Mark heaved as he leaned forwards on his hands and knees. Bile rose in his throat and he choked on it. It burned as it came up and down, as if still deciding if it wanted to surface or not. Mark whimpered in pain, and he hit the ground with his fist as he convulsed, bile having made its decision. He groaned as he fell to the hard concrete next to his stomach acid, shivering a little as a cold wind crawled up his back. He turned his face away from the foul-smelling ooze and shakily pulled himself to his knees.
"Where am I..?" He asked himself, as he looked around the seemingly abandoned alley. He spat out some more bile, and stood up. He caught himself on the wall with one hand as the other gripped at his head. A wave of dizziness washed over him. A groan fell from his lips as he stumbled to the one end of the alley. What happened? He thought to himself.
As he walked, Mark could feel finger-like tendrils of... something, crawl up his back and around his shoulders. It seemed to weigh him down, a heavy weight sitting there and waited for its chance to smother him. He fell forwards, tripping over nothing. He whimpered quietly when pain shot up his arms. He quickly closed his mouth and listened carefully though. A scraping sound was coming from the end of the alley, like... chains? Mark was frozen in fear as he listened to the scrapes getting ever so slowly closer.
He gasped when he finally saw the figure shuffle it's way out of the shadows. They were short, his height and build. There was a tuft of dark hair sticking out from the wrappings around their head. Dark eyes watched him carefully. And chains hung from almost every part of their body, wrapping them in a blanket of clinking metal. The chains were trailing behind the figure, where they touched the ground, and made awful scratching sounds. Once the person, the man, was a few feet from him, Mark gasped and stumbled backwards.
He knew that face. He had seen it every day his entire life, staring at him from the other side of the mirror.
"Look at what you've done," a rasping voice whispered, the air seemingly going instantly still as if holding its breath, "Look at what you've turned us into," The voice said again, as the figure, the other Mark, lifted its arms. Mark watched in a sick fascination as the chains seemed to bear down on the skin and rip it, as the cloth bindings around their head fell to the ground to reveal hideous markings and scars.
"Look at what you've made us do!" The voice said again, the figure stepping forwards and dragging its chains by its tearing skin. Mark whimpered in fear and tried to move back, but he was frozen in place.
"Look at what you've turned into!"
The voice of his reflection raised to a pained scream and all of a sudden Mark was being pulled down. The wind picked up and wailed in his ears along with the voice, and whipped around his face. The ground gave way beneath him and he was falling. As he fell, the chains and bindings from the other him began to come towards him, wrapping around him and pulling him down faster into the never ending abyss. He was soon covered, so completely that he couldn't even scream as he fell.
He just kept falling.
Falling, falling, falling. Tears welled in his eyes from both fear and the air screaming past him. Laughter began to fill the air around him.
"You're mine now Marki..." He heard a voice say, and it echoed around him, coming from everywhere at once. The laughter started up again, echoing around him as if millions of people were laughing at once and Mark screamed. It seemed like forever had passed before he hit ground. He grunted as tears thundered freely from his eyes. His knees stung from the impact, he probably scraped them. The laughter had stopped as soon as he had hit the ground, which Mark found both relieving and terrifying.
What was most surprising to Mark though, was that it felt more like he had just fallen to his knees, rather than through the endless abyss of darkness. After catching his breath, his tears also having stopped and dried, Mark slowly lifted his head from his knees. What he saw confused him. A pair of familiar sneakers appeared before his eyes. They were followed by jeans and a black sweater. When his eyes finally landed on the face of the person before him, Marks eyes traced over the familiar green hair and blue eyes in awe. And a little bit if fear as the darkness from before gripped at his heart.