I'm back :) Sorry I haven't updated since the last chapter. Life's been a bit busy this week.

I want to tank each and everyone of you who have reviewed this story so far, I know I thanked everyone when I posted the last chapter but still. I even had a chuckle when I read a couple haha

Also thank you to everyone who has followed and favourited the story and/or myself, it means a lot to have people reading my story.

Anyways, enough from me until the end, enjoy.


There was a beautiful face that couldn't leave my mind. I met her the day I was collecting my keys and was about to move into my new apartment.

That beautiful face just wouldn't leave my mind no matter how hard I tried but I never really knew why.

I had been moving my stuff all day and it was taking so long because I was stupid enough to ask my best friend Ivan to help me unload.

We were currently standing in on the bottom floor of the apartment building near the post boxes, I was listening to Ivan blubber on about the girl he took home last night while I was trying to sort out boxes to load on the trolley to pull upstairs.

I heard voices coming from outside and when I looked up I saw her. I saw Rose. She was all dressed up and honestly it was a wonder I never got an erection right then and there. I thought she was beautiful when I met her but tonight she looked so much more than beautiful I couldn't even describe it.

And that was when the guy she was with kissed her, it was obvious she wasn't into it but she wasn't pulling away either.

Ivan chose that moment to actually notice me staring at her, "Dimka why are you staring at that smoking hot girl?"

All I could do was look at him. Truth was I had no answer. He smirked. And that was when Rose walked through the door. Or should I say stumbled in the door.

She was clearly drunk, she walked towards the stairs and started making her way up them. Then all of a sudden there was a thud and an "Ow" coming from the stairs.

I glanced quickly at Ivan who didn't really care as he started grabbing boxes before I quickly went after her.

I helped her up and proceeded to pick her up and help her to her apartment. "I'm on the third floor" she smiled.

Just my luck that I was moving into an apartment on the third floor as well. I couldn't help but think about how we'd run into each other a lot of the time.

Once we reached the floor she pointed to a door before giving me her keys to unlock it.

I brought her to the kitchen and sat her on the bench while I looked for a glass so she could have some water.

I brought it to her and watched as she drank it before she handed it back, I put the glass back in the sink. And when I walked back to stand in front of her she was slowly dozing off so I carefully shook her awake so that I could help her to her bedroom before I left.

Only when she opened her eyes and before I could register what was happening she leaned forward and kissed me. It caught be by the surprise that much I actually stiffened.

Until I started to relax and respond to her. The kids intensified and I felt Rose wrap her legs around my waist.

I can't believe this happening, holy shit. I really want to fuck her right now.

Ivan. Oh shit Ivan's probably wondering where I am. But. No fuck him, he can wait.

My thoughts just wouldn't shut up and let me enjoy this moment.

Before I knew it we had made it to her room, well I'd assumed it was her room. Too bad if it wasn't.

I laid her carefully on the bed and climbed on top of her. I felt her start unbuttoning my shirt realty set in. I groaned before untangling myself from her.

"I'm sorry Rose I can't do this, especially while you're drunk I'm not taking advantage of you. And I can't do this when you were out on a date with another man."

When I looked at her it looked as if she was about to cry. But I like to think of myself as a good man, trying to always do the right thing which is what I was trying to do right now.

"Please Dimitri, after everything I've been through the last few months I need this." She all but begged me, in this moment I wanted nothing more than to comply but I just couldn't.

"Get some sleep Rose." And with that I walked out of her apartment.

I found Ivan in my new apartment after he'd brought the rest of the boxes from downstairs up. All he did was smirk at me as I walked in the front door.

"I swear to god Ivan if you start you can find somewhere else to crash tonight."

"Bro I wasn't going to start anything except ask what took you so long?" I didn't want to tell him but just the look on his face I knew he knew something was up.

So I relaid everything back to him. "Dude you just walked out after that little speech? Seriously?"

"Ivan you know what type of guy I am, I can't do that. Not when she was on a date and kissed another guy before she got home and when she's drunk and I'm sober. I can't take advantage of a girl like that."

Ivan just nodded before grabbing a pillow and blanket and settling on the couch.

I was still so turned on I had to have a cold shower and try to calm down from that situation so I could get some sleep.

However my mind had other things planned and I spent hours just replaying what happened. By 3am I'm sure I was finally asleep.

Well what do you guys think of Dimitri's point of view?

If you don't like it or anything feel free to tell me I won't take it to heart. Much. Haha Narh I'd love to hear if you guys have any problems or tips or anything that may help improve the story if it's not that great. :)

Okay so my goal is to post a chapter at least once a week, I was thinking maybe a Monday night or Tuesday, now I'm in Australia so obviously there will be time differences but I definitely want to start updating once a week but it may not be on an exact day as I work and my most of my hours vary week to week so sometimes I'll work mornings, or during the day, or nights so it just depends on what's going on in my life at the time.

While I'm posting this one tonight (Sunday) I'll be starting to write more chapters and will probably end up posting another one later this week. If I start writing more chapters in advance it means all I'll have to do is upload the file to me account and then post it. :)

See you soon :)