Little Lamb.

By Elizabeth Stryder.

He could feel her tense beneath his touch, for not a moment later could he smell the potent aroma of fear permeate the air. "Don't be afraid, little girl. We all float down here," his teeth grazed the shell of her ear, "—and soon you'll float too."

Disclaimer: I in no means own anything associated with the book, nor film adaptations of IT. I merely own my Original Character and imagination.

Considering that my first try at writing an IT fanfiction had been a loop at best, I am gonna give this idea my all. I'm feeling quite confident with this one, so let's see whether you lot agree with me.


X. "You can't kill what won't die." X.




He could feel it settle deep within bones—a primal hunger that rattled the cage withholding it. Such childish innocence, such fear—a sweet symphony to his ears. It tickled his senses, to think that he found himself enamored with such a silly, trivial thing.




He had been watching her for quite some time, such a impudent little thing she was—and yet she had garnered his attention. The potent aroma of fear slumbering within her had called to him, like a beacon of light, how could he resist when temptation was this close?




Even from a distance, he could sense her heartbeat in all aspects of the word—a nuisance if he ever truly admitted it. The need to rip flesh from bone had never been this strong, and yet the mere thought of sinking his teeth in her flesh had him shuddering in anticipation.

But the question remained; what made this impudent little thing so different from all the rest? Such a nuisance, these conflicting inhumane emotions—such a bother. "Freak." His keen ears picked up on the minor insult flung towards the source of his ardent rapture and a deep rumble growled within him.

It made him curious, an emotion that he had not felt in centuries, the more he gazed at the solemn expression plastered on her face as she braved against the pack of wolves pacing before her.

Like a little lamb.

There was a brief pause at the thought and not soon after did a maniacal grin flash across his face. My little lamb.

Such possessiveness. Could it be—? His attention was brought back towards the present, his gaze never faltering from the scene before him. It confused him at how this little girl affected him so, for though he had never truly cared about nothing other than satiating his hunger, the thought of harm falling upon his little lamb made the beast within him.

I'll make em' all float. I'll kill em' all—just to see the smile on her face. It had successfully captured her attention, for the absolute delight flashing across her face was enough to make him giggle in delight. I'll make you float too, my little lamb.


Showering her in glamorous sparkling glitter, the red balloon diminished into nothingness the moment her pudgy little finger prodded the floating object before her—for though she had been startled at such a sound, the gleeful laughter peeling from her lips was enough to make him grin.

For the insatiable itch gnawing at his restraint reminded him that soon, he'll have his little lamb. That now was not the time. He had more pressing matters to tend to—for gazing at her, the thought of waiting to rip flesh from bone had him salivating in anticipation.

For sooner couldn't come any quicker—and she could run for as long as she wanted. She could hide wherever she wanted, but only time would prove that a lost little lamb would always find its way back to its Shepard.

I'm comin' for you, my little lamb.

And it was a promise he'd keep—for slaughter could not be spelled without laughter.

Because he'd remind them all.

You can't kill what won't die.

Author Note: Well, there you have it. I am known to make first chapters short, as I believe it builds anticipation and all that jazz, so thank you for taking the time at reading this little idea of mine. The next chapter should be up and running in the next few hours.

Have a lovely day.


Elizabeth Stryder.

PS: I am also willing to write one-shots for this fandom, amongst other ones. If you'd like me to write you one, please drop me a PM and we'll discuss it there.