Disclaimer : I don't own arrow of the flash of anything in this story.
Oliver was entering the city hall when a swam of reporters assaulted him. He backed away a little waiting for his bodyguards to take care of them.
"Anything interesting on the news last night ?"
He asked sarcastically.
In the meanwhile, Barry was preparing breakfast for his fiancé when he turned on T.V. He saw Oliver getting ready to make his speech of denial.
However, an idea started to form into Barry's mind. The world didn't know the Flash was back and to be honest, Barry was struggling as to how to reveal to the world he was alive. But this was the perfect opportunity and on the bonus side, he would help his friend! He quickly wrote a note to Iris saying he will be back in a few and sped off to Star City.
Oliver came to the bottom of the stairs and was about to start explaining how he wasn't the Green Arrow, by going as far as using Bruce Wayne's name to help.
However, it turned out he couldn't even start to speak. A whooshing sound was heard, a lot of papers were sent flying and there, next to Mayor Handsome, was the Flash.
Oliver was gaping at the Flash like he was seeing a ghost, which he was in a way.
"Citizens of Star and Central City. I am the Flash. For these six months, I was absent. But I am back now and I am ready to defend Central City again. I would like to apologize to every person who thought I abandoned them and I want them to know that I didn't leave them by choice. But enough talk about me. I also come with a message from my friend the Green Arrow. And to the people of Star City, he is pissed. And when I say pissed, I say that he started shooting everything that didn't breathe in his lair. He is also disappointed that people think that Mayor Queen here is him and asks everyone in this city to stop this obsession with the Mayor. And as to quote him "if one person talks to me about me being Mayor Queen again or I will shoot an arrow to the person who mentioned it"
Barry then looked at his phone and saw that he had left the oven on. "Well, duty calls, see ya everyone !" And with that the Flash left with a trail of lightning behind him.
When Oliver saw one his best friends standing there besides him, he couldn't believe it. He had to be dreaming. But no, it was Barry, the Flash and he was back! Overall, his speech was great. Maybe it couldn't dissuade the FBI's suspicion but if there was one thing he was sure, it was that Star City's people would never ever suspect him of vigilantism.
Meanwhile, Felicity and Dig were both gaping at the screen when Barry appeared. Both of them with joy and relief.
Barry got back to his loft and went back to cooking breakfast for Iris, proud oh himself.