Highschool dxd Dragon God of Domination

(" " speech/portal talk)

I don't own Highschool DXD it belongs to Ichiei Ishibumi

It had been around a week after the "Little" incident, thing had settled down in Issei's household well back to the norm anyway. Issei's had told his lovers to stay in the house for safety reasons, since there were still some people that didn't agree with the peace signing. Those main groups were extremely religious people, Catholics mainly. Other religions had started to adapt to the big change, allowing devil's and fallen into their religions. In heaven things had started to improve with Michael now having Gods power it made him the new god of heaven, which allowed him to alter the system God had made. The first things he did is to stop holy punishment for Devils and Fallen, it could be used as punishment but only when needed. (devils could hold holy stuff, but could hurt them if the system deemed what they were doing evil) Probably the biggest change in heaven was that Michael had changed the system to allow angels to have kids via sex, along with this he had allowed angels to have a freer life style, but they were told to moderate it they were still angels. (Killing was forbidden) Of cause this led to around a hundred angels falling at first, they were slowly allowed back in becoming angels again. They had to admit what they had done wrong and so forth.

With the signing the other factions started signing the peace treaty as well, the one that surprised everyone the most was the vampire faction since they hated other species. It wasn't until the peace signing they found out why the vampires wanted to start working with other species. Dracula had taken back his crown and he had a new queen at his side, one of the few vampires he had sired himself, Seras Victoria now known as Seras Dracula. Everyone was scared no that's an understatement they were petrified, Dracula was one of the strongest beings around and now that his own queen was from his blood meant she would be as strong as him given time. When they asked why they wanted to start working with humans they said two names Integra Hellsing and Walter c. Dornez, they said living with then changed their views on life. They said that the old ways of the vampires were outdated and needed to change along with the world.

(Issei's house 11am)

"I never would've thought that any of this would happen" said Issei sitting in the living room watching tv with the household

"Nyaa!" purred Kuroka and Koneko happily who were laying their heads on Issei's lap will he was petting them will their tails swayed happily

"The world is full of surprises little brother" said Sirzech appearing behind everyone

"Hey brother, what are you doing here?" asked Issei tilting his head back to see Sirzech standing there

"I came to see how everyone is doing and to give you all something to help with the pregnancy's" said Sirzech joining everyone on the settee "Well for one you are going to need a nursery for them, secondly you're going to need a new floor for them and finally there is going to be 21 kids at least and with knowing you Issei probably more, so I'm giving you servants to look after the place and your kids meaning they need a place to stay" said Sirzech

"Really thanks, that will be a big help" said Issei happily

"No problem Issei, the servants will be of devil, fallen, angel and more, they said they would do as thanks for being one of the main people that helped are kinds finally get peace" said Sirzech happily

"To think a pervert was one of the people that made the biblical factions have peace after thousands of years of war and a cold war" said Michael appearing along with Gabriel and Azazel

"Are sure that's a good idea brother ahh!" said Azazel laughing as lightning hit him knocking him to the ground

"You're one to talk Azazel" said Issei as he stopped petting Kuroka for a second getting a displeased moan from her to send the lighting at Azazel then went back to petting her

"Haha, Azazel you should know better than to do that!" laughed Sirzech's

"Ow! Anyway, Issei everyone I have something to say" said Azazel getting up from the floor repairing his clothes

"What is it Azazel?" asked Issei snickering

"You remember Raynare?" asked Azazel getting an angry look from everyone

"What about her?!" asked Issei as his hand started twitching as more lighting danced around his hand

"She's alive" said Azazel as Issei tackled him to the ground

"WHAT! How the hell is she alive?!" screamed Issei as his power spiked to more than enough to kill Azazel

"Cough! Let me explain the situation please!" begged Azazel

"Start talking!" demanded Issei

"Around a week after are peace signing I was out walking here on earth, I saw some old Satan faction devils attacking a cloaked fallen. My first reaction was to help the unknown fallen, I took care of the devils with ease and as I was finishing of the last one he shot a fire ball at the fallen revealing their face. It was Raynare, she was in a bad state her limbs were thin as anything. She said my name as she collapsed, at first I wondered what to do but then more devils showed up and started attacking so I transported us back to my place and placed her in the spare bed. A few days later she woke up terrified that I would kill her but I said I wouldn't and asked her why she killed you and Asia, she told me the whole story of how Kokabiel captured and brainwashed everyone on his side, she managed to resist at first but slowly it start working on her. When she was on the date with you it slightly broke allowing her to start taking back control, when you were at the church when she begged for you to help her that was when the mind control fully broke, as Rias's attack was about to hit her she managed to teleport away. She was found by a woman in her 60 in a bad shape, the lady took her in and healed her since she teleported herself into a tree and fell out, time passed and they started living together since the woman had no kids she liked having Raynare around even though she knew she was a fallen. In that time it gave Raynare a chance to think about what she had done and with the help of the woman she knew what she had to do for you to forgive her and to forgive herself for what she had done, one day when they were outside doing some yard work they got attacked by the old Satan faction, Raynare managed to kill them but not be for they got a lethal strike on the woman. She died in Raynare's arms the last thing she said was for Raynare to find you lot again and seek forgiveness, Raynare gave her a burial and left to find you lot, then she ran into the devils and you now know the rest" said Azazel shocking all there since the could tell Azazel wasn't lying most importantly Issei, Asia and Rias were the ones most affected by the news

"You mean when we killed those fallen, we basically killed?!" asked Rias nervously

"Innocent people" said Azazel cutting Rias off

"Dare maou!" said Rias crying along with Asia

"You did them a favour, the way Raynare said Kokabiel did it was an outright horrible way, it basically destroyed their personality's and made them into weapons of destruction that only followed Kokabiel's orders, their original personalities were gone and there was no know way to bring it back" said Azazel as Issei let him as everyone started processing what Azazel said

"Where is Raynare now?" asked Issei

"She's at my place at the moment, why do you ask?" asked Azazel concerned at why Issei was asking

"I no we need to apologies to her, even if we didn't know the truth at the time, and if that is the truth she told you" said Issei

"I'll only get her if you promise not to kill her on site" said Azazel

"I promise" said Issei

"Okay then" said Azazel feeling Issei won't attack her as he contacted Raynare and told her to teleport

"Raynare" said everyone as Raynare teleported in

"Hello, Issei, Asia, Rias everyone" were the first words Raynare said to Issei and everyone in a good year

"Raynare, Azazel said that you and everyone else was brainwashed to fight us is that right?" asked Issei trying to not make eye contact with her

"Yes" said Raynare sadly looking down at the floor

"So, you didn't want to kill me and Asia, is that right?" asked Issei seeing the sadness in Raynare's eyes

"Yes" cried Raynare as she broke down slumping onto her knee's

"Everyone out" said Issei

"Issei?" asked Everyone surprised

"I said out!" said Issei again

Everyone left the room leaving Issei, Asia, Rias and Raynare alone in the room, to say Raynare was scared was an understatement she couldn't read Issei's actions he could kill her right now for all she knew. But if that was the only way for then to forgive her then she would let them kill her.

"Raynare" said Issei looking into Raynare's eyes

"Yes, Issei?" asked Raynare scared at what Issei would do

"You want us to forgive you, don't you?" asked Issei

"Yes, please I'll do anything you want me to do" begged Raynare crying telling the three that the guilt was killing her and there was only one way for her to forgive herself for it

"Then get on your knees" commanded Issei as Ascalon appeared in his hand

"Okay" said Raynare sadly getting onto her knees

Outside the room everyone was shocked what was going on, they knew Issei had become a person to enjoy fights all dragons did but would he kill Raynare? They couldn't do anything to stop him even if they tried.

"Issei, please don't kill Raynare" was the look Asia was giving Issei

"Issei don't, she's suffered to much already" was the face Rias was making

Issei didn't say as anything as her started moving Ascalon towards Raynare's neck. Raynare saw it coming and closed her eyes taking what she probably thought would be her last breath as tears fell from her eyes. But as she waited for the sword to take off her head it didn't come, but instead she felt a pare of hands rap round her shoulders and take her into a hug.

"Raynare, you are forgiven" said Issei hugging Raynare

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" cried Raynare bursting into tears as Asia and Rias bent down and hugged her as well

"You had us scared there for a second Issei" said Sirzech coming in with everyone else

"I'm a pervert, not a murderer and besides Raynare is sorry for what she has done, there's no reason to kill her" said Issei looking up at everyone

"Well then, I'll tell the workers to begin working" said Sirzech happily

"We best be off then" said Everyone else

"Raynare, let's go" said Azazel as he was the only one left the appeared

"No, Issei can I stay here and help you?" asked Raynare surprising everyone

"Why though?" asked Issei surprised

"Will you have forgiven me, I need to forgive myself for what I've done, so I would like to be a servant to you to" said Raynare

"Very well then, Grayfia since you have more experience with this can you get this done please?" asked Issei

"Of cause Issei" said Grayfia as she gestured for Raynare to follow her

(a few hours later Issei's room)

"Everything is set up Issei, Raynare will start serving as a servant in a few hours" said Grayfia coming into Issei's room seeing Venelana giving Issei a tit job as a load of cum covered her face and tits

"Ahh, thank you Grayfia, now why don't you come here" moaned Issei since it was Venelana and Grayfia's turn with Issei

"I think I will" said Grayfia as she walked over to her husband and her mistress turned lover seductively

"Here you go Grayfia" moaned Venelana letting Issei's dick out of her tits licking his tip be for she let it go

"Mhh, Issei you taste so good mhh" moaned Grayfia as she started sucking Issei's dick as Venelana started eating her out

"Mhh, your pussy tastes even better Grayfia mhh" moaned a muffled Venelana

"Well she is pregnant, ahh" moaned Issei as Grayfia started playing with his balls

"Mhh, Issei it's not nice mhh to talk about mhh someone mhh as if they're not here mhh" moaned Grayfia grabbing Issei's balls harder to make her point but it back fired on her

"You may be one of my wife's but I'm still your master, and I think a punishment is in order" said Issei darkly as he rubbed the side of Grayfia's face

"Mhh? Issei-sama Mhh?!" asked Grayfia wondering what Issei would do when all of a sudden he grabbed two handfuls of her hair and then proceeded to fuck her mouth and throat as hard as he wanted

"Venelana, don't you think we should teach this naughty maid a lesson" teased Issei as he continued to fuck Grayfia's throat

"I think we should Issei" answered Grayfia laughing

"MHH, MHHHH!" Moaned a muffled Grayfia loudly as Venelana started licking Grayfia's ass since when she was still married to Sirzech the only person to do anything to her ass was Venelana when they had their nights together since they were both unsatisfied by their husbands

"Ahh, enjoying this Grayfia? Being fucked by your master and one of your mistresses" teased Issei

"Mhh, yesssmhhh!" moaned Grayfia her muffled voice sending vibrations along Issei's dick

"What a good girl, mother do you think she deserves a reward?" asked Issei with a perverted smile on his face

"Mhh! I think we should son mhh!" moaned Venelana she was loving this, will incest didn't affect the supernatural in fact it was a big turn on for some, will Venelana had found out that she loved having sex with her son's wife but now it was so much better

"Well then, here you go Grayfia!" said Issei as he released himself inside Grayfia seeing Venelana's face as it was covered in Grayfia's cum it was the same face of when he called Rias sister when they were having sex she was loving it the same as Rias "Guess it runs in the family, well I can't say much" laughed Issei in his mind

"Ahhh Issei-sama's milk, it's delicious" moaned Grayfia as Issei pulled himself out of Grayfia letting the last few drops hit her face and chest

"Mhh, give me some as well!" pouted Venelana cutely as she kissed Grayfia tasting Issei's cum

"Mhh, Venelana mhh" moaned Grayfia as she started playing with Venelana's tits

"Sorry to forget about you mother" purred Issei as he crawled behind Venelana seeing her dripping pussy giving it a lick before pushing into it earning a pleased moan from her

"Ahh, good boy, you knew exactly what mommy wanted" moaned Venelana turning around for a second to kiss Issei

"Mhh, you're welcome mother, but don't expect me to do all the work mommy" moaned Issei as he moved slowly making his point

"Of cause" moaned Venelana as she started bucking her hips against Issei's as Grayfia started kissing her again not wanting to be left out

They continued for another two hours, trying multiple positions, until Issei "much to his disappointment" was called to heaven along with Irina to work on some unique holy sword designs with Gabriel. Then he had to go and see Michael to get Earths climate shorted out, since dragons couldn't life comfortably on earths anymore and with most of the older dragons being from earth originally, they wanted to go home. It was even getting to him and now his mates, either to hot or to cold. By the time Issei and Irina had got everything done it was late, so they decided to stay the night. During when they were having sex to relieve the days stress, Issei felt a presence and decided to pull whoever it was into the room, they found it was none other than Gabriel.

"Well well well, look what we have here Irina" teased Issei as he held Gabriel in place with some magic

"Oh Gabriel, I didn't know you would do this, what a naughty thing to do" teased Irina darkly as she turned her head round to see Gabriel being held by Issei's magic

"Issei, let me go please" asked Gabriel blushing since Issei and Irina were both naked then seeing Issei's dick was standing tall

"I think not Gabriel, you brought me up here when I was having sex and now for the third time I've been interrupted, so now that you know that what do you think I'm going to?" asked Issei walking over to Gabriel, what Irina had told him about Gabriel was right she was the most beautiful angel in heaven

"Issei, can you at least let me down please?" asked Gabriel a bit nervous at what Issei was planning to do

"Hmm, should I Irina?" asked Issei pervertedly

"I don't know Issei, should we?" asked Irina pervertedly walking towards Gabriel

"Irina, what's happened to you? You weren't like this when you were an angel" asked Gabriel seeing Irina's big change in personality

"Oh, you mean my change in my personality?" asked Irina getting a nod from Gabriel "Well I guess this is the true me, it was forced to hind away from when I was a kid, but now it's free and I love it" said Irina as she kissed Gabriel surprising Gabriel and Issei since Irina just kissed the strongest female angel in heaven

"Oh Irina, you're turning into me, I like it" said Issei pervertedly as he pulled Irina off Gabriel and threw her onto the bed and started playing with her breasts

"Ahh, Issei!" moaned Irina as Issei had his way with her

"Irina looks like she is really enjoying it" said Gabriel under her breath as her hands subconsciously moved towards her tits and her pussy and started playing with them

Gabriel was the dream girl of every male angel and with angels now being able to have kids it made most of the male angels want to have kids with her. To say she was embarrassed was an understatement, she herself did want kids but she wanted to find the right man that could please her in bed but not only look at her for her body but herself in general. And Issei so far was the best choice, but he did kill God the angels "father", Gabriel had already lost her brother Lucifer thanks to God tricking him.

"Ahh! ISSEI! MORE!" screamed Irina in bliss

"Haha, you're the most wet you have been in a long time, is it because you're being watched by Gabriel?" asked Issei darkly as he teased Irina's nipples

"Ahh! YESSSSS I LOVE IT!" screamed Irina trying to buck her hips against Issei's dick trying to get her release since Issei was holding her just off her release

"What a naughty girl, well then Gabriel why don't you join us?" asked Issei smiling as he turned to see Gabriel on the floor hands on her breasts and pussy in a small puddle of her own juices

"Ahh, I better not regret this" moaned Gabriel as she crawled over to Issei and Irina

"Oh, you wont trust me, we'll give you the best time of your live" said Issei darkly as he pulled Gabriel into a kiss

For the rest of the night screams of pleasure were heard from the room, all male angels were sad since Gabriel had taken a man and none of them were that man. A week later Issei and everyone were invited to Kyoto by Yasaka, she wanted to invite Issei and everyone over to start the peace talks between dragons and Youkai. During one of the nights staying there Yasaka got captured by the hero faction, this caused the Youkai to be in an up roar since with her having Leyline power it made her not be able to away for Kyoto for long periods of time and would start to affect the city negatively. So, with the help of Issei he along with a sizeable force of Youkai which included Kunou led an attack on the hero factions base, the fight didn't last long as even with the hero factions weapons they couldn't hold up against the fire power of Issei and the Youkai faction combined.

The Youkai faction was extremely happy that Yasaka was back in the capital and the peace talks resumed. Yasaka rewarded Issei by creating a shrine to him and Ophis, so they could be worshiped as the dragon gods. Because with like in Hell were Issei had become a role model for younger kids he had started gaining fame on earth. A religion had formed to worship dragons and with Issei and Ophis being the Alpha's they wanted a proper shrine to worship them and dragon kind, so with the help of the Youkai faction the built a shrine for Issei and Ophis and for the rest of dragon kind.

A week after the whole thing Dracula invited everyone over for peace talks, Issei was excited to meet Dracula since he had read the Bram stocker novels and wanted to know if he was like in person. Dracula turned out to be a great person, him meeting Seras had changed for the better. Well partly he still enjoyed fighting and much to Issei's and everyone's surprise Dracula was a huge pervert. Issei could see one reason why, Seras she was drop dead gorgeous (pun intended) put she was a killer when pissed. A while they were there Issei and Dracula had fights for fun, that left Rias, Seras and the others to talk. They quickly developed a friendship and they found out Seras was pregnant, to say Seras was happy was an understatement she was through the roof.

With everyone being away for a few weeks it allowed the mansion to be remodelled. The mansion was now ready for Issei's kids which would be 21 kids at the least if everyone only gave birth to one child. Of cause with saving her mum Kunou had fallen for Issei, and with her mother's permission moved to Kuoh to be with Issei. Yasaka asked Issei to wait until she was older to do anything with her since she was only in middle school age. During the time away Raynare got her time with Issei, it surprised him at first but Issei could see Raynare wanted this so he let her. A week later they found out she was pregnant everyone was happy since during the time she had been back with Issei they could tell something was wrong she wasn't fully happy and with this she became fully happy.

Speaking of the school it was being converted into the first school in the human world that would teach magic and so forth. It was Sona's idea to do it, Issei knew Sona wanted to start up her own school to teach people and know she got her chance. It might not have been the same way she expected it to go but she didn't care.

As the years passed a lot of things happened in Issei's mansion. Some days you would here crying were someone of the had stepped of Koneko's and Kuroka's kids cat tails, making them lash out at whoever did it. Or crying when the kids didn't get treats because they were misbehaving. Laughter when Seras and Dracula's daughter named Claire Tepes Dracula came over to play with them.

The rest of the world had prospered, with the introduction of magic it made things a lot easier to do. Kuoh Magical Academy became famous for producing the best skilled magic users. Rating games became a famous sport were anyone could participate and win rewards from money and more. All species lived happily for the rest of time.

(Authors note: Sorry to end the story here but I lost the documents that planed out each chapter, and the story was set to end in this chapter anyway)