Answer: Your Fingers .
Okay so this is gonna be a Fairy Tail highschool band mates sort of thing. I am gonna have each band sing a different set of song like Fairy Tail will sing Fall out Boys and so on. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail I only own the Oc's an the plot. ALL RIGHTS GO TO HIRO MASHIMA.
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Previously :
We all began walking down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs Kaylee came running while yelling our names.
" Guys I found us a practice room. " She says in a hushed tone while grabbing my hand and heading to the back of the house.
Next Stop : New Rehearsal Space.
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Lucy P.o.V
Kaylee began dragging me to the back of the house while, the others followed behind us.
She finally let go off me and I realized that we were in a laundry room.
" Soooo we are going to practice in a laundry room? " I asked confused turning around to see the others just as confused as I was.
" Nope. Just come here. " Kaylee replied.
We followed her to the edge of the room where there was a small stand with a phone book on it.
" Umm, So what now? " I asked her.
" Just watch. " Kaylee replied before moving the stand.
Once she finished moving it there was a trapdoor with a passcode lock on it.
" What's the code? " Levy asked bending down preparing to type.
" Really ? No Kaylee your amazing, awesome, our sav- OUCH ! " Before she could finish her sentence she was cut off by a hand hitting her hand.
Kaylee gave James a glare before continuing " 0217. " . Levy typed in the numbers and the door popped open. We all went after her as she climbed down the stairs .
When we reached the bottom of the stairs there was a small hallway with three doors. There was a bathroom, a room Kaylee had already claimed as her lab and finally our practice room.
Our practice was a dance studio that was cut in half with the other half having red carpet and a stage with some outlets around it.
" Am I good or what? " Kaylee said with a cocky grin.
" I gotta hand it to you this place is nice. " I told her which only made her grin grow.
" Good job. " Levy complimented her while all James did was pat her head.
" Thanks we should bring our instruments down here. " She said heading told the door.
" Yeah your right, on a related note who wants to help me with my drums?" James said.
" Last one back has to help. " Levy yelled before racing toward the door with me and Kaylee hot on her tail.
Before he could turn around we were all gone.
Racing to the front of the house and up the stairs and into the my room. I know I have an advantage because my room is the closest to the stairs.
I threw open the door to my room and rushed to the closet and grabbed my gutair which was inside the case. I raced down the stairs running through the living catching a glimpse of blue hair. No way Levy is beating me.
I picked up speed trying to catch up but I bumped into something. " Ouch "
" Sorry Natsu. " I said picking myself up.
" No problem Luce. " He said giving me a wolfish grin.
" Luce? " I asked confused.
" It's your nickname weirdo." Natsu said giving me a 'Duh' look.
" Why are you running and you play gutair? " He asked.
" Umm I was just racing Levy and Kaylee and this uuuuummmmm Is filled with candy winner gets it. " I said making up a lie on the spot.
" Can I have some candy? " He asked with puppy dog eyes.
" Yea sure " I started grabbing a fun sized snickers out of my pocket " Gotta go bye. " I said racing off.
I ran to the back of the house and down the trap door only to see everyone already there.
" How was you little nap? " Levy asked me with sarcasm laced in here voice.
" Most enjoyable kind sir. " I said in a sophisticated voice.
" Hope so because you are going to be lugging a drum set all the way down here. " She responded.
" Uuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! " I groaned.
This is gonna be a long day.
Levy P.o.V
" Byeeee Lu-chan~" I sang while going to place my keyboard on the stage. Kaylee was on the other side of the stage plugging in her bass to the amp.
I can't shake the feeling that I'm forgetting something.
" Hey Kaylee " I started.
" Yeah. " She replied
" Is it just me or do you feel like your forgetting something too? " I asked.
" Now that you mention it , yeah ." She told me looking confused.
I opened my mouth to talk but I was interrupted by my phone going off.
" Hello? " I answered.
" Yeah Levy, this is Mashima, I'm calling to remind you that you have that writing collab with Mirajane Stratuss in about a hour. " As soon as he said that my face widened in horror. " I sent a car it should be arriving shortly. " He continued.
" Thank you Mr. Mashima we will wait on the car . " As said hopping he couldn't hear the nervousness in my voice .
" Bye. "
" Goodbye. "
" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
" HOW COULD WE FORGET SHE IS LUCY'S IDOL? " Kaylee screamed back.
" We have to go change quick , we have to tell Lucy , OMG the cars almost here! " I started hyperventilating.
Kaylee walked over to me and slapped me.
" Levy get it together. We look to you for guidance tell us what to do. " Kaylee said looking into my eyes.
" James go change your clothes get your mask and wait outside. " I told him.
" Hai. " He replied.
" Kaylee same as James but, bring your bass. " I commanded her.
" Gotcha Boss. " She replied with a wink.
Okay this is going to work. LUCY , dang it .
I raced out the practice room but not without grabbing my keyboard and Lucy's gutair. Heading out the practice room and making sure to lock it.
" Hey Levy I was wondering if you would help me with the drums? " I turn my head to see Lucy twiddling with her thumbs.
" No time Lu-chan , get changed get your mask we have a meeting with Mirajane at Stars Studio and we have less then a hour to get there. Here is your gutair and go. " I demanded.
I rushed upstairs with my keyboard changed into some blue denim jeans , an orange T-shirt, some sneakers and a hoodie. I raced downstairs mask and keyboard in hand about to wait outside
when I bump into something tall.
" Whatch where ya going shrimp. " Gajeel said.
" Sorry and don't call me shrimp. " I replied.
" GiHee . Fiesty are ya? " Gajeel said .
I opened my mouth to retort but I was cut off.
" Gotta go see you later Gajeel. " I shouted as I opened the door.
" See ya Shrimp. " He called after me.
" Ugg ." I let out a frustrated groan.
I walked to the car and entered to see everyone already in and with there masks on.
I put my mask over the bottom half of my face. And we waited in silence.
Next Stop : Stars Studios .
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Riddle Time :
We are little creatures, all of us have different features. One of us in glass is set, one of us you'll find in jet. Another you may see in tin, and the fourth is boxed within. If the fifth you should pursue, it can never fly from you. What are we?
ಠ_ಠ Bai