Highschool dxd Dragon Issei Vladimir Dracula

(" " speech/portal talk)

I don't own Highschool DXD it belongs to Ichiei Ishibumi neither do I own Hellsing it belong to Kouta Hirano

(Hellsing mansion dungeon 2001)

"It still doesn't feel right without Walter even after a few years" said Alucard as he was laying with Seras in their coffin with another baby vampire sleeping in a little cot

"Through all the stuff we have done you have always stayed by my side Seras now we have a child, I'll make sure he is raised right" said Alucard as he went to sleep remembering how he met Seras all those years ago in 1441

(flash back to when Alucard was human their speaking in Romanian)

"Ahh what a lovely night, I finally managed to get away from my family party" said a ten-year-old Vlad as he was walking through the forest around his family home "Is that a girl what's she doing out here? And by the looks of it she is homeless she is most likely trying not to get killed, I never get the reason we have to kill Orphans. Shame she is really beautiful"

"Ahh- hugh- ahh leave me alone!" yelled the girls as she ran from the people trying to kill her

"You are an Orphan by law you will die!" screamed one of the men chasing after her

"I can't just leave her, I have to do something because when I look at her I feel something that my mother describes as love" said Vlad as he felt his heart beat faster as he walked over to the girl and court her

"Ahh thank you young man, now hand her over so we can kill her" said the man that looked like the leader

"No, she belongs to me now" said Vlad as he stepped in front of the girl

"Why is he helping me?" asked the girl in her mind

"Stupid kid, she is an Orphan if you help her we'll kill you to" said the leader

"Young master there you are!" said a maid as herself and a few others ran up to them

"Claire, I guess mother sent you to get me?" asked Issei

"Yes, she didn't Lord Dracula is not very pleased with you running away" said Claire

"Lord Dracula?! That means you're one of his sons!" said the men panicking

"Yes, I'm Vlad Tepes Dracula, now leave my families land if you want to live" commanded Vlad in a strict voice

"Hugh fine, let's go" said the leader as the group left

"Young master why where they chasing this young girl?" asked Claire

"She's an Orphan, I decide to save her" said Vlad

"Young master you do know that Orphans are to be killed" said Claire

"Yes, I do but this is my decision, now what is your name?" asked Vlad to the girl

"Seras Victoria, your highness" said Seras as she bowed to him

"Seras Victoria that's a nice name, would you please tell me how you are a orphan?" asked Vlad

"I never knew my father so my mother raised me on her own, she taught me how to sew and work as a maid or housewife for when I grew up but" said Seras as she started to cry

"Did you mother die?" asked Vlad curious

"She was killed by bandits, I have been on the run for the past week, I don't know how to thank you for protecting me your highness" said Seras as she bowed again

"I'm sorry to hear that, I can offer you a place at my home but you will have to be a servant is that okay with you" said Vlad feeling sorry for Seras

"Would you really your highness?" asked Seras still crying

"Young master your father is already very mad at you, if you bring home her he might snap" said Claire

"Let him be mad, if anything my mother will take her as a personal servant you know how kind she is" said Vlad

"True your mother is very kind, well then let's go it's getting late" said Claire as she jested for them to leave

"Okay them Seras follow us" said Vlad

"Thank you so much your highness!" said Seras as she smiled for the first time in years

"She is so cute I hope my mother can help her" said Vlad in his mind


"Mistress, we have found the young master and a young orphan" said Claire as she walked to Vlad's mother and bowed

"Thank you, Claire, who is the young orphan?" asked Vlad's mother

"She is a young girl the same age as young master, by the name of Seras Victoria she never knew her father so was raised by her mother to sew and be a maid or housewife" said Claire

"I guess Vlad said he could give her a place to work here right?" asked Vlad's mother

"Yes, he did" said Claire

"Get her cleaned, some clothes, some food and a place to sleep I'll take her under me as a servant and give her to Vlad if I think she will be the best servant for my son" said Vlad's mother smiling

"But Mistress what about Master he is already mad at the young master?" asked Claire

"I'll deal with him, he needs to learn that Vlad isn't a kid anymore, once Seras is finished bring her to me" said Vlad's mother as she got up

"As you wish mistress" said Claire as she bowed and left to do what her mistress asked

"My son your growing into a better man than your father and brother's" said Vlad's mother in her mind with a smile on her face as she walked to see her husband

(a hour later)

"Seras are you done?" asked Claire

"Mostly I'm struggling to get some of this maid uniform on" said Seras as she was struggling to get the maid uniform on

"Hugh, here let me help" said Claire as she helped Seras with her maid uniform

"Thank you, Claire" said Seras

"Good, now follow me the mistress would like to see you" said Claire

"The mistress? Why does she want to see me?" asked Seras surprised

"She has taken an interest in you since the young lord saved you" said Claire

"Oh?" asked Seras still surprised

"Yes, and you will be her personal maid for herself and the young lord if she thinks you are good enough" said Claire

"Personal?" said Seras even more surprised and started breathing heavily

"Yes, that means you will only take orders from her, myself being the head maid and anyone she says" said Claire

"Okay I can do this" said Seras as she started to breath normal again and composed herself

"Haha, she's going to do great" laughed Claire in her head "Okay then follow me, since you and I will be working together I will show you around tomorrow" said Claire

"Thank you, Claire" said Seras happily

(with Vlad's mother)

"Mistress, I have Seras with me my we come in?" asked Claire as she knocked on the door

"Yes, you may Claire" said Vlad's mother

"Thank you, mistress" said Claire as she opened the door revealing a beautiful woman that Seras could tell just by looking at her she was Vlad's mother

"So, your Seras?" asked Vlad's mother

"Yes, I am mistress I am very thankful for your son to offer me a place here" said Seras as she bowed to Vlad's mother

"Haha, you a nice-looking girl I can see why my son would save you, I have raised him right unlike his father and brother's" said Vlad's mother

"Thank you, mistress, for your kind words" said Seras as she blushed slightly

"Well it's late, I expect to see you first thing in the morning you know where you sleeping right? Because I would like to speak to Claire alone" said Vlad's mother

"Yes, I do I'll see you in the morning mistress" said Seras as she bowed and left

"What do you think of her Claire?" asked Vlad's mother as she got up

"I say she'll fit right in mistress" said Claire

"I agree, well then it's later I'll see you in the morning" said Vlad's mother as she left with Claire following behind her

Over time Seras settled into live as Vlad's and his mother's personal servant. She was devastated when Vlad's father sold him to a neighbouring country to stop them from going to war. When Vlad started the war against everyone that wronged him, during that time she was told by Vlad's mother to go and find him before it was to late for him. A week after Seras left Vlad's mother died in an attack on the castle, which left a hole in her heart because even thought they were mistress and servant she treated her as the daughter she never had. Then one day she found out Vlad had been killed she contemplated suicide because she loved Vlad and Vlad loved her back but they didn't know each other's feelings. Then one day she found Vlad.

(in a small house by the battle field Seras was taking shelter for the night)

"Oh, a human I can finally eat something fresh" said a dark figure that Seras recognised the voice

"Master Vlad is that you?!" asked Seras scared

"Seras is that you?" asked Vlad as he walked out of the shadows as a blood tear feel down his cheek

"Master Vlad your alive" said Seras as he ran and hugged Vlad but she couldn't hear a heat beat

"Master, your heart isn't beating what happened?" asked Seras looking up to she Vlad

"Seras, as you may have heard I did die, now I am a vampire a monster" said Vlad as he slumped down crying more blood tears

"Shh it's alright master Vlad you can never be a monster in my eyes" said Seras as she hugged Vlad

"Seras, do you mean that?" asked Vlad weakly

"Yes, master Vlad someone I love can never be a monster" said Seras letting her feeling come out about Vlad

"Seras, you love me mhh" said Vlad as Seras kissed him

"Yes, master I have loved you since the day you saved me and I can't hold back my feelings anymore mhh" said Seras as Vlad kissed her back

"Thank you Seras, for years I have felt the same about you but now I am a vampire I could live forever and you will die I can't stand that" said Vlad as he knew Seras would die eventually which made him cry even more

"Then I don't have to die, I'll join you" said Seras

"Seras I can't put this on you mhh" said Vlad as Seras kissed him again

"Vlad" started Seras when Seras said his name it made his heart beat again "I don't care if I become a monster if I can be at your side I'm happy" said Seras as she kissed him again

"Are you sure this cannot be undone" said Vlad

"Yes, I'm sure now please Vlad" said Seras as she exposed her neck to Vlad

"Okay then here I go" said Vlad as his kissed Seras's neck making her moan then he bit down and turned her into a vampire

"Seras how do you feel?" asked Vlad

"I feel happy I can be with the person I love forever now" said Seras as she kissed Vlad tasting her some of her own blood that was left in his mouth

"Thank you Seras, let us sleep the sun is coming up tomorrow night we'll find my mothers body and give her a proper burial" said Vlad passing from the kiss

"Of cause master" said Seras

"Don't call me master anymore you are my wife to be and soon to be the queen of vampire's" said Vlad as they laid down

"Queen of vampire's?" asked Seras shocked

"Yes, that is my new goal, I will become the king of vampire's and I'll need a queen at my side will you be my queen Seras Victoria?" said Vlad

"Yes, a thousand times yes" said Seras happily kissing Vlad again

"Thank you, Seras Dracula, my Seras Dracula" said Vlad as they feel asleep in each other's embrace

And thus, began the rain of Vlad Dracula and Seras Dracula the King and Queen of Vampire's, humans feared them nothing could stop them. Until a vampire hunter by the name of Abraham Van Hellsing came along even he couldn't kill them so he sealed them into his family's blood line and used them to kill other vampire's and anything else. This led to his death and thus weakened the seal on Vlad and Seras and but the time it got to Integra there was almost nothing left they could break free with ease. And Integra knew that they were only serving her because they deemed her a worthy master to serve, so she spent her whole life making herself a master worthy of serving.

(back to Vlad)

"Are son is only two years old and he's already phasing through wall's, he's going to grow up just fine" said Vlad as he feel asleep happy

(time skip three years Issei is now 5)

"Sir Hellsing, there are three people here to see you" said a maid knocking at the door

"What where their names?" asked Integra

"Sirzech Lucifer, Serafall leviathan and Grayfia Lucifuge sir" said the maid not knowing who they where

"Hmm why are two of the devil kings here and one of the strongest devils here I have to be careful" said Integra in her thoughts "Bring them to me at once" said Integra

"Yes sir" said the maid as she went to get them

(a few minutes later)

"Sir their here" said the maid knocking at the door again

"Send them in and bring us some refreshments" said Integra

"Of cause sir, please go in" said the maid

"Thank you" said Sirzech

"So, what can I do for you devils?" asked Integra keeping up her image

"We mean you no harm Integra we wish to speak to Vlad and Seras if that's not too much to ask" said Sirzech

"May I ask why?" asked Integra curious

"Their old friends and I want to ask a favour of them" said Sirzech

"What's the favour? Why can't you deal with it yourself?" asked Integra

"It concerns my new born sister, she has been forced into a marriage contract with an ass hole and since we are devil kings we can't interfere because it will piss off the devil council" said Sirzech

"A noble cause I have little control over them anyway, I was letting my family line end here so they will be fully free." Said Integra calling for Seras and Vlad in her mind

"You called for us Integra" said Seras and Vlad as they materialised into her office "Well I'll be it's good to see you again Sirzech, Serafall and Grayfia" said Seras and Vlad as they greeted the three devils

"It has how have you been?" asked Sirzech

"We have been fine" "Issei I told you to stay down stairs" said Seras as Issei materialised into the room as well

"But mommy I bored!" said Issei as he was hugging catacomb

"Who's this?" asked Sirzech surprised

"He's so cute" said Serafall

"Be a good boy and introduce yourself" said Seras

"Okay mommy" "I'm Issei Vladimir Dracula it's nice to meet you" said Issei

"Nice to meet you Issei I'm Sirzech Lucifer" said Sirzech as they shock hands

"I'm Serafall Leviathan but call me Sera" said Sera as she hugged Issei

"I'm Grayfia Lucifuge" said Grayfia hugging which was something different for her

"Well since introduction are over we need to ask you a favour Seras, Vlad" said Sirzech

"What do you need?" asked Seras

"My new-born sister has been forced into a marriage with Riser Phoenix and I don't want her with him. I presume you know who he is so that's why I want your help" asked Sirzech

"Yes, we know who he is he's attacked us several times he needs to be put in his place" said Seras angrily

"You seem to be really mad at him why's that?" asked Grayfia

"He tried to rape me" said Seras

"Hugh, I'm not surprised" said Sirzech

"Can I help" chirped Issei

"I think you can Issei, if you mother and father say so" said Sirzech

"I don't see why not it will help us to have to devil faction on are side when we take back are throne" said Vlad

"Don't say your going back to how you two where" said Serafall sweating because Seras and Vlad were ranked at 10th strongest in the world at the lowest

"No, being stuck in this family has taught us that those times are gone we need to work together now" said Vlad

"Thank Lucifer" said Serafall

"Haha, well then Issei I want you to grow up to be a fine vampire that treats other species kindly and get strong enough to save my sister from the loveless marriage can you do that for me" said Sirzech as he ruffled Issei's hair

"I promise" said Issei

"Haha, he's taken a liking to you and I'm sure your sister will like him. That gives me an idea" said Vlad

"What's that?" asked Sirzech

"A marriage contract between Issei and your sister but Rias will have a choice to marry him" said Vlad

"How did you know her name we didn't say" said Sirzech

"Did you forget we can read minds" laughed Seras

"Hugh, well I don't see any problem with it in fact let's make it official then if they don't fall in love Rias can use it as protection" said Sirzech

"Agreed I'll go get the paper's and inform Venelana as well since she hates the idea as well" said Grayfia as she teleported back to hell

"Well Seras, Vlad I think it's time I fully released you from my family on a few conditions" said Integra

"What would those be Integra?" asked Vlad

"That you come back every so often to see me and that you help me with any problems that I can't rely on humans for" said Integra

"Of course, Integra" said Seras and Vlad

"Well then" Yumi bring Issei surprise" said Integra on the phone

"Surprise?" asked Issei surprised

"Haha a present they were supposed to be for your 6 birthday but you can have since your leaving" said Integra

"Thank your aunty Teggy" said Issei as he happily hugged Integra

"Haha, he so cute ahh I think he will be a great husband to the harem he's going to have in the future, I think I have found a man to" said Serafall as she started getting giggly

"Sir, I have what you requested" said Yumi knocking at the door

"Come in" said Integra

"Here you go Issei" said Integra as Yumi gave the box to Issei and left

"Going open it" said Seras

"Thank you so much aunty Teggy" said Issei as he opened it to see to of his father's favourites gun the Jackal but sliver with silver patens

"Guns?" asked Sirzech surprised

"He's got a love for guns, given how many times he used mine" said Vlad

"They have a twin name of Twin Cutlasses what do you think Issei?" asked Integra

"It's great I love the name thank you so much" said Issei as he disappeared

"He's gone to the gun range" laughed Seras

"Well then, I'll tell the servants to pack your thing up where are you going to go?" asked Integra

"I've always wanted to go to Japan" said Seras

"I have some territory there I was going to give it to Rias, but you can have it do you mind if Rias moves in their when she's old enough?" said Sirzech

"Sure" said Vlad

"I have the papers let's get them signed the devil council needs to talk to you master, Serafall" said Grayfia appearing

Everything got sorted out after about half an hour and everyone left back home or to their new home.

(Underworld sometime later Sirzech's office)

"I can tell you where attracted to him Grayfia" said Sirzech

"I have to admit Issei is very lovable person it's hard not to fall in love with him" said Grayfia

"True, would you like to be with him when he's older?" asked Sirzech shocking Grayfia

"What are you saying master?" asked Grayfia shocked

"Grayfia, I know you're not really satisfied with being with me, are you?" asked Sirzech

"I have to say yes; will I do love you for saving me and giving me a great son I just needed a man that has time to spend with me" said Grayfia blushing

"I understand what you mean Grayfia, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to give you to him he will need to prove to me that he is strong enough to protect you" said Sirzech as he hugged Grayfia

"Thank you for understanding master, now if you excuse me I have work to do" said Grayfia as she bowed and left

"This is going to be fun Issei, grow strong my friend" said Sirzech as he laughed inside his head as he went back to work

(time skip 16 years)

(Rias POV)

From even before I was born I was place into a marriage contract with Riser Phoenix a stuck piece of shit a man that no one loves. I kept tell my family that I didn't want to marry him but that didn't change my father mind. But one-day Grayfia told me that I had another option but that's it. At first great another stuck up devil but she told me it was the same person that helped my servant's my family with their pasts. Akeno was told that her mother was still alive and what truly had happened on that day she thought she lost her, she saw her mother some times she goes and sees her father but not often for reason that you now. Yumi she was told that the angles didn't want that to happen to them and was told the person to kill if she still wanted revenge. Koneko it was found out that her sisters master was doing unspeakable thing and that's why she killed him and the family supporting it so she was no longer a stray. Asia a holy sister with the power to heal almost any wound it was found out that Diodora caused her to get kicked out of the church so he could have sex with her another sorry excuse of a man. Alexandra and Godvia twin half-blood vampire's Alex had the boosted gear will Godvia could stop time hated and feared by even their own kind until whoever that person is met them and told that they shouldn't hide from their power use it to help your friends. Even with Alex and Godvia meeting him no one new who he was or why he did this but my brother did say when I turn 16 he will meet me, I guess we'll meet soon whoever you are. She wouldn't admit it to anyone but she had grown feelings of love for this mysterious person even if they were a girl.

(Issei's class room in anime)

"Class we have a new transfer student joining us today" said the teacher

"Rias-sama said we didn't have any new students joining us" said Asia in her mind

"I hope it's a girl" said a male in the class

"I hope it's a guy" said a girl in the class

"Quiet down. You can come in" said the teacher as a black-haired male came in

"Hello everyone, my name is Issei Vladimir Dracula, I hope we can be friends" said Issei as he introduced himself speaking perfect Japanese but with a heavy Transylvanian accent

"Dracula, the same as Count Dracula?" asked some of the class

"Yes, my family used to serve the Dracula family back then and we have kept the name going as honour" said Issei

"And your teeth?" asked a male

"Born with them" said Issei

"He's lying I need to tell Rias" said Asia in her mind "Teacher, President Rias just contacted me I'm needed right away" said Asia

"Okay then I'll have your work waiting for you when you get back" said the teacher

"Thank you, Sensei" said Asia as she walked out to find Rias

"Tell Rias and Sona I'm here as a friend" said Issei mentally to Asia

(just as the bell went for break)

"Is Issei Vladimir Dracula in here" asked Yumi at the door

"It's Yumi" said the whole class happily

"Yes, that's me can I help you?" asked Issei

"My president would like to meet you along with the student council president" said Yumi

"Lead the way then" said Issei as he got up

(occult research room)

"Ahh nice to met you Issei, I'm sure you know why we called you here" said Rias

"Yes, I do know so what can I do for you" said Issei

"I want to know why a vampire is in my territory!" said Rias annoyed

"Calm down, I've been living here for 16 years with my parents" said Issei as he materialised a glass and some blood wine "And besides your brother said we could live here, would you two like some" said Issei as he jested to Alex and Godvia with his glass

"You know Alex and Godvia are vampires?" asked Rias surprised

"Yes, even if they are half-bloods they are still vampires" said Issei

"If your offering" said Alex

"Here you go" said Issei as he materialised two more glasses and poured them some blood wine

"That's alcohol isn't it?" asked Rias

"It's only one percent alcohol so it's fine" said Issei

"Anyway, why are you here?" asked Sona

"I'm here to help you Rias out of your marriage with Riser" said Issei

"Help me?" asked Rias surprised

"Yes Shuri, Kuroka if you would" said Issei

"Kuroka and Shuri?" asked everyone surprised

"Of cause Issei" said Shuri as she stepped into the room through a black portal with Kuroka

"Mother?!" asked Akeno surprised

"Sister?!" asked Koneko surprised

"Hello Akeno dear" said Shuri

"Hello Koneko nyaa" said Kuroka both Kuroka and Shuri had crimson-red eyes and sharp fangs

"You're the person that's been helping my family but why?" asked Rias surprised

"Because your brother asked me to help you 16 years ago and besides I'm your second marriage contract" said Issei as he pulled out the marriage contract signed by Sirzech and his parents to marry him and Rias

"It's best we all sit down it's going to take some time to explain" said Issei

After a few hours later Issei explained how he saved Shuri by turning her into a vampire even though she wasn't a virgin, how he helped Kuroka by proving her innocents and how he helped the others of Rias's peerage. And how Kuroka was also turned into a vampire and how they could be out during the day.

(later school roof around 8pm)

"Oh, hey Rias" said Issei as he was laying on top of the roof

"Oh, Issei I didn't sense you there" said Rias as she jumped

"Haha, fancy some wine?" asked Issei as he pulled out a bottle of wine

"Sure, why not I need it after today" said Rias as she sat on the bench near Issei

"So how is everyone at the moment?" asked Issei

"Everyone is talking in the gym will training. Can I ask you something Issei?" asked Rias taking a sip of wine

"Sure, what is it?" asked Issei

"Why are you acting like this almost all pure -blood vampires are stuck up but why aren't you?" asked Rias

"I'm like this because I was raised by my parents with aunty Integra, I'm sure you have heard of her" said Issei

"Yes, I have she was in control of Vlad and Seras" said Rias

"I was born a few months after the London war, Integra raised me as her own son so I have open view on life. My parents loved Integra, she changed their views on live and so they decided when they take back their throne it would be best for us to work with other factions, the current vampire faction is wrong they hate are own kind just because they are not full vampires I can't stand it" said Issei as he crushed his glass

"So that's why you where so friendly with Alex and Godvia even helping them overcome their fears, I can't thank you enough Issei" said Rias as she placed her hand on Issei's

"Your welcome Rias, unlike Riser I'm not going to force you to marry me if anything are marriage contract can be used as a shield to stop other's from trying to marry to you, you can use it until you find the person you want to marry" said Issei

"Thank you Issei, I think we'll get along from now on" said Rias looking up to the stars

"Thanks Rias, well I best get home where going hunting" said Issei as he got up

"I was meaning to ask that how do you feed?" asked Rias

"We hunt humans and other species that harm normal live so no one will miss them, we only feed on people that do no harm very rarely" said Issei

"Well then see you tomorrow Issei" said Rias

"See ya, be ready for training like you have never had" said Issei as he disappeared in a cloud of bats

"Ara-ara I think you have a crush Rias" said Akeno

"Akeno! How could I not though he's so kind and don't tell me you haven't felt something for him, I saw that look on your face" said Risa blushing

"Haha, true well we should head home it's late" said Akeno

"Okay then well it will be best were well rested to training tomorrow" said Rias as they went home

(Issei's mansion home)

"Hey mom, hey dad I'm back" said Issei as he materialised into the living room

"Hey sweaty would you like some wine?" asked Seras from the kitchen

"Yes, please I didn't find anyone that tasted good" said Issei as he slumped onto the sofa not noticing three people on the sofa

"Give me a second sweaty" said Seras as she went into the kitchen

"Good to see you again Issei" said Sirzech, Serafall and Grayfia

"Oh! Good to see you Sirzech, Grayfia and Serafall how have you been?" asked Issei surprised as Seras came in with some wine for everyone

"Mostly work but we have been fine, anyway how was your fist day at school?" asked Sirzech

"Fine, I met Rias, Sona and the other's almost instantly" said Issei as they started drinking

"What do you think of Rias, Sona and their servants?" asked Sirzech

"Rias and Sona remind me of Integra, they are very nice and are very pretty" said Issei giving a perverted smirk

"Issei! That's not very nice to say!" said Seras hitting him on the head

"Haha! That's my boy!" laughed Vlad

"Vlad!" yelled Seras

"Haha! What's wrong with saying women are pretty ow ow ow Grayfia!" said Sirzech laughing as Grayfia grabbed his cheek

"Well we can't stay long. What's your plan Issei? Kuroka said you told Rias about your marriage contract" said Sirzech

"I'm going to train them to fight Riser. And if they don't manage to defeat him I'll crass the wedding party" said Issei

"Haha, with you training them we have nothing to worry about, well then we must go say hi for us please and see you at the ratting game" said Sirzech laughing as they got up

"Well then see you in about a month everyone" said Issei as Sirzech, Grayfia and Serafall left

(time skip 1 month just before the ratting game VIP room)

Over the month Issei trained Rias and the other's, he put them threw hell. The way he trained their senses was by having himself, Shuri and Kuroka trying to bite them at any time they would attack them, it made their senses to adapt very quickly. Everyone had made great progress, Issei said they could all hold their own against a high-class devil and their peerage for a will, just enough to take out Riser. The way they were trained was not live threatening but they didn't know that. They thought Issei, Shuri and Kuroka were trying to kill them.

"It's great to see you again Issei, Vlad, Seras, Shuri and Kuroka" said Grayfia as they materialised into the VIP viewing room

"It's good to see you again as well Grayfia" said Seras

"Well then should we watch this one-sided fight?" asked Vlad

"Well then I'll get some wine then" said Grayfia

(time skip after ratting game victory for Riser)

"Something doesn't feel right. I recognise something in Riser's fire that isn't Phoenix or devil" said Vlad

"Agreed his fire sent a shiver down my spine the only fire to do that was" said Seras panicking

"What fire would that be?!" asked Sirzech and surprised at what Seras and Vlad

"It can't be!" said Vlad

"What fire is it?!" demanded Sirzech

"It's the same fire from Helena's Nail! That can kill even us how the hell does he have that!" yelled Seras

"What Grayfia get Riser under arrest now!" screamed Sirzech

"He's already at the marriage ceremony! What should we do?!" asked Grayfia panicking for her step sisters live

"Get an army ready but he's mine!" said Issei darkly as he released a dark mist that made it hard for the devils in the room to breathe

"Cough Issei cough can't breathe!" coughed Sirzech

"Oh, right sorry" said Issei as the mist disappeared

"What's the plain?" asked Sirzech

"I'll crash the wedding then you appeared with my contract and have the army surround him, then tell everyone what has happened" said Issei

"Then?" asked Sirzech

"If Riser tries to run teleport us to a ratting game field and I'll kick the shit out of him!" said Issei as he got up ready to teleport

"Okay then go stall him it will take a few minutes to get an army strong enough to deal with Riser" said Sirzech

"Issei take this and use it on Riser it will forcefully take the fire from him! Force it into that shit head heart!" said Vlad as he passed Issei a small jar

"Thanks dad" said Issei as he disappeared

(ceremony hall)

"I Riser Phoenix, present to you my wife Rias Gremory!" said Riser as Rias appeared

"Knock, knock mother fucker!" screamed a voice as they kicked the doors in making one fly and hit Riser square in the face

"WHO ARE YOU LOW CLASS SHIT! GUARDS ARESST HIM!" screamed Riser as he got up

"They will do no such thing" said Sirzech as he teleported in

"Lord Lucifer this Low-Class Shit Attacked me!" screamed Riser "Why are you protecting him!?"

"Because Riser you are under arrest for having the fire from Helena's Nail! We do not know how you have it but you will surrender now!" said Sirzech

"Your just mad your sister lost! And besides you have no proof!" screamed Riser

"He does have proof shit head!" said Vlad as they appeared

"Dracula what's he doing here?!" said a panicked devil

"That is Helena's Nail's fire I have fought against it before in would know it anywhere! And the man you called low class is my son!" said Vlad pissed off

"HA SO WHAT! HE IS JUST A KID WHAT CAN HE DO TO ME THE MIGHTY RISER PHEOARRGH!" screamed Riser as Issei appeared in front of him and punched him into the wall and forced the jar his father gave to him right into Riser's heart taking out Helena's Nail's fire

"Father!" said Issei as he tossed his father the jar

"This is Helena's Nail's fire" said Vlad as he grabbed the jar

"Riser you are under arrest!" said Sirzech as his crimson aura flared around him

"FUCK YOU DID YOU REALY THINK I DIDN'T HAVE A BACK UP PLAN HAHA!" screamed Riser as he sent out a beam of fire at Rias, Ravel and his peerage but it only hit his peerage minus Ravel

"Sirzech take care of them, I can tell Ravel has nothing to do with this so she's innocent" said Issei as he appeared by Sirzech with Rias and Ravel

"How can you tell?" asked Sirzech forgetting that Vampires are some of the best mind readers

"I can read minds remember, now teleport us!" said Issei as he was reaching his limit

"Done!" said Sirzech as they were teleported

(same arena where Issei 1v1 Riser)


"I don't care about that, I only care about my friend's happiness so I'll deal with you quickly!" said Issei as he rushed Riser ripping his arm clean off

"Haha, you see this is I can regenerate any attack, I am immortal!" screamed Riser as he regenerated his arm

"No one is truly immortal and I'll prove that to you. Will I would like to kill you Sirzech wants to find out how you got that fire from Helena's Nail so I'll make this quick" said Issei as he charged Riser

"Haha bring it ahg" said Riser as Issei knocked him out

"Here you go Sirzech, get what you need out of him then I'm killing him!" said Issei standing over the knocked-out Riser

"Okay Issei, take him away. Rias and the other's want to talk to you, they are at my family's household" said Sirzech "I'll be there soon as well"

"Okay" said Issei as he teleported to the Gremory household

(Gremory Household)

"Thank you Issei, your father and mother told us what happened" said Rias as Issei appeared in the living room with his everyone besides Sirzech, Grayfia and Serafall

"So, what do you think of mom and dad?" asked Issei as he sat down

"I was scared at first well because of the history but they turned out to be very nice, they said it thanks to Integra" said Rias

"Integra is a great woman, I'll fight for her any day" said Issei remembering the great times with Integra

"Yeah, she's one of the few humans I have any respect for" said Sera remembering those days

"Anyway, you need a chance to calm down since I can tell you're where scared that you could have died" Seras

"Your right, we need some time we have never been in a live or death situation before. Though Issei did threaten to kill us when we were training, and he didn't even tell us that he would train us like that!" said Rias

"It's the best way to train, and besides it helped you if I trained you normally you would be dead right know" said Issei defending himself

"Haha, that's my boy ow Seras" laughed Vlad as Seras hit him on the head

"Issei, Vlad, Sirzech needs to talk to you" said Grayfia as she came into the room

"Fine" said Vlad as himself and Issei left

"Seras how did you met Vlad? It says in history that you where a maid at the Dracula castle but that's it but that can't be all can it?" asked Rias "And how did you have Issei?"

"Okay, well let's get some wine it will take some time" said Seras

"Of cause bring some wine in" said Venelana as they started talking about Seras and Vlad's past

(later on, a balcony)

"Ahh, what a night" said Issei as he sipping some wine leaning into the rail

"Issei? What are you doing up here?" asked Rias surprised

"Enjoying the underworlds night time, I have only been to the underworld a few times and that's when I was young or when I came here for Kuroka" said Issei "Want some?" asked Issei as he offered a glass to Rias

"I'll have one glass, we've been drinking already" said Rias

"Haha, yeah you where talking about how mom met dad and how they had me" said Issei

"Yeah, I'm glad that your parents don't want to go back to their old ways" said Rias laughing

"Yeah, all hell would break lose" laughed Issei

"Haha, bad pun Issei, I'm falling for you even more" laughed Rias

"Haha, careful Rias when you mess with a vampire you get the fangs" said Issei as he walked over to Rias flashing his fangs hoping to get a reaction out of her

"Oh? Is the big bad vampire going to bite me?" asked Rias in a teasing voice as exposed her neck to Issei

"Hmm, what's Rias playing at? Well then Rias, let's see how far your willing to go" asked Issei to himself in his mind as he had an evil idea as he used his shadows to hold Rias still as he licked her neck

"Ahh, Issei" moaned Rias as Issei licked her neck

"Rias, why are you doing this?" asked Issei as he released her from his shadows

"Issei, I love you that's why, you have helped not only me but my family, I have never met any man besides brother, Millicas and father that I can say I love them" said Rias finally letting out her feelings

"Rias, will I love you to this brings up some problems" said Issei in a loving but sad tone

"Why's that Issei?" asked Rias wondering what Issei means

"My kind have certain what's the word activity's during sex and courting" said Issei

"What do you mean activity's?" asked Rias

"Well, one I will be tempted to bite you and drink you dry that will turn you into a vampire and devil hybrid similar to Kuroka" said Issei

"I was wondering how Kuroka had her Nekoshou side" said Rias

"Yeah, it seems that when I turned her into a vampire her Nekoshou and vampire side balanced out to where she is a pure-blood of both at the same but not a pure-blood of both at the same time if you understand what I mean. Mom and dad don't know why it's like that and we can guess if said person has another part that isn't human is turned it will be the same" said Issei

Rias didn't say a word as she crashed lips with Issei, instantly she started exploring Issei's mouth. This lead Issei's fighting back as soon as the surprise of Rias kissing left him, which led to Rias cutting her tongue on one of his fangs. Making Issei taste the sweetest and most delicious blood he had ever had, will Integra's, Kuroka's and Shuri's blood was great it was nothing compared to Rias's, it made him want more. His vampire or demon side started taking over him as he parted from the kiss going straight for Rias's neck.

"Rias" purred Issei as he kissed and teased Rias's neck making her moan

"Go on Issei, I'm not going to stop you" moaned Rias as she moved her hands to support Issei's head

"Very well then, but remember the choice was all was yours" purred Issei as he gently bit down at first having regained some control over himself but as soon as Rias's blood entered his mouth his demon side took over and made him drink until there was only just enough for Rias to live

"Ahh!" moaned Rias as she felt her blood leaving her until Issei stopped

"I think I might get addicted to your blood Rias" purred Issei as he released her neck from his fangs but not before licking away the blood from where his fangs where

"Why did you stop master?" asked Rias very disappointed as the act of have blood sucked out of you was very enjoyable if you enjoy pain that is, well we all know who that part of her came from. But at the same time Rias was wondering why she called him master but to her it felt so right

"Haha, as much as I like your blood I don't want you to die my lovely fledgling" said Issei as he kissed her again giving Rias a taste of her own blood "Also it looks like with have some watchers" said Issei into Rias's mind

"Who's watching us?" asked Rias back in their fledgling and sire mind link

"Let's find out" replied Issei "You can come out now we know your there" said Issei outload

"Ara-ara, it looks like we have been found out" said Akeno

"What are lot you doing here?" asked Rias

"We were wondering where you went Rias, but we got are questions answered" laughed Akeno

"Questioned answered?" asked Rias confused

"Yes, we now have are answers all of us want to become Vampire's" said Akeno

"All of you?" asked Issei shocked

"They've fallen in love with you Issei, what's your response" asked Shuri

"You do know this will be permanent and drinking blood is no little matter, it will be your live from now on if I turn you" said Issei with a lot of seriousness in his words

"Yes, we want this please" said everyone

"Last chance" said Issei walking to them as he bared his fangs still having a little of Rias's blood still on them, but that didn't change their expressions didn't change at all

"Please Issei" said everyone as the exposed their necks

"Very well, Shuri, Kuroka go and get enough blood for everyone" said Issei

"Of cause Issei" said Shuri and Kuroka as they disappeared to get some blood

"Rias, as tempted as you will be don't drink from them you'll drink them dry is that understood" said Issei in a commanding tone as he could see Rias was staring at their necks with the look of drinking them dry in her eyes

"Yes master" said Rias sadly

"Well then here we go" said Issei as he started with

As Issei started with Akeno her blood was similar to Shuri's where Issei could taste her sadistic and masochistic side just like Shuri's but was stronger thanks to her fallen side. Koneko's blood was just like Kuroka's but Issei could tell the difference it was like wine both made the same way but one aged longer than the other. Yumi was the strongest soul one out of the group. Asia was the purest one their but Issei could see that if she put her mind onto something she went with it. And now Alexander and Godvia, Issei saved them for last because for a vampire to drink another's vampire's blood it acts as a very strong alcohol to Vampires, which could've made Issei's demon side go a bit mad.

"Ahh, delicious" said Issei as he parted from Godvia's neck

"Looks like we got back just in time nyaa" said Kuroka as herself and Shuri got back with some blood enough for everyone

"Thank you, now everyone drink I won't make you hunt yet" said Issei as he wiped the blood of his lips "Once your finished go to sleep and we'll talk in the morning" said Issei

"Yes, master" said everyone as they grabbed the bags of blood and pierced them with her fangs and draining them dry

"Oh, I thought Shuri and Kuroka calling me master was good but this is great" said Issei laughing in his head

(later Issei's room)

"Issei, can I join you to night please?" asked Rias as Issei was going in after he got something

"Sure, but you have to deal with Shuri and Kuroka sleeping with me as well. Kuroka sleeps on top of me and Shuri sleeps on my right" said Issei

"I'm fine with that" said Rias as they went in and went to sleep

Issei's profile


Issei Vladimir Dracula


Vlad Dracula

Seras Dracula


Male (Looks 16 real age 21)


Kind, caring, Perverted (only with girls that let him), hates people that force themselves on people, will kill anyone that hurts his friends or lovers (unless they tell him not to), protective of friends and lovers


True Vampire (Demon)


Transylvanian Lynx (Catacomb)


Kuoh Academy (Third-Year High School Student), Occult Research Club, Underworld, Heaven,
Grigori, True Vampire faction (His parents and a few other's)

Names and Aliases
Ultimate Vampire, Son of the Dragon, Prince of Darkness, Issei Vlad Dracula, The Transylvanian Lynx, Nightwalker, Vlad IV Dracula, Prince Dracula, The Prince Nosferatu, Son of the Devil, The Demon,
The Devil, The Monster, The Bloodsucker, Prince of Vampires, Unholy Prince, Dracula, The Impaling Prince, True Immortal, The No-Life Prince, Sir (by servants and others at times)


Hair colour: Black (same style as Anime), Eye colour: Crimson-Red, Body: Issei is well built (Issei can't hind his fangs)


Regeneration: Issei has the ability to perfectly and quickly recover from any physical injury. He has been torn to shreds by conventional weaponry and holy weaponry designed to kill his kind and has survived all of it. Holy weapons, while they do affect him more, are regenerated all the same if not as quickly.

Dark Composition: Though he generally dons a corporeal, humanoid form, Issei is made up of a highly variable otherworldly substance that is black in core and reddish on its edges. This can be especially seen whenever he takes heavy damage, the darkness being immune to conventional weaponry. Along with composing his being, it can serve as a weapon. Issei is able to form several limbs from it with which he attacks with. He also stores his guns in his darkness for convenience in public.

Intangibility: Issei has the ability to walk through solid objects, such as walls.

Immortality: Issei is a true immortal, but he is at least biologically immortal, immune to withering and dying by way of age. This seems to indicate structural immortality as well, but the vampire himself asserts that there is no such thing as a true immortal. This means his immortality is only biological, and there is a way to kill him, but it is not known.

Hematophagy: As a vampire, Issei has the ability to consume blood raw. He has long, conical fangs to assist in this job as well as serpentine like tongue. His feeding habits have been seen to vary: from the traditional neck-biting to simply ripping people to pieces and outright devouring them. Issei doesn't seem to need blood to survive, however if starved of it, he will enter an inactive death-like state.

Aestivation: Issei will enter a dormant state if he goes too long without blood. It is unknown if he can be starved to death.

Soul Absorption: By draining a person of their blood, Issei gains dominance over their souls and very forms. He also takes on whatever knowledge they possess. Also due to Issei's unique heritage he can chose to absorb the souls and this is past down to his fledglings.

Familiar Control: Issei can summon forth anyone he's taking the soul of at will. He has an entire legion dwelling within him but seems to favour using Catacomb, the Transylvanian Lynx. Whoever he absorbs, their powers are at his disposal.

Shapeshifting: Issei claims to be able to change into anything. He has changed into several bats, an amorphous darkness.

Mist Body: Issei is capable of turning his body into some sort of dark reddish mist in order to render attacks against him useless.

Extrasensory: Issei has senses that are not only sharper than a mortal's, affording him abilities such as perfect accuracy, but he has abilities that they completely lack. In particular he possesses a 'third-eye' which allows him to see things from far, far distances. Though he rarely uses it to do so.

Enhanced Strength: Issei is quite strong. To start, his guns the Twin Cutlasses (Gift from Integra when they left basically Alucard's Jackal but silver and due wielded) are far too unwieldy for a human to hold, let alone use, but he does both with ease. He has been seen going up barehanded against even some supernatural weapons and destroying them. The extent of his strength is unknown, though when it comes to raw strength, Issei is often seen to outmuscle other vampires.

Vampiric Speed: Issei is too fast for the human eye to follow, but other vampires can keep pace with him just fine.

Enhanced Endurance: Issei takes most damage without flinching or making a sound, quietly allowing the enemy to attack before retaliating tenfold. He can even attack after being torn asunder by bullets, even the use high caliber weaponry on him. He's been thrown through skyscrapers, bled excessively, and no certain way to defeat him other than killing him again and again until he stays down.

Enhanced Reflexes/Speed: Issei is very fast, able to dodge and catch speeding bullets.

Telepathy: Issei is able to communicate telepathically with his fledgling, Shuri. The telepathy doesn't seem to have a maximum range. He can also read the thoughts of others, if he wishes and allow then to communicate with him.

Daywalking: Other vampires operate in the dark, because of a presumed weakness to light. Issei however seems to have no problem with sunlight, only complaining that being up during the day gives him a slight headache.

Weather Control: The ability to control the weather to an unknown limit, similar to the fog his father created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle.

Hypnosis: Issei has the ability to control minds, doing so on exclusively with Humans. The afflicted human will enter a euphoric, stupor-like state and their eyes will glow red. They will be pliant to all of Issei's designs, doing and speaking as he wills. This hypnotic link is established through direct eye-contact and does not waver, even when Issei's attention is elsewhere.

Gravity Defiance: Issei, is shown not only to be able to stand vertically on a wall, but run backwards up it. This would indicate some ability to defy gravity. Also, he has been seen floating behind his parents and Integra.

Supernatural Detection: The ability to sense supernatural activity.

Vampire creation: Issei is the only know vampire that can turn a non-virgin into a vampire (of opposite sex)