child, sat an empty shot glass and a single tarot card. At least Gajeel thought this patron was a child, there was no way on Earthland a full grown person could be that small.
"Hmph," he scoffed into his mug as he took a large drink, "so you're lettin' kids drink in here now?" The barkeep shrugged as he wiped the surface of the bar knowing it would never shine. Gajeel stared at the mysterious small person and he recalled when he and his old partner in crime Mash used to sneak into pubs much like this to pick-pocket the old drunkards who were foolish enough to fall asleep in their glasses of ale or whiskey. Maybe the kid was down on his luck; the dragonslayer could understand that.
Gajeel downed the rest of his stein and slammed it on the bar. Seeing as Juvia had not finished hers he grabbed that as well and gulped the bitter beverage much to his friends dismay, but the roll of her eyes and the shaking of her head told him she didn't mind, especially with the small smile that curled from her typical frown. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stood up from his stool, the sound of the tall chair scooting on the wooden floor seemed to die short from the source, killed by the hum of criminals talking, arguing or downright fighting without and ounce of subtlety.
"Well I know I sure as hell ain't gettin' pick-pocketed while I'm in town. C'mon, Juvia, lets get outta here." After throwing some jewels on the bar, Gajeel and his quiet partner left the dark tavern, bringing in some overcast light from the rainy day outside as they opened the door to leave.
In the dark corner of the bar, the cloaked patron with her card and her empty glass sat still as stone before raising a dainty pale hand up with her index finger pointing up to signal the barkeep to fill her glass once more of the house liquor she has previously gulped down. Her nerves never failed her, no matter how many times she had done missions like this one, no matter how many petty thefts she had done as a child in the Magnolia marketplace, her nerves would almost get the better of her moments before the job. Almost.
Golden eyes, hidden under unruly light blue bangs, peered down at the tarot card on the bar. The card baring a portrait of a beautiful brunette with long, wavy hair, her slender yet shapely upper body covered with a small bikini top. At the bottom of the card was a banner that simply read 'Cana'. She downed the fiery shot that burned the whole way down her throat and picked up the tarot card in front of her and held it close.
"Cana, I need you to answer me," she whispered softly to herself and the card.
The young woman stared at the card, her features still obscured by her hood and the surrounding darkness. Within a few seconds the portrait of the brunette opened her violet eyes and smiled.
"Hey there, little Lev," the woman on the card began to speak, "how's that codex retrieval mission coming along?"
"Alright, I guess," the hooded girl replied to the talking card in her hand, "It's just been a long time since I've done a mission like this. I was hoping you'd do a reading for me. Just to keep my possibilities known."
"Sure thing, I have my cards in my hand right now. Just let me lay them out." The card fell silent for a moment before the portrait's face changed from its usual smile to one of concern.
"Mmm," the card began, "My cards are telling me that you'll take the codex, but some obstacles will come your way. You'll be saved by a spirit holding two red stones..."
The card's portrait became grim with what she said next, "However, the price for saving your life...will be your heart. Levy, you're not making strange deals with devils are you?"
"What?! No!"
"Alright," she sighed. "I feel like my reading wasn't as much of the pep-talk as you were hoping for." Cana's worry for her friend reflected through the card. "Please, Lev, be careful on this mission. 'Kay?"
"Of course, no spirits will be stealing my heart today. Besides most prophecy magic is symbolic anyways, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." the petite woman made sure to speak with an air of confidence to assure her friend through the card.
The brunette on the card smiled, her bluff was successful, "Alright, Lev, good luck and be careful!"
"I will. Thanks, Cana."
The woman on the card's eyes closed and seemed to lose the magic that made it so animated moments ago. The girl placed the card away in a pocket within her cloak and stood up and, with the most subtly she could muster, glanced at one of the tables at the other side of the tavern.
She took a deep breath, 'That codex isn't about to steal itself,' she thought as she began moving though the bar unnoticed and silent as still air.
Gajeel and Juvia had been walking down the stone paved street outside of the bar they just left. The walk was wet from the rain Juvia could never undo around her, and quiet due to the fact that the two were never fond of small talk. The dragonslayer stomped through the wet streets with his hands in his back pockets; his comrade walking beside him with the grace and aura of a queen
Suddenly a familiar scent was caught in Gajeel's nose as he heard the rapid splashes of footsteps behind them. Someone was clearly running out of fear for their life. Before he could turn around, the person on the run collided with him with a force that surprisingly almost knocked the massive man off of his feet. As he bared his teeth to berate the fool who ran into him, he was caught off guard by who it was that had bumped into him. And everything seemed to slow down as the adrenaline hit his veins.
It was that kid from the bar! A girl no less; her hood had fallen from her head, revealing a wavy head of hair such a shade of blue that Gajeel had sworn to Ankhseram that a piece of the sky had fallen through the rain clouds above.
When their eyes met it was as if the world stopped turning, and judging by her honey brown gaze he was not alone in the strange feeling.
The Iron Dragon noticed that she was holding onto something tight to her chest with both arms as she continued to run past them in the downpour. 'Damn it all she was a thief, stupid kid!' Gajeel thought as he heard the hollers of a group of ruffians following from behind shouting 'thief' and 'don't let her get away' as they ran after her. He saw her trip over her own feet, as she caught herself her cloak flew up revealing thick womanly legs and a round, firm posterior as she turned down a street Gajeel knew was a dead end.
"Gajeel, it's the child from the bar!" Juvia cried out as the men pursuing the young woman had also turned down the same dead end street.
Dread sank in Gajeel's chest. The laws of Dennish were as backwards and cruel as it's denizens. Punishing a child for theft was typically a beating, but a woman caught stealing was left to their accusers' judgment. Gajeel Redfox was a lot of things: ruthless, destructive, cruel even, but he was by no means the type to allow something unthinkable to happen to someone trying their best to survive. He was no monster.
Gajeel started to run the the street ahead after the girl and the group of men after her.
"Gajeel! What are you doing!?" The woman in blue shouted as she began to sprint behind her friend.
"That ain't no kid, Juvia! No kid has legs and a fine ass like that! She's a full grown woman and if those bastards get their hands on her, she's in serious trouble! Now c'mon!"
The sky haired woman halted to a stop at the dead end she ran herself into. She had read the laws of the city before taking the mission and was aware of the consequences she could face if the men after her were to realize she was not a lowly child. One of the possible punishments would be a fate worse than death in her opinion. She prayed to the First Master that her small stature would fool everyone and she would get by with the beating of her life. However that ruse was shattered when she overheard someone shouting about how a "fine ass" like hers belongs to no child during her attempt to escape.
"Well, now that we have ya cornered," a gruff voice that sounded as sleazy as the man who spoke. "Give us back what you stole and we won't kill ya after we have our...compensation for yer meddling"
The emphasis of the word 'compensation' implied everything the young thief dreaded. She held onto the codex in her arms tighter to her chest as she took in her surroundings and measured up her adversaries. This codex was integral to the research of a lost part of Fioran history before the Dragon King Festival and for the sake of knowledge and her body she was going to fight with everything she had.
There were four of them and they appeared to not be mages. She could use her magic to her advantage, she just needed to grab her light pen in her cloak pocket. Before she was able to finish her thought on how to deal with her assailants two of them were thrown into the brick walls of the alley by a massive blast of water while the man who was telling her about their plans of punishment was struck in the head by a large iron pillar. As the three fell to the ground unconscious and limp the last man standing turned around slowly to see that he was standing before a hulking man who towered over him dressed in black with long unruly hair to match. His iron studs on his skin glistened on his forearms despite the lack of sun, and those eyes that burned a fiery blood red stared at him in a way that made the cad suddenly feel weak and pitiful. The woman beside behemoth eyed him with similar threatening eyes that were ready for battle and lacked mercy.
The last thug was quivering with fear as he looked at his fallen friends, no longer caring to stay he ran haphazardly out of the alleyway. Running into and falling over the barrels of garbage and rain water that were full on the count of the current downpour, adding humiliation to his cowardice.
The small thief stood in awe at her saviors. Before she could offer her thanks the tall brooding man began to scold her as he walked up and pointed a finger at her chest.
"You idiot!" He began to shout, "Tha hell were ya thinkin!? Don'chya know the laws 'round here!?"
"As a matter of fact, I do!"
"'N' ya still thought stealin' whatever tha hell it is ya got from those morons was a good idea?" Gajeel placed his fists on his hips trying to look past her arms to see what she was holding onto for dear life. "Say, what tha hell did ya snatch from 'em anyways?" He asked with a forced aura of indifference, he would be lying if he said he was unimpressed. The shrimp had guts!
The girl blushed as her eyes looked away sheepishly while loosening the grip on her prize. Gajeel would be lying a second time if he said that look was unbecoming of her. He was unsure if he was simply that impressed with her moxie, but he could not help but admire everything about her. She revealed the ancient codex, strange symbols adorned the worn leather cover that Gajeel could not read.
"A book!?" He huffed in a gruff voice.
"A book," the thief replied curtly as she could see the menacing man try not to smile and failing terribly. And he did something that she did not think he was able to do judging by his dark appearance.
He laughed!
Not just a casual chuckle, but a boisterous roar. It was not only loud but downright odd! A strange "gihi" sound echoed in the alley while he reached down and ruffled her light blue locks roughly.
"Ya hear that, Juvia? Tha shrimp here is crazier than I am!" He turned his head to look over at Juvia who was rolling over one of the unconscious ruffians with her booted foot making sure that the body was still breathing. He turned back to the young woman in front of him who stared up with an irritated glare, her cheeks slightly puffed and her lips puckered, even her snarl was something Gajeel could not put his finger on, but he liked it. He liked her.
"Tell ya what, girlie, those morons are prolly gonna come after ya again ta try ta get that back. So why don'chya come 'n' hang with us fer a while. Have a few drinks." Gajeel waved his right arm to signal her to tag along. A guild mark was visible on the shoulder. It looked like an eye with horns and a devil's tail. No doubt about it, it was Phantom Lord's Devil's Eye insignia worn by all members. Not just a mage guild, but the rival guild of her own guild, Fairy Tail. He was right about everything, she ought to tag along with them, for now at least. She would in the meantime keep her guild ties to herself to avoid making an already rocky mission into a disaster, but she could not help but wonder what her guild mates would think of this?
She ran past the defeated bandits to catch up to the Phantoms ahead of her, deciding a proper introduction should at least be attempted.
"So if you two are going to be my rag-tag escorts can I at least know your names?" she asked between breaths as she reached her new companions and adjusted her pace so as to keep up with them. "I know your guild mark, you two are from Phantom Lord!"
As she ended her sentence, her new comrades stopped mid-step and turned around to meet her knowing eyes. The blunette could not read their expression on their faces and began to regret her previous words until the stoic woman stepped forward to extend her hand to the thief as she introduced herself formally.
"I am Juvia Lockser of the Great Sea, a member of the Element Four, our guild's flagship team. My dear friend is Gajeel Redfox the Iron Dragon. Juvia also wishes to know madame's name." The water mage greeted with a smile that seemed to make the rainfall suddenly feel warm.
Surprised by Juvia's warm and polite speech, the thief pondered for a moment while returning the smile in the downpour around them. She hoped they would not recognize her name for fear of the outcome upon learning they had just rescued a member of their rival guild. She was also concerned about the chance they would eventually find out during their time together.
"My name is Levy. Levy McGarden. It is a pleasure to meet you both!" The small mage answered her new friend as she reached out to connect with Juvia's hand in introduction. Throwing caution to the wind and taking the risky gamble, knowing that life is not worth living if one does not take a chance every once in a while.