Also, replies to my guest reviews:
Frost: Aw thanks! Also...I hope you don't mind what I do to your characters. ^^'
POST ALREADY: xD Thanks for the motivation!
Enjoy, and...well, if you're sensitive, maybe grab some tissues.
Casper was 18 moons old. In his eyes, that counted as mature. He was a tough, hardy, young tomcat, and he figured he could handle whatever life threw at him. That was all before the Ultimate Attack, though. Now, with his comrades falling all around him, he wasn't so sure.
He knew that some cats had already died- Daisy, and two brothers named Forrest and Arin. He also knew that more would die, and possibly already had.
As the white tom battled a giant mutt with Owl, Ashtail, and Skyfur, he thought. Maybe he should call a retreat- it seemed like the smart thing to do. Stop the bloodshed and try again later. But, he knew that this was their best chance of winning because the dogs had been caught off guard.
"Keep fighting! Never give up!"
Casper narrowly dodged a crushing blow from the massive dog before retaliating with his own attack. The rebels were losing, badly. They needed help- or a miracle- and they needed it soon.
Neo, Emerald, and Mercury had stuck together so far, and also kept close to Torch and Cinder, because, in all honesty, they were scared. Well, Neo was straight-up terrified, but she couldn't say that, so she actually gave the impression that she was fearless. Not that she minded.
Venus had never fought on this scale before. A couple of dogs, sure, with a few of her friends, but two armies against each other? Not in her wildest dreams did she imagine this. And Casper's Rebellion wasn't just fighting dogs, either- Shard had a few cats loyal to him as well. The orange she-cat couldn't help but wonder if her brother, Neptune, was there. Venus hoped not. She wanted him to be safe.
Spark had never run so hard in her life. Shanal's group of cats were already up and waiting for her when the silver tabby arrived back at their den, but it had taken some time to collect more cats- they'd gotten quite a few, though- and subdue the guards. Now they just had to make it back to Shard's base.
"Almost there," Spark yelled to them, even though she wasn't quite sure how close they were.
Perky and Sam made an odd duo. A rather small cat and a rather large dog, not fighting against each other, but with each other. It not only confused Shard's army but Casper's as well. They had been staying with them for a while, but in the confusion of battle, the Border Collie had gotten a bit of friendly fire.
Sam hadn't actually ever expected to be in this fight- it just happened. He didn't have a side in this war, he just wanted to protect his friends. So that was what he did. He never attacked a dog that hadn't attacked Perky first. Probably not the best strategy, but it worked, at least for a little.
Casper wasn't an idiot. He knew that winning this war by killing all the dogs was impossible. What he needed to do was get them to call a retreat, but how? Then it dawned on him: Shard. He had to kill Shard.
Okay, maybe he was an idiot.
"Spark, I see them!"
One of the outcast cats called to the silver tabby in the lead.
"Me too," She cried back. "When we get there, attack every dog you see, without mercy!"
Spark meant that, too, because she didn't know that Perky and Sam were there. If only she did.
Venus clawed her way through the mass of fighting animals, mostly avoiding injury. She wanted to find Daisy, the calico who she'd grown to like in her time with the Rebellion. Or maybe Sparrow and Bianca, who she was also pretty good friends with. Just someone she knew. It would certainly make fighting massive, hulking beasts a little easier and less terrifying.
But then she saw someone. Someone who made her heart stop, and made her wish she'd been more specific with her words. Because she saw her brother.
Neptune was fighting viciously, savagely. His blue eyes were wild and held no remorse for attacking his own kind. It scared Venus. A lot.
But Neptune was her brother. Her brother. He was kidnapped by Shard's army moons ago, but that didn't make him there's. Venus refused to believe that her brother truly was evil he was just misled. And she could help him.
That was what drove Venus forward, slowly at first, then faster, until she was sprinting toward her estranged brother.
Just as he lunged at the throat of a cat he had pinned down, the she-cat barreled into her brother, giving his victim a chance to get back up.
"Neptune!" Venus shouted, fighting to keep the blue-grey tom down. "Neptune, it's me, Venus! Your sister!"
"I have no sister!" The feline snarled, shoving Venus off of him and leaping to his feet, before launching himself at her.
The orange tabby dodged, barely missing his claws, before rolling back to her paws.
"Yes, you do!" She urged, leaping out of the way of another attack. "Please, Neptune, this isn't you!"
"Clearly, I'm not who you think I am," He growled. His voice sounded so young, but so angry and hateful. It hurt Venus.
"Please, try to remember," Venus begged, avoiding more attacks, but never trying her own. She didn't want to hurt him- she just wished he would listen.
Neptune didn't respond, just flung himself at the tabby, again and again. He had clearly gone through some serious training, because he wasn't getting tired, but his sister was.
"Remember Mom?" Venus nearly shrieked, trying to avoid another slash from her brother's claws, but failing. She yelped in pain as his claws cut across her chest, sending her back. "Please, Neptune, stop! You're on the wrong side!"
"I'm on the winning side," He spat, glaring venomously. "I don't know who you are, you piece of ****, but you're not my sister. She's dead. And you're about to be."(1)
Just as he stepped forward to deliver the finishing blow, the cat he'd previously been attacking leap at him, much like Venus had, and knocked him off his paws. Then, before the she-cat could breathe a word of protest, tore his throat open.
Venus screamed, and knocked the other cat aside, kneeling down next to her brother.
"Neptune," She cried. "Oh, gosh, Neptune, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault..."
The tom coughed, blood coming from his mouth. He was incapable of speech, but by the amount of blood that gurgled from his maw, it was clear that he was trying.
"Shhh," Venus murmured, trying not to sob."Don't speak, Neptune. Just...just know that I love you, and I've always loved you."
The blue-grey tomcat coughed again, more violently this time, more blood pouring from his mouth. Then, with one more shuddering wheeze, his ice-blue eyes closed, and he was still.
His sister shut her eyes tightly, tears sliding down her face and she clenched her teeth. Neptune was dead. She only just found him, and before he even knew who she was, he was dead. It wasn't fair.
"But life's just not fair," Venus muttered to herself, climbing to her paws and opening her eyes, which now shone with a burning ferocity. Something inside of her had snapped. "Stupid dogs took my brother from me, and they're gonna pay."
Neo didn't need to speak. She didn't want to speak. She cared a rather lot about her demeanor, and her silence was a big part of it. She was strong, mysterious, and silent.
"Neo, watch out!"
The multi-colored she-cat heard her mentor's cry of warning- full of fear, which was unusual for Torch- and turned around just in time to see what she immediatly knew would be her end. A large dog, with thick, shaggy white fur and beady black eyes. Before she could even think about moving, it grabbed her by her neck in its vice-like grip, and shook her horribly.
The lower half of her body flung wildly, the force of it electing a loud, sickining snap from her spine. Neo couldn't make a sound, but if she could, she'd be screaming.
"Neo!" Multible voices cried, but she couldn't respond. That was okay, though. At least they didn't know how much pain she was in.
The dog opened its jaws, sending the young she-cat flying into the nearby wall, a few of her ribs snapping. She fell to the concreate below, her eyes shut tight in pain.
She heard Torch, Emerald, Cinder, and Mercury fighting the dog that had attacked her, but she also heard something else. Another dog.
She listened as it quickly scampered by, probably not even looking at her, until one of her paws involuntary twitched. The dog stopped.
Oh, Neo thought. Well, that's it for me.
She cracked open her eyes, deciding she wanted to see what would kill her. Her eyes were one of many strange things about her. One was a coppery color, while the other was pink. It was a mutation, she'd been told, just like her tricolor coat, which held smudges of rose in it. Just like her inability to speak.
The dog realyy wasn't that big or intimidating, just a black and grey Terrior. But it would still kill her, because she couldn't get up. How embarrising. How dishonerable. Surely Torch would be ashamed of her. 'How could I have trained such a disgrace?' He'd asked himself, shaking his head. 'She didn't even put up a fight.' That thought hurt her more than her broken bones ever could.
But then, just as the dog reached her, so did someone else. A light brown she-cat, with tabby markings and a small frame. With eyes shining fiercely.
Owl leaped at the Terrior, who yelped and tried to shake her off, but her claws had anchored themselves firmly into the canine's face.
"N-Neo!" The she-cat cried, raking one paw over the dog's eye. "Run!"
But Neo couldn't run. She couldn't stand. Heck, she couldn't even talk. What could she do anymore?
The injured feline just watched in horror as Owl was tossed from the dog's face, the canine ripping its fangs into the feline's flesh.
No! No, no, please, Owl, run! I'm useless anyway...
But Owl didn't run. She just rolled away from the Terrior and leaped at it again. And again. And again, until it flung her against the same wall Neo was against, and ran off.
Neo and Owl were facing each other, but the former didn't think the latter was conscious until she cracked open her eyes. Her mismatched eyes.
The younger, barely out of kithood, felt tears rise to her own different colored eyes. She didn't know Owl also had heterochromia. She'd always felt so awkward about her eyes, so self-conscious. But...maybe Neo wasn't as different as she'd always thought, and been told.
"Hey," Owl whispered, her voice laced with pain. "I guess we're...on the same island, right?"
Neo nodded. It hurt, but she just had to communicate with Owl, before one of them died.
"I'm...glad I...saved you," The brown she-cat said, her voice soft. "I...this is...a good die..."
The tricolored feline shook her head slightly.
No, she thought. You shouldn't have done that. I'm dead anyway.
Owl stared deeply into Neo's eyes.
"What pretty eyes you have," She said, her voice barely audible.
The tears were now flowing from said eyes. This shouldn't be happening, she's so young, not even 19 moons old. Why'd she do that for me?!
Neo didn't need to speak. She didn't want to speak. Not until that moment, when she knew Owl was about to die.
I want to tell her this! she thought fiercly. Just thing one thing! Please, please, just this one thing...
But she couldn't speak. She'd never be able to speak.
And Owl would never know what Neo wanted her to.
Ashtail was younger than Skyfur. It was a little know fact, because they and Murkypelt were all of the same litter. But their mother had told them their birth order: Skyfur, Ashtail, and, lastly, Murkypelt. They were all young, about 17 moons old, but out of them all, Skyfur was the oldest. And, probably, the least fortunate.
He'd caught greencough a little while ago, and it was the 3rd time in his life. He had been attacked by a fox when he was about 10 moons old, and gotten lost more times than he could count. But, maybe, Ashtail thought, he was actually just extreamly lucky to have survived all that.
And, of course, during the Ultimate Attack, Skyfur got into trouble yet again. And so did Ashtail, because they were brothers and they did everything together. Everything. Even dying.
It was all that stupid cat's fault. It was from Shard's Army, but the two brothers didn't know that, and so they didn't think anything of it when it approached them. That is, until it leaped at Skyfur and bit his throat.
The blue-ish tom was able to fend of the cat without any serious injuries or help from his brother, but while they were occupied with that, a massive, absolutely huge mutt had bounded over to them, and felled Skyfur, who was distracted, in one blow. Just like that.
Ashtail was next, but he managed to dodge the first blow directed at him. Then he relized that Skyfur was on the ground, his head cracked open and bleeding. In those few seconds, he saw a paw coming at him, but he didn't even think to move. Why would he? His brother was dead, or dying. And he couldn't live without him.
And that was how the two dorky, cheerful brothers came to be lying next to each other in their own blood, dying.
"You know..." Skyfur whispered, his voice tight with pain. "Maybe this makes me bad, but...I'm glad we're dying together..."
"Me too," Ashtail said. "I...couldn't live a day without you..."
"Murkypelt's gonna be...sad and...lonely..."
"And ma..."
The two felt themselves slowly slipping away, but neither were too worried. Their souls would be together, and that was all that mattered to them.
"...A-Ashtail..." Skyfur weakly muttered. "I-I love you, my brother."
Ashtail smiled, as did Skyfur. "Me too, my friend..."
Spark arrived with her forces just as the sun reached its peak in the sky. Had this battle really been going on that long?
She told Shanal, Tosar, Marley, and Vari that they were in charge, and to call a retreat if nessesary.
"Ha!" Shanal barked. "Not likely. It's time these dogs pay for what they've done..."
Not wasting anymore time, Spark took off in search of Casper.
Perky was beyond surprised when he saw outcast cats charging into the battle. Had Spark brought them here? Not likely, although he honestly didn't know how wlse they could've known about this battle. He was glad, though, because there were a lot of cats, maybe even enough to turn the tide of the fight.
He wasn't so glad, though, when a group of them swarmed Sam.
"Hey!" Perky yelled, trying to tear them off his barking friend. "Get off of him, he's with the Rebellion!"
The not-so-perky tomcat threw multiple cats off his friend before they seemed to get the message. Well, most of them.
"E's a dog!" One small, wirey she-cat screamed. "'Course 'e is! An' maybe you, too!"
"No, I'm not," Sam said calmly. He'd been oddly calm the whole time, just standing there as the cats attacked him. "I swear I-"
The Border Collie was cut off as the small feline and another cat jumped on him, clawing at his eyes and nose. Sam yelped in pain, and shook his head in a vain attempt to get them off, but he did not attack them.
"Sam!" Perky cried. "What're you doing?!"
Just then, before Perky could help his canine friend, another outcats cat came running in and jumped up, catching Sam's throat with its jaws. The dog howled in pain but still did nothing, even as the force of it knocked him over.
The three cats tore at his neck, trying to kill him, as Perky threw them off his friend.
"Get!" He screamed. "Go, scram, you *******!"
Then he turned around to his injured comrade, and nearly puked. His throat had literally been torn out, and his lifeless eyes were still open.
"Oh no," Perky whispered, his eyes wide in horror. "Oh, no, no, no, no..."
Spark had followed Casper's scent- and that wasn't easy with a battle going on, mind you- to a small room in the back of the base. What was Casper doing here? He couldn't be hiding, he wasn't a coward.
But then her eyes adjusted to the dark, and she saw why he was back there. She saw perfectly.
He had come to kill Shard, but it seemed it would be the other way around, and the Doberman had Casper pinned.
"Hey!" Spark yelled, her green eyes narrowing and her stance widening. "If you wanna kill him, you've gotta kill me, first."
Shard looked up, his amber, nearly red, eyes locked on the silver tabby. He grinned slightly.
"Oh," He said. "Not just one little kittycat, but two."
His voice. Spark had never heard it before, but it was exactly what she imagined it would sound like: evil, deep, and threatening. (2)
"Spark!" Casper gasped, his eyes wide. "Wh-what're you doing?"
"Saving your tail," She remarked, before once again looking at Shard. "It's weird to see you in person. You've caused me so much suffering, but I never once saw you."
"Suffering?" Shard let out a bark of laughter. "Kitty, I've brought these lands to glory. I've assembled a powerful, self-sustaining army, and they've conquered lands with armies of their own. Don't you see? This is how it's meant to be. The-"
Spark leaped at the Doberman, her sharp claws thirsting for blood. They swiped across his face, and an ear-splitting yowl of pain told her that they'd met their target as she landed back on the ground.
"Stupid, insolent, cat!" He yelled, turning and leaving Casper. "You'll pay for that!"
His right eye was gone. Spark's attack had done its job, and anyone could see how happy she was to see his blood dripping onto the floor.
"I don't care," She said, defiance strong in her voice. "I've done my job. You're not invincible, Shard, and you can be killed. I've proven that."
"No, Spark, m-"
"Shut up, Casper," Spark snapped, but not in a mean way. More in the I-have-something-more-important-to-say way. "You'd better lead your Rebellion well, Casper. I've done my job. You do yours."
"Enough!" Shard barked, and lunged at Spark. The silver cat leaped out of the way, Casper joining her.
"Oh, touching," Shard sneered. "Two little lovebirds, fight-"
Casper attacked him before he could finish, Spark doing the same.
Relentlessly, the two felines attacked Shard, who was fighting just as hard.
"Give up!" Casper hissed. "You can't win!"
"Never!" Shard snarled, but then Spark latched onto his shoulder, her fangs and teeth tearing through his pelt into his flesh.
With a yelp, the large Doberman attaempted to claw her off, but this gave Casper an opening to leap onto his face.
The duo of rebels fought hard, trying to get to his throat and crush it, but Shard was just too strong.
"Enough of this!" He yelled. His voice was so loud is seemed to shake the ground. "It's time to finish this stupid rebellion!"
With that, he lunged at Casper, the intent to kill him clear. But before he did, Spark slid in front of her 'comrade'. Shard's fangs sunk into her, but she did not cry out or attempt to escape.
"Go," She said. "Tell his army that they've been defeated, and must leave. Tell your army that it's won."
"No, it has-" Shard's protest was cut off by Spark's claws.
"Go!" She screamed.
"No," Casper said, shaking his head. "I can't levae you to-"
The white tom watched as Spark and Shard stared each other down, a look of defeat in both of their eyes.
"Just go," Spark whispered.
And he did. For the rest of his life, Casper would regret it, but he left and ran back to the battle field, a strange rectangle shutting off the room Shard and Spark were in.
"Listen well, all you stupid dogs!" He screamed, his voice so loud that it could be heard all throughout the base. "Your master is dead! Go, while you still can!"
Not a single dog made a move to leave, and many were still fighting.
"You'd better leave while you have the chance!" Some cat cried. "More of us are on the way!"
More and more cats chimed in, lying and fighting even harder, until the first dog ran out. Then the second. And so it went, until all of them had been driven out or killed.
"We did it," Casper breathed. "I don't belive it."
They'd won the battle. They'd won the war.
I...I'm really sorry about this whole chapter, guys...(And the ending is so bad ehhhh)
(1)- When Neptune says he dosen't have a sister, he does not mean it literally. He means he thinks she's dead. Just had to clarify.
(2)- I was so close to giving Shard a high-pitched, squeaky voice. So. Hecking. Close.
Weeeell I'm gonna go sleep. And be sad. This chapter made me sad to write. I'm sorry.
Next and final chapter should be out in a few days!
Please review, and have a great day/night!
Once again, I'm sorry,