Dragon God of Domination
(" " speech/portal talk)
I don't own Highschool DXD it belongs to Ichiei Ishibumi
"Ddraig, what's wrong with me?" asked Issei out loud to Ddraig since he didn't feel so good "After that fight with my evil self, I feel so weak." Continued Issei as he sat down
"I was afraid of this, but to beat your evil self, you used up almost all of your remaining life force." Answered Ddraig sadly as while Issei was a massive pervert, he treated him as an actual person and not just a weapon
"Can't we do what we did with Koneko again?" asked Issei hoping that would work, he refused to die again, he had some much to live for now
"I'm sorry Issei, but it won't be enough." Answered Ddraig sadly "Koneko isn't strong enough, but don't give up hope Issei." Continued Ddraig as he knew Koneko and even Kuroka wasn't strong enough to help him
"What do you mean, don't give up hope?" asked Issei wondering what Ddraig meant
"You will have to go and see Ophis, she is the only one I know of that could do it." Answered Ddraig as he knew Ophis could help Issei "But, it might be hard to convince her to help you."
"Didn't she like sweets?" asked Issei as he saw Ophis's mood change from her normal emotionless state, into a happy one when she saw some chocolate cookies
"Yes, she does." Answered Ddraig as he knew Ophis had a sweet tooth
"I'll make a deal with her then, help me and I'll give her as many sweets as she wants." Said Issei as he proposed his idea
"Hmm, a good idea Issei." Answered Ddraig as he knew Ophis would probably take Issei's deal "Well then, if you're going to do this Issei, you've got to be quick." Continued Ddraig as he could Issei didn't have that long left
"I'll write a note to everyone, before I leave." Said Issei as he grabbed a pen and paper from his bag
(About 30 minutes later, O.R.C, when everyone found the letter)
"Dear maou, I've I'd know this would've happened, I would've stopped Issei form fighting and gone in myself." Said Sirzechs shocked as everyone read the note Issei left for them
"Why has Issei gone to get help from Ophis?" asked Rias wondering why her Issei had to go the Ophis for help
"Issei's is part Dragon." Answered Michael getting a shocked look from everyone bar Sirzechs as he knew what he was saying "He's been one since his birth, his Scared Gear made him part Dragon." Explained Michael "Ophis, is said to be able to turn part Dragon's into pure blood Dragons."
"What could Ophis do to him?" asked Sirzechs wondering what Ophis could to do Issei if she helped him
"I don't think she will, Sirzechs." Said Michael getting a confused look from everyone "Ophis has never shown any forms of emotion, up until she met Issei." continued Michael as he started to explain as to why he thought Ophis wouldn't do anything to him
"Ophis has taken an interest in Issei?" asked Kiba shocked at the thought of Ophis taking an interest in anything that didn't concern returning to the Dimensional Gap
"I believe so, I don't know what that interest is, but that interest is there." Said Michael as he couldn't figure out why Ophis had taken an interest in Issei
(Underworld, Old Satan faction area, Khaos brigade base location)
"Careful partner, she is only with Kuroka, but this is the heart of the Khaos Brigade." Warned Ddraig as Issei landed atop a small mountain overlooking a small lake, Ophis and Kuroka could be seen sitting on two rocks by then edge of the water "You've got to do this now, otherwise you'll die." Warned Ddraig again as he didn't want to lose Issei
"Thanks, Ddraig." Thanked Issei as he took a deep breath "If I don't make it out of this, I want you to know you were the best friend and partner I could've wished for." Said Issei sincerely as he looked down at his left hand
"It means a lot to hear that Issei." Thanked Ddraig, it felt nice for Issei to say that "All most all of my other hosts have treated me as nothing but a weapon, it truly means a lot to me Issei." Continued Ddraig, Issei could hear than it did truly meant a lot to him
"No problem, Ddraig." Said Issei happily as he turned his attention back to Ophis and Kuroka, he guessed them could sense him "Here, goes nothing." Said Issei as he sighed
(Down by the lake, with Ophis and Kuroka)
As Issei landed in front of Ophis and Kuroka, well landed wasn't the right term. Issei landed in a lump, barely even able to stop himself from collapsing into the ground.
"Red Dragon Emperor, why are you here?" asked Ophis with no emotion in her voice or in her face
Issei slowly managed to push himself up into a stand, this made Ophis and Kuroka curious. This wasn't the Issei they knew, something bad had happened. It wasn't until both of them focused on him, they found out the reason why. His life force was almost completely gone, it shouldn't have been like this.
"Ophis." Said Ddraig as the gem on Issei's right hand glowed green "Can you save my partner's life?" asked Ddraig as he knew both Ophis and Kuroka could tell that Issei was close to death, though it could only be seen on Kuroka's shocked face
"Why should I?" asked Ophis still with no emotion in her voice
Kuroka looked at Ophis in shock, it was no secret that Kuroka had developed a crush on Issei. The crush had formed after the Loki fight, when Kuroka had found out that Issei had helped her sister use her Nekoshou powers again.
"Ophis, I think you should consider this." Said Kuroka as she gave a stern look at Ophis, Kuroka wasn't scared to show that she didn't like that Ophis wasn't going to help Issei
"Ophis." Said Issei weakly, both Kuroka and Ophis could barely hear him "If you grant me this request, I'll give you as many sweets as you want. No matter what type they're, I'll get them for you." Continued Issei putting his offer on the table
"He knew Ophis like sweets, very crafty Issei." Laughed Kuroka to herself, as she'd given Ophis sweets the first time they'd met
As Ophis listen to Issei's proposition, Issei, Kuroka and Ddraig noticed the small smile that appeared at the corner of Ophis's mouth.
"Very well, I will grant your request." Said Ophis as she jumped off the rock she was sitting on, and walked over to Issei
"Thank you Ophis, this means a lot to me." Thanked Issei before he blacked out
Ophis then raised her right hand, a small black Western Dragon appeared out the palm of her hand, the black dragon looked back at his mistress wondering what to do. Ophis gestured with her other hand towards Issei, no words were spoken between the two Dragons. The small black Dragon knew what his mistress wanted, so he floated down to Issei. The small black Dragon then entered Issei though his chest, after a few seconds, a bright flash of black and crimson erupted out of Issei.
As the blinding light died down, it allowed Kuroka to see and feel that Issei was alive "I'll go and tell the Gremory's the good news." Said Kuroka happily as she ran her hand through Issei's new crimson hair that had the occasional black streak as well "Where shall I have everyone meet you?" asked Kuroka as she had no plans on staying with the Khoas Brigade anymore, she had to tell everyone the truth
"Have them meet us out the back of their mansion." Answered Ophis as she stood looking at the new Issei, Kuroka couldn't read what Ophis was thinking, as there were still no emotions on her face
"Okay." Answered Kuroka happily as she teleported away
(Underworld, Gremory mansion, main Living room)
"Rias, we don't know if Issei will come back." Said Venelana to her daughter, it broke her heart to say it as she's loved what Issei had done for her daughter and her peerage
"Issei will come back to us." Responded Rias sternly as she didn't like what her mother was saying, a part of her knew her mother was stating a possible truth, but the larger part of her didn't want to listen to it "He will."
"You haven't lost him, Rias Gremory" said a female voice that everyone knew
"Kuroka?!" yelled everyone in the room shocked "What are you doing here? What do you mean we haven't lost Issei yet" asked Rias demanding an answer out of Kuroka
"Haven't you heard the saying don't shoot the messenger?" asked Kuroka with a smile as she sat on the arm of one of the sofa's, while everyone else in the room prepared to fight "Issei is with Ophis, they both should be out back of the mansion by now." Continued Kuroka as she gestured towards the back gardens
"How can we trust you?" asked Rias eyeing Kuroka "You're a murderer and a terrorist." Stated Rias as Kuroka was one of the most wanted strays of all time
"Ex terrorist." Corrected Kuroka as everyone looked at her confused "Me and Ophis have the left the chaos brigade." Continued Kuroka
"While that may be so, you're a murderer." Said Rias as everyone didn't take their eyes off her
"I killed my former master and his family with good intensions." Explained Kuroka getting a shocked reaction from everyone "Sirzechs, if you'd listen back then, things would've been different." Continued Kuroka as she reminded Sirzechs that she'd tried to tell him what her former master was doing, but Sirzechs didn't listen
"The reason I didn't listen, was because you didn't have enough proof to back up your claim." Answered Sirzechs not taking his eyes off Kuroka
"True, I didn't have enough proof." Agreed Kuroka as she remembered that she didn't have enough proof back then "But, now I do." Continued Kuroka as black book appeared in her right hand
"What is in that book, that can prove your innocence's?" asked Rias wondering what was in the book that Kuroka was claiming could prove her innocence's
"Your old master diary." Said Sirzechs as he noticed that it said Kuroka's old master name on the front
"Yes, it is." Said Kuroka as she looked at the diary with hate, it brought back memories she didn't want to remember, ever again "It contains log after log of what sick experiments he performed, not only on me but hundreds of others." Continued Kuroka as she held out the book towards Sirzechs
After a few seconds, Sirzechs took the diary and started to quickly read through it. At some points he had to stop himself from throwing up, he'd seen some stuff in the Devil civil war, but this made him sick to the very bone.
Sirzechs's coughed into his hand, he'd read enough "You were right Kuroka, you have my sincerest apologies." Apologized Sirzechs as he bowed his head slightly to Kuroka "If I'd known that House Nebiros, was trying to create Super Devils for the Old Satan Faction, I would've had them destroyed and you'd been rewarded." Continued Sirzechs as he told everyone what House Nebiros had done
Kuroka had been a scapegoat, for the Old Satan faction. They'd played right into their hands, they'd even wiped out Nekomata and Nekoshou kind.
"You're forgiven." Said Kuroka as she really couldn't hold that big of a grudge "Anyway, on to the main reason why I'm here." Continued Kuroka as she reminded everyone of why she was here
"Right. You said Issei was out in the back gardens with Ophis?" asked Rias as she remembered what Kuroka said
"Yes, they should be here by now." Said Kuroka as she smiled "Shall we?" suggested Kuroka
(Back of the Gremory mansion)
As everyone made their way to the back garden, they saw Ophis standing over what looked like Issei. Only this man had crimson hair, with the occasional black streak as well. Everything else told them that this man was Issei, as they could still sense Ddraig. Everyone slowly walked up to Ophis, they didn't know how Ophis would react.
Rias bent down next to Issei, and ran her hand through Issei's knew hair colour "Is Issei okay?" asked Rias as she looked up at Ophis, who was eating a cookie
"Issei's is fine, he'll wake up soon." Said Ophis in-between eating her cookie
"What happened to his hair?" asked Rias as while she did like this red and black style, she missed his original brown colour
"A side effect." Answered Ophis as she continued eating
"Since Ophis is too busy, I'll explain what Ophis has told me about this process." Said Kuroka as Ophis showed no signs of explaining the situation to everyone "Issei's hair change is a product of the transformation, as three powers combined to save Issei."
"Three?" asked Sirzechs shocked as he could understand two, those two would be Ophis and Ddraig's. But, who's was the third. It wasn't Kuroka's, as Issei would probably have a pair of cat ears and a tail.
"Issei's third power is that of a pure blood Devil, a Gremory and Bael combo, to be precise." Answered Kuroka with a smile as she saw the reaction of everyone, it was priceless
"Wait… you mean?" asked Rias shocked at what Kuroka was saying
"Yep, Issei's is now your younger brother." Answered Kuroka with a smile "Once Issei wakes, he'll have the 'Power of Destruction' from the Bael clan, the extreme Demonic power of the Gremory clan, all of Ophis's powers." Said Kuroka as she explained Issei's new powers as best she can "Of course, it will take time for Issei to truly control his new abilities."
"Wow." Was all that Rias managed to say
"Oh, and he still has the Boosted Gear." Added Kuroka with a smile
"Nghhh." Groaned Issei as he started to wake up, his single red tail slowly appeared from behind him
"Issei!" yelled Rias happily as she brought Issei into the tightest hug she could
"Rias, do you mind keeping the noise down?" asked Issei groaning sleepily as his eyes opened slowly "I'm still getting used to my new senses, so please keep the noise down" continued Issei as he sat up
"Sorry, Issei." Apologized Rias as she adjusted the hug so she could look into Issei's brown eyes, only to see that they were now heterotrimeric. Issei's right eye was the same blue as her own, while Issei's left eye was a deep green
"It's okay." Said Issei as he really couldn't stay angry as Rias's concerned face, seeing Rias so concerned made him think.
Rias had admitted her love for him, but he'd never truly returned it, he'd been too scared. It was the same for everyone that had admitted they loved him, he was too scared. It was all thanks to Raynare, thanks to her, he thought any woman could love him. He kept thinking that to stop himself from being hurt again, but in the end. The only people that were getting hurt, where the women that loved him
"No, not anymore." Thought Issei to himself "I won't hurt them anymore."
"Issei?" asked Asia as everyone wondered why Issei stayed quite "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, just my senses feeling like they've been turned up to eleven." Answered Issei with a smile, it was partly true
"Okay, if you say so." Said Asia happily as she hugged Issei
Issei happily returned the hug, then his stomach growled loudly. "I feel like I could eat a horse." commented Issei
"Well then, let's get something to eat." Announced Sirzechs happily "Ophis, Kuroka, you're more than welcome to join us." Continued Sirzechs as he turned and faced Kuroka and Ophis
(time skip, after dinner, Rias's personal room)
"Issei, you've been acting different since you woke up." Said Rias as she took a sip of wine out of her glass "What's going on?" asked Rias as she could tell something was different about Issei, and it wasn't that he was a pure blood Dragon and Devil. It was something else, he'd been acting more like a lover. Rias loved this, as Issei never really showed that he loved her. It felt nice, but she had to wonder why the sudden change of attitude.
"Hugh." Sighed Issei deeply as he placed his wine glass on the table "I knew I couldn't hide it from you Rias." Said Issei with a smile "With what has happened today, it's given me a chance to think." Continued Issei as he looked out the window, taking in the great view of the Underworld night sky
"What did you think about?" asked Rias wondering what Issei thought about
"About how I was too scared." Answered Issei as he didn't want to tell Rias right away
"Scared about what?" asked Rias as she tilted her head to the side slightly
"How I was scared to admit I love you." Said Issei as he saw Rias blush the same colour as their hair "How I was too scared to admit that I love Asia, Akeno, everyone!"
"Is this about?" asked Rias as she'd finally guessed why Issei hadn't admitted he loved her
"Yes." Answered Issei with hate in his voice "It's about her."
"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Rias suggesting to talk about it, as she could tell Raynare affected Issei more than anyone thought
"I have to, I owe it to you and to everyone." Answered Issei as he owed everyone an explanation
"Take it as slow as you want Issei, I'm not going to rush you." Said Rias as she raised her right hand and cupped Issei's left cheek
"Thank you, Rias." Thanked Issei happily as he couldn't help but nuzzle into Rias's soft hand, a pleased purr resonated from his throat
Rias couldn't help but find this cute, she'd only hear Koneko purr a few times. "You sound cute." Commented Rias happily
"Thanks Rias." Thanked Issei happily as he purred even more, his tail started to sway back and forth happily
(10 minutes later)
"Issei, I…" said Rias as she started to talk, only to be cut off by Issei placing his right index finger on her lips, silencing her
"Shh, it's okay Rias, it's all in the past." Said Issei silencing Rias, he didn't want to remember Raynare anymore
"Issei…" said Rias as her cheeks quickly turned the same colour as her hair "You're an idiot."
"True." Agreed Issei as he was an idiot "But, I'm your idiot." Continued Issei with a smile as he removed his index finger from Rias's soft lips
"Yes, you're my idiot." Agreed Rias happily as she gently shook her head slightly "I wouldn't have it any other way." Continued Rias happily as her arms started to snake there way behind Issei's back
"I love you, Rias." Said Issei softly as Rias brought their face mere millimetres appeared
"I love you too, Issei." Said Rias happily as she kissed Issei, to which Issei happily returned
As both Rias and Issei wrapped their arms around each other's waist, they couldn't help but let their thoughts wander back to the first time they'd kissed. On the back of that Griffin, it was not long after Issei had beaten Riser, and saved Rias from a life of servitude.
As Rias and Issei continued to kiss, more and more lust started to grow between them. Subconsciously, both Issei's and Rias hands started to slowly move their hands around each other's bodies, both seeking more pleasure.
Issei's hands slowly started to sneak their way downwards, first to Rias's lower back. Issei's stayed around Rias's lower back for a few seconds, pulling Rias in closer, making her feel Issei's growing boner. Issei's hands, then sneaked their way down to Rias's ass, and squeezed. A pleased moan escaped from Rias, it joined with her other moans of pleasure she'd been having since Issei's hands had started to snake their way down.
Rias's hand slowly snaked their way upwards, from Issei's upper back, to his neck. Rias's arms and hands slowly sneaked up towards Issei's neck, once they had reached Issei's neck, they gently pulled Issei closer, pressing Rias's chest into Issei more and more. At the feeling of Rias's breasts, Issei started to let out a low pleased purr that was full of lust.
Issei parted from their kiss, her cherry lipstick she had on was lovely, instantly he heard a displeased moan. "Rias…" said Issei as he looked into Rias's deep blue eyes, the eyes he loved. Issei's voice was low, and full of lust. Rias knew what Issei wanted, he wanted more, they both wanted more
"More…" moaned Rias as she gently grinned her lower lips against Issei's fully grown boner, which was easily reached from her lips, to her ass and maybe even poked out past her ass
"Are you sure Rias?" asked Issei shocked, as he felt like things were going to quickly "We can wait, if you want." Continued Issei as he didn't want to rush things
Rias didn't answer Issei with words, she kissed Issei again. When Rias kissed Issei again, it had some force with it, making him fall backwards, onto Rias's bed. As Issei fell, he brought Rias down with him, since his hands were still firmly grasping Rias's ass. As Rias feel on top of Issei, she'd managed to pin Issei beneath her, as both of her hands had landed just above Issei's shoulders.
"Does this answer your question, Issei?" asked Rias her voice was practically dripping with lust and mirth
"I suppose it does." Answered Issei with a perverted smile
Rias smirked happily as she leaned down for another kiss, but as she got near, Issei did something Rias didn't expect him to do. Issei flipped their positions, pinning Rias beneath him.
"While I do like you on top of me big sis." purred Issei with a perverted smile "The new me, likes to be in control." Continued Issei as he nibbled at Rias's neck, knowing it was one of her erogenous zones
Rias knew what Issei was saying, Dragon kind liked to have dominance over their mates. Before mating, the two would fight it out to see who would be in control of mating. Though, Rias knew she wouldn't really mind that. She knew Issei wouldn't abuse it, he cared too much about her to hurt her.
"Why are you calling me big sister?" asked Rias as she'd wondered why Issei had been calling her that, though it did turn her on slightly.
In the supernatural world, incest is just a word. Since they were negatively affected by it, all races used it to keep their bloodlines pure. Devils were one of, if not the best example of this. As brother and sister would be married, daughter and father and so on.
"Well, you are my older sister now." Answered Issei purring his answer into Rias's neck, making her moan "And besides, we're both turned on by it." Continued Issei as he'd sneaked the tip of his tail to Rias's lover's lips
"Well then." Said Rias in a seductive voice "Be a good younger brother, and please your older sister." Purred Rias as she kissed Issei again
As they continued to kiss, Issei started undressing Rias. First, Issei took off the black shoulder cape, and threw it to onto the floor. Then Issei undid Rias's black ribbon, and threw it onto the floor with Rias's shoulder cape. Issei then unbuttoned the top two buttons of Rias's white shirt, allowing access to Rias's neck.
Issei then broke the kiss, making Rias instantly moaned in displeasure, but Rias's displeased moans didn't last long. As Issei slowly moved down to Rias's neck, and bit into it. Rias moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure, thanks to Akeno, she might've become a bit of a masochist. After a few seconds Issei retracted his mouth, and looked down at Rias's neck. Now on Rias's neck, was a small Crimson Dragon that was curled up sleeping, it looked as if it had been tattooed onto her neck. As Issei pulled Rias into another kiss, he smirked, in his mind, Issei knew Rias soon would be his, for the rest of time itself.
Issei hands, then started to unbutton the rest of Rias her long sleeve shirt, throwing it to the small pile of Rias's clothes that had started from. For a few moments, Issei's hands played with Rias's huge breasts through her purple corset. Rias had become a moaning mess, she couldn't do anything to stop Issei. She didn't want to. Issei then unbuttoned Rias's purple corset, Rias's breasts bounced as Issei pulled her corset off and threw it onto the clothes pile. Deciding to have some fun and tease Rias even more, he grabbed Rias's hard nipples and twisted them slightly. Rias moaned again in a mix of pain and pleasure, Issei knew how to please her and he was using it to his advantage.
Issei then sneaked his right hand down to Rias's waist, and then unzipped Rias's magenta skirt and threw it on to the clothes pile. Issei now had complete access to Rias's cum soaked magenta panties, with his right hand, Issei started to tease Rias's entrance through her panties. By this point, Issei was starting to get tired of doing all the teasing. So, Issei raised his left hand and clicked his fingers, activating 'Dress Break' to destroy his clothes. While at the same time, finally pulling off Rias's cum soaked panties.
"Wait a sec, little brother." Said Rias as she placed her right index finger on Issei's lips, stopping him from kissing her again "You've had your fun teasing me, it's only fair I return the favour." Continued Rias as he left hand went down and started to slowly jerk-off
Issei let out a low pleased purr as he felt Rias's hand on his dick, her hands were so soft, as ironic as it is, her hand felt as if an angel was touching him. "Mhhh. I like the sound of that, very much." Purred Issei in response
Rias smiled a lustful smile "Then lie down, and let big sis take care of you." Order Rias with mirth in her voice
"Yes, big sis." Purred Issei in response as he leaned down and kissed Rias
Issei then placed his hands on Rias's waist, Issei then started to roll onto his back, pulling Rias's with him. Issei landed on his back, his head landing on one of the many pillows. While Rias ended up straddling Issei's hips, with Issei's huge dick twitching against her lower abdomen.
"What a naughty little brother." Teased Rias as she touched the tip of Issei's dick "I've caught my little brother jacking off, thinking about me." Continued Rias with a perverted smile as she told Issei how she wanted to do things "What a naughty younger brother I have." Continued Rias as she gentle squeezed Issei's dick and slowly started to jack Issei's off
"Ahh!" moaned Issei, Rias's hand was so soft, it was so hard not to cum right away "What are you… Ahh! …Doing?" moaned Issei getting into character
"I'm going to punish you." Responded Rias as she squeezed Issei's dick once again, thus time a bit harder "As a big sister, I have to give my naughty little brother a fitting punishment." Continued Rias as she stopped jacking Issei off
"A fitting punishment?" asked Issei putting on a fake concerned look
"You're not allowed to cum, until I say so." Whispered Rias seductively into Issei's right ear "Otherwise, I'm going to punish you even more." Continued Rias warning Issei as she gently bit his ear "Do you understand, little brother?"
"Ahh!" moaned Issei again in pain and pleasure "Yes, sis!"
"Good." Said Rias smiling happily as she leaned down and gently bit Issei's lower lip
(Updated, 01/10/18)