The Fallen angel and Dragon natural hybrid
(" " speech/portal talk) (bold sacred gears)
I don't own Highschool DXD it belongs to Ichiei Ishibumi
(before cannon start time Grigori territory)
"Raynare, lord Issei wants to talk to you" said a fallen angel
"Thank you, I will leave right now" said Raynare getting up to go see Lord Issei, Azazel's son the strongest of their kind, see was honoured to serve him her a low-level angel was given the chance to serve a faction leader and would do the best as thanks
"Ahh Raynare, thank you for getting here so quickly I have an important mission for you" said Issei looking up from his custom scared gear he had been making
"It's not a problem Lord Issei, what's the important mission you need me for" said Raynare as she got on one knee
"Please rise Raynare, the important mission concerns three things, One this generations Red Dragon Emperor or Empress is in Japan more specifically Kuoh I want you to go and see if that is true and try and bring them to are side, Secondly the recently exiled nun Asia Argento has been sent to that church in Kuoh and that area contains rouge of are kind you are to get her out of their and bring her to me and finally Kokabiel has failed to check in and he has been seen with the rouge I mentioned and given that he wants to go back to a full war with the other factions he may try something to start another great war, so I want you to report anything you can about him, also you will act as a rouge to blind in and Kuoh is in Lucifer's litter sister's territory I have already asked Lucifer to allow you to go in but he hasn't told his sister so If she gets you tell her to say this to her brother the word dragon" said Issei
"Of course, Lord Issei, I will leave to night I will report in once I have got there" said Raynare bowing
"Very good you may leave" said Issei as he went back to his custom scared gear
"That's a big risk sending a low-level angel to go were a fallen the same power as your fallen side is that might be rouge" said a male voice from Issei's scared gear
"True Fafnir but I trust her now let's get back to the project at hand" said Issei as he went back to working on his scared gear with his old-time friend in the former dragon king Fafnir in it after he was killed by some Catholics a few weeks back
(early the next day Kuoh a mile away from the abandoned church)
"Lord Issei I have reached Kuoh I'm a mile away from the church, you were right there is a lot of rouge activity here and Kokabiel is here and by the looks of it is leading them" said Raynare threw a magic circle to Issei
"Good Raynare, continue with the plan I'll tell father the news" said Issei as he cut the magic circle and going to tell his farther
"Well, well look what we have here a week fallen, you will be a good test for my new mind control spell" said a fallen as Raynare was surrounded by five rouge fallen angels
"Kokabiel shi" said Raynare as she was knocked out and put under the mind control spell
"Get up you lazy piece of shit you are to go and kill Murayama in Kuoh academy" said Kokabiel kicking Raynare
"Yes, Lord Kokabiel it will be done" said Raynare as she was now completely under Kokabiel's mind control
(Kuoh academy school start time Occult Research Club)
"Akeno do you feel that from Murayama it feels like a scared gear" said Rias moving a chess piece
"Yes, I do Rias should I ask Koneko to keep an eye on her" said Akeno
"Yes please, Akeno isn't that a fallen angel and why are they here" asked Rias as she went onto high alert
"That is a fallen angel Rias but I don't know why they are here, they could of left and wanted a normal live" said Akeno as she moved a piece
"Well keep an eye on her and check mate" said Rias as she beat Akeno at chess
"Yes, Rias I'll tell the others and Sona about it right away" said Akeno leaving
"Why do I get the feeling that things are about to get more troublesome" said Rias going for a shower
(Time skip church fight scene things happened like in cannon just with Murayama instead of Issei)
"Haha twilight healing is mine Lord Kokabiel will be pleased" said Raynare
"Why did you do it? Asia was a sweet girl and you killed her! Yelled Murayama and in her arms laid a nun with all signs of live stripped away from her. Her eyes were lifeless and skin was pale
"Sacrifices must be made my dear" said Raynare in her fallen angel form "I did this to further Lord Kokabiel's plan and what are you going to do about it you only wield a double critical"
"It doesn't matter what I have! Ill kill you and avenge Asia's death!"
Even with the new surge of power that fueled Murayama all the punches she threw at Raynare were easily avoided and with one miss she felt a light spear go through her abdomen and began to spit out blood.
"And that's how the devil crumbles" Raynare mocked "You should have learned by now that you will never be able to beat me"
"Shut up"
"Oh, it seems like you have a little fight left in you" Raynare said
With each passing second Murayama's gauntlet began to quickly flash.
"Perhaps I should kill you slowly and make you scream in pain"
"Shut up"
"You see that girl Asia girl didn't last"
"Shut up!" said Murayama as her gauntlet began to shine. More spikes began to come out of it and it began to cover the entirety of her arm
(EXPLOSION) it announced
"H-How is this possible!? Your scared gear shouldn't be able to generate that amount that much power! Its just a double critical!"
Raynare began to fly away but her leg was quickly snatched by Murayama
"You're not gonna get away bitch!" Murayama "This is for Asia!"
With the final punch, Raynare was shot out of the church. The power began to fade away and Murayama fell onto her knees. She wasn't able to hit the ground as Kiba came in and put her arm round his neck to keep her up.
"Kiba? Where have you been? asked Murayama
"I was watching the hole time. Rias instructed us to stay out of the fight" Kiba explained
"Wait seriously" asked Murayama
"Seriously" said a voice
With the help of Kiba, Murayama was able to turn around and saw Rias leaning against the wall with a smile on your face. "I believed in you. I knew you could defeat her"
Before Murayama could respond the church doors slammed open and she saw Koneko carrying Raynare.
"Did someone order this?" Koneko rhetorically asked as she threw Raynare between them all.
"You must be Raynare, lovely entrance. My name is Rias Gremory the next head of the Gremory clan" Rias greeted "To bad we don't have time to talk, oh well I'll just reunite you with your friends" said Rias as she let go of three feathers
"What she killed them?" Murayama
"Rias's fuse is long but when provoked she lives up to her title "Crimsion-Haied Ruin Princess"" Kiba explained
"Wow I didn't know I was in such an awesome group" Murayama
"Now, prepare to die" said Rias as she threw a ball of power of destruction at Raynare but instead of killing her it knocked her out
"Enough of this" a voice echoed
"What do you think you doing?" Rias asked "First of you enter my territory without my permission and then you stop me killing my prisoner. What is the meaning of this!?"
"Calm the hell down princess. Your brother gave me the green light for myself and Raynare to work in your territory. And besides I came here when Raynare failed to check in on her reports about the rouges in your territory which includes Kokabiel, and I came even quicker when I found some of the forbidden magic had been stolen by Kokabiel's group" said the male fallen angel
"What magic would that be then" asked Rias
"Mind control magic and besides don't you want to save that nun" said Issei as he walked over to the unconscious Raynare and leaned down and used some magic on her which the others couldn't tell what it was
"What do you mean? "Can you save Asia if you can please!" begged Murayama
"Murayama don't trust him fallen angel are all the same" said Akeno as she went in front of her
"You think all of us are the same most of my kind want peace and besides you Rias Gremory don't exactly scream evil you treat your servant's like family and name me another devil family beside the Gremory family that act the same. Anyway, we only have a few minutes to save the nun are you going to save her or not" said the male fallen angel as he held up in his hand Asia's scared gear
"Why do you want to help us" asked Rias
"Because it's my fault that her and this generations red dragon empress have been killed, and if there is a chance to make up for what I did then I'll do it, now are you going to do it or not" said the male fallen
"Please Rias save Asia" begged Murayama as she put her arms round Rias's legs
"Okay pass Asia's scared gear here then" said Rias giving in to Murayama "I Rias Gremory call to you, Asia Argento allow your soul to descend to this earth once more, rejoice with your new life now be reborn as my bishop Asia Argento" chanted Rias as Asia's body started to change from lifeless to any normal living person
"What's going on is this heaven and why are you here Murayama" asked Asia as she came to
"Let's go home Asia" said Murayama hugging Asia
"What a lovely scene don't you agree" said the male fallen angel
"Yes, I have to agree" said Rias "Asia welcome to your new live as my devil servant, I hope we can get along I'm your new Mater Rias Gremory"
"I'm a devil now" said Asia sadly
"Are you sad Asia" asked Murayama
"A little but I can live and make new friends, wait your lord Issei" said Asia shocking all the devils in the room
"We have never met how do you know who I am Asia" asked Issei
"Raynare said your name a lot when we were alone, she was like a different person when she was with another man called I think it was Kokabiel, whenever she was him she her eyes were lifeless like she couldn't do any against him, but when she was alone or with me she was happy and said a lot about you like how she was sent here by you to report on the fallen here and she showed me this" said Asia shocking all as she passed Issei a picture
"Hmm this is the picture we took on her birthday a week ago, it looks like she wasn't fully under mind control and was fighting it, I'm proud before she served me she was you as nothing but a slave beaten and looked on like she didn't exist in this world" said Issei shocking all there
"You mean all what has happened was the fault of another mind controlling Raynare and she could do almost nothing to stop him" said Murayama
"Yes, I'm sorry for what has happened to you and Asia is there any way I can make it up to you" asked Issei
"Hmm the fallen angels are said to have a lot of information on scared gears is that true" asked Rias
"Yes, we do in fact besides my father I'm the most knowledgeable on scared gears" said Issei
"Who is your father if I may ask" asked Rias
"Azazel is my father" said Issei shocking all
"Your father is the leader of your faction why is someone of your importance coming out and doing stuff yourself shouldn't you get your servants to do it" said Rias
"Because I want to be seen as myself not the only son of are faction leader, now in a week or so after I have got all the reports done I'll send a copy of my information on the boosted gear and twilight healing and as a bonus anything I have on sword birth" said Issei walking over to Raynare and putting her over his shoulder
"Thank you Issei for that I'll forgive you for coming into my territory" said Rias
"Your Baraqiel's daughter I recognise that energy anywhere" said Issei
"Don't say his name to me he left me and mother to die" said Akeno as lightning sparked round her
"No, he didn't he was out on a mission with me at the time and when the report came to him that you two were being attacked he left the mission and risked being killed because he would be considered rouge but he wasn't because I put in my say in, do you think your father didn't love you both when he couldn't find both of you he thought he had failed you and nearly killed himself to be with you. Even when he found out you were alive it brought some happiness back into him but without your mother he was never the same again" said Issei with a lot of seriousness in his voice
"I, I father I'm so sorry" said Akeno falling to her knees and crying like mad
"And your Kuroka's sister Shirone aren't you" said Issei
"How do you know that" said Koneko as her power began to rise
"Kuroka is one of my mates and she has been wondering how you have been after that" said Issei
"Why would she care about me anymore she got drunk on power and killed her former master and left me to be killed" said Koneko
"She did kill her old master but she didn't get drunk on her power, tell me what was the family of her old master now for in the devil world" said Issei
"Experimenting on their servants and they had the largest number of strays come out of them you mean that Kuroka's old master did the same things but he said he didn't" said Rias shocking all there
"Rias it ran in his family like kindness runs in your family, but he was even worse than the rest of his family, even experimenting on you Koneko although you won't remember it because Kuroka sealed the memories away to help you but it back fired because it made you hate her and that's why she left" said Issei
"Is that true" asked Koneko
"It's true Shirone nyaa" said a female
"Kuroka" said Issei
"Sister, nyaa" said Koneko as she fell to the ground as Kuroka undid the seal and the memories came flooding back making her cry like no tomorrow
"Shh it's okay big sister is here nyaa" said Kuroka as she hugged Koneko and started petting her like she used to all those years ago
"Sister sniff I'm so sniff sorry for sniff hating you sniff please sniff forgive me nyaa" said Koneko in-between sniffling
"Shh its okay Koneko, I forgive you nyaa" said Issei
"Issei why are you helping us we are enemy's we should be fighting" asked Rias
"All I want is peace and besides for Koneko and Akeno to hate their heritages for no reason it's wrong and Kiba trying to destroy Excalibur is wrong the object didn't do anything to you it was a person called Valper Galilei, they have been excommunicated and are working with rouge of my kind so you can kill him and the rouge" said Issei
"Thank you now I know who my target is" said Kiba
"Well will I don't want to break you to up Kuroka its time for us to go home" said Issei
"I know, can we come please come back nyaa" asked Kuroka begging with a face that Issei couldn't resit
"If Rias lets us I don't see why not, what do you say Rias" asked Issei
This put Rias in a spot because she wanted her servants to be happy but the devil council could say she was betraying the devil race. But with what Issei has done for her and her servant made her feel something she had wished for years love and kindness out of a man that didn't look at women for their body's but their heart's. But could a love between a devil the little sister of Lucifer and a fallen angel the son of the leader of Grigori work out.
"Yes, you can come in but keep quiet about it we don't know how both are sides could react to this" said Rias
"True let's go Kuroka and Rias in the reports will be one on Kuroka with all evidence to clear her name goodbye for now and good night" said Issei as Kuroka opened a portal and they left
"Well we best get home Murayama do you mind if Asia stay at your place for tonight until we get her a place to stay" said Rias
"She can stay at my place my parents would be happy to have Asia there" said Murayama
"Are you sure your parents won't mind Murayama" asked Asia
"Yes, if anything they will be thrilled" said Murayama slightly embarrassed
"Why's that and why do you seem embarrassed about it" asked Asia
"Ara Ara you see Murayama is" said Akeno as she whispered into Asia's ear
"Oh lord please ow" said Asia as she got a holy headache
"Asia you're a devil now if you pray or anything like that it will hurt you" said Rias
"Oh, right I forgot" said Asia
"Well let's go home I'll see you all in school tomorrow and Asia I'll have a uniform sent to Murayama's house" said Rias as they all went home for the night
(Akeno and Rias's house)
"Akeno what did you think of Issei?" asked Rias
"I think he was a great guy, I remember my farther talking very highly about Issei he said he didn't hate any half-bloods and treated any lower level fallen nicely if they behaved but he was strict when needed" said Akeno
"I agree and I haven't seen you this happy in a long time, well I don't blame you he helped you not hate your father anymore, and he help Koneko and Kiba as well I think things are going to get better from now on" said Rias
"I agree" said Akeno as herself and Rias when to sleep
Meanwhile Koneko was happily asleep with her ears and tails out with a smile on her face. Kiba was happy that he now new the person that had killed his sister and friends and would start training to kill him and avenge them. With Murayama and Asia, Murayama's parents were happy to see their girl with a person finally.
Back at Grigori Issei gave a full report on what happened and his father Azazel said he did the right thing and that his mother would be proud and after telling Baraqiel that Akeno doesn't hate him any more Issei went to sleep with Kuroka. And for the next few days got everything together that he said he would and contacted Sirzech to get himself, Kuroka and Raynare all transferred into Kuoh academy and got Rias out of her arranged marriage.
(Time skip a few days Kuoh academy)
"Who is that hunk and who are those two girls in his arms?" asked a girl at the gates
"I don't know but doesn't that one girl look like an older Koneko?" asked the girls friend
"I know but did Koneko say she had any family?" said the first girl
"Sister you're here" yelled Koneko running up to the group and hugging Kuroka happily
"It's good to see you again Koneko" said Kuroka hugging Koneko
"Ahh Issei you're here its good to see you again" said Rias as she appeared with her servants
"It is Rias I hope you have been well" said Issei
"Oh, you must be Issei I'm Sona Sitri, it's nice to meet you Rias has told me a lot about you and what you did a few days ago and I thank you for helping my friend" said Sona as she appeared with her servants
"It's nice to meet you as well Sona, and don't worry about it" said Issei
"Umm how do you know each other sister Rias and Sona are from rich families" asked the first girl
"I'm from another set of rich families that are currently not on the best of terms with the houses Rias and Sona are from and I'm here in secret to try and get are houses relations better" said Issei
"How do we know that you aren't here to kill them" said everyone as they surrounded Rias and Sona
"Please if Issei wanted to do anything he wouldn't have helped my servants with their pasts and Issei is now in his faction that he wants peace and thinks that the wars we have been fighting are wrong" said Rias
"Anyway, this is our business we can figure this out, it's time for classes" said Sona as everyone went to classes
(on a water tower half, a mile away)
"Dear if only you could see are son now, he has become a great man I still hope that you are alive my Ymiko" said Azazel
"Are we interrupting something?" asked a devil as two teleported next to Azazel
"It's fine Sirzech and Serafall how have you two been?" asked Azazel
"We have been fine besides all the paper work, it looks like your son is catching the attention of are little sister's" responded Sirzech
"Yes, he is oh will you're here take this it's a report on Kuroka proving her innocents" said Azazel passing Sirzech a file
"She was right about her old master why didn't we believe her then" said Sirzech shocked at quickly glancing at the main points of the report
"What does your son plan to do you with my Sona Azazel?" asked Serafall
"He will try to make them fall in love with him, but don't worry he won't force himself on anyone he may be a pervert but thanks to his mother's side he is in control of himself" said Azazel
"Isn't Issei's mother a fallen the same as you" said Sirzech
"Nope his mother is a dragon, her names Ymiko Tannin's daughter" said Azazel
"But Issei gives off the feeling of a pure blood fallen how is that possible?!" asked Sirzech and Serafall shocked
"I don't know how it happened either but when I did a blood test it told me and my wife that he is a pureblood of both fallen and dragon, he is the only know natural fallen and dragon hybrid in the world" said Azazel
"Wow didn't expect that now I do want Rias to marry him think of the power the child will have" said Sirzech
"Same here" said Serafall
"Issei will decide on that the last time I put him into an arranged marriage he kick the ever living shit out of me, so unless you want the black light dragon after you I wouldn't do it" said Azazel remembering the pain from that time
"The black light dragon is Issei! Your right we don't want to piss him off!" said Sirzech and Serafall as the black light dragon was known as the only light dragon not made by God that was as strong as Ddraig and Albion combined in their primes and due to that most thought he could be stronger if he wished
"Haha your faces are priceless but on a more serious note there is only myself, Baraqiel, Kokabiel, Tannin, Ymiko, Michael and now you two that now Issei is the black light dragon so I'll need you to keep it quiet until Issei says you can say something" said Azazel
"Agreed well we best get back" said Sirzech and Serafall as they left back to hell
"My son, I'm expecting great thing from you" said Azazel going back to Grigori
(lunch occult research room)
"Do you guys want to come over for dinner tonight? "We are going to do fish tonight"" asked Issei as Kuroka and Koneko were sitting on his lap as he saw their cat ears twitch at the word fish.
It was common for Kuroka to sit on Issei's lap and for the few days before they got to Kuoh Raynare had been sitting there as well but with Issei helping Koneko she had decided to join her sister. At first Issei was surprised but after Kuroka secretly taught Koneko the face she uses to get anything out of Issei, he just couldn't resist her she was even cuter than Kuroka.
"Are you sure Issei?" asked Rias
"Sure, and it will help us get to know each other better" said Issei
"What does everyone say to Issei's offer?" asked Rias and Sona
"I agree" said everyone after a small talk with each other
"Okay we will see you there" said Issei as the went t the final classes for the day
(outside Issei's house around 7 pm)
"Okay Issei should live around here" said Rias
"Oh, my maou that is a huge house!" said Murayama shocked at the size of Issei's house which was a three-story house
"I bet his father made him live in a house of this size" said Rias
"You're not wrong Rias nyaa" said Kuroka coming out the door
"Kuroka hide your features or someone will get suspicious!" said Sona panicking
"It's fine the people round her just think I'm cosplaying so I'm fine but I might not be with the scene you might make so come in nyaa" said Kuroka walking to the door and opening it
"She's right let's go in" said Sona
"Ahh evening everyone, dinner is slightly delayed thanks to Kuroka eating all the fish" said Issei from the kitchen as everyone sat down
"Hey that's mean Issei nyaa" said Kuroka
"True Kuroka but every time there is any fish you eat it" said a male and female coming through the door
"Arthur, Le Fay I can't help it alright nyaa" said Kuroka
"Wait Arthur and Ley Fay Pendragon what are you doing here?" asked Rias shocked that the two descendant of King Arthur, as well as a descendant of the witch Morgan le Fay where right in front of them
"We are going to stay with are friend and master" said Arthur
"Issei how do you know them?" asked Rias
"I found them a few years back when I was out with Kuroka, they were getting attacked by devils from the old Satan faction we stepped in and killed the devils and offered Arthur and Le Fay a place at my home for free, and after a while they decided to serve me as thanks for saving them anyway do you have my scared gear?" said Issei as he came into the room
"Yes, we do here you go Issei" said Arthur passing a small spear to Issei
"I would say it nice to see you again Fafnir but with you being in their I guess somehow you got killed" said Ddraig appearing on Murayama's hand shocking all because they hadn't heard Ddraig talk yet
"Yeah, I got killed a few weeks ago by a few stupid Catholics but luckily Issei is an old friend of mine, and he had this scared gear he made on hand and put me in to save my soul" said Fafnir sadly
"How though you could go against me in my prime for a hole day! "What killed you?"" asked Ddraig
"Dragon slaying magic" said Fafnir
"But how the only effective dragon slaying magic is Ascalon and that's in the angel's hands" said Ddraig
"It was but Kokabiel broke into heaven and gave it to them, luckily before they could destroy my soul Issei showed up and killed them all besides Kokabiel, put my soul in here and gave the angle back Ascalon" said Fafnir
"Sorry to hear that old friend but a least Issei saved your soul" said Ddraig
"Yeah I'm going back to sleep Issei hasn't perfected this gear yet so it takes a lot of energy to stay awake for a while zzz" said Fafnir as he fell asleep
"Issei you can make scared gears but I thought only God could do that! "I know that you're a cadre level fallen but how?"" asked Rias shocked at the news that Issei could make scared gears
"God isn't the only one that can make them, with me being a fallen angel its easer because I have light powers and scared gears are originally made from holy light and you have to be strong enough to do it and even though I am strong enough, its still hard when you don't have a wielder of a scared gear of the same design to base it off" said Issei
"Well I'm not surprised Tannin's grandson" said Ddraig
"Issei can't be Tannin's grandson he's" said Rias as Issei spread all of his wings, ten fallen with a set of black dragon wings at the top and bottom
"WHAAT THE HELL!" yelled everyone beside Asia
"Black dragon wings you're the" said Rias as Issei cut her off
"The black light dragon" said Issei as everyone fainted that didn't know who Issei was minus Asia and Murayama
"Nyaahaha this nyaahah priceless" said Kuroka laughing her head off and Issei, Arthur and Le Fay joined in laughing us
"Issei why did they faint when they heard that name?" asked Asia
"The black light dragon is the third strongest being in the world, and can possibly take on the two dragon gods which hold the 1 and 2 places in the worlds power ranking!" said Rias as she came to
"I thought God was the strongest?" asked Asia
"Nope he was ranked 10th strongest in the world with the other leaders of the factions" said Issei forgetting that he said was strongest in the world
"Oh" said Asia surprised
"Issei what did you mean was ranked 10th strongest?" asked Rias curiously
"Shit I forgot not to say that" said Issei
"What are you talking about Issei you said there would be no secrets between us" said Rias
"Umm umm" said Issei trying to avoid the question
"Issei tell us!" yelled most
"Fine but don't blame me for how this affects you, God is dead alright" said Issei
"God is dead but how are we still here?" asked Asia crying
"Earth and any other holy stuff is being controlled by the arch angel Michael" said Issei sadly
"Issei how did you know God was dead?" asked Rias
"I wish you hadn't asked that Rias" said Issei
"Why's that Issei?" asked Rias
"I killed him" said Issei shocking the hole room not even Kuroka, Arthur, Le Fay new that Issei killed god they knew he was dead because they overheard Issei and Azazel talking about it
"Why did you kill him Issei?" asked
"He tried to use me as a weapon to kill all living live in the world" said Issei sitting down holding his head
"Why would God want that!" "It was said that he only wanted peace not to kill all living things!"" said Asia crying
"Father was evil and made them bible to make himself look like the good guy" said a voice as there was a bright light of red, green and yellow
"Father!" said Issei
"Brother!" said Rias
"Sister!" said Sona
"Lord Azazel!" said Raynare
"Devil kings" said Koneko
"Issei I told you not to tell anyone you knew what this could do to people" said Michael
"Issei is bond by the dragon code to be truthful blame that not him" said Azazel
"Lord Michael is this true?" asked Asia
"You're the nun with twilight healing and yes its true I'm not very sad to say" said Michael
"Brother what are you doing here?" asked Rias
"Me, Serafall and Azazel came to talk to you but Michael don't ask me" said Sirzech
"I came to speak with Issei about his scared gear making and I got here when he said about father's death" said Michael
"Well this is not the best way to meet after years is it" said Azazel
"True we have a lot to go through now, but one thing has to be said father's death stays with these people in the room the consequences could destroy the world as we know it" said Michael in a serious tone
"Agreed" said everyone
"Now we have a lot to talk about, hey son where are you going" said Azazel as Issei spread his wings
"I'm going out for a bit no one follow me" said Issei taking off into the night sky as he took off everyone could hear a tear hit the ground
Issei new that the others would probably hate him now and now Asia the kindest girl he had ever met, the girl with the highest affinity for dragon kind he had meet in over 210 years he had been alive would she him as a murder for killing the god she had followed her hole live up to a few weeks ago. And he felt a power in he that he feared a power that could kill him.
"Why did Issei leave?" asked Rias
"Because he thinks you will hate him especially you Asia" said Azazel
"Why especially me?" asked Asia
"Because you have a high affinity for dragon kind and now looking more closely at you Issei has another reason to fear you" said Azazel
"Why does Issei have a reason to fear me I would never hurt anyone" said Asia shocked at what Azazel was saying
"Because your half-light dragon Asia, you have the power to kill him and with your very high affinity for dragon kind they will do what you say even if you are a light dragon you can kill him if you wanted to" said Azazel
"I can't believe it, I thought we killed all light dragons because of how dangerous they were to all live!" said Sirzech
"One must of survived and met a human male or female and feel in love somehow or did it to continue their race but it doesn't matter we have to kill you" said Michael as he formed a light spear
"Don't you even think about it Michael" said Issei appearing behind him and cutting of all his light powers
"Issei, she is a risk we can't afford to take having you around is risky enough but a direct descendent of a light dragon could kill us all" said Michael trying to use light but failing
"I can tell be reading her heart that she would never kill for no reason, she may be half-light dragon but she has been raised as a human her whole life, and I will not let you kill a member of my kind and not even you will stop me" said Issei as her formed a light spear thank could easily kill Michael
"You have made your point but if anything happens that makes her like the rest of her kind we will take measures to stop her" said Michael
"Very well now get on with your talks I'm going to sleep you all can stay the night if you wish" said Issei as he walked off to his room
"Issei wait" said Rias trying to stop Issei
"It's best we just leave him alone for now, when he gets like this he it will be a few days before he's back to himself" said Azazel
"Oh okay" said Rias
"Now Asia we will keep an eye on you we won't mind you using your powers for what you want unless you start attacking innocent's" said Michael
"Okay" said Asia
"Now let's get down to business" said Sirzech
"Issei nyaa you in there" asked Kuroka
"Kuroka, I don't feel like talking right now please go to sleep in your room" said Issei
"Issei please let me in, it pains me to see you like this nyaa" said Kuroka
"Okay Kuroka you can come in" said Issei as he undid the spell on his door letting Kuroka in
"Issei is there anything you want to talk about or do nyaa" said Kuroka as she hugged Issei
"Kuroka does everyone hate me for what I am and what I have done" said Issei with red eyes that Kuroka could tell he had been crying a lot
"No, they don't Issei and Asia still thinks you did the right thing nyaa purr" said Kuroka as Issei started petting her
"Thank you Kuroka you have helped but my heart at ease just a bit I don't know what I would do without you sometimes" said Issei as he continued to pet her
"Issei purr you're not a monster you're still the same purr man I feel purr in love with" said Kuroka
"Kuroka I mhh" said Issei as Kuroka took him in a deep kiss
"Issei please let me help you get happier" said Kuroka breaking from the kiss
"Kuroka you're in heat, aren't you?" asked Issei as he could smell a sweet aroma coming off Kuroka making him want to take her then and there
"Please don't think me a bad person Issei nyaa, I got like this when I saw you depressed nyaa, I just want you to be happy mhh" said Kuroka as Issei took her in another deep kiss
"I don't know why you got like this but we best deal with it but we can't be having kids yet" said Issei
"I agree at the moment we don't know what could happen but I still want a lot of kittens" said Kuroka
"Fine if that's what you want my Kuroka" said Issei as he was about to start making out with Kuroka as Fafnir appeared
"Sorry to interrupt but I have to tell you something that your mother forgot to tell you Issei and I need to say it before you mate with Kuroka" said Fafnir as he appeared as a necklace round Issei's neck
"What's that?" asked Issei
"Due to are kind nature when one of are kind goes into their first mating season they will have little control the stronger they are and with you now being a low-level dragon god you can guess were I'm going with this right" said Fafnir
"So, what your saying is Kuroka best be ready to be completely dominated by me" said Issei as he started to feel hot
"Yes, now I'll leave you two to figure this out" said Fafnir as the necklace round Issei's disappeared
"Wow I can't believe mother forgot to tell me that, well what do you say Kuroka" said Issei
"I still want to have sex with you Issei nyaa, I've always wanted to be yours alone now take me nyaa" said Kuroka as she took of her black kimono showing her drop dead gorgeous body and her dripping pussy
"If that's what my kitty want's what kind of man am I to say no" said Issei as he took Kuroka in a deep kiss instantly fighting for control of her mouth and put one hand on her breast's and the other on her dripping pussy
"Mhh Issei mhh" said Kuroka trying to fight back against Issei will she wanted to be dominated she wanted to make it fun
"Oh, she's trying to fight back, hmm I'll give her the present I was plaining to give to her let's she how she reacts to that" said Issei in his thoughts as he broke the kiss
"Issei nyaa why'd you stop nyaa" said Kuroka sadly
"Turn and face the mirror Kuroka and close your eyes I have a surprise for you" said Issei as he reached into a pocket dimension and grabbed a smallish sized box
"Okay nyaa but this better be quick" said Kuroka as she turned and faced the mirror and closed her eyes
"Okay you can open your eyes now" said Issei as he put a custom collar in front of her neck that had her name on it with a heart at the start and end of it
"Issei nyaa it's beautiful I love you nyaa" said Kuroka as she started crying
"I knew you would like it Kuroka my Kuroka" said Issei as he put the collar on her and kissed her
"Thank you so much Issei" "Now fuck me already!"" said Kuroka as she jumped on the bed with her pussy facing Issei with her two tails making a heart just above her dripping pussy
"Haha okay my kitten get ready because we wont be stopping for a while!" said Issei as he jumped on the bed and slammed into her making both instantly lost control of their instincts and made them fuck all night long. It was a good thing it was the weekend or they would have been asleep for the whole day after that night.