Apologies for being late.
In exchange, I also uploaded two one-shots(?) for your reading pleasure
Chapter 44
Beta: L33t Horo
Cover: LousGndiner
Once again, the plume of smoke rose and smoldered the sky in its wake.
Like a choking pressure, an unrelenting reminder, and a depraved caress, the once-blue sky that proclaimed its freedom now only screams in abject horror. Like a cacophony of lost prayers and a cloud of agonizing lament, the fire and rubble dug their way into his skin with each step he took.
Yet that was not the worst of it.
A wailing child, only seeking solace from the catastrophe around them…
Why did he leave them behind?
A family of four, crushed by the weight of fallen debris…
Why was he the only one left?
Even an elderly couple looked at him with false hope…
Why did he abandon them all?
Why was it that he could never forget them? The faces that he had to leave behind and the wailing prayers for him to turn back clawed at his mind with every step he took, even more so than the poisonous ashen air or the shrapnel shards digging into his form.
Why are you looking away–!?
"–To stoop so low as to ignore the opponent in front of you," a scathingly irritated voice came to fruition. Rather, it had been there the entire time. "If you continue to resist, then you'll have to fight me with all you have."
The clouds of ash were not as harsh.
The fallen debris was not as hostile.
And above all, the fire was not attempting to swallow him whole.
Shirou took a few calming breaths, which were likely ignored by his supposed opponent. However, soon after he looked at himself with some manner of shame.
He had lost focus and allowed his past to consume him, even if momentarily. It didn't matter if the scene right now matched his hellish birthplace so vividly, it simply wasn't the same, and had this been an actual fight then he would've gotten caught off-guard or worse- perished before he could've done anything.
Luckily, his current quarry didn't see it that way. For better or for worse, Endeavor seems to have chosen to fight him fair and square, even if he eliminated any chances of escape.
"I said it before, but I can't say anything if Archer himself doesn't want it to be said," Shirou replied. Truth be told, he could, but he had a feeling that if he did… "Also, I don't think you'd let me go even if I did."
Or pass the exam, for that matter.
He needed to because otherwise, he'd be letting his classmates go onto that training camp without him, thus opening them up to being the League of Villain's targets– and thus Avenger's targets.
His current best option… was honestly to talk it out and see where it goes from there. Only an idiot would go straight into battle in these circumstances.
"Not as dimwitted as you seem," Endeavor agreed with him. "Even if you aren't related to the Beast, your continued presence still harms the reputation of heroes as a whole."
My continued presence?
Shirou took up a combative stance as both Kanshou and Bakuya found their way into his grasp.
"So I was right before, you're trying to kill me?"
"No," his eyes seemingly tripled in intensity. "However, putting you out of the limelight, perhaps safe under a vault provided by the Public Safety Commission, where your needs will be met and protection assured, rather than an easily assailable location as this school. U.A. has already proven to be open to assault."
True, but…
"That's ignoring that the league can easily get passed any barrier through Kurogiri," Shirou replied. "And I'm sure that protecting my well-being is the only reason for putting me under what sounds like solitary confinement. I thought you didn't believe that the Beast and I were related?"
"Just because I do not believe it doesn't mean that those who support me do," he huffed. "Though, if doing so allows me to have private visitation rights for further questioning… well, those are silver linings."
So Endeavor didn't care if he talked here or not, just that the result of this fight would somehow end up with him being taken by the HPSC. In other words, win and lose his ability to fight Avenger or lose the fight and the chance to protect his classmates?
Aizawa was right, there was only one option.
Escape from this hell.
The married blades went soaring across the hellish winds. Though, a seasoned veteran like Endeavor merely looked at it in abject pity before sending a wave of intense flames, likely enough to melt metal, to block their approach.
He only moved away at the last second when he realized the blasted blades did not melt in the slightest.
However, when he did so, he noticed that Shirou was gone.
He couldn't have escaped, which he would be right to assume. Shirou rested his back behind the fallen debris, knowing that he was out of sight, but came across another problem.
He needed to break through the molten cement to reach the exit. Endeavor knows this, which was why he was all but standing guard around that area. Shirou only knew one method to break through that blockade, but it wasn't controlled enough to leave the top-ranked hero unscathed.
If Endeavor came out of this with injuries… that was the same as beating him and putting Shirou under even more scrutiny. Which only makes it easier for them to have him under lock and key. Another thing to avoid. Fantastic.
"You can't hide forever, child," he said the last part with irritation. "I will have my answers sooner or later… but why wait?"
Shirou widened his eyes as fire escaped Endeavor's heels, launching him up into the ashen sky, but that wasn't the end of it. His arms caught fire and reared back as if attempting to hug the sky before his eyes pointed down and his hands ignited further.
"Hell Spider!"
Tendrils of fire lashed out from him, in seeming defiance to any physics that dictated how fire should act, and indiscriminately melted and burned the debris around him.
One such tendril came his way.
Shirou bolted from his hiding place as he watched tendrils of fire slash into the debris. However, his sudden move caught Endeavor's attention as he reared another fist back.
"I told you you couldn't hide!" He shouted. Quirk fire escaped his palms before being grasped like an object, forming a spear. "Don't worry, someone like you won't die from something like this! Ignited Arrow!"
Like a javelin, Endeavor threw the flame directly toward him.
At this distance, Shirou was easily able to dodge it, but the subsequent others were trouble. Kanshou and Bakuya found their way back into his grasp, and in turn, he battered aside the flames as they came.
"Jet Burn!"
The javelins stopped, but a beam of fire took their place. Shirou was only able to dodge thanks to the longer windup, however, there was no chance that he was deflecting that, even if his Noble Phantasms were almost impervious to his flames.
It was then that Endeavor started his assault in earnest.
Shirou had no choice but to run as a combination of both Ignited Arrows and Jet Burns came his way. He battered aside the spears but doing so left him open to the beam right behind them. He had no choice but to reinforce his body further to keep up with the pro hero's pace.
It was only when he noticed the area beneath him increase in heat that he panicked. A burst of reinforcement increased his speed past what would be considered normal, and directly behind him was an explosion erupting from below.
Did Endeavor send his flame below him while midair somehow!?
"Just like Archer, that inhuman speed alongside an absurd Quirk," Endeavor declared from above him. "How? Is it a second quirk? An application of your first? Or… are you not completely human? Perhaps part-Nomu?"
Wrong on all accounts!
Shirou threw both swords skyward. However, he didn't stop there. As he traced more and more copies of Kanshou and Bakuya to assail a floating target, he paused.
Shit! What if I seriously injure him or–?
"Hell's Curtain!"
Shirou watched as fire escaped his fingertips, but instead of a tendril, a veritable wall pushed back against his thrown copies with surprising force. It slowed their momentum enough for them to be taken back by gravity's embrace.
"Is that the best you can do?" Endeavor raised a brow before raising one foot higher. "Hell Minefield."
A plume of fire shot down toward him. As Shirou dodged, he saw the area beneath him light up once again.
So it was this attack that did that explosion from before?
An explosion erupted once more. Its force carried Shirou far, but he was able to stabilize his landing. Unfortunately, as Shirou studied his costume, some parts of it didn't come out unscathed.
Shirou underestimated him. Did he truly get so arrogant as to assume that all of his attacks could kill and maim anyone in this world regardless of who they were?
But… did that mean he could stop holding back? The last time he didn't, he nearly killed someone.
You hypocrite.
"The fact that your skin is unscathed–" Endeavor pointed out from above. "–Meant that one of my assumptions from before was right. Are you a Nomu?"
"Do you see an exposed brain on me?"
"A new type of Nomu is never out of consideration," his fire petered out as he landed, but once more it enveloped his being. "However, I'll admit that if you were one, then you might've been made from Archer as a base… or perhaps the other way around? Was that why he fought that one? To evade capture as a runaway?"
"I still have no idea what that is," Shirou aggravatingly pointed out. "You should be asking that bastard yourself!"
"You think I haven't tried!?" Endeavor snarled. "That smarmy bastard doesn't say anything! No matter how I bribe or threaten him, he refuses to even give me a hint! I will not be mocked!"
His fist plunged beneath the concrete as the entire surroundings blazed into an inferno.
Damn it, Archer!
The fire swallowed him up, but Shirou knew even when he reinforced what was left of his costume, it wasn't as hot as before. This wasn't meant to harm him, but for something else.
Soon, the fire began to swirl, gradually picking up speed until Shirou had to drive the married blades into the concrete below lest he is picked up in its wake. From behind, he heard concrete uplift and raise into the molten blender.
Never mind, it was hotter on the outer edges, which meant that in the `eye` of this `storm` was Enddeavor. Shirou knew that he could handle the heat in his current location… but not forever.
Endeavor was trying to wear him down, exhaust him before dealing a painful blow, that'd hopefully demobilize him enough for `questioning`. He honestly didn't know the man enough to know if that meant questioning or something worse.
Shirou considered his options, knowing that harming Endeavor wasn't an option. He always needed to keep in mind the bigger picture… even if the man himself was making it extremely difficult.
Which direction was the exit? Was it behind him? Behind Endeavor? To the side?
He needed to escape.
He needed a vantage point to see it, so Shirou made his decision and unmounted the married blades, allowing the storm to take him up.
In doing so, he found himself in the air, with Endeavor looking up at him from below.
"Hellfire Storm did nothing to you?" He raised an intrigued brow. "Good. That means you can take more than that."
Shirou threw the married blades down and traced a black bow. He watched Endeavor step aside as the blade sank into the heated concrete, but Endeavor widened his eyes at him.
"That bow–!" Endeavor interrupted himself as fire surged around him. "I won't let you!"
So he knew about the bow!? What the hell, Archer!?
Shirou had to think fast as Endeavor quickly became airborne. His fiery fist, despite being locked with heatproof strength inhibitors, did nothing against the man's momentum. Shirou blocked with the black bow, but he was sent flying into one of the rare few intact buildings. Luckily, there was no glass, but it still hurt.
Archer must've used one of his Noble Phantasms in front of this guy, Shirou mentally noted. But to warrant such a panicked response…
–A red shooting star tickled the back of his mind. A molten hellscape that surrounded an unflinching giant–
… it must've been that one. But what warranted using that Noble Phantasm in particular? Who did Archer fight when he arrived in this world!?
For now, he had to get out of this building before–
A flash of orange.
"Hell's Spider!"
The fire sheared through the concrete like paper, but luckily it missed Shirou completely. Unluckily the building could not take the abuse and slowly started to topple.
Shirou weighed his options and, as the floor slanted from its fall, he ran upward.
He broke through the other side of the building before it fell and landed on some other debris. It wasn't that hard of a landing, but Shirou still felt the need to once again curse at his future self.
Seriously, this entire thing was his fault!
The lives he left behind– it was all his fault.
Shut up! He screamed at his very being.
"I knew that wouldn't kill you," Endeavor said from the sky. How did he keep knowing his location!? "You truly are just like that bastard… but perhaps less polished."
Rub it in, why don't you?
"Are you ready to give up and tell me what I want?"
… You know what? Screw you, Archer!
"Fine," Shirou relented. "What do you want to know?"
"Finally," Endeavor huffed before landing in front of him. "Where do you come from?"
"A different world."
His brow twitched.
"Don't play games with me," he took a step closer. "What is your relation to the Beast?"
"He came with us from the other world."
"I was under the impression you would cooperate," he took another step. "Last chance. What has allowed you thus far to run and survive my attacks?"
"I was a fool to believe you would be reasonable," Endeavor raised a fist as it glowed in a red-hot fire. "Unruly child!"
I knew this would happen.
"Flashfire Fist!"
Shirou traced a shield in front of him before jumping to the side. The thing ignited and exploded but Shirou was able to glide around him and trace something old yet reliable.
Endeavor tried to turn to face him, but paused.
"What is this?" Endeavor tried to budge. He could only manage to lock eyes with Shirou before snarling. "What did you do?"
"Magecraft," Shirou answered with pettiness as he looked around for the exit… which was quite far away. Around a hundred meters to his left.
Just as he made to walk, Shirou watched the ground heat up beneath him.
Yep, just as expected.
Shirou leaped back to dodge, watching as his traced Black Key dislodged and melted in response to the fiery explosion. At least he managed to locate the exit. Now getting himself through it…
"So that odd blade belonged to you, did it? I knew it," Endeavor growled, completely unscathed from that explosion. "It was either you or Archer that was responsible for what happened to Shigaraki and his goons back at Hosu. It appears that it was you."
Shit. He screwed up.
"Now I have a civil duty to take you in…"
A red palm appeared before him in a flash of orange.
How did he increase his speed–!?
"...for more questioning!"
Shirou reacted by kicking him away. His reinforced attack sent Endeavor flying back, but he did not look surprised as he reoriented himself in the air and launched an Ignited Spear, but its speed increased exponentially from before.
Shirou parried it but didn't stand idle.
"Trace on, successive fire!"
Swords of varying quality manifested, and just as quickly, they launched forward like a bullet. Each sword pierced a thrown spear, but they were quickly melted into slag and returned into formless mana.
If he traced that black bow again, Endeavor would surely try his best to stop him, likely out of fear for what Archer had used it for. He didn't have anything else that could blow open that blockade that wouldn't also destroy the surrounding facilities.
"Enough games!"
Shirou's eyes snapped to his opponent as a wave of fire, likely Hell's Curtain, enveloped his vision.
It was like a wall, but Shirou had seen it once before. He already knew what it was weak toward.
Swords flew into the floor at an angle, creating a slanted wall, with its gaps covered by haphazard shields. The wall of fire climbed over it and Shirou was left unscathed.
Suddenly, the wall of heated iron glowed with intensity. Before it collapsed, Shirou bolted to the side and avoided a Jet Burn.
However, he had traced his black blow and aimed ready to fire.
Endeavor, in an admittedly panicked response to seeing it, shot up into the sky. It was only once he reached its zenith that he saw there was nothing notched, and that almost a hundred blades had shot up to meet him.
Shirou looked inward while Endeavor melted and avoided the swords coming up toward him. Despite having heavy strength inhibitors, it looks like he didn't need to physically move, especially when his fire could move him by itself. That essentially meant he was fighting at full power, not nerfed like the examiners had said they would be.
There had to be a weakness to it…
"I am the bone of my sword."
The moment Endeavor found himself free from the barrage of swords, he was met with the sight of his quarry wielding a spear far too large for him. It was around two meters, but other than that, Endeavor couldn't see why Shirou would bring it out.
No, Endeavor thought to himself. That wasn't anything more than a sword when Archer used it, and that blade stabbed into his shadow from earlier… This could be the same.
So when Endeavor played it safe and manifested yet another Ignited Spear, ready to throw.
"I don't know where you found this thing, Archer," Shirou muttered as he grasped it with both hands, almost as if aiming the tip at Endeavor. "Now is the time for glorious victory!"
"Empty boasts!"
Endeavor threw his spear.
"This is the one blow that has slain fallen gods!" Shirou continued as the spear neared. "Taste it with your body! Mac-an-Luin!"
The raging spear of flame met a tranquil torrent of water.
The spear was pierced and extinguished. Endeavor quickly dodged as a veritable spear of water cut across the ashen sky, though he didn't need to as Shirou did not aim for him.
"Water…?" Endeavor narrowed his eyes. "Even more tricks!"
No tricks, just magecraft, Shirou mentally retorted. Not that the hotheaded bastard would listen. Then again, he didn't make it sound believable to him. Maybe he'd take the time to explain if the bastard wasn't always trying to blaze his way through him!
Mac-an-Luin curved across the sky, cleaving through a few standing buildings before being directed at the blockade. High-pressured water, especially from a Noble Phantasm, cut right through and exposed the exit for the first time in what seemed like an eternity.
Now all that was left was to get to it.
Endeavor must've read his mind as he landed like a meteor right in front of it. The stream of water that Mac-an-Luin let loose would've cut right into him if Shirou didn't cut it off.
"I knew it," Endeavor snarled. "You have little to no intention of harming me. Naive!"
His body heated to an unnatural degree. The area surrounding him was reduced to slag as the entrance behind him bent in slightly unnatural ways.
"Arrogance! How on earth will you get past me if you won't harm me, child!?"
… Looks like Mac-an-Luin was off the table. It was a precise Noble Phantasm, capable of piercing even the skin of gods, but he didn't want to kill Endeavor. Despite how aggravatingly hotheaded and arrogant the man was, he wasn't evil. He wasn't a foe to slay and move on like back in the Holy Grail War.
He was only human.
"... Can I not convince you to let me leave?"
To escape the reminders of his past.
No! Shirou mentally screamed. Never escape. He didn't deserve to escape it. It defined him.
This burning land, these fallen buildings, the fire that scorched the air, and the ash that clouded the sky, it was all abhorrent reminders of his past. He had revisited that event every night he went to bed, but to have such a physical reminder here… It frayed at his mind.
Shirou knew his sins. He knew that he abandoned them. He knew that he hadn't been strong enough back then to save them. However, things were different now. He had gotten stronger. Strong enough to at least try to save those around him.
Right now, within Endeavor's recreation of Shirou's hell, only one goal passed through his mind.
To protect his classmates.
"You are not leaving, not without giving me my answers."
"I've given them to you," Shirou all but growled. "Do you seriously think I'm lying to you?"
"Magic is nothing but Quirks from before the Age of Quirks," Endeavor reasoned. Quite soundly, actually. "Even if you were using magics, it changes nothing. It has given me no answers. If you aren't lying, then it will be proof to me that you've been riddled with self-important delusions!"
Shirou frowned.
"... Why? Why do you want to know more about Archer so badly?" Shirou asked. "I can't figure it out. What did he do to deserve this?"
Endeavor considered him for a moment before loosening his grip on his flames, letting them peter out slowly, but they were still hot enough that passing through wouldn't let Shirou go unscathed… or at all.
Honestly, the idea was there, to just reinforce himself and burst right through Endeavor's flames, but that man would still be there.
Still watching him.
Still hunting him.
If he wanted to get rid of that attention, then figuring out what he wanted and appeasing him… That was the only way.
"... Fine. I will humor you," Endeavor started. "It was six months ago, on a starless night–"
Endeavor blazed across the sky, wind rushing past his face as the reality of the situation set in.
A single distress beacon had been activated from a school on their annual field trip. Moreover, it came from a beacon that he had personally handed out.
It belonged to his family members. The only one on a school trip would be Fuyumi, who was working on obtaining her teaching license.
Was it a deliberate attack on him? Endeavor thought. Were his enemies trying to strike at him in an act of petty vengeance? Ridiculous. All his enemies were locked up in bars. There was no one left to be his enemy.
Endeavor soared above a mountain, finally reaching the last known location of the school trip before the beacon shut down. However, just as he reached the location, his eyes widened at the sight.
A giant.
It was not unlike the newly debuted Mount Lady at her maximum size albeit taller, yet it was far bulkier, dare he say, far more chiseled and defined in musculature.
And it was swatting at the sky like a pest had found its way around him. Rather, it seemed to be in the midst of combat.
His mind abruptly reminded him. He took the opportunity, knowing the creature to be distracted, and managed to locate a capsized bus, with students not too far away. Though, far enough that they'd be safe if the bus exploded.
"Explain the situation," he demanded as he landed. He ignored the looks of awe that some of the students sent his way, even from the designated teacher. It was only when the assistant teacher, Fuyumi herself, walked up to him with a somewhat grateful smile.
"Father, we're fine. We just finished getting everyone out of the bus, and were planning to go back down the road–"
"The giant," Endeavor interrupted. "Who's fighting it?"
"Er…" Fuyumi had a strange look on her face. "I'm… not sure. He didn't introduce himself. We just found him on the side of the road looking for a ride."
"And you let an unknown, potentially dangerous, stranger into your ride?" He berated before looking back towards the fight. "Never mind. What of the giant?"
"He just… suddenly appeared?" Fuyumi said. "Our bus took a detour because the road was closed for roadwork, but we just ended up encountering him when he woke up. It said something about how his master would be disappointed that he was found and… well, as you can see…"
Tried to eliminate them, likely to save face or something similar. That implied something or someone was leading or controlling that gigantic abomination. However, he had no time to ruminate on that for now.
"Why is he fighting it? The stranger?"
"He just did," Fuyumi said. "But he told us to get away as far as we can while he lead it away."
"It doesn't seem to work," Endeavor remarked.
"He was much closer to us before…" Fuyumi amended. "But it's fine now! Now that you're here, you can help him!"
"Obviously," the pro hero turned to face his new quarry. "Do as you planned and evacuate down the road. I shall take over from here."
With that, Endeavor blasted into the sky. He knew that his daughter was responsible enough to take care of some children. Regardless… he narrowed his eyes at the giant, the fool that would dare to touch that which was his.
Without warning, Endeavor let loose one of the most intense bursts of Jet Burn directly at the giant's head. The impact was severe, and it hollered out in pain before backing away from what seemed like a thousand blades appearing from thin air and cutting into his skin, though only surface deep.
So its skin was hard for better durability?
What a Quirk. It was almost absurd that it could exist.
"You," the stranger remarked to him from below, standing atop a rather large tree. "A little warning would've been helpful."
"Civilians have no business dealing in heroism," Endeavor berated. "I'll let you off on account of self-defense, but not that I am here, you'd best return. This is not your duty."
"Duty?" His nose wrinkled as he looked up at Endeavor. "Forgive me if I don't subscribe to that point of view."
Endeavor narrowed his own eyes. "So you are admitting to vigilantism?"
"Perhaps if you admit to being a blowhard," the stranger snorted. "No, I doubt you could even take this one down. It's almost a living mountain."
"You doubt the second-ranked hero in Japan?" Endeavor growled.
"I doubt your firepower," he said bluntly. "As you can see… your attack didn't even leave a scratch on him."
"What?" Endeavor looked back, and sure enough, the giant was back on his feet without a single wound. Even the swords stabbed into his skin had fallen out. Not even a mark, save for the soot left behind from his Jet Burn.
"And thus, here is my suggestion," the stranger continued. "Help me stall until the others get out of range, or push the big guy until he's out of range. Going around him and trying to lead him away won't work by the way. He's after the children because they saw him."
"Honorless scum," Endeavor snorted. "Fine, but you'll have to–"
The thing's whine carved a hole into the forest as if its mere voice could topple them all.
"Oh, and I broke his giant radio leashed under his neck," the stranger remarked. "He's been like this ever since."
"Wonderful," Endeavor snarled as fire surrounded him in heightened intensity. "If he's this durable, then I won't have to hold back!"
Heat gathered upon his form, concentrated at his fingertips, and swelled on his palm, before being faced by the abomination lumbering towards them with surprising speed.
His ultimate attack.
Fire poured out of him to such a degree that the trees around him caught fire, the bark turned to ash, and the ground beneath him cracked as if under the grasp of a nasty drought.
The giant howled in pain as it tried to fight it, but it was slowly but surely being pushed back.
What a monster, Endeavor thought as his fire pulsed forward with unrelenting power. This was an attack that he took pride in, the one overpowering force that would even give All-Might, Japan's current top hero, some pause. It could topple buildings, incinerate forests, evaporate lakes, and even destroy small towns if used wantonly.
Yet this creature is only being pushed back?
… No, it was being burned. It was hard to miss the blisters on its skin, even amidst the sweltering heat.
"Well, well, well," the stranger remarked. "Looks like I underestimated you. However, it won't be enough to put that thing down for good."
Endeavor wasn't foolish enough to realize that this thing could be contained in any prison they had, including the most impenetrable one, Tartaros. Thus, following his duty as a Professional Hero… the giant had to die.
His heat increased, but so did his body temperature. He could not let Prominence Burn continue for much longer, but the giant was already at least a kilometer or two away from Fuyumi and her colleagues.
"I suppose that's good enough," the stranger remarked once more. "Keep firing. We don't want him to close the gap. It's extremely good at doing that."
"Shut yer yap and just do what you planned!" Endeavor berated. His minor lapse in concentration did nothing to halt his fire, but he was starting to feel his heart rage in his efforts. The heat was killing his body like a fever.
"Fine. Trace on."
From the corner of his eye, he saw a blackened bow and a… spiral sword?
He was using his firepower while this braggart was pulling out sticks and stones!?
Endeavor couldn't even waste the energy to complain as his Prominence Burn, in his mind, was the only shot they had at putting the giant down for good.
However, he soon took notice of the wisp of red energy swirling around them. He turned to look once more, only to see that the sword had become a sleek yet spiral arrow. It notched upon the black bow, and when he heard the stranger pull, he heard it loud and clearly.
The steel bow bent and strained in what must've been a force that only strength-focused Quirk users could handle, yet the bow still held strong and firm. What on earth was it made of?
Then, it stopped. The red energy faded before blue surrounded him in what looked like a miniature hurricane.
"My core is twisted in madness."
What on earth…?
"Caladbolg II!"
And then, a shooting star flew across the sky.
It soared above the forest, carving and twisting the trees in its wake.
The giant didn't even notice as it was too busy trying to survive the endless hell that was Endeavor's flames, yet at the last second, it was able to catch a glimpse of the blue star streaking through the skies.
"MAS… TER…?"
Its last words were utterly clouded by the visceral destruction that came next.
The mountain that it stood on was gone. Nothing but molten magma remained. Rather, the mountain that was the giant had been reduced to smoldering ashes falling apart at the seams.
The plume of destruction…
His ultimate attack had done nothing, yet that twisted arrow?
This would be enough to destroy an entire city.
He praised that giant's quirk, but this…
"Looks like that's dealt with," the stranger remarked before clenching his open fist once then twice. "Looks like that's all I can do… If I do any more then this vacation is going to end up very short."
"Vacation? No, don't move. " Endeavor muttered incredulously before facing the stranger. "Who are you?"
"Who, me?" He raised a brow. "Let's see… nothing more than an Archer, I suppose."
Endeavor nearly throttled him alive.
"Though, if you need a name," he smiled, as if unashamed at the wanton destruction before him, all of which was caused by his empty hands. "I suppose you could call me Farran?"
"–and that was when my daughter returned with aid," Endeavor explained. "That bastard of an Archer… Farran has been nothing but a pain in my ass. However, I could not understand him. That man had so much power under his fingertips and yet he squanders it in that cafe of his!"
Endeavor clenched his fist as his fire exploded once more.
"Moreover!" He continued. "Having a mysterious stranger, who amounted to a nuclear warhead, amid a populated city, was just asking for trouble. Every night I wonder whether that smarmy bastard suddenly snapped and leveled the city block! Yet he does nothing to assuage these worries! My daughter can't see what's wrong with it all!"
"What is that bastard planning?" Endeavor snarled. "What was that giant? How did he obtain such power? I must know!"
"… So that's what happened," Shirou muttered.
The worst part was?
Shirou couldn't blame him. If he had been put in Archer's exact situation, he probably would've done the same thing. However, what came after that fight? Not at all. Shirou would've done his best to cooperate with Endeavor, perhaps even proving to him he wasn't a malicious entity.
Though, considering Archer's point of view, of not wanting to do anything concerning heroism, especially because of his past… it made sense. He evaded Endeavor's questions because answering them might put him in a situation where he'd need to be a hero once more.
To Archer, that would've been nothing but torture.
Fine, he could have his little retirement, but Shirou could still blame it all on him.
His handling of the situation was honestly aggravating.
"While I don't know who or what that giant was," Shirou tested. "I can at least tell you that Archer and I, the both of us, are one hundred percent not a threat to society."
"And do you have proof behind those words? Otherwise, they will be just that– words," Endeavor all but growled. "A power capable of that much destruction should not be allowed to roam the streets unsupervised. Even the strongest quirks born this decade are all being kept under watch, both for their protection or the protection of those around them."
"Then I assume your daughter was placed there to watch over him?"
"Not intentionally. That foolish daughter of mine volunteered, knowing that she still had to study for her teaching degree," he snorted. "Some independence will do her some good, she said. Ridiculous."
"Putting aside that," Shirou said as he put down Mac-an-Luin. There was no point in using it. He could sense that by telling him that story, Endeavor's temper had simmered to more reasonable levels… but Endeavor still wouldn't believe the entire truth. He'd need to stretch it enough until it was believable. "Our Quirk… it's a Quirk that doesn't just let us create objects. It allows us to manipulate energy. Though, we aren't particularly adept at using it, so only some basic applications are allowed for us."
From here, Shirou gave the same basic speech about magecraft that he gave to Yu, albeit mangled to make him believe it was a Quirk. Though, considering the situation with Endeavor, this was a long time coming. Why was it that it was Shirou that had to clean up Archer's messes?
"The enhanced movement from earlier," he inquired. "That was this `Reinforcement` application of your Quirk?"
"Yes," Shirou said. He paused as he attempted to formulate something close to the truth with a hint of bullshit. "And in regards to Archer's attack you saw, it uses a legend as a basis to create it. We don't just create weaponry. We recreate it from a basis, whether it is in real life or not. The legend of Caladbolg was that of a sword that destroyed hills wielded by Fergus Mac Roich. The arrow recreation accomplishes the same feat by basing it on that legend, but it isn't something we can do easily. It's why Archer hasn't been doing anything similar recently… or at least I hope."
As Endeavor nodded, Shirou internally lamented.
Why is it that this was more believable than the truth to him?
"However, you've been keeping your true quirk a secret this entire time," Endeavor narrowed his eyes. "Why? For what purpose?"
Here, Shirou realized, he could be truthful.
"The League of Villains was– is still after my class," Shirou corrected himself. "I can't let them have the advantage of knowing my true abilities."
"Yet you revealed that red spear during your last match in the sports finals?" He raised a brow. "I assume that it is similar to that spear and the sword that Archer used?"
"Letting them believe they've seen the extent of my growth is a good deception tactic," he bullshitted. "It'd be weirder if I hadn't improved at all. That and they might've already clued into what that spear could do."
He had used it against the Nomu back at USJ. There was little to no doubt that Angra Mainyu would've recognized it and likely let them know what it could do, especially if Cu Chulainn's soul ended up in the Holy Grail where Avenger once lurked.
"Fine," Endeavor said. "However, you seem eager to pass this exam. Why? In your own words, it shouldn't matter whether you pass or fail."
"Because I believe that the League of Villains will be attacking us again soon," Shirou said. "I don't know exactly when, but I have my bets on the upcoming training camp."
The fact that they were going out to a remote region was just asking for trouble.
"I see," the hero nodded. It was then that Shirou noticed that he wasn't surprised in the slightest… perhaps the other heroes already had this suspicion? But why wouldn't they– "Very well. I've seen what you mean. I still have a question, however."
"How on earth do you think that you'll be able to contend against the League of Villains on your own?" He raised a brow. "Are you arrogant like that bastard? Do you think that just because you're concealing the true nature of your Quirk that you can surprise them? Do you think that you alone, without anyone else, will be able to do so?"
"... No," Shirou admitted. He wasn't an idiot. "I couldn't do it alone, so I did get some help, while at the same time, helping my classmates so they could survive the next attack."
"The training sessions. Yes, I was told about them," he said. Though, he didn't say where he heard about it. Was it Todoroki? "A worthwhile endeavor. However, they won't be enough. Who helped you before?"
"My guardian."
"Mount Lady?" He almost grimaced. "I imagine it wasn't by choice… ah, so this is how you managed to catch the Hero-Killer. I see."
Shirou simply nodded.
"Though I remain unconvinced," Endeavor said those damning words. "I do not see the point of you joining the school trip. You need not worry, as the principal and the Public Safety Commission have already established more protection. They've even enlisted my agency for involvement."
… So Nezu did plan an ambush using them as bait.
The sad part was, Shirou knew it was a smart decision and couldn't argue against it.
"Then, how will I prove to you that I should join?" Shirou stood. "I'm willing to do anything."
"My strongest attack," Endeavor said as he stood tall and proud. "Archer's firepower was as awe-striking as it was horrifying. If you cannot match that in some manner–"
"I don't think this stadium would last if I did," Shirou honestly admitted. "Nor would we, if we were within the blast radius."
"Then think smaller," Endeavor berated. "Surely you can think of something weaker to base a weapon off of? If you can create weapons based on mythology, then in theory, you should be able to create anything."
Yeah… that's true. Though, Shirou already knew that.
"... So I just need to have it meet Prominence Burn head-on and deal with it?" Shirou asked, to which Endeavor nodded.
So that'd put `Prominence Burn` at the level of a C-rank, possibly B-rank, ability when compared to the A-rank Caladbolg II. However, it could be even weaker. Not everything was comparable to the realm of legends…
"… I just need something that can handle it, right?"
"Indeed," he placed a hand on Shirou's back before walking further ahead. "This will be your only chance."
"Then I might have just the thing."
Shirou walked back to the center of the arena, ignoring the smoldering ash and molten concrete. Endeavor did the same, though they were far enough from each other that the shockwaves from each other's attack wouldn't matter.
Shirou nodded.
"I am the bone of my sword."
His circuits came alive as the heat once more intensified to an almost unbearable degree. Shirou reinforced what remained of his costume and clothes before focusing on the opponent– no, exam before him.
This is it.
This is the moment that'd dictate it all.
This is the moment that'd either let him save and protect his classmates… or fail and bar him from doing so.
To protect them–!
"Prepare yourself!" Endeavor shouted as he shot into the sky, flame almost as if wings upon his back. "Prominence–!"
–he was going to pass this exam!
A ring of petals formed a plume before him. It expanded and met its fiery foe.
The Seven Rings that Cover the Burning Heavens, otherwise known as Rho Aias. The conceptual weight of Aias, the famed shield of Aias the Great, the shield that was said to have been seven castle walls upon a single form, was unrelenting in the face of Endeavor's hellfire torrent. Not only that, it should have a conceptual advantage against flames, right…?
However, Shirou eyed the misshapen shield, he realized that he had yet to reach Archer's level. When that man could likely fulfill the entirety of its form with seven petals, Shirou could only manifest four. If there was a conceptual advantage, would it be weaker if he didn't have all seven petals manifested?
He didn't know. The world burned, and the sky ripped asunder as the wire mesh above finally melted from the abuse, allowing Endeavor's magnum opus to shoot out from above. However, even if he didn't know, he would soon find out.
It was then that Shirou noticed that a single larkspur petal shattered.
One layer had been destroyed.
He felt a vein pop in his arm.
Endeavor howled as his flames increased in output.
Shirou held steadfast, though he had to admit, he did not expect to have a layer be destroyed if at all. Endeavor's Prominence Burn was capable of destroying at least one of its petals, which was equivalent to a castle wall… he wasn't sure if Endeavor could break through more.
Just as he felt that inkling of disbelief, that yet another petal was going to shatter, the spew of hellish fire died just as abruptly.
Endeavor heaved for air from his position, slowly lowering himself onto the ground with the remainder of his flames, and looked back at Shirou in quiet acceptance.
"… I didn't expect a shield."
"Archer can do more than just destroy," Shirou said. "He can and has protected others. I can do that too but only if you let me."
Endeavor snorted.
"I don't go back on my promises, child. Go through the exit," he said as he stood tall and crossed his arms. "Those pansy teachers of yours will likely throw a hissy fit as soon as they arrive. If you don't want to deal with it, then get going."
He eyed Shirou for a moment.
"And maybe get that arm of yours looked at."
Shirou pondered it for a moment before letting Rho Aias fade away.
"I'll be taking you up on that."
With that, he walked.
He left, knowing he had succeeded, that he had passed the school's exam. He had gotten Endeavor to stop hounding him before it could get any worse. Finally, he escaped…
He trudged across the quickly cooling concrete and took a single look back.
Endeavor gave him a raised brow, but it was the hellscape surrounding the pro hero that stared right back at him.
… escaped in more ways than one.
"Weird child," Endeavor sighed. Both in exasperation and in an attempt to release some excess heat. "Magecraft, huh? Ridiculousness."
Whether that child truly believed in his delusions of sorcery… in the end, does it even truly matter?
That child had lied about many things, likely about the full extent of his abilities, but he was serious where it mattered– namely his motivations. Those old fools in the Hero Public Safety Commission… That child was no threat. If he was, then Endeavor would burn his left eye out… then again, that'd probably increase his popularity.
Why was it that his `fans` liked it when he looked worse and worse?
Enji's eyes closed as he recalled that night.
Archer's attack… true, the sight still haunts him to this day, that catastrophic power. However, it was still used in the name of heroism, to save the lives of those behind them. He had forgotten that… but it was still power.
A power that he wanted.
A power that would help him get stronger.
… And on the off chance that it wasn't a Quirk, then it was a power that he could learn to use… to become the number one.
Because if he didn't, everything he had done until now would've been for nothing.
Just because you can produce flames doesn't mean you're safe playing with fire
Archer's words from before weaseled their way into his mind.
"Ridiculous," Todoroki Enji sighed. He opened his eyes and peered at the entrance, only to watch a band of teachers make their way inside, widening their eyes and the destruction around them. Even if he was tired, he looked at them with both pride and a smarmy smile.
"Well? What is it?"
"What happened here?" Eraserhead, that one Aizawa Shota, all but demanded.
"An exam," Endeavor answered. "If you want the child, he left for the rest area a minute ago. He passed if you must know. He'll be needing Shuzenji's minor assistance."
"Recovery Girl," Aizawa looked back, but she was already making her way out of the venue. And without even healing him either. Bah. "Regardless of the outcome, this is not to happen again. You went too far. Do you understand?"
"Are you daring to threaten me?" Endeavor raised a brow.
"I'd dare to do much worse," Aizawa stated calmly. "Whatever qualms you may have with him, it shouldn't have been meted out in this place of learning."
"He was strong enough to handle it. In fact, he was stronger than you gave him credit for," Endeavor snorted. Now if only his flesh and blood showed the same urgency to get stronger… or perhaps it'd be fine if he didn't. Enji didn't want repeats. Endeavor killed that blasted thought with a stern look. "Be on your way."
"Wait," Midnight, who had arrived with him, looked behind him. "What is that?"
Endeavor looked back and saw a spear lodged into the ground, likely having been pushed and ruffled about during their last clash.
"Ah, that thing," Endeavor shrugged at the glorified water hose. He'd have to look up what a Mac-an-Luin was later. "Give it back to the child or keep it for yourselves. I doubt that one would care about it."
"You speak as if you know him."
"I know more about him than you do, at the moment," Endeavor opened one single eye challengingly. "And in regards to the training camp, I will be sending them in aid."
"Them?" Midnight asked while Aizawa went over to the spear. "Who is `them`?"
"My entire agency."
If that child still felt he wasn't strong enough, even with that power of his, then Enji knew they'd need more help than they currently had.
Next Chapter: May 2023
Pre-A/N: This is a relatively short chapter, but this is mainly because I'm getting used to writing again. That, and I felt that padding the fight out any longer would've made it seem bloated.
My semester ended so I'm waiting on the next one to start and finish up my remaining classes, hopefully. I barely even passed one of my classes. I had to plead with the department head to take a final assessment that I missed... which was held at like 3 AM my time because I'm abroad. Online classes are the devil's work.
That should be everything... oh, and re-upload Chapter 37. There were some typos there.
A̶l̶s̶o̶,̶ ̶i̶d̶k̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶R̶h̶o̶ ̶A̶i̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶d̶v̶a̶n̶t̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶e̶.̶ ̶I̶t̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶n̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶c̶e̶d̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶e̶u̶g̶h̶
Until next time, which will hopefully be next month?
A/N 2: Typo fixes. Credits to TakedoJCOB