"SABINE NO!" Was all Ezra could say as Darth Vader cut her down right in front of him.

He couldn't help but let tears escape, everyone he knew and loved… his family, were killed again, by the Empire.

"You are weak, you didn't even try to stop me as I cut down all of your friends, you betrayed all of them." Vader breathed out.

"I… no... you killed them! I didn-" Ezra started.

"Quiet jedi, if you had embraced the dark side, you could have had even the smallest glimmer of hope, but you were scared and look at what happened."

That really began to cause his blood to boil, he tried so, so hard to protect them, to save them, but Vader was right, he was weak. He should have practiced with Maul long ago.

"If the dark side is what you want…" Ezra said as his eyes changed from a beautiful blue into a reptilian yellow, "I promise you one thing Darth Vader, I will kill you, no matter what happens."

What happened next was a blur, Ezra full embraced the dark side, using force lightning on Vader, who blocked it, but Ezra used it as a distraction. He quickly striked at Vader, faster than even Ashoka.

"Yes child, embrace your anger, your fear and avenge your friends!" Darth Vader said as he blocked all of Ezra's attacks, unable to strike because of his suit.

This motivated Ezra to use a powerful force push, which caused the whole roof to collapse.

"JUST DIE ALREADY!" Ezra screamed, letting a few tears loose as he reminisced in everything he and the Ghost crew did together. He prepared to strike but was interrupted when Vader used force choke on him.

"Your strength and determination is impressive, but not strong enough to save you from me child." Vader said, sending a jab straight through Ezra's heart.

"I… don't… want… to… die…" Ezra choked out, before he succumbed to his injuries.

Vader let go of his force choke, leaving a dead Ezra on the floor to be buried along with the collapsing rebel base.

"You were a good man Ezra, may the force be with you…" Vader whispered as he flew off in his TIE Fighter.

*In this story, Vader never forgave himself for killing his friends and family in Order 66, and this takes place on Yavin-4's rebel base when Vader tracks them down.