the first story that I am looking for is when Bella is a baby and Edward finds her in the forest while he was hunting so he takes her to the hospital first where Carlisle works and waits in the office there he can fell baby Bella saying he is hers and he goes home where esme and Rosalie are there and they start to help Edward with baby Bella and both esme and Rosalie hold baby Bella. The second story is where Bella goes on a fishing trap with Charlie naps something happens to the boat and Edward save her and she finds herself on a island ( Edward is a vampire by the way and I can't remember if they are on esme island or not ) , they are by themselves and he tells her that she can't go into the jungle by herself because there are wild animals in there . But I also think there is like a another island near by that you can take by boat to get there because he goes to get her cloths and stuff . I don't really much about the story but I really want to find it so someone please help.