Title: Pretty Girl Author: Ashley Cook (penguinflavoredlove )
A/N: Hi! The main reason I'm writing this fic is because it's going to be a song fic the next chapter. The song is Pretty Girl, (hence the title) and I thought the song would be perfect if everything between her and Vaughn were pretty much opposite. Well, here's the beginning, ReViEw! Thanks!

I have to tell him. I can't keep it inside me much longer. I know he loves me back, which just encourages me more to tell him today. There's nothing in the way of us anymore- no Sloane, SD-6, no one. Not that he actually said it straight forward that he loves me too, but I know he does, I feel it every time I'm with him. If all goes well, this really may be the happiest day of my life. Really, even better than the day Danny proposed to me.

I arrive at his doorstep. I bet he didn't know I knew where he lived, but I assure you, I know. I knock on the door. It takes him awhile to get to the door, but I don't mind. He realizes it's me and smiles. "Hey Syd! Well this is a surprise, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, I forgot what I was going to say! So instead, I just kissed him.. our first kiss. Then I realize, it was my first kiss not ours, because Vaughn wasn't kissing back. I pulled away and saw him wide eyed.

"Um, uh, what was that for?" he asked, unable to make eye contact with me for some reason.

"Vaughn...Michael, I love you. I've wanted to tell you for so long, but I was so afraid you didn't feel the same way, but then I realized you do, and I was just to blind to see that for a long time. And now that SD-6 is gone, we do have a chance to be together, I just don't want to miss that chance," I said in practically in one breath, all smiles.

He was rubbing his hands nervously, then he finally said, "There's a problem though, Syd."

"What?" I asked. The answer he had next had never crossed my mind, and I felt so stupid because I didn't.

"I-I don't...feel the same way." He finally looked up at me with his sad look, and all I could do was wish that he'd just look back down.