A Tale of Two Dragons
Honor prevails.
(NdA all what you reckgnize belong to GRRMartin.)
Bloodraven sighted, as the royal guard lead by Aegon's sworn sword, ser Duncan, circled around Aenys Blackfyre.
"How did you know that?" Asked Brynden Rivers to his great-nephew, looking him with his blood-red eye.
Aegon smiled "I did not know that, but Duncan remembered a line Daemon Browndragon told him, at the turney of Whitehall "I dreamt of a red raven, luring a black dragon to die, in a red tower!"
Brynden sighted "I know that you do not agree, but killing him is the right thing to do!" He said.
"It will show the lords that there are no other alternative than you."
Aegon shook his silvered head "No, nuncle; the Iron Throne gave his word that Aenys life would have been granted! I won't start my reign as an oathbreaker!"
"Aegon, your reign could possibly not even start!" He snapped.
"Well, if Westeros wants a black dragon, than I shall serve Aenys; but that has not happened, yet!"
After that Aegon ordered Brynden secured in his rooms, while he appointed Duncan as acting hand.
He went to met Aenys, the man was only three years his elder, and bore all the traits of the valyrians; lilac eyes, long, pale blonf hairs; "you saved my life!" said the Blackfyre pretender.
"You have been invited; I will not break my world, given as regent on the Iron Throne!" Aegon said, solemnly.
"You are a man of honor!" Aenys stated "My nuncle Bittersteel would call you naive!" "So my nuncle Bloodraven does, and so he calls you, for coming here!"
"Bittersteel was happy I departed, he hopes I die!" revealed Aenys, with a sight. "Why so?" Asked puzzled Aegon. "Because I plan ro rule in a very different way should I became king!"
"Really?" He nodded "I always thought this kigodom is too big for one king to rule it alone, or with his hand!" Aegon frowned "Do you plan to break it up?" Aenys shook his head "No, unity is good for Westeros" he said.
"Indeed, and so?" asked Aegon intrigued . "Well", clarifyed Aenys " we need two kings, one sitting on the Iron Throne, making laws and decrees, and another wandering the kingdoms, resolving problems there where they present themselves!"
Aegon look at Aenys without being able to talk, for a while; the idea seemed ludicrous, but, the more he thought on it. The more merit t seemed to have.
"I have several ideas to improve the life of smallfolk, too!" Aegon said. "I will be glad to hear about them." Aenys replyed.
The two Dragons talked about smallfolk and nobility, about politics and economic about theyr families, about theyr life, fighting in the disputed lands Aenys, and wandering the kingdoms as a squre, for Aegon.
When dawn came, they were still talking, and in the space of a night, comprehension bloomed in confidence which turned out to become fast friendship.
Stunning many lords in the council, Aegon and Aenys came together at the council. Together, they dismissed the alternatives, Maegor, only son of Aerion Brightflame, who might have iherited his father's madness, and Vaella, only daughter of Daeron the Drunkard, feeble of mind.
After they were declared the only two pretenders, the two dragons launched theyr unexpected purposal:
"Two kings, one on the Iron throne, the other one on a saddle, switching roles every year" Aenys started. "Two strong dinasties, united but on separated lines, which together can heal this kingdom from the divisions which plague it." Aegon continued.
The various lords were flabbergasted, Lord Manfred Manderly, from White Harbour, representing the north pointed out "my lord, we never had two kings at the same time, what if they order different things?"
Arnys and Aegon were ready for that question, and they replyed "The role of the two kings will be clearly defined, lord Manderly; The King on the Iron Throne will make the laws, and he will regulate taxes and relationships with foreign nations." Aegon said. "The Wandering King will have absolute power of judgement and total discreption in applying the king's law"
"And what about the hand?" wondered Lord Gerold Lannister "Which king he will serve?"
"The one on the Iron Throne, thought it will be the Wandering King to name it!" Aenys replyed.
"But it will be the Iron Throne to fund the Wandering King travels and armed force!" Aegon added.
"What about the Kingsguard?" Asked lord Dagon Greyjoy. "The Lord Commander and three knights will serve the wandering King, and his family; the other three shall serve the King on the iron throne!" Replyed Aenys.
"What if one of the kings dies without any heirs?" Was the question asked by lord Walder Frey, the young lord of the Crossing, representative of the Riverlands. " Than a Great Council is summoned to fill the vacancy!" Replyed Aegon.
In the end, they were convinced and accepted the solution of the two kings; Aegon V Targaryen became the first Wandering King, while Aenys II Blackfyre became the first Blackfyre to sit on the Iron Throne.
"The double coronation will happen in three month, in time for Aenys family to arrive trom Essos!" Explained Aegon to his uncle Brynden, who seemed deep in his thoughts.
"You are giving a way the throne of your father and grandfather!" He said, in a very disappointed tone. "For one year!" Aegon replyed. "In one year he could get the might of the golden company against you!" retorted Brynden "I will have the Wanderiing Royal Army, by then; plus you will be the Hand of the King!" Brynden scoffed "I will never setve a Blackfyre!" Aegon replyed firmly "You shall serve the realm, nuncle, as your King orders you! And you shall do it after giving me your word, on pain of ruin for our whole dinasty, that you won't do anything to damage or obsracolate Aenys and his family!"
Brynden sighted, than went on his knee and swore; the next was going to be the logest year of his entire life.
One month later, Bittersteel arrived with the Golden company and demanded to see the king, he was met by both Aenys and Aegon with Bloodraven prudently hidden.
"So, it's true? You got the throne only to share it with usurper's spawn?" He said hatefully.
"I got what my father and grandfather tried to do with steel and blood, for many years!" Aenys replyed coldly.
"And you will let the kinslayer live to be your hands?" He nodded again "It is part of our deal!".
He spit to his nephew "You do not deserve to be a Blackfyre!" Aenys knocked him out with a punch harder and swifter than what the older man was waiting. "You will wait in the black cells the day of the coronation!" He said taking the Blackfyre sword from his uncle scabbard.
After Bittersteel was taken to the black cells, Bloodraven gifted Aegon with Darksister." You'pp need it" He, than, swore fealty to Anys as his Hand of the King.
Three month later at the presenceof the Hight Septon Aenys II and Aegon V were crowned Lords of the Seven Kingdoms, King of the Andals, of the First Men and of the Roynnar, and Aenys was crowned by Aegon with the crown of Jaherys I the Counciliour, while Aegon was crowned by Aenys with the Crown of Markar I;
This will be the tale of the two dragons, and of the age which started when honur prevailed, and a life was spared.
(Reviews and constructive criticism are wellcomed, remember that English is not my mother language)