(A/N: Here's chapter two of 'The Flower Princess and the Alchemist'. Yes, I know the last chapter wasn't much, but this chapter would go more in depth with Orihime's current circumstances. And if you are worried and anxious for Edward and Alphonse to show up, don't worry. They will in the next chapter, but Orihime won't meet them until the chapter after. Okay, enjoy the chapter!

I honestly never imagined I get many reviews, faves, or followers from the first chapter. I'm amazed! You guys I really interested in the idea of this story! Thanks!

BakaPanda1: This takes place after the defeat of Aizen, so no dangai Ichigo. Unless he regains that form after the Fullbring Arc because I don't read the manga. Only watched the anime.

Hollow Alchemist (guest): Nice name by the way… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call Orihime weak. I just meant she shouldn't overtake the spotlight from Edward, Alphonse, or any other FMA character. At least, most of the time. As for Orihime's reality warping powers, I have vague idea of where I want to go with it and the limits [within reason] with it. As far as I know, the basic limits of Orihime's powers is her imagination. If she thinks she can do it, she can. If she doesn't, she can't. Her own psyche is her limit. As far bringing people back to the dead… I know she can, but she's only shown doing it once [as far as I know]. I'm planning to put how much time something has past as one of the factors to the limits of her powers as her powers is basically reversing time in which anything she comes into contact with. And as for saving FMA canon characters. I have an idea on a few to save, but some still remain dead, like in canon. However, who will be saved will be kept secret. Hope this helps.)

Lost Girl

"Where I am?"

"You're in Amestris."

Gray eyes glanced up curiously at the girl. The language the girl spoke didn't sound Japanese at all. In fact, it sounded English. Speaking of which it seemed that most of people talking spoke in English, and she must have subconsciously replied back in the same language.

It's a good thing Orihime had taken some English classes in her junior high and high school years. And she was very adept at the language.

Finally noticing the small crowd she attracted, the burnt-orange haired girl began to fidget nervously with all the attention drawn on her. She quickly stood up on her feet, her face a light shade of pink.

Orihime chuckled nervously, sheepishly scratching the back of her head. "He he. Does anyone know how I can get back to Karakura Town?" she asked. She was only meet with looks of confusion.

"Um, are you okay?" the same girl from earlier spoke, hesitantly, as if worried Orihime would pass out.

The ginger headed girl tilted her head, puzzled by the question. "Yeah, why?"

"You're saying weird stuff. Like 'Karakura Town'. I've never even heard of it."

By this point, the healer's smile turned into a frown. "Karakura Town. It's in Japan. It's where I live."

"Japan?" the girl questioned, baffled. "Is that a country?"

If it wasn't for the fact that Orihime has been through many crazy adventures by this point, she would have panicked. How can this girl not know about Karakura Town or Japan in general? Even when she went to the Soul Society to rescue Rukia, the Soul Reapers knew that she came from Karakura Town. And she was kidnapped from the very same town by Ulquiorra and taken to Hueco Muendo.

The burnt-orange haired girl now vaguely remembered falling through some sort of Gate. Did that Gate somehow teleport her to an alternate universe?


Gray eyes turned their attention back at the girl. The crowd seemed to disperse at that moment.

"Do you have a place to stay?"

Orihime shook her head. Whatever world she was stranded in, she was completely lost and homeless.

The black haired girl beamed, clapping her hands together excitedly. "Great! You can stay with me and my dad." She outstretched her hand towards the healer helping her up to her feet.

"Oh, thanks."

"No problem. By the way, my name is Rebecca."

Orihime smiled. "Nice to meet you, Rebecca. My name is Orihime Inoue."

"Orihime Inoue…" Rebecca said, slowly, tasting the name on her tongue. "What a weird name!" she laughed heartily. "You really are a foreigner!"

The ginger haired girl's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she let out a nervous chuckle of her own.

Orihime followed Rebecca as the latter led her to her house. She glanced around, trying to study her environment. Nothing really seemed any different than her old home. The only difference is that everything seemed a little less...modern. Like she was thrown back a couple of decades into the past. But that couldn't be true because she read her history books and there was no country by the name of Amestris. None that she could recall. And Rebecca didn't seem to know about the existence of Japan.

"Here we are!" Rebecca announced, pointing at a medium sized house out in the distance. The house was a beige color with a pale red roof. It seemed to be fairly isolated from the rest of the town.

A muscular looking man appeared to be hammering away at the roof.

"Dad!" Rebecca called to the man as they approached the house. "Are you still trying to fix the roof?"

The man glanced down at his daughter. He had the same shade of black as her, except his eyes were blue instead of brown.

"Welcome home, Rebecca!" he cheerfully greeted his daughter. He took notice of her new companion fidgeting next to her. "Who's this? A new friend?"

"Yes, dad. This is Orihime Inoue."

The aforementioned girl bowed politely. "It's nice to meet you, sir."

He smiled at the girl. "There's no need to be so polite. Just call me Michael. Michael Hall."

The burnt-orange haired girl giggled at the man's chipper attitude.

"By the way, dad, can Orihime stay with us for a while?" the dark haired female asked her father.

Michael's face scrunched up in confusion. "Why?"

"Well, she seems to be a lost foreigner with no place to stay."

The man seemed to contemplative this for a second. A foreigner? What was a foreigner doing here?

"Not to mention, Orihime's an alchemist!"

That seemed to sell it.

It's been about a week since Orihime was stranded in this strange, alternate world. Michael had been a very friendly and outgoing man. He wasn't at home much because he was busy fixing some of the houses that were damaged during a tornado that happened almost a month ago. He was very helpful and the ginger headed girl liked him for that.

Rebecca, on the other hand, was very loud and boisterous. She was very opened to what she liked whether it be clothes, movies, or even boys. She seemed to get along well with the townsfolk.

The auburn haired girl still missed all her friends back home. She wondered if they were trying to figure out a way to bring back to her own world.

"We should get you some new clothes, Orihime!" Rebecca suddenly announced, gleefully. "I've finally convinced my dad to give me some spending money. It's not much, but we could buy a couple of shirts and a pairs of pants."

Before Orihime could protest, the dark haired girl dragged her to the nearest clothing store. The ginger headed girl gazed at the different clothes in awe and amusement. Everything was so...so… anachronistic. Her gray eyes sparkled in childlike glee. She always wondered what it felt like to wear clothes from the past. Now's her chance!

Rebecca dragged her through the various racks full of dresses. Unlike in her time where most of the clothes had unique designs or wordings on it, all the clothes were very simple.

"Ah, how about this, Orihime?" the dark haired girl said, pulling out a simple orange dress. It had a small white bow wrapped around the waistline and a yellow collar. The collar opened up just below the neckline and the skirt of the dress looked like it'll reach below the ginger headed girl's knees. "You know, it'll be great to show off your-"

"I-I'm not like that!" Orihime yelped, cutting Rebecca off, her face flushed in embarrassment as she covered her chest uncomfortably. The flustered girl has always been well aware of the fact that her bust size has been...larger than most women her age.

The dark haired girl just laughed at the embarrassed girl. She simply shoved the dress into Orihime's arms and pointed her towards the direction of the fitting room.

The fitting room was small yet spacious. The walls were made of wood as was the rest of the room, and the door had a lock on it to prevent others from coming in while she's changing.

Orihime shredded off the school uniform she had on. She held the orange dress in front of her. It seemed simple enough. She unzipped the zipper which was located on the back of the dress.

After she was done trying out the dress, she stepped out of the fitting room.

"Well? What do you think?" she asked Rebecca, showing off the dress. The skirt reached her knees just like she thought it would, flaring out a little. The sleeves reached towards her elbows and puffed out a bit.

"Wow! It looks really good on you, Orihime!" Rebecca praised her. She then grabbed the girl's wrist. "C'mon! Let's go get some more clothes for you to try on!"

Both girls ended up buying Orihime that dress, a long pink, floral patterned skirt, a red, button down blouse, and knee length, brown boots.

"This should be enough to last you about a week," Rebecca informed her. "Maybe I can ask my dad for some more spare money, so we can go shopping again. If he let's us…" she trailed off.

Orihime wanted to protest about spending money on her again, but I shirl cry cut her off.

"What was that?" Rebecca thought out loud, voicing the other girl's thoughts. The ginger headed girl raced towards the cry of the voice. "Where are you going?" she asked.

Orihime came to the spot where she thought she heard the cry of pain to see a man clutching his leg, which was twisted in an odd angle, probably broken she presumed.

"What happened?" the burnt-orange haired asked, voice filled with concern.

The man glanced up at her. "Nothing for you to worry about, miss. I was just clumsy and fell off the roof I was fixing. I'll take it to the hospital. Hope it isn't broken," he grumbled the last part to himself.

"I can heal you!" Orihime blurted out.

The man gave her a disbelieving look. "You can?"

"Yep!" she pumped her fist to her chest confidently. "Just leave it to me!" She held her hands. "Shun'ou, Ayame! Soten Kisshun! I reject!" Two bright lights of orange emerged from the hairpin she had attached to the collar her dress. They fluttered around the man. The onlookers looked on with awe as an orange glowing, oval shaped dome surrounded the man's leg.

Within minutes, the shield evaporated. The man stretched his leg, and, to his surprise, the pain in his leg was instantly gone.

"Wow! Th-that's incredible!" he said, breathlessly.

"You really are an alchemist, aren't you, Orihime?" Rebecca asked, a big grin gracing her lips.

The ginger headed girl would have replied, if she knew what an alchemist was.

(A/N: That's the end of the second chapter of this! Hope you enjoyed it! Nothing much to say. Just Orihime trying to figure where she is and adapting to her new environment until she figures out a way home. I know Orihime doesn't need to call out the name of her techniques, but I just did it for fun. The next chapter would focus on the Elric brothers and them investigating this town after hearing a rumor about a mysterious healer. Please review and thank you for reading!)