[Fanfiction] Volume 14: The City-State

Many thanks to nobetteridea, for proofreading and helping me improve this chapter.

Chapter 1 — Falling legends

Part 2

"... *ughhh*"

The veteran painfully opened his eyes to the dark sky. His mind had snapped from the earlier pressure, and his body had fallen unconscious — so he had no idea what was happening.

"Wh— Am I dead ?!"

His companion was close by, answering the question with a weak voice.

"*cough cough* A—As bizarre as it sounds, we're both alive."

Having just awakened, the man was too surprised to even move — who knows how the two watchers managed to miraculously escape death. They just lied on the grass, there, with a direct sight on the wall and its humongous breach. Upon understanding, the eyes of the dumbfounded soldier darted between the wall and his friend.

"We should be dead ! This thing destroyed the tower we were standing on ! Unless the gods decided to spare our lives, I don't see how we could have survived !"

"...W—We weren't lucky. The women from earlier, she saved us."

The answer only caused more confusion. So many questions floated around his mind. How was it possible ? Who was she ? Why would such a monster destroy the wall ? And over all of them — what happened ?

"Aww... That rock is amazing ! How come he moves so fast ?" - a sudden voice went interrupting his thoughts.


The watcher was just too dazed to say anything. The mysterious woman had just broken into the midst of the two soldiers with absolutely no fear in her eyes. She was watching the breach, excited about their current situation — and dismissing the fact that an army of undead was running into their territory. His shocked expression talked in his place as he looked directly into her gleaming eyes.

"Mhh ?... Oh, forgive me. I dragged you two without warning ! You're not hurt I hope ?"

The terrorized soldier was the first to reply with a weak voice — comforted by the presence of his savior.

"I can't stop shaking, but I'm fine..."

It brought back the other to his mind who let out his frustration explode.

"That's not the matter ! We're a mile away from a wall which is ninety feet tall. How the hell did you do this ?!"

"Well, I am not a fan of magic, but I can transform into a Thunderbird, which can fly."

The realization struck down the watcher, and his expression changed to astonishment. The sudden silence caused by the dead stop was such that the small group could hear the sounds of clinking weapons coming from the army of undead.

"Are you the legendary hero of the new City-State ? T—The Miracle Knight ?! But I thought he was a man."

The last remark was a direct blow to the heart of the young lady, but she stayed calm — talking with a passive-aggressive voice instead.

"Humph... I'm not supposed to be here, so please, keep it a secret. Will you ?"

The surprise of the guard quickly changed to joy as the woman confirmed his suspicion.

An angel had come to them in the darkest hours.

The Bringer of Storm, or the Miracle Knight by its more common name, was a national figure of the newly assimilated state. She may have caused many debates in the previous years, but she still became a vivid cause of interest in the country — in fact, she was the sole reason for integrating another City-State to the Alliance. Their miraculous escape was no coincidence. If it were for her, it would explain everything — this woman was the real deal.

"We're saved ! Fuck these undeads ! These monsters hold no chance against us if you wield your mythical weapons !—"

Looking at him with perplexed eyes and an embarrassed expression, the heroin interrupted the soldier before he could go on with his rant.

"I don't care about this... I've just come to beat the shit out of Mirkah. Just so you know, he didn't even warn me that he was planning to go to the Sorcerer Kingdom !"

"The general wanted to go to the — ?!"

The guard stopped midway as he thought of a terrible possibility.

Even though her lack of intention to fight was troubling, fearsome words resonated in his mind — 『Sorcerer Kingdom』.

The rumors had spread about this realm governed by a merciless undead. Some said that another demon god had descended from hell to unleash his legions while others claimed that it was just another occult group that wrecked havoc. However, among all the tales was one story that everybody feared.

— The massacre of Katze Plains.

All had the same conclusion about this event — that someone among the Sorcerer Kingdom could kill an entire army with a single spell. Knowing this, who would be dumb enough to oppose this overpowered being in an open battle ? Even if the general ordered the army to fight, the soldiers would just break the formation as soon they would see the face of their enemy — let alone the first skirmish.

"Y—You're joking right ?! Please tell me they're not from the Sorcerer Kingdom !"

"As if I knew ! Ask them yourself if you want. They're right there, running toward us !"

But the veteran knew it was true. There wasn't a lot of undead groups that could bring such destructive power on their own — it had to be the doing of the Sorcerer King.

"We're dead… Our children will be left at the hand of these beings who hates the livings. This is the doom of the City-States."

Watching the two guards fall to their knee with their crestfallen expressions, the Miracle Knight couldn't help but scold them with an angry voice.

"What are you kibitzing about ?! You can still fight — no ? If you don't want this to happen, you can still stand up and oppose your enemy. This is what life is about. You can only lose if you don't play the game."

She was right, it was dumb to give in and do nothing but bemoan their fates. Yet, they were just men — not monsters of power like the woman who stood at their side. They would need more than just the words of a legend to get in the fight.

"Hoya hoya ! What are those grim faces ?! I don't remember taking depressed morons among my men ?"

The sudden remark came from a round guy who was seated on a horse — watching his men with his helmet open. He displayed a big smile, fully geared in what seemed to be a luxurious magic armor with the emblem of his City adored to the right. A man of high rank without a single doubt.

"G—General Mirkah ?!"

But even his grade would not stop the mockery of the woman which stood among the four of them.

"Pffrr— What are you doing with my armor ? You're looking absolutely ridiculous !"

The regard of the general shifted on the third presence, causing him to barely choke upon seeing her.

"*cough cough*— Halona ?! You shouldn't be here !"

The sentence stopped him dead as he opened his mouth in astonishment. Not believing what he was seeing, he rubbed his nose for a few seconds in utter consternation — recovering from the shock and thinking of what he should do.

"Err… You two, ring the alarm, get the army ready to face that army of undead. We're not letting the City-States down."

The guards watched their general with dumb eyes, angering the latter.

"*grumph* Come on ! Do it faster than that !"

"A—Ayy General !"

The guards nodded in a hurry before leaving with a confused look.

Having them departed, the high-ranked man dismounted before getting to the woman — who displayed a radiant poker face.

"Ugh— As for you… Have you, at least, read the message I sent ?!"

She tilted her head to one side and brought a finger to her mouth in a sign of her obliviousness.

"*sigh*…You are their target, Halona. Leave the battlefield before anyone know you are here. I'm going to—"

"No ! I'm not leaving, I'm furious. I just realized that the old man lied to me — saying that you were joining the Sorcerer Kingdom."

The general made a disconcerted face — he wasn't aware of that lie that had been circulating on him.

"Well, for sure am not. But who—"

"And these guys barely knocked me off the wall. I'm quite pissed right now. I need to beat the shit out of something."

She wasn't joking about it. When Halona would talk about doing something, she would do it — and nothing would stop her. Knowing about this, the general instantly forgot about reasoning her and instead went for another plan.

"*sigh* As stubborn as ever… You won't listen whatever I'm saying, right ? Then, promise me you won't reveal who you are to anyone — I didn't put this armor for you to spoil everything."

Halona watched the armor with a smug face, ready to burst out in laughter.

"Promise me !"

"Okay, Okay ! You're not funny… I swear I won't tell anyone."

Her cheek puffed to show her sulkiness while the panicking general turned to see the army of undead advancing — glaringly ignoring her poot as he lost himself in his thoughts.

**This is stupid... Why is Halona here ? And why is the Sorcerer Kingdom attacking us ? Are they just here to take human lives ? If so, their formation is way too advanced for a group of skeletons. I should think of a countermeasure.**

Halona stopped sulking letting out an 'oh!' as she observed the surroundings in impatience. She had seen something and couldn't help but make a remark about it.

"Hey ! There are some soldiers running over there... Are these yours ?"

However, the general was rooted in his thoughts and did not hear Halona talking nor did he realized that his men were running toward the undead army without him.

**I just can't understand the goal behind all of this. I thought it was a peaceful negotiation ? What good would it be to destroy the wall and attack us ?**

"Mhh ? They engaged the fight without us— you're fine with that ?"

"Huh ?! …"

The general averted his eyes on the fields where his men had already engaged the melee with the army of undead.

"...What the hell are they doing ?!"

He squinted to get an understanding of the situation and — embarrassment and disarray in his eyes — he finally distinguished his lieutenant at the head of his army.

"This dumbass ! He panicked and launched a direct attack ! ... Sorry, Halona, I need to go, you know what you—"

"Yeah, yeah… Just go ahead."

Smiling to his friend, Mirkah gripped the saddle of his horse with two hands and raced toward the confrontation.

He knew how it would all end.

Seasoned warriors or not, if his men fought like this, they would unquestionably run to their total annihilation. Just what in the hell went through their heads ? It was dumb to think they could fight a disfavored battle without thinking of a prior strategy — the undead still outnumbered them 5 to 1 after all.

They better had to have a good excuse to give him...

In any case, he had to take control without losing time and reorganize his troops at once if he wanted to avoid the worst. Because, for the time during, the battle was a one-sided rout. Perhaps the graded officers had underestimated the child who commanded the undead ? After all, it was just a kid—

Or maybe was it the doing of the insect-like creature in her company ?

No, thinking about it, he was a mere observer in this battle, and she was the one in command. A single glance could tell. Her gestures, her alertness about the battlefield or that giant stone golem who stayed at her sides — it was as clear as water.

**My men must have been lured by her doing. But what did she do ?**

Analysis of the enemy's commander was part of the battle. However, the dark elf was letting nothing transpire — all that Mirkah could see was his enemy stretching her arms, nothing valuable enough to make a decent strategy.

**Just what is she thinking ? She must be planning something… Think. There has to be a way to turn the tables. They can't be attacking us without a reason.**