Hi guys.I just want to put out that this is my first story and to let you know that if there are any grammer errors or OOC,I apologize for that.I also would like to state that if you want to leave a review,please be nice about critizim or advice is ,enjoy.
He ran through the blackened forest,having nothing more the the light of the full moon to guide held his hand to his side,slightly wincing in pain,as warm blood soaked his hand and cloak.
'This is not how I thought it would go',the hooded figure thought,running and ducking through tree branches and brush.
The hooded figure came to a small clearing,but stopped eyes widened with fear as he saw someone standing at the other side of the clearing.A girl,in her teenage years stood,with a katana in had long black hair,red emotionless eyes,and a unmoving wore a black sleevless shirt with a red tie and black skirt.
The stranger took a step back,knowing of the danger he sensed,seemingly emitting from the girl.A small gust of wind blew and the stranger turn and saw three more people step out of the was a teenaged boy who wore a trench coat,a white shirt underneath the trench coat and jeans with brown wore red goggles on his light green hair.
The other person was a girl who wore a frilly pink dress and pink hair was tied into two pony her grasp was a large sniper rifle,train directly to the hooded third person was a fully armored 's eyes were yellow and it had heavy looking armor in different tones of it's hands were a blood red spear.
"You have two choices: come with us,or die."The stranger heard from the girl with the katana.
The hooded stranger pulled his hood back and reaveled his was a young man in his late teen had blue eyes and dark grey unkept beautifully sculpted face had a two scars:one over his left eye and an 'X' shaped scare on his cheek.
The strange boy looked in both directions of his with his wound,he still kept boy got into a fighting stace,with his eyes closed.
The girl with the katana spoke."Very well.",the boy heard her say.
The red eyed girl rushed forward,her sword jumped up and slashed her blade in an boy steped back at the last moment,the blade dangorusly close to his girl struck at his midsection and tried hacking off his arm but boy simply a sudden backflip,the boy was behing the girl's reaction was unnaturaly fast and turned with the sword in slashed three times but every attempt was meet with the same result.
The boy struck at the girl with his fist but she ,with another attempt,faked the girl out using one hand,and struck her in the jaw with a punch from his other sudden strike pushed the girl back a few girl looked up and spat a bit blood to the ground.
Before the red eyed girl could continue further,her allies joined in on the armored person appeared out of thin air and swung his spear to the the stranger's upperback but the boy jump up and landed on the flat side of the end of the green haired boy swung his hands around,thin metal strings coming out from the tips of his fingers of his strands wire wrapped around the ankles of the boy,were he was pulled on the ground,the girl with pink hair took her gun and aimed for the scarred boy's fired but realized she missed.A look of shock formed on her face.
Several feet away,the boy was close to the tree small band of attackers prepared for another before any of them could come forward,the boy held his hand up.
"Wait."The boy spoke."I have something to talk to you about."
"Whatever it is,we don't care."The pink in pink said,with a annoyed tone.
"Are you sure?Cause I think you and your boss might find it interesting."the boy continued.
" does he know we've got a boss?"The boy with green hair said.
"Well,my friend,the reason I know of your boss is beacuse I've been spying on you and your other comrades for awhile."The boy said with a slight smile.
"Enough."the girl with red eyes said."We eliminate him now.",she commanded.
"Oh, with that emotionless get up,eh?Look,I'm not here too make enemies with any of you.I'm on your side."
"Bullshit!If you were on our side,why did you run?And fight back against us,which is something that bothers me.A string bean like you would've had no chance against Akame."The pink haired girl said.
"The reason I ran was so I could see for myself if Nightraid was the stuff.I wanted to experiance some of you guys firsthand.I actually triggered your green haired friend's trip wires intantionally."
" ?Then that means you know how to evede them."The green haired boy said.
"Yup.I fought back to see if you guys were worthy of what I how you all worked together was your armored friend as a distraction,then using your strings to give your cute friend over there a clean shot?Perfect."
"D-did you just call me cute!?",the pink haired girl yelled,red with embarresment.
The girl with red eyes,Akame,spoke.
"Worthy of what?"she asked.
"These."As the boy reached into his cloak,which made everyone tensed up,making them raise their weapons.
"Wait,wait,wait!I'm swear to you,it is not a weapon."
With those words,the boy slowly rose his hand up,revealing a metal boy twisted the top and pulled out the bottom ,held by a transparent case,were twelve colored were the same size and shape,and all had the same dark grey cap at both each crystal had a unique color,which glinted beautifly in the ,blue,green,pink,gold,purple,black,light blue,grey,silver,and dark blue were the respective colors of each crystal.
"These gems are what will be the thing that will win the war against the empire.",the boy said,as a smile spread across his face.
Well was interesting.Who is this mystery boy?What are these strange gems he's reaveled to Nightraid?And how can these strange gems tip the favor of the Rebellion?Find out next chapter!