
A beautiful, yet forgotten world, vastly different from ours. Tall tanks filled with septic fluids fueled each city, eye-like creatures were the common household pet. Greens and blues adorned the skies and lands.

The inhabitants were blessed with long life and powers beyond our imagination. Its peoples were well versed in high intelligence technology and warfare, though they were seen as a peaceful race and revered among their close neighbors.

There was a great war between the Bossatronians and their far-off neighbors, the Billycons. The Bossatronians had won, defeating the Billycons and locking them away, somewhere safe and isolated. Where they could live in peace. Or so they thought.

A millennium later, the Billycons rose again, this time with a full Bossatronian genocide in mind. Their attack, though expected to come one day, was unexpected. They came unseen and unheard, in total secrecy. The plans weren't discovered till it was too late.

Fires raged, escape pods were shot down, septic tanks exploded and let out toxic fumes. Total extermination was within their grasp. In their inevitable victory, one lone escape pod made it through the chaos.

It's destination? Planet 3, System 239, Galaxy 420. Commonly known by its residents as Earth.

It's passenger? A young child by the name of Sean.