Soft magical illumination reflected off steaming waters of the underground hot-springs (A/N:CH.21), as Madara relaxed for the first time in days. After his meeting with the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord, taking a moment to enjoy a game of Shogi for the first time in recent memory, he then decided to steal a moment to clean himself and decompress. Especially after his most recent gains.
Thinking back on it, rarely if ever did he steal peaceful moments like this for himself. He was always on the move in his original world, filtering hither and thither as he sought the means to accomplish his goals. In fact, if not for the suggestions from Dy'vom and Arimour, he wouldn't have even entertained the idea of "downtime" at all beyond sleep.
'Hmph... Although I still have clones conducting various tasks, even I am surprised at myself. I wonder what Hashirama would have made of this...'
Just then, the image of his old rival heartily laughing at this change in his routine flashed in his mind's eye. His stern expression twisting into blank annoyance. Yes, that would likely have been his reaction. Just as he sighed at the mental-image, his senses picked up a pair of females approaching the hotsprings' entrance. He perked a brow, scratching his left-cheek in mild consternation.
When initally creating this space, he did so in the name of easier rest and recovery for those he would recruit. He recognized from his experience training Unity Four's human members that some basic R&R was essential for faster recovery from his rather strenuous training regimen. Training that his clones even now conducted with Blue Rose, and the triplet Ninja sister Tira elsewhere.
Given his past life as a loner in pursuit of his goals, he was slightly embarrassed to realize that he overlooked a rather basic component of having facilities like these be segregated by gender. While he personally did not care either way, he could only lightly chuckle at himself in self-deprecation for missing so basic an overight.
Just as he mused on this, the wooden sliding-doors opened. As he thought, it was Hilma and Edström in their respective guises as "Shauna Gilmore" and "Allura". For a moment they froze in shock, staring wide-eyed into Madara's apathetic expression. Again, he could not help but imagine Hashirama laughing at him at the notion of two voluptuous women walking in on him whilst enjoying a hot-spring.
Yes, as his right-brow twitched minutely in annoyance, he realized that his old "war buddy" would have absolutely found this scene comical.
"O-Oh, my~! Apologies, my lord. I didn't realize that you were already using the facilities. If you wish, we can return at another time." Hilma gracefully said with a smile.
Madara was drawn out of his thoughts as he beheld the pair of nude women bowing to him. Again, intrusive thoughts of Hashirama laughing at him for this scene flashed in his mind's eye as he sighed.
"Do not be foolish, woman. I am not so childish. These facilities were built for a reason, so step in and make use of them as you were clearly intending to."
"Ah, most gracious, my lord. Then, we'd be glad to join you..."
Whilst Hilma seemed the picture of calm, even pleased by this turn of events as she strode forward with a smile, Edström appeared nervous and reluctant. Only the gentle prodding from Hilma seemed to make her relent. Madara was genuinely surprised by this interaction as they entered the pool of steaming water.
He indeed commanded Edström to follow Hilma's orders, recognizing some animosity towards Hilma when the former Six Arms members were reanimated, but now? One would have assumed they were old friends. As they settled in, allowing their limbs and posture to relax on the opposite end, he made a mental note of this as Hilma spoke up in an equally relaxed tone.
"I must say my lord, it's refreshingly progressive of you to have constructed a communal bathing area. Most human cultures tend to balk at such a thing, viewing it as deviant. But it appears that we share similar tastes in certain things after all." Hilma said in amusement.
Madara fought the urge to sigh, even as Hashirama's vexing imagery laughed, echoing in his mind. Deciding it would be less of a headache, he simply leaned towards her assumptions. After all, rare were the times he made such simple mistakes, and in the end his pride won out as he responded in a monotone.
"Hmph... I care not for such simple things. In war, something so simple as nudity is far from the worst thing warriors must grow accustomed to. If those who work under me cannot conduct themselves in a professional manner, even in the face of such trivial things, then I would be forced to reconsider their usefulness."
"Of course, my lord. It is as you say..." Hilma replied with a slight head-bow, as her smile then took on a more business-like glint.
"...On that note, this seems a wonderful opportunity to report that all proceeds apace in the Dragon Kingdom. The Queen has accepted our proposal, and if the reports I've received from Ijaniya's scouts in the field are to be believed, it shouldn't be long before she approaches us for our first assignment."
"Hoh? What do they report that gives you such confidence?" Madara said in genuine curiosity.
"It seems the Queen sent one of her relatives out on a mission, and has yet to hear back from her. According to the scouts, the area she entered is positively crawling with powerful beastmen. Whatever her relative's mission, it must be one of great import, seeing as they chose to take such risks without waiting to bring along the likes of Crystal Tear for protection."
"Hm. Indeed..."
Madara cradled his chin with his left-hand as he contemplated this new information. He knew that most of the adult members of Queen Draudillon Oriculus' relatives were killed during the invasion's initial phases, with more perishing as the war dragged on and they losing more territory.
With the exception of children who were taken further west to ensure their safety, by all accounts the Queen seemed loath to send any of her surviving relatives outside the capital, regardless of how strong or able they were. As much as he wished to know the meaning behind this particular puzzle, he had little reason to intervene in a situation that he left to Hilma's care.
"Umu. Keep a close eye on the situation."
"As you command, my lord. I'll be sure to pass along developments as they happen to your clone working in the stables. Unless I'm able to report directly to you, of course." Hilma dutifully replied with a fond smile.
"Hmph. See that you do..."
For a moment, Madara was taken from his train-of-thought as he silently gazed upon the two women as they laid back, basking in the relaxing and revitalizing waters. As an eminently powerful, disciplined Shinobi that focused on his goals above all else, rarely did he find the time to appreciate the beauty of the female form.
With his guard down in this moment of leisure however, he found himself blankly staring at the pair of women as his discipline and focus waned. And once again, his right-brow twitched in annoyance as the vexingly vivid sound of a nonexistent Hashirama's laughter echoed in his mind, making fun of his "sudden interest" in women.
'Hahahahaha~! The eternal bachelor now has more beauties surrounding him than he knows what to do with!'
Yes, that would be something his old rival and friend would likely say, much to his silent consternation. Again fighting the urge to sigh, he saw a change in Hilma's demeanor as Edström continued to gently splash and caress the steaming waters upon her bare form. It appeared Hilma's vision gazed into the distance, as her attention was caught by something not inside the room.
Madara then sensed the magical energies of a [Link-Pearl] on one of her ears. The Player artifact was among the few not blocked by the underground compound's wards. Wards that were set up long ago, keeping it hidden from the prying eyes of Nazarick and others who would no doubt attempt to find this place.
It was then that an almost seductive smile beamed across Hilma's lips as she spoke in a deeply pleased tone.
"I have news from my contacts in the Empire, my lord. News that I'm sure you will find most interesting."
"Stop wasting time relishing in the moment and speak plainly, woman. What do you have?" Madara sternly replied.
"Ah, my apologies, my lord. Although you may agree that the information itself is worth relishing. It seems that one of its nobles, a fool named Count Femel, received a most curious report of a 'newly discovered tomb' within the Re-Estize Kingdom. One located in an isolated region and is at present, unknown to the Kingdom itself. It seems that he intends to hire a cadre of Workers to investigate it. Curious, would you not agree~?"
Hilma's smile was almost predatory as she finished her summation, and indeed Madara agreed that the information was worth relishing. Especially since she knew of all the information that the former Thirteen Heroes' leader and Edo Tensei summon "Benkei" had passed along regarding "Ainz Ooal Gown". And how the group based itself in a place called the, "Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick".
He realized as she did that this was no mere coincidence, and even he could not help but lightly smirk at this latest revelation. Despite all his efforts, locating this "Nazarick" proved a fruitless endeavor. Then suddenly, a useful idiot like Count Femel had just happened to stumble upon what may be the lair of that powerful undead masquerading as the Adamantite-ranked adventurer Momon?
As Hilma's smile grew wider, she seemed to have reached the same conclusion that he did...
"This is bait for a trap."
"Yes, I thought the same, my lord."
"And? What are your thoughts on the matter?"
Madara asked his question in a tone making it clear it was a test. Hilma then folded her arms in an over-under fashion that gave an increased emphasis to her ample bosom as she replied in a droll yet considering manner.
"I speculate there to be one of two goals driving this. The first could possibly be a test to see how well their base fares against incursions from this land's inhabitants. My contacts informed me that many of the Worker teams being sought were ones that turned me down when I sought mercenaries in Arwintar for the war. Those teams will be by-and-large mythril-level, so they would be adequate in proving a point to the Empire regarding Ainz Ooal Gown's power. The second could be to create a situation where the Empire is drawn into an international incident to justify a violent response. Leaving one party holding the bag for the crimes of a foolish lesser noble's ignorant mercenaries, while the other is seemingly blameless and free to retaliate without reserve. Using that would be a perfect excuse to initiate open conflict, but I would actually speculate this to be a means of blackmail. After all, what better way to compel the Bloody Emperor to move precisely as one wishes when he's forced to make amends with an entity that wields absolute power whom his Empire has wronged?"
A pleased smile decorated Madara's countenance, leaving both Hilma and Edström silent as he spoke in a proud tone.
"Well done, woman. You continually prove that saving you that night was the right decision (A/N:CH.14). There is only one flaw in your thinking. That being, who is to say that those two goals are mutually exclusive?"
"Ah, I see... How foolish of me... For beings as powerful and monstrous as they, nothing could stop them from accomplishing both goals at once." Hilma said in realization.
"Hm, indeed. And if that 'useful idiot' is truly seeking some of the same Workers that turned down 'Shauna Gilmore', that creates an opportunity."
"Yes, indeed it does, my lord. I am merely glad that I had the foresight to ingratiate some of my best girls into Count Femel's service."
"Hmph… Do not give yourself undue praise for exploiting so obvious a weakness. For that fool to be so easily swayed by drink and pretty faces, you cannot be the only one to have exploited him so." Madara declared contemptuously.
"Perhaps you have a point, my lord. Still, one cannot refute there are times something as simple as a pretty face can prove most useful. A great many men cannot help but be moved by them. Especially if they're the right ones. Speaking of which, given our recent string of successes, will your lordship not make use of the pretty faces directly before you to celebrate~?"
Hilma seductively spoke, using one hand to lift up a breast enticingly while she wrapped her other arm around a shaken and annoyed Edström who froze in shock that she would be so bold to try to tempt someone as powerful as their master. To say nothing of trying to involve her in such. In contrast, Madara bore a blank, almost bored expression as he finally and openly sighed in annoyance.
"You forget yourself, Hilma. Given your background, usefulness, and guts, I'll overlook it for now. If you're set on celebrating, then you're more than capable of doing it yourself. Or with one of your pets."
"Ah, of course. Forgive me, my lord. I simply wished to be of greater service to one that achieved something as incredible as recruiting five different Dragon Lords to your cause. And of being capable of standing against even those monsters who orchestrated the Demonic Disturbance..." Hilma contritely replied in barely constrained awe, before continuing.
"Plus... While I have sworn myself to your service, I confess to feeling I have yet to truly express my gratitude towards you for rescuing me that night."
Madara then rested his chin upon a propped up fist as he eased the tension in his stern expression.
"Hmph... Lottus and Damar talk too much, but no matter. If you truly wish to be of even greater service, then continue what you're doing in the Dragon Kingdom. Once conflict there begins in earnest, you will likely find yourself confronted with ever growing challenges. When that time comes, you may express your gratitude by continuing to be loyal and useful to me." Madara lectured in a pedagogical manner.
"Yes, of course, my lord." Hilma said in an appreciative tone as she bowed.
"I've allowed myself to indulge in these waters' comfort long enough. You two may enjoy the rest of your day however you see fit. You have earned it. I will leave to make my own preparations for what is to come." Madara said in finality.
"Thank you, my lord. May the rest of your day be as fruitful."
With a silent nod Madara nonchalantly stepped out of the steaming pool, not caring for the poorly hidden gasps from the two women as they beheld him in all his "glory". In hindsight, perhaps he could have just teleported out of the room, but that seemed a bit excessive for such a simple thing as he exited through the sliding doors.
Silence reigned in the room for another moment, before Edström reached over with her right-hand and pinched the arm that was still wrapped around her shoulder.
"Owie~! That hurt."
Hilma winched with an exaggerated, friendly pout as she rubbed her newly created sore.
"Save it, Hilma. Don't ever try to involve me in your antics. I swear, it's bad enough when you pull stunts like what you did with Kullervo, but our master?! It's like you have a death wish." Edström groused through gritted teeth.
To this Hilma only smiled as she looked at her friend and bodyguard with a relaxed gaze.
"I understand how you feel my friend, but trust me. I knew what I was doing. Our master is not one to severely reprimand simple fun, so long as a certain threshold isn't crossed. Besides, even one such as he needs a moment or two of levity."
"Uh-huh. Your jokes are in as bad taste as ever, I see."
"Hehe... Perhaps, but it was all worth it in the end."
"Uh, what? I don't understand."
"Oh, it's nothing terribly important. I was just worried. Had I lost my touch? Our master seemed as unmoving as stone. One might say he lacked in basic human emotions. What does that mean then for a man who's reached such a pinnacle of power that even Dragon Lords walk with him? Does he simply stop being human, or has he become a higher form of human that we simply cannot comprehend? I have now received the answers to all these questions."
Edström's mouth resembled a fish out-of-water as she gawked at Hilma. Then she wearily chuckled, running her left-hand through her hair with a smile.
"Okay, I'll give you that... Huh. You're still full of surprises. The old Hilma never would've thought so deeply on things... And? Care to enlighten me on what exactly those answers are?"
"Yes, gladly... Despite the challenge, I can still get the 'sword' of even a man like that to stand ready to skewer its targets... He is simply a man in complete control of himself. That which is base in him serves that which is best in him. Not the other way around. He's unlike virtually all other men, or even sapient beings in general by my experience. Truly, the more I see of him, the more captivated by him I become." Hilma stated with a faraway, dreamy look in her eyes.
"Ahem~! Well, not that I disagree, but I hope that you took the time to pry your eyes off his admittedly substantial manhood to notice his chest?"
"Hm~? Oh, yes. That face-shaped protrusion was most curious. Whatever it symbolizes, I would like to think that it represents his mysterious past, and not his glorious future." Hilma opined with fondness, as Edström sighed.
"Yeah, maybe I should have expected you to say something like that. Ah, whatever. So what are your plans for tonight? The master did correctly say you're more than capable of 'celebrating' on your own. So how many of the stableboys should I have brought to your chambers tonight?" She nonchalantly asked.
"Hm, well, it is a special occasion, and we do have a few days before anything significant happens... Go ahead and send all of them~." Hilma casually said as she leaned back in the waters.
"...Pffft~! Damn it, Hilma. No matter how much you change, you're still as shameless as ever. I bet you could bed an entire army and not even blink." Edström snorted in resignation as she chuckled in good humor.
"Hmm... That's a good question. I've never tried that. If the men among the mercenaries we hired do well, perhaps I'll be able to offer them a nice bonus, and get one step closer to doing such."
Hilma pondered aloud as she brought an outstretched index-finger in contemplation to her chin. Meanwhile Edström silently grimaced, her own thoughts to Hilma giving the joke actual consideration crystal clear by her expression, 'Are you serious?' It was then that Hilma spoke in a more pensive tone.
"Now that you mention it, I vaguely recall a story I heard as a courtesan from 500-years ago. It was about a female monarch that bedded an entire army, who then surrendered and swore utmost fealty to her. As a young woman, I always took it as an allegory. That there are times when a far more subtle means may be preferable to violence to achieve the same end."
"I... see... Wait, you don't think...?" Edström began when Hilma finished her sentence.
"...That there may be more truth to that story than meets the eye? With what we now know of powerful beings like Lord Madara, this 'Ainz Ooal Gown', and entities such as the 'Player' that the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord defeated? Perhaps... After all, with everything we ourselves have personally experienced since Lord Madara came into our lives, my instincts tell me we should give old stories like that more credence."
Edström instinctively frowned, but could only nod in response to Hilma's statement. She grew up as part of the nomadic tribes in the deserts to the south that surrounded the ancient city of Eryuentiu. The legends said that it was once the seat of power for the legendary, "Eight Greed Kings". Beings that were said to have defeated the ancient Dragon Lords and conquered all of the known world before turning on each other.
In the not-too-distant past, she would have dismissed these old tales as mere stories and have been done with it. Now with everything that has happened, she was forced to reevaluate those legends the same way Hilma and the others had. That then begged the question, would understanding these old tales give them hope, or foretell their doom?
Far to the east of the Dragon Kingdom, lay the region known as the Beastman Country. This was something of a colloquialism however, as in actuality there are many countries to the east ruled by beastmen. This one in particular was the nation currently at war with the Dragon Kingdom directly to its west.
Its capital would surprise most humans in that it was of actual shaped and carved stone construction. Whether the savage beastmen somehow managed to build this city themselves, or simply moved in after the fall of another civilization, none could say for certain. But this was without question the most fortified city within the Beastman Country.
This was most certainly the case for its central palace as beastmen of all types were busy maintaining it. Its guards used actual weapons of good forged metal, standing proud and straight upon the arrival of a lion-type beastman who stood over 7-feet tall with a beautiful golden-white mane, and bore armor of fine leather and polished-plate superior to that of the guards.
Upon this beastman's back was a double-bladed weapon that folded together to make for easier and more compact storage. The beastman's turquoise-colored eyes held a fierce yet disciplined gaze as he strode forward, ignoring the looks of respect and even admiration the other beastman servants gave him.
Once he reached the set of double-doors to the palace's main throne-room, a pair of wolf-type guards bowed respectfully as one spoke.
"State business, please."
"Grmph... I'm here to see him. I bring news about the war."
"Hrm... You can pass."
The guards without hesitation then pushed the stone chamber double-doors open as the lion-type beastman walked forward. They restrain themselves from extending an arm outwards as they would have done in the past when the turquoise-eyed one was still their King as a show of devotion to their superior. They also did their best to not stare at their former-King for too long, so the pity and shame would not be too clear.
Also doing his best to not stare too much at the guards that had once served him, the new arrival went forth, entering a grand throne-room. The throne itself stood atop a pedestal with stone stairs in front and to its sides. Sitting upon the throne was a creature that wore little more than a dark loincloth that appeared similar to a beastman, yet looked and felt much more monstrous.
First were the antler-like horns protruding to the sides, framed by a ghostly flame-like aura of sickly orange and blue. To the front was exposed muscle, so solid that the hide looked at if it could barely contain the fibers within. This darkened steel-like hide was framed by black fur darker than night. The creature's bipedal form did not have feet or paws, but hooves so wide and sharp that they appeared they could split the Earth if struck forcefully enough.
As its claws gripped the throne's adamantite armrests, its face which bore the traits of both lion and minotaur contorted in a mix of anger and glee as its eyes bore into the lion-type beastman with a fiery-aura, and an almost sadistic wrath. The glare wasn't matched by the former King, who looked upon the current ruler with a feeling of disgust and anger.
In his time he faced many challengers, some of which could have taken his throne if things had gone differently. But even as one who abided by this society's value of strength and pride overall, he could never accept who currently sat upon his former-throne. This being who was more than a beast, but a walking calamity.
To its sides a pair of scantily clad females sat at the foot of the throne. One to the right was a feline-type beastman with a slim figure and gray-colored fur. The one on the left appeared to be a red-headed humanoid, but as one glanced into her eyes, the almost demonic vertically-slitted pupils could quickly cast some doubt on that assumption.
As they caressed the legs of the monster that sat on the throne, they both regarded the lion-type beastman with a mix of pity and fondness as the monster above them and were tasked with keeping satisfied spoke.
"Ah, Shingto Orgulosa... Have you come to challenge me again?" The creature on the throne asked with a haunting quality to its tone.
"No, I have not, Xathros." The lion-type beastman replied in a steely, willful tone.
"Hrmph! Is that so... And? Why do you disturb me?" The creature named Xathros asked as the lights of its eyes dimmed, disappointment clear in its tone as he drank from a large, jeweled goblet.
"News from your spy in the Dragon Kingdom's capital."
"Oh? What does he report?" Xathros asked, now with renewed interest.
"Their Queen has hired that new upstart merchant company, the Fire-Leaf. Their leader is a woman named Shauna Gilmore. He's successfully infiltrated their ranks as a 'stableboy'. He has used her desires for the pleasures of the flesh to get close to her. He reports that they've collected many powerful warriors in their ranks, and are supplying the kingdom with food and other supplies at reduced cost. Details in this paper..."
As the former-King named Shingto produced an envelope from a pouch on his belt, Xathros outstretched his left-hand. A green aura emerged as the envelope floated into his grasp and promptly unfurled itself to reveal its contents. The script was seemingly written in blood as he read it with interest, and fangs protruded as the contents brought out a devilish smile.
"Hah! Interesting. Turning that wretch into a werewolf has finally produced results..."
As Xathros threw the letter to the side, it ignited with grayish-black fire as even its ashes faded into nothing. Then the two beings of Shingto and Xathros locked eyes for an intense moment as the latter spoke in an even tone.
"You are dismissed. Unless you're sure you're not trying to challenge me again?" Xathros remarked with a raised eyebrow.
"Then perhaps you are considering how to show your loyalty to me?" Xathros chuckled, extending an arm, but getting no response outside a disgusted look.
"Hrmph... Ever the prideful one. But then again, I guess that is to be expected from the one 'born to be King'. You have the dedication, I admit and admire that, and I still have some respect for you. It's why you're still alive. But unless you have something of use to say, you can go."
"Grrr... You should have killed me." Shingto growled in indignation.
"What of your pride, 'King'? You'd leave your people behind for me to rule?"
Xathros openly mused, placing a hand on the head of one of the females in a gesture that said he could easily snap her neck.
"There's no need for that." Shingto said, his figure relaxing to an extent.
"You can die when I have no more use for you. I'll not make the same mistakes as my brethren and I did 200-years ago. Until that time comes you'll serve as my top enforcer, killing enemies worthy of you. You'll breed strong pups, and continue to lay with the human girls I give you until those efforts bear fruit. By creating half-breeds your people will grow stronger Shingto. It's only fitting that their former-King is one of those to bare this duty." Xathros said with a twisted, fang-filled smile.
"Gragh! Don't think me a fool, demon. I know it's only for the sake of your own strength that you want such a thing." Shington said with barely constrained anger.
"They are one and the same... Now go... You won't have your deathwish this day, and your people are still counting on you oh, King~."
The lion-type beastman stood defiant for a moment, before turning around and leaving with his head held high. Even in beastman society where the philosophy of "might makes right", there were those like its former-King that still had their pride. Especially for those who lived the way of the warrior as he did.
To be denied a warrior's death was insult enough, but to be used as someone's lackey, breeding stock and experiment, and to watch as his people be sent off to fight in a meaningless war was an almost intolerable ignominy. If not for the sake of his mate, his previously born younglings, and his sense of duty as King that he had yet to challenge the mad tyrant again. Lest he too would die a pointless death.
And so, as he left the palace, he resolved to wait and bide his time. For even among his kind, he was possessed of strength and cunning both. It was why he was among the longest reigning kings in his kind's history, before that thing arrived and took what was his...
And what may be his again.
Meanwhile, the living calamity that sat on the throne smiled in amusement. There was no doubt in his mind that was exactly what the fallen King was thinking, and it pleased him to know that his spirit wasn't broken yet. He looked forward to the moment when he would discover that all his efforts were utterly futile.
For unbeknownst to the former-king, as this war dragged on and the bloodier the fighting, the stronger Xathros became. Strength he would need if he was to maintain his own power and freedom. He was once a slave to the "Demon God", along with the rest of his brethren centuries ago.
It was only by the slimmest of chances did he successfully fake his death at the hands of the so-called "Thirteen Heroes", sealing what they believed was his corpse in stone. And it was only by the narrowest of margins that a member of some deluded cult called the Order of the New Dawn was he discovered and revived years ago. Now he would ensure that with the conquest of the Dragon Kingdom and his dominion over the beastmen, his own power and freedom would be assured forevermore.
'Dance for me, soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, warriors of the Beastmen, and upstart mercenaries of the Fire-Leaf Concern. For the more you struggle and shed one another's blood, the more you shall empower the Evil Deity of Beasts to take his rightful place as this world's Demon Emperor...'
It was midday in the imperial capital of Arwinter as a young man in green-colored, thief-like attire strode along in a brisk yet somehow casual gait. To the Imperial Knights whom watched him closely it was an impressive trick. Of course, given his attire and the section of the city, they assumed him to be an adventurer. Although that was far from the case.
In actuality the young man was a worker; those who deviated from the path of the more standard adventurer. Something one of the Knights realized as their attention remained upon the individual who continued along their business. The Knight grumbled a bit as he clearly did not think much of those not sanctioned by the Adventurer's Guild.
After all, workers did not abide by the same codes and rules as the guild did, and were usually one step away from being outright criminals. Thus the reason why those of the city-guard and Knights usually looked down upon those "adventurer drop-outs". But that did not mean they were any less deadly if pushed into a corner. They could tell the thief-like man was formidable, so it was not wise to provoke any issues without reason.
Reaching a mid-class inn whose name was obscured by the midday sun, the thief slid into the establishment with nary a sound made. Waiting for only a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darker indoor environment, he passed the front bar and approached a far-right corner table with foldable partition-wall. The young man smiled as he saw the table was filled with four other individuals and spoke in a friendly tone.
"Hey, everyone! Sorry I'm late."
"Ah, that's fine. We only just got here ourselves. Come, take a seat. Drinks have already been ordered, so we can go over what you've learned."
The elderly man who just spoke appeared a friendly old man, but the keen gaze belied the look of a cunning and grizzled veteran of many battles. He was leader of the mythril-leveled worker team Dragon Hunt, Parpatra "Green Leaf" Ogrion. Named so for the green attire made from the remains of a Green Dragon he slew years ago.
As his younger teammate sat down with the rest, he waited for no prompting as he took a swig of the ale mug that awaited him, before then speaking in a serious manner.
"I got what information I could on the latest job offer, chief. The basic outline is this; it's a newly discovered ruin in the Kingdom. No one seems to know about it, and our client Count Femel wants to hire us and a few other teams to check it out. The ruin itself was described as a tomb with a surface structure appearing to lead underground. Things get a little weird after that. We're to be paid 200-gold from the get-go, with another 150 after. It's strange enough the downpayment is higher than the rest, but the overall amount of pay is pretty high for this type of job..."
The thief-like teammate took a moment to take another drink before continuing with his briefing.
"...Ah, sorry about that. Needed to wet my whistle. Anyroad, conditions of the job might mean some bonuses for us, depending on the investigation's results. While any magic items found will sadly go to the Count, they'll still pay the discoverers half the market value for anything found. That includes any other valuables like artworks, precious stones, minerals, weapons, and so on. All in all, if we play our cards right, the 50/50 split from this virgin dungeon could be a gold mine for us!" The thief excitedly concluded.
"Hmm... Yes, that may be so... Although there's the odd wrinkles of those other teams being hired to do the same thing, as well as the timeframe they want us to do this in." Parpatra Ogrion contemplatively said as he stroked his beard.
"Yes! It's strange that they want us to do his in three-days time. But since this ruin was discovered within the Kingdom's territory, it might be they want to avoid discovery." The thief earnestly replied.
"Isn't that why they're hiring workers instead of just regular ol' adventurers? I mean, we don't operate under the same rules, so sneaking in like thieves in the night ain't a problem for us. 'Specially when compared to some of our past jobs." The group's warrior nonchalantly chimed in.
"Yeah, that could be it. But working with other teams? Seems a little risky. We run the risk of the shares of loot becoming uneven. Like that one job we did on the frontier a couple of years back. What a shite show that was." The team's magic caster said in concern.
"On the other hand, the potential rewards outweigh some of the risks we would have taken with that 'Fire-Leaf Concern' that approached us a little while back. And the other teams can be a good buffer for us if we play our cards right." Parpatra Ogrion said with a jovial tone.
"That's certainly true, leader. As much as I feel for the people of the Dragon Kingdom, we would've taken greater risks for the same fees, but none of the bonuses." The team's cleric awkwardly commented.
"It might've hurt our reputation a little bit, but as usual the chief's instincts were spot on! I mean, taking on that job meant more work for the same pay, minus the potential bonuses. To say nothin' of the fact that we'd have to work with less freedom and more oversight." The thief matter-of-factly added.
"Yes, that's mostly my reasons for turning them down. Not even the pretty face of that Shauna Gilmore woman was going to move this old man into taking action in a war-time contract. That sort of thing is for the young. Not this old man and the young pups he's raising." Parpatra said with a pleased smirk.
"Ah, don't talk like that, chief. I wouldn't be surprised if you lived to be as old as the Imperial Court Mage."
"Fluder, huh? I doubt it. That man is... unique. But everything aside though, that doesn't mean this job will be easy. As ya'll should already know from past experience, a newly discovered ruin means monster nests and even undead. Which means we and the other teams'll be working as a reconnaissance in force. That said, I can see by the gleam in your eyes that this rare opportunity appeals to you lot much more than going to war."
"Of course! Everyone knows that the lands of humans and non-humans alike were devastated by the Evil Deities and their demonic hoards centuries ago. Even the ages from before then are little more than stories now. Adventurers, workers, it doesn't matter. Any untouched ruins is going to be the opportunity of a lifetime." The team's magic caster excitedly replied, eliciting hungry smiles from everyone.
"Hehe. It pleases me that everyone is of like mind on this, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, let's go over what else we know. Namely, the other teams. From what a little birdie tells me, most of the other teams being approached for this likewise were approached by that Shauna Gilmore woman." Parpatra sceptically commented.
"I didn't see it as unusual, chief. When I did my investigations, our reputations weren't damaged that much from turning down what was looked upon as an upstart opportunist from a doomed Kingdom. Although..." The thief began, then hesitated from continuing.
"Mm? Although, what? What's the matter, young man?" Parpatra keenly asked.
"Well, this's just a rumor, but word is that she somehow successfully recruited former Martial Lord, Kullervo Palantynen." The thief awkwardly replied.
The group sans Parpatra exclaimed in shock and disbelief that a man of that caliber was recruited into the Fire-Leaf Concern's cause. Before the table could break out into utter pandemonium, the teams' wizened leader sharply clapped his hands as he calmly spoke.
"Now, now. Don't get all excited. While I'm also surprised that man accepted the woman's deal, it seems like it was a boon for us, however indirectly. The client has likely looked for individuals of a certain caliber for this job. So anyone that woman spoke to is now being courted as good prospects. Heh. It seems like our reputations truly weren't so damaged after all." Parpatra said with a cunning glint in his eye.
His team seemingly accepted his logic as they slowly calmed down from the news. Their leader then continued by placing a polished golden-colored plate with intricately carved symbols upon their table. This seemed to get them focused, immediately recognizing it as an Imperial Credit plate.
They were a guaranteed method of payment from the Imperial Bank that functioned like a cheque. Their intricate creation were a countermeasure against forgery, so everyone there needed no explanation. This meant that their leader had their initial payments secured.
"Now that you lot are focused, word is that everything from our travel arrangements to our rations will be handled by our client, so only bring standard loads for extended jobs. While I'm sure we all have our concerns about this job's fishy nature and some of the uncertain details, we still have time to learn what we can before doing the job. So barring any unforeseen complications, can I assume everyone's on board for this?"
Parpatra calmly asked his question with a focused poise of a leader tested by many decades of jobs and missions. Backed by a veteran like him, the group found no reason to object as they all nodded in unison. Bringing forth an almost fatherly smile from the old man.
"It warms this old heart of mine to see you youngins be of one mind an' purpose. Well, see to your preparations, and we'll meet again in two-day's time. Dismissed."
Perhaps it was a sign of their years of working together, but they drank the last of their tankards in one go and stood up in unison as they dispersed. Meanwhile unbeknownst to them all, their entire meeting was watched by one of Madara's Clones as it used an Earth-Style Jutsu to swim through the earth like a fish in water.
'Umu... My Clones will be observing each of the teams as they meet, but this one is a fairly promising prospect...'
When Madara's main body was informed of these workers being recruited, he sent out Clones to evaluate each of them. So far, this Madara-Clone thought that Dragon Hunt could be useful. Their leader Parpatra in particular appeared to be more clever and able than he looked.
He knew exactly how to influence his team to focus on the task at hand, even when confronted with shocking new information and circumstances. Though he hid it well to the undiscerning eye, he was cunning and almost shinobi-like in his approach to a mission.
Though he's long past his prime, his wisdom in battle could allow him to function in a mentor role. Magic and the use of the Ninshu Rite may be able to restore his old strength, but that was only in regards to himself. The young men he led left the Clone singularly unimpressed, despite their balanced team make-up.
'For now I will simply watch and make my decision when the time comes. Inserting myself into this so-called expedition will be simple enough, and should be most interesting...'
To the south-eastern territories of the Dragon Kingdom, an odd sight revealed itself as a male figure stepped out of a forested area and onto grassy plains. It wasn't just that this male figure was an elf, but it was that this elf looked like an old man. If he were human, his appearance would have marked him as a man in his sixties. Given the thousand-year lifespans of elves, his was a rare sight indeed.
He was of medium height and lean yet muscular build, possessed of long grey hair, a beard reaching to his collarbones, bushy greying eyebrows, and sharp blue eyes with a keen edge. Whilst his face was covered in deep wrinkles, it retained a youthful spark in stark contrast to his wizened appearance.
His attire was clean and immaculate with a light button-up shirt under a black vest, with a neck scarf, and a dark-green long-coat. Dark-green trousers with thin dark-grey stripes and a leather belt atop with black leather boots completed his look as his left-hand and forearm causally rested upon an intricately designed katana sheathed on his left-waist.
Making this scene even more odd was the fact that to his left-side stood a nine-tailed fox-kit with dark-golden fur, and vanilla colored fur on the underside. Its ears was black-tipped with vanilla highlights on this inside, matching similar highlights to the sides of its head. Its nine tails were slightly different with vanilla-colored fur upon its tips, with black bars below that before it gave way to its golden fur.
Its four legs likewise were differentiated by its multi-layered fur of differing colors of purple, maroon, and then red. The fox-kit's eyes were of an emerald-green coloration with red tattoo-like highlights around them. Wrapped around its neck and chest areas was an aqua-colored glass bauble, linked by a purple-colored rope via a golden frame, with golden "orbs" or knobs at the ends. Resembling "Shimenawa", their quality and appearance far surpassed that, marking it as a magic item.
Rounding out the odd scene was the fact that a female fairy was curled up sleeping upon the elderly elf's right-shoulder. The small figure possessed an otherworldly beauty that easily put even the Kingdom's "Golden Princess" to shame. Her smooth skin shined with a sparkling luminescence in the sunlight. This seemed to rouse her to full wakefulness as she yawned and stretched in the sun, taking flight as she hovered next to the elf.
Upon her back a large pair of butterfly-like wings sparkled with golden light and warmth as its golden-yellow coloration with green highlights and pink tips seemed to shine even more vividly. This did well to outline her curvaceous, hourglass figure clad in a flower-patterned, neon-grey/green dress with matching leggings, and golden-yellow stockings.
Her pink eyes shined with playful warmth and compassion as she smiled towards the duo to her side as they smiled back. Her elf-like ears framed flowing silver-colored hair that likewise shined with the rest of her body, with a pair of buns atop her hair styled in a moth-like pattern that made them appear as if they were antennae to some, or cat ears to others, depending on lighting and angle.
The elderly elf took the lead as this odd trio made way through the grass plains before them. His awareness of his surroundings seemed to be total as not even the movements of the wind escaped his notice. Yet contrary to this puissant ability, his countenance was the very definition of calm, serene even. His tone of voice mirrored this as he spoke.
"Hm, the Miko again spoke true when directing us here. Although now that we are here, we're now in uncharted waters. Despite the beauty before us, it was said that these lands are marked by war and strife. So please do keep alert, Kyuko-kun."
"Of course, Haji-san~! Nothing will escape my notice." The fox-kit spoke with a cute, child-like female voice that seemed to have been produced through magic.
"I am glad. Although you did not have to accompany me to this mission to the north." The elderly elf replied with a light, fond smile.
"I know~! But I couldn't pass up the chance to see the lands you once traveled as a member of that group of heroes." Kyuko excitedly said whilst jumping up and down.
"Umu... I see you still cherish those stories I shared with you, but be aware that was over two-centuries ago. So a great deal would have change in that time." The elderly elf called "Haji-san" said with a soft, yet distant smile.
"That's what makes it so exciting~! We'll both get to experience new things together. By the way, has our fairy companion still not said anything?" Kyuko asked with tilted head as they continued walking.
"No, she has not, but such is the way of the Fae-Folk. They will use their words when they wish, and at a time of their choosing. Until then, she has no issue communicating her thoughts, feelings, and intentions without them." Haji-san replied in a wise manner.
"Hm, okay~! I was just hoping that..."
Suddenly, the foxkit cut herself off as her ears perked up, growling in ever increasing hostility. The elderly elf's eyes sharpened as his left-hand gripped his katana, and even their fairy companion showed signs of increased alertness. Suddenly, a howling sound tore into the air as a group of 50 wolf-type beastmen rose from the grassy plains like specters, sprinting towards them on all fours at full speed over 100-yards away.
"No point in trying to reason with this savage lot. You know what to do Kyuko-kun. As for you little one, let us handle this and stay out of harms way."
As the little fairly nodded in acknowledgement, rising into the air, the foxkit suddenly transformed in a burst of neon-blue colored flame. Once the flames dissipated she appeared in a more humanoid form, but with nine tails flowing behind her and her fox-like ears still visible to the sides and atop her head. Her skin was bright, smooth, and creamy, whilst her hair and eyes maintained the same coloration as her foxkit form.
Her necklace was still clearly visible, with the ropes across her chest holding together red and white attire that was like a cross between a miko and a samurai's armor. An odachi was sheathed at her left-side, but as a predatory grin flash across her lips, along with fang-like canine teeth, she drew her weapon and charged forward.
The elderly elf matched her blinding speed with a superhuman athleticism that defied all logic of his external appearance. Within just a few heartbeats both sides crashed into each other, and then an omni-directional explosion of air-pressure burst forth as over a dozen beastmen were flung into the air like ragdolls.
The beastmen to the rear halted their charge as the display shocked them to their core. What they perceived to be as weak "prey" turned out to be anything but, as swords flashed through the air in streaks of light. Their simple minds could not comprehend what they were seeing as a wrinkled old man seemingly danced around their packmates with a speed and grace that defied his appearance.
Then there was the female that outwardly looked like "food", but the presence of fox-like features confused them witless. To say nothing of that odd scent. She smelled like burnt air after a lightening strike, with a sweet scent that they could not place. She too was using a thin sword they had never seen before, as she too was taking apart their kin with bloody, wild abandon. Were these some type of human Alphas?!
Before they could mull on this further, an ear-splitting roar echoed from behind them, making them convulse uncontrollably as their eyes began to shine with a reddish glow. Once this happened, the rest of the beastmen howled in wild savagery as they too resumed their charge.
Standing side-by-side at a distance of 5-meters apart, the pair of Kyuko and "Haji-san" witnessed this with keen eyes as Kyuko inquisitively spoke.
"Haji-san, what's going on? Why're they acting like that?"
"Hm, it seems that whatever is leading this pack has used a [Rallying Cry] variant Ability. Their new berserk state has now rendered them immune to fear-inducing actions and spells, and raised their attack power. However, their defenses will now be weaker as a result." The elderly elf crisply explained.
"Kuuu~! Savages they may be, but robbing them of their free will?! I'll grant them the mercy of a swift death, and erase the monster that did this to them!"
Without preamble, the kitsune-like being charged forth with fury shining in her emerald-colored eyes. Meanwhile, Haji-san sighed with a weary smile as he allowed her to "solo" the rest of them, as his creator often said in the past. Although she was a few hundred years old, in many ways she was still a child compared to him; quick to anger and often acting impulsively with "righteous" anger.
But as the old elf thought on it, he realized that suited her at times like this. After all, it wasn't like these beastmen were of any threat to her. Especially when by YGGDRASIL standards, she was around Lv.77, and despite his advanced age he was still a Lv.75. In other words, they would barely count as light exercise.
The only point of concern lay with whatever was leading them, and her reckless charge was sure to lure it out. And just as Kyuko was about to collide with this group of foes, she chanted a spell...
"[Blessing: Fox Fire Weapons]!"
In an instant her [Nameless Odachi], an item he gifted her long ago, blazed with neon blue-green flames. Ordinarily the [Relic Class] YGGDRASIL weapon would have been more than enough to dispatch these beastmen. Especially given its exceptional slashing damage, combined with its "bleed" modifier.
Combined with her [Fox Fire] ability which conjures a hybrid Fire/Spiritual-Element that for reasons unknown even to him, resonates strongly with her weapon, a swift death was all but assured to this lot. And a swift death they did indeed receive, for within the blink of an eye Ryuko's flaming blade cleft through them in smooth, graceful strokes.
Granted in his eyes her swordsmanship skills could still use a fair bit of polish, but against foes such as these, they were no better than wheat in a field. And so it was that as their bodies, now bisected in various angles for each beastman, fell to the ground burning like slabs of charcoal. There was no pain. Death was instantaneous.
Turning on her heel, Ryuko sheathed her still flaming blade as she began to walked back to Haji-san with a weary, disappointed look upon her face. But just as she was about to reach him, her face lit up in alertness, and then...
It was as if something was dropped from the sky behind her as the ground beneath their feet trembled in a manner akin to an earthquake. With a bored expression decorating her visage, Kyuko looked back to see a novel sight that came as a pleasant surprise. With glowing red eyes and wearing only a grey-colored loincloth, the looming form of a bipedal, four-arm red tiger seethed with savage intensity as it starred her down.
While Kyuko was intrigued by a such a unique creature, the elderly elf became incredibly contemplative as he stroked his beard.
"A Rakshasa? Here? No, it's a little different. It's base form's akin to a normal beastman, but its presence is almost demonic. Almost as if it were an unnaturally created hybrid being. I have not seen such since the age of the 'Evil Deities'. Could it be...?"
A glint of perturbed realization flashed in his sharp blue eyes as his thoughts came to a halt, and the monstrosity before roared again, then speaking with arrogance.
"Finally, worthy prey. Your strong blood will grant me the advancement I need!"
Without further discussion, all four of its clawed hands closed in as if to embrace its intended target. If the elder elf's senses were right, this things was at or possibly strong than Lv.40. But in the face of someone like Kyuko that mattered little, for in the moment the creature's arms closed in around her, she drew her odachi in an upward, crescent-shaped dashing slash that bisected it right down the middle.
It likely did even see or feel the attack as its two halves fell to the ground burning as her forward momentum propelled her 5-meters behind it. As Ryuko turned around to face its burning remains, it was revealed that her weapon still possessed the previously cast buff from before.
Once again, neither of them understood why her weapon resonated so strongly with her [Fox Fire] that it'd retain the buff even after being sheathed. Still, for occasions as as this it was convenient. Just then the buff faded and Kyuko resheathed her blade as she sighed in an exaggerated manner. However, just as she was about to walk back to her companion's side...
That same earsplitting roar echoed through the air, and much to their surprise, the two halves of the monster she just slew began to convulse and vibrate so fiercely that hot air blew outward in a shockwave. A heartbeat-like thrumming filled the air as the flaming meat piles seemingly struggled against Kyuko's [Fox Fire] in a kind of tug-of-war.
After a minute or so of this back and forth, the charred pieces of meat seemingly won the struggle as the flames were extinguished, and the two halves began to reconnect. Just as Ryuko was going to launch herself forward to stop this, the elderly elf held up his left-hand, shaking his head.
Kyuko's confusion was evident upon her countenance as she tilted her head, looking upon him questioningly. He simply motioned his head to the side in reply, before she then relented, following his wordless instructions. Leaping to the side, he stepped forward as the reconnected meat piles began to regenerate, albeit with some difficulty.
Once they did however, the four-armed beast indignantly roared. Its eyes were filled bloodlust as it starred down the elderly elf, and it spoke with venomous, spiteful tones.
"I'm going to enjoy devouring you fools! You can't kill me!"
Despite it smiling at its proclamation, the elven swordsman known simply as "Haji-san" spoke with an even, calm tone as he replied.
"Yes, you would think that. You've likely never faced someone that could kill you more than once, armed as you are with such a rare and powerful [Talent]. It easily ranks among the Top-Ten most powerful upon this continent. Alas, it's wasted upon a creature such as you. No matter. It ends here." Haji-san said as he took a sideways stance, with his katana level with the ground.
"Hah! Old fool! Cut me down if you wish. I'll still come back!" The monster said, spreading out its four arms as if to accept an embrace.
Not responding to its provocation, the elderly elf took a calm, meditative breath as his body lightly shined with a soft, purple-colored light. Then, a chill ran up the creature's spine as an unknown feeling of dread crashed against the walls of his consciousness like waves upon the crags. The air was as ice as the elf opened his eyes, staring upon him with a gaze just as icy as he spoke in a deathly, emotionless tone.
"No. You won't... [Tsubame Gaeshi - Sanken]."
No matter how many times Kyuko sees this [Skill], it never ceases to amaze her as ten afterimages of "Haji-san" slashed forward at every angle in a circle towards the beast. Despite being within the same level-bracket, even she had to strain and focus to follow the converging blade-paths that struck forward like a tornado.
This effect was greatly enhanced by three rapid sword thrusts that seemed to blast the creature backward as its body was reduced into a fine bloody mist that dyed the grassy plains scarlet. Recovering himself from the forward thrusting position, he twirled his blade to forcibly remove any vestiges of blood and/or viscera that remained, before gracefully sheathing his weapon one last time.
As Kyuko slowly walked towards him, he began to speaking in a sagely manner, seemingly to the now dead creature.
"Even a powerful [Talent] such as yours has its limits. Had you bothered to reflect upon Kyuko-kun's last attack, you would have likely noticed that the spiritual nature of her flames literally burned through whatever 'lives' your [Talent] had. At your level, you couldn't have had more than three at most. Thus you have paid with your short-sighted arrogance with your life... I have spoken."
Kyuko could only smile fondly upon her old friend as she reached his side, with their fairy companion descending upon his right-shoulder once again. He was always like that, even back then. Always the teacher, instructing friend and foe alike, pointing out their flaws and inadequacies so that they may learn from them. Even in death.
Of course, she could not help but notice how he was now breathing heavily, with beads of sweat forming on his face. No surprise that he was a little winded, given his advanced age and using one of his most powerful [Skills] to utterly annihilate that creature. Given his personality, he'd likely deflect her concern with critiques of her swordsmanship. So instead she calmly voice a different topic.
"Shall we get moving then~?"
"Ah, yes. Let us go. Things are far more dire in this nation than I originally expected." He replied with a serious tone as he used a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his brow.
"Okay~! In that case, allow me to carry us along. I am the fastest after all."
With a mischievous grin, a plume of [Fox Fire] enveloped her. As it receded her form had changed once again, revealing a fox-beast form that was even larger than a warhorse. Without hesitation this form swiftly dove under her elf companion, who managed to leap high enough to mount her back.
He smiled like an amused grandparent as nodded at her gesture, patting her neck softly as he inclined his head north, deeper into the Dragon Kingdom. With a speed that not even a Sleipnir could match she took off leaving the remnants of their battle behind, and sped towards another that lay in wait for them as the day's light turned to dusk.
As dusk's light turned the sky into a reddish hue, within the Baharuth Empire's capital of Arwintar it's Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix sat within his opulent study. To his sides stood his Four Imperial Knights with Baziwood Peshmel and Leinas Rockbruise to his right, and Nimble Arc Dale Anoch and Nazami Enec to his left. Standing further to the young Emperor's right was Loune Vermillion, the personal scribe and aid to Jircniv.
With Loune Vermillion hurriedly jotting down notes on his personal wooden board containing numerous papers bound together, the Four Imperial Knights patiently and stoically stood by. Meanwhile, their Emperor read through numerous reports stacked neatly upon the table to his front. As he finished, the expression upon his face was a mixture of contemplation and displeasure as he huffed.
"Hmph... To think an upstart woman in charge of some upstart collection of merchants and mercenaries could somehow secure the services of a man of Kullervo Palantynen's caliber when he consistently refuted my overtures."
"It is as you say, Your Majesty. It defies all comprehension." Loune affirmed in a reserved yet bewildered tone.
"Perhaps they had something to offer him." Baziwood Peshmel casually interjected.
"Oh? And what could they possibly offer that I could not?" Jircniv asked in retrained annoyance as he glared at the Knight from the corner of his eye.
"A man like Kullervo's a warrior through-&-through, Your Majesty. He wouldn't have cared about things like gold, women, and titles. A man like that lives to test his limits and increase his martial prowess. That'd be even more so after his defeat at the hands of Go Gin. The war in the Dragon Kingdom likely offered 'im the perfect chance to further hone his skills and strength. Somethin' that wasn't offered to him when you made your own pitches to him." Baziwood casually replied, completely ignoring Jircniv's anger.
"Ah, I see... So that's the way of it..." Emperor Jircniv said as his features softened with the realization.
"Indeed, there are men who are not motivated by personal gain. Like the Kingdom's Warrior-Captain for example. Whoever that 'Shauna Gilmore' woman truly is, it seems that she perfectly understood that, and used it to her advantage." Nazami Enec crisply and respectfully added.
"Hm, yes indeed. Yet another point that displeases me. That such a cunning woman does not work for the Empire, and instead goes to that hag to the south." Jircniv quietly groused as he interlaced his fingers in-front of his face.
"Perhaps she saw greater opportunities with the Dragon Kingdom, Your Majesty. Given the state of that nation, she would be able to wield far more influence there than here. To say nothing of the increased levels of trade between our two nations since she began her operations that. So in an indirect way, she's also serving the Empire. Insofar as coin and economics is concerned." Jircniv's scribe added.
"Yes, that thought also occurred to me, Loune. Especially with the increased levels of trade and traffic in Kesavine."
"Isn't that city a trade hub south-east of here?" Baziwood inquired in uncertainty.
"Indeed, and it is used as a stop-over point for trade with the Re-Estize and Dragon Kingdoms, as well as the Slain Theocracy." Nimble Arc Dale Anoch matter-of-factly answered.
"Well, so long as their activities there benefit the Empire, we shall leave them be whilst keeping a close eye on them." Jircniv tersely added.
"It is as you say, Your Majesty." Loune answered as he hurried wrote more notes.
"Begging your pardon Your Majesty, but is there not some way for us to attain further gains in this situation? The Dragon Kingdom has already sent their yearly tribute for the troops we send, have they not?" Nimble inquisitively asked.
"Hmph... Barely 2,000 troops are sent there with what they pay, and it's barely enough to patrol keys roads and trade routes within its borders. And there's already discontent to the meager 'aid' sent to them. How do you propose to take advantage of such barren conditions?" Leinas Rockbruise dismissively asked.
"It's simply a matter of economics, Leinas. If increased trade is linking our two nations closer together, then would it not be a matter of pragmatism to send additional forces to protect those vital lifelines?" Nimble countered with narrowed vision.
"Indeed, Nimble makes a fair point. These reports already show the gains the city of Kesavine is making from the increased trade. Already the Adventurers and Workers there are benefiting greatly from this change in arrangement. I can see us falling behind if we do not make moves of our own..." Jircniv regally said as he leaned back, before again addressing Nimble.
"Perhaps sending additional troops as an act of good faith to protect the goods flowing in and out of the Dragon Kingdom and to increase our presence would be wise. The only question is, how many do we commit to the south without additional tribute from that hag that masquerades as a child?"
"I would recommend sending an additional 2,000, Your Majesty." Nimble promptly answered.
"Hmph! Is that some kind of joke? Because if it is, then I'll be sure to laugh." Leinas tersely rebutted.
"I beg your pardon?" Nimble calmly asked whilst leveling a keen gaze towards his fellow Imperial Knight.
"You heard me. We already have a poor reputation down there, no thanks to our Emperor's less-than-secret disdain towards their Queen. Sending a paltry 2,000 down there while they are literally fighting for their survival would be more of an insult than what we already have down there. If we don't send more than that, it would have an exact opposite effect that we're looking for." Leinas curtly replied.
Before anyone could interject, Emperor Jircniv rose his hand to forestall any additional comments. He pursed his lips into a flat line as if he chewed a bitter worm, realizing that Leinas may have a point there. While he didn't care much for Queen Draudillon Oriculus herself, the whole point was to not lose more prestige and influence to the upstart Fire-Leaf Concern, both at home and in the Dragon Kingdom.
Vaguely recalling an old proverb he once heard about "not losing face" in the eyes of those nations around you, he then addressed his Imperial Knights.
"While I don't care for your tone right now, you make a good case Leinas. Then tell me, what would you constitute as appropriate aide to that Kingdom to not lose ground against that upstart organization?"
"Yes, Your Majesty. Then if I may, I would recommend an additional 8,000 be sent to the Dragon Kingdom." Leinas matter-of-factly states with a waist-bow.
It was as if the entire room had been sucked of oxygen as Leinas made her statement. With the exception of Jircniv who turn his head to keenly study her, everyone else was wide-eyed at her bolding making such a recommendation. Only Baziwood Peshmel had seemed to collect enough of his wits to respond.
"Oi, oi... You can't be serious. What you're suggestion is sending an entire Knight Order down there."
"Then by all means, ignore my recommendation. Then if by some miracle the Dragon Kingdom survives this war, we lose all prestige and recognition to the upstart Fire-Leaf Concern, and whatever influence we might have had will be gained by them. After that, the people there will love them, hate us, and all that surplus trade will dry up. Unless of course you'll try to tell me that I'm wrong?" Leinas bitterly said with a shrug as he rose from her waist-bow.
Again, silence reigned within Jircniv's study as those gathered could not find the words to refute her logic. Especially when their Emperor had already made the determination of not continuing with the yearly war at the Katze Plains, due to the Kingdom's recent "Demonic Disturbance". An incident that had already served the purpose of draining the Kingdom's strength, leaving them able to focus their efforts elsewhere.
"Hmph... You rarely assert yourself in such a fashion, Leinas. Still, you make a good point and I would rather not lose ground like we lost former Martial Lord Kullervo to this 'Shauna Gilmore' woman. Very well. Since we have the strength to spare due to our not waging war this year, I'll accept your recommendation. Draw up the necessary papers and statements, Loune. Our pretext will be that, due to our increased trade reliance on the Dragon Kingdom, and the further encroachments by the savage beastmen, we shall assist an ally in need." Jircniv declared in an indifferent tone lacking any enthusiasm.
"I... Y-Yes, Your Majesty. It will be done." Loune Vermillion acknowledged as he furiously began scribing notes.
"I-I'm surprised at you, Leinas. In all the time I've known you, I never thought you'd ever say such a thing." Nazami Enec states in astonishment.
"There's nothing to be surprised about. Their Queen is well-versed in ancient magicks, is she not? Then if we forge greater bonds with them, she may be able to help me with this..."
Leinas replied with a downcast expression as her right-hand went to the thick bangs of blonde hair that covered the right-half of her face, and all at once everyone, even their Emperor understood why she pushed her luck as she did. Not even the Imperial Court Magician Fluder Paradyne has been able to find a cure for her curse.
But with access to the Ancient Magic of Dragons used by their Queen, perhaps there would be hope. With a weary sigh and nod, Jircniv turned away from her as he shifted his mind to one last topic that needed addressing.
"Moving on, according to Gramps Count Femel is getting his pieces into place to explore that tomb. I want our espionage units in place to follow and moniter things via magical invisibility items. Also make sure that lines of communication are set up outside of using the [Message] spell. It's reliability becomes questionable the greater the distances."
"Begging your pardon Your Majesty, but would it not be wiser to keep such assets well away from the site? If what Fluder says is true, and this Ainz Ooal Gown is a powerful magic caster, would they not be in danger of discovery?" Nimble asked in uncertainty.
"The items they will be using were created by Fluder himself. According to him they should be fine so long as they maintain a distance of about 50-meters from the site." Jircniv calmly, confidently replied.
"Ah, I don't envy their job. Having to communicate with each other almost exclusively through [Message], using nothing but a magical [Looking Glass] to watch things from afar. But get it. We can't get connected to this in any way." Baziwood said with an exaggerated sigh as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Indeed. In any event it's all been arranged, Your Majesty." Loune dutifully said with a waist-bow.
"And if there's nothing else, I'll be returning home now. I'll need the rest after that training session we had this morning." Leinas nonchalantly said, with Jircniv sporting a whimsical smirk.
"Yes, that's fine. You have been working rather hard to advance your skills as of late. Even using Gramps to test your limits along with your fellow Imperial Knights. But I am curious as to why you've been so driven as of late." Jircniv casually asked.
"It is simple, Your Majesty. Much like Kullervo, I am dissatisfied. And if I am to rid myself of such dissatisfaction without my cure, then venting it through getting stronger will be the only suitable substitute." Leinas bluntly replied.
"Hmph... I suppose that makes sense. Very well, you are dismissed for the day. Outside of any emergencies, your are free to continue your extracurricular training with Gramps and your fellow Knights as their duties allow."
"Thank you, Your Majesty."
Taking a bow, Leinas excused herself from the room, and as she left Jircniv softly spoke.
"Well, thoughts on her behavior?"
"Aye, she's been actin' strangely for the last few months. She's been more driven and determined than before. I got the bruises to prove it from those training sessions. Hehe." Baziwood said with an awkward chuckle as he rotated his right-shoulder in discomfort.
"Yes, she's been acting strangely. But given the curse she's been forced to bear all this time, and all the consequences that followed, it cannot be helped. She cannot even pursue any suitors because of it. A reality not helped by your occasional flaunting of wives and mistresses, Baziwood." Nazami Enec added with a frown as he looked upon his fellow Imperial Knight.
"Oi, oi, it ain't my fault if women flock to me. But it's not as wonderful as it sounds. You've all heard me complain about it from time-to-time." Baziwood defensively replied.
"Ah, I'm afraid that you're not convincing anyone, comrade. Suddenly all those times that she gives you 'special' attention in our sparring sessions makes perfect sense." Nimble said with a weary sigh.
"Indeed. I've lost track of the number of times she's rung his bell and lay him flat on his back." Nazami added with a weary sigh and facepalm.
While the young Emperor found the topic to be mildly amusing, especially Baziwood's looks of discomfort and awkwardness, he decided that things would be more productive to move the topic along.
"And? Have you all been making progress?"
As expected, their Emperor's query sobered them up as Nimble answered for them.
"Surprisingly yes, Your Majesty. We all have seen benefits to the increasingly strenuous training sessions. Although I keep getting the impression that Leinas' growth has been eclipsing ours ever so slightly."
"Oh? Is she doing something different from the rest of you?" Jircniv asked in genuine curiosity.
"I do not know, Your Majesty. Perhaps it is as Nazami said. Perhaps she's using this training to vent her ever boiling frustrations. But whatever is driving her, it cannot be denied that its been giving her an edge. She's been treating our training as if we were in live combat."
"Is that so? But isn't that the way it should be? I still remember the day we lost two of your predecessors to Gazef Stronoff. A memory that vexes me to this day. If Leinas wishes to treat her training as if it were real, then I approve of it. So consider it an order that you emulate her example."
The three Imperial Knights shared looks of discomfort and reticence as their Emperor gave his order. Yet follow it they shall despite themselves. Although that still begged the collective question on all of their minds; what was it that changed for Leinas to be so much more driven now?
Later on that evening Leinas emerged from the washroom of her small but luxurious manor as she stepped into her personal armory where her weapons and gear were kept. A full-length mirror adored a wall to the left as she removed a ring from her right-hand, and as she did the image of her damaged face faded, revealing a more beautiful version of herself.
A smile of happiness spread over her lips as she looked upon herself, and tears of joy began to leak out the corners of her eyes. No matter how many times she removed the illusion that concealed this fact, it never failed to fill her with overwhelming joy and relief. As she began to mentally offer thanks to the one that made this possible...
A small bell above her head rang out as she then collected herself, and she prostrated herself towards her armory's entrance. A few seconds later, the shadows themselves seemed to come alive as the form of one of Madara's clones came into view!
"Good evening, master. I hope you are well." Leinas said in a reverential manner.
"Umu... And I you, Leinas. What news do you have?" Madara replied with his usual stoicism.
Leinas then wordlessly brought out a scroll, presenting it in both hands raised as her true master retrieved it. It took him only a moment to read its contents before with a flick of his hand he lit it on fire, reducing it to ashes.
"You have done well, Leinas. This unexpected development of the Empire sending additional troops should allow Hilma's plans to accelerate that much sooner." Madara calmly stated.
"Thank you, master. I am grateful for your words, and hope to be of further use in the future."
"Hm. That depends on you. I assume that the [Ring of Growth] given to you has been showing its worth in your training?"
"Of course, master. Despite some of the side-effects, it has helped greatly in advancing my development."
Clone-Madara nodded in satisfaction with her statement. That item came from the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord's own personal Treasury, and was one of many spoils he attained from his battle with a Player of YGGDRASIL. It allowed for a near two-fold increase in the development of the one who wore it. However, since the Player only had two such items in his possession, Leinas was one of two in Madara's employ who could use them.
Of course, since it accelerated the accumulation of what Players referred to as "E.X.P.", whatever that acronym meant, it placed a corresponding burden on the body. Meaning that whoever used it would experience an increase in fatigue, meaning that they would sleep much more deeply, and experience an increase in appetite.
This posed little issues for one such as Leinas, who was filled with a pronounced sense of relief and loyalty to the one who freed her from her curse. For the first time in a long time, she had known loyalty and drive for someone other than herself, and devotion to a cause that went beyond herself. That was how profound Madara's curing of her curse with yet another item from that Dragon Lord's Treasury meant to her.
"Then continue as you have. Keep both your condition and that item secret for now."
"Of course, Lord Madara. Your [Disguise Ring] has successfully fooled everyone that I still bear that abominable curse. And keeping the [Ring of Growth] hidden has been a simple task, since as a magic item it's relatively easy to conceal beneath my armor."
"Good. Then I shall take my leave. Steel yourself, for one day when the time is right, I will call on your spear to take part in the Dragon Kingdom's war."
"As you wish, my lord. I will be ready."
With a nod, Clone-Madara disappeared as quickly as he arrived, leaving Leinas alone once again. Taking a deep breath, she stood back up, marveling at how even one of her master's duplicates could have such an overwhelming aura of power. Between that and the side-effects of her ring, she began to feel faint.
It wouldn't do to pass out on the floor, and thus quickly made way for her bedchamber. The every moment her head hit the pillow, her consciousness began to fade, with her last thought being the determination to repay the one that freed her from that curse, and above all, earned her true loyalty.
An ever-present dark overcast spread over the ruined landscape as Toneri glared upon the devastation before him. Sitting atop the still growing Divine Tree, his now restored –yet inferior – vision surveyed the remnants of what had obviously once been a thriving and advanced city.
Who or what called this place home? He had no answers. All he could discern from the skeletons that littered the ground below is that this was once a multi-racial civilization. And now it was gone forever.
Through all his observations, one feeling welled up above and beyond all others; anger. He could hardly contain the anger that surged forth like a dam bursting. Anger towards Urashiki Ōtsutsuki whom so blatantly coerced him into this situation. Anger towards himself for going along with it, and the anger for his seeming powerlessness to stop what was coming.
But was he powerless?
Looking over the ruined landscape, he did not simply brood. He was also going through the knowledge of the man whose essence he assimilated into his being (A/N:CH.21). He now had a firm grasp of some of the lands to the east. In particular, how the peoples of those lands relied on something called the, "Adventurer's Guild".
Ordinarily, they were used as monster hunting mercenaries of sorts, but they could be used for other purposes. Such as exploratory missions. As he rubbed the ivory horn that decorated his forehead, a plan began to take shape.
'I won't let you have your way, Urashiki. The deal that cannot be broken, can surely be bent... I may not be able to leave here, but thanks to Dradis' sacrifice, I now have a way around that. You're going to regret giving him to me...'
In a flash of rage in his shining prismatic eyes, Toneri suddenly bit into his right-forearm like a rabid dog. Ripping off a piece of his flesh, he spit it into his left-hand as he paid his slowly regenerating wound little attention. Cupping the piece of flesh into both hands, he focused his energies into it as a myriad of glyphs and magical circles flash around it.
'From what I could gather, Dradis Ku Bessala studied magical arts and theories of many different schools, even if he couldn't use them. He understood the concept of what he called a, 'simulacrum'. From what I can tell, they're similar to the Shadow Clones of my world. Although they're different in that they need a piece of flesh to 'grow' the clone...'
For a moment Toneri grew concerned that it might not work. After all, even back in his own world he didn't master the Jutsu necessary to create Shadow Clones. But just as doubt seeped into his consciousness, it was like the spell took on a life and mind of its own as the nascent flesh began to suddenly expand.
The glowing bloody ball of meat looked like a misshapen monstrosity at first, but as it fed on Toneri's energies, it grew and took on a humanoid shape. As this happened, a connection formed between him and it, not unlike the connections he could form with the puppets in his former home.
Before long, a near perfect copy of Toneri stood before him, with white robes and all. Of course, the clothes were fashioned from creation magic that he also employed as the simulacrum took shape. As he looked over his work, it was like staring into a mirror of sorts. Minus the prismatic eyes and ivory horn.
The simulacrum's eyes looked like the [Byakugan] he once had, but he could tell they had none of its abilities. They were nothing more than unremarkable organs with which to see the world. A part of him was not surprised by this, as his current eyes and horn weren't even his to begin with.
As a connection fully formed with his simulacrum, he realized it didn't need to be a perfect copy for what he was planning. With a nod, the duplicate jumped off the ledge of the Divine Tree onto the ground below.
'As I suspected... Our senses are still connected. I see what it sees, feel what it feels, and it can act autonomously if our connection is severed for whatever reason... Good... I just need to be careful. It only possesses one-third of my strength, so best not to antagonize any of the beings in this world without reason. I no longer sense Madara's presence, but knowing him, he's likely concealing himself somehow. No matter. As soon as my double finishes gathering whatever salvageable supplies it can, it'll go about setting my plan in motion... Urashiki Ōtsutsuki... Don't think I'll just meekly do whatever you wish and allow this world to be consumed like this land...'
With the fires of determination burning in his heart, Toneri stood defiant as his double swiftly explored the ground below. No matter what it took, he'll not let this opportunity go to waste. The outside world will be warned of the coming disaster one way or another, and that in turn would draw Madara's attention.
The only question then, was how quickly the warning would spread, and if it would be enough...
*A/N: Greetings true believers~! Forgive the somewhat "disjointed" nature of this and its following chapter. This story will have LOTS of irons in the fire (future events to set up). Including an altered version of vol.7's events, the Dragon Kingdom's war, Toneri's quest to covertly disrupt Urashiki's plans, and the connective tissue that brings them together. So expect the future to get nuts. And yes, that was Kyuko from the Overlord mobile game. Although given the differences between this timeline and the game's, expect her to be a little different. Anywho, my utmost thanks to all who've stuck with it for now. I promise that the pay-off will be worth it, so please be patient. Until then, everyone take care of yourselves, have a good one, and do stay hydrated out there~!*