Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow or Flash or the Arrowverse. It belongs to Warner Bros and a bunch of other companies.
Oliver started : "uh... This doesn't seem right. Uh, I knew Laurel Lance for... Almost her entire life. She was my friend, and I loved her. Before she died, I was-I was lucky enough to hear her tell me that she loved me, too.
Laurel Lance became a lawyer to help people who may have appeared helpless. She wanted to give a voice to the silent, but just being a lawyer wasn't enough. She wanted to do more for those people and for this city because she loved this city so much.
By now, everyone knows that Laurel was killed in the Iron Heights prison riot, and while it's true that she was an assistant district attorney, that's not what she was doing there that night. Before she died, Laurel told me the truth. Laurel Lance was the Black Canary-" Oliver intended to continue his eulogy but he was cut off from a gust of wind. suddenly Laurel's grave was circled by a storm of orange lightning.
After a few minutes of running around the grave, the lightning came to an abrupt stop. Behind the grave could be seen a statue. A statue that represented Laurel in her Black Canary outfit without her mask off and with a baton in a hand. In the other hand, people could see a small bird that seemed to be chipping. A small canary
Next to the statue, the people who attended the burial were shocked to their core to see a man dressed in red with lightning in the center of his chest. The Flash came to the Black Canary's funeral. In his right hand could be seen flowers.
Flash walked to the headstone and gently dropped the flowers there. He then turned to the shocked people, and started to speak.
"Hello-" his voice was quivering from the emotion "I'm the Flash. I'm here today to pay my respects to my late friend Laurel Lance AKA Black Canary. She was one of the best fighter I've ever seen. I want all of Central City and Star City included to pay their respects to the Black Canary. I know that some people still regard her as a threat and I want to tell the world that if she isn't deemed worthy to be called a hero by the city she had given her life to protect, then neither am I" the Flash the, turned around and left, leaving a flickering trail of lightning behind him.
Meanwhile, Oliver Queen was shocked to his core. He knew that everyone in Central City hailed the Flash as a hero and he also knew that he had a lot of influence. Nobody could ever bad-mouth the Black Canary ever again, unless said person wanted to be prosecuted by both cities. Oliver promised himself that he would thank his friend later in the day.
Unseen by most people, tears escaped Quentin Lance's eyes. He would find a way to make it up to that Allen kid