Highschool dxd Dragon Issei Vladimir Dracula

(" " speech/portal talk)

I don't own Highschool DXD it belongs to Ichiei Ishibumi neither do I own Hellsing it belong to Kouta Hirano

It had been around 2 weeks after Rias and her family were turned into vampires, they had all most fully adapted to being vampires besides one thing. Everyone besides Alexander and Godiva couldn't drink from a living person, they were okay with drinking from blood bags. Will they were drinking blood it was better to drink from a living person, vampires gain more strength from drinking from a living host. Issei, Shuri, Kuroka and Seras didn't blame them, with the rouge devils and other beings (humans included) in the Kuoh area finding out that some people were taking out the people causing trouble made them go into hiding until it died down. So, it only left good people around which none of them wanted to hunt. Vlad was the only one mad at them but he understood their point.

(Kuoh academy, Occult research club room first break)

"Rias, everyone" said Issei as Rias and her group fazed into the club room

"Yes, Issei-sama?" asked Rias blushing as Issei was sitting in her chair with Kuroka and Shuri cuddling him

"We're going to London, Integra wants to see mother, father and me, she also said we can bring any one else we wanted" said Issei

"London?" asked Asia showing that something in London concerned

"Yes, why you asking?" asked Issei confused

"I new two exorcists that were based there, Irina and Xenovia" said Asia crying as she thought her friends would hate her now

"Were you three friends?" asked Issei getting a nod from Asia "Wait, Irina Shidou?" asked Issei thinking it might be the same girl that used to live here back a few years ago

"Yes, they were the only friends I had, even though the church said the only friend a holy maiden should have is God, they went against that for me and even when they were told to hunt me down they refused but how will they react to me now?" asked Asia as she started to cry

"Asia, I'm sure that if they didn't kill you for being called a heretic, they are true friends to you and won't hate you for being a vampire as long as your happy, I'm sure their happy" said Issei as he got up and wiped away her tears will hugging her

"Thank you Issei-sama" said Asia happily

"Well then, everyone go get ready to go" ordered Issei as Sona with her group appeared at the door

"You're going to London to see Integra?" asked Sona hearing the firsfirst part of the conversation

"Yes, she's getting on in her age so she wants to spend some time with us" said Issei sadly

"How old is she, if you don't mind me asking?" asked Sona

"43, we have offered her the chance to become a vampire but she said she wanted die a human, this has upset mom, dad and myself because we love her and don't want her to die, one of the few things I hate about being able to live forever you can't really have friends with a finite lifespan" said Issei sadly

"I'm sorry to hear that Issei" said Sona knowing she hit a bad subject for Issei

"It's fine, would you like to come as well?" asked Issei

"Are you sure Integra won't mind?" asked Sona

"Yeah, she wants to meet my friends I have at the moment, so I'm sure" said Issei

"Well then, everyone what do you say?" asked Sona to her group

"Sure" said Sona's group after a few seconds of talking

"Well then, the plane is accepting to see us in an hour or so, so get some clothes ready because London still isn't the best place after the war" said Issei as he knew London still hadn't fully recovered after the war and probably never will

"Okay, we will be back in a half an hour or so" said Sona and her group

"Well then, let's get ready to go" said Rias as everyone dispersed to get some clothes and their coffins

(later on, the plane)

"Wow, you were right Issei-sama, London is in a bad shape. What happened? I know it was Seras and Vlad that did this but we don't know how?" asked Rias as everyone was having some blood wine besides Sona and her group will looking down out the window down seeing London

London had been fully rebuilt but the area was gloomy. Everyone that lived in London was never truly happy as the memory of that day would stay forever in their minds.

"It was when the Integra allowed us to use a full power, 8 thousand ghouls in total, I can't remember how many Nazi's and Catholics there were that day" said Vlad

"Wow, that's a lot, I'm not surprised that London hasn't recovered and by the looks of it, it never will be back to how it used to be" said Sona a bit scared

"Shame to, it was nice place" said Seras since she liked to go shopping in London or just sit on top of Big Ben

"This is you pilot speaking, we are about to land" said the pilot

"Well then, everyone get your stuff" said Issei

(outside when they touched down)

"Seras, Vlad, Issei it's good to see you again" said Integra happy to see them again

"Integra, it's good to see you again as well" said Seras, Vlad and Issei walking to Integra and hugging her

"Thank you, now who are these?" asked Integra seeing everyone else

(Everyone introduced themselves and went inside after 30 minutes and talked for a few hours)

(Issei's room)

"Mhh" moaned Issei kissing Shuri with Kuroka playing with his dick "I wonder what Akeno would say, seeing her mother with another man that's not her father? And Koneko the same, seeing her big sis with my dick in her mouth?" asked Issei darkly with a massive smile on his face

"I would like to know as well Issei-sama" moaned Shuri as she went down to Issei's balls and started licking them

"Issei-sama nyaahh, we should get everyone in on this nyaahh" moaned Kuroka as she released Issei's cock from her mouth and Kissed Shuri as the two started making out

"In time, my sweet Kitty, I have to wait until they become full vampires" said Issei as he grabbed one of Shuri's and Kuroka's tits in each hand and gave them a good firm squeeze earning a nice moan out of his lovely girls

"Issei-sama" "Issei-sama nyaahh" moaned Shuri and Kuroka

"Haha, what nice moans, now let's have some fun" said Issei as he threw Shuri onto the bed fist them Kuroka on top of her and then shoved himself inside Kuroka's dripping pussy

"Nyaahh, Issei-sama yess pound my sluty pussy nyaamhh" moaned Kuroka as Shuri grabbed her head and pulled her into a kiss in response Kuroka grabbed her tits

Issei proceeded to fuck Kuroka's pussy as hard as he wanted will grabbing her tits, giving Shuri pleasure from his thrusts as well. It was a good thing vampires didn't need to breath as Shuri kept Kuroka in the kiss both moaning into each other.

"Here you go, my little kitty" moaned Issei into Kuroka's ear as he bit her neck getting the sweet taste of her blood

"Nyaamhh" moaned Kuroka as her pussy squeezed hard on Issei's dick as she felt Issei's cum flowing into her pussy will he was drinking her blood as Shuri kept their lips locked

"Ahh, great as always Kuroka" moaned Issei as he released Kuroka's neck with a small amount of her blood dripping from his fangs as he kissed Kuroka

"Issei-sama, don't forget about me" pouted Shuri cutely

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you" said Issei as he went down and kissed Shuri will taking himself out of Kuroka letting his cum flow out of her pussy earning an unpleased moan from Kuroka since her lover's dick wasn't in her anymore

"Nyaa, Issei-sama, don't pull out" pouted Kuroka

"Stop hogging Issei-sama, Kuroka" said Shuri "Ahh yes, Issei-sama!" screamed Shuri in pleasure as Issei slammed into her dripping pussy will Issei's hands played with Kuroka's tits

"Be good girls and share, or neither of you will get anything" commanded Issei as he stopped fucking and fingering Kuroka, he loved Shuri and Kuroka equally and if they couldn't agree to take turns neither would get a turn until they agreed to take turns

"Sorry, Issei-sama" said Shuri and Kuroka sadly since they had made Issei angry, when Kuroka dropped her nyaa it meant she was very sorry or very mad

"Good girls, now don't look so sad, you look much prettier when your happy" said Issei as he cupped Kuroka's and Shuri's faeces and kissed them

"Issei-sama" "Issei-sama nyaa" said Shuri and Kuroka happily with Kuroka's tail swinging happily again

"Good now, where were we?" asked Issei as he continued to fuck Shuri's tight pussy will playing with Kuroka's tail's and breasts

"Ahh, Issei-sama" moaned Shuri as Issei thrusted into her dripping pussy

"Haha, your so sweet like that my Shuri, but don't forget about Kuroka" said Issei looking down at Shuri and Kuroka who hadn't been getting any pleasure for the past few minutes

"Sorry, Kuroka" moaned Shuri as she kissed Kuroka and started playing with her breasts

"Nyaahh!" moaned Kuroka into Shuri's mouth as she also started to play with Shuri's breasts

"Here you go Shuri" moaned Issei as he bit Shuri's neck drawing blood as he released his next load inside her pussy

"Ahh, thank you master" purred Shuri as they parted from a kiss will falling onto the bed with her on Issei's left and Kuroka on his right

"I can still go if you two can" said Issei as his member was still standing tall

"Nyaa, Issei-sama, you're such a horn dog" teased Kuroka but she would soon remember don't tease Issei

"Oh, you can talk, you're in heat every few weeks little kitty" said Issei as he flipped onto his right pinning Kuroka under him

"Issei-sama-nyaamhh?!" said Kuroka surprised as Issei silenced her by kissing will slamming into her pussy again

"It seems I have a naughty kitty to punish. Shuri?" asked Issei with a dark smile on his face

"Yes, Issei-sama?" asked Shuri with the same dark look on her face as Issei

"Let's teach this naughty kitty a lesson" said Issei as he saw Shuri face turn into one of fun as lightning danced around her hands

"Ara-ara, let's teach this young kitty a lesson" said Shuri darkly

"Fuck, I forgot Shuri wasn't only a masochist, she's also a sadist!" said a very panicked Kuroka in her mind

(the next morning)

"What a night" said a very happy Issei with a toothy grin as he woke up seeing both Shuri and Kuroka still fast asleep with his cum still lightly flowing out of their holes "Well, I'm hungry, I wonder if anyone else is up yet?" asked Issei to himself as it was 9:30 in the morning as he got untangled from them dressed and fazed downstairs

(living room)

"Morning everyone" said Issei as he came into seeing everyone besides Kuroka and Shuri were up

"Morning Issei" "Morning Issei dear" "Morning Issei-sama" "Morning Issei-sama nyaa" said everyone

"Would you like something to eat, honey?" asked Seras

"Yes, thank you mother" said Issei as he sat down

"Enjoy yourself last night, Issei?" asked Ddraig appearing on Alex's hand

"What do you mean Ddraig?" asked Rias and Sona and their groups confused

"Haha, kids these days, I would've thought that you would've known what Ddraig was talking about" laughed Vlad at Alex and the rest not knowing what Ddraig was talking about

"Vlad!" said a pissed Seras hitting Vlad on the head

"Hugh, Issei when did you turn into a pervert?" asked Integra sighing

"Blame Azazel and the other fallen angels from when I was training there" said Issei "Thank you mother" said Issei as Seras passed him a glass of blood

"Ara-ara, Issei-sama is a literal mother fucker" teased Akeno laughing into her hand since she could tell were her mother and Kuroka where

"Very funny Akeno" said Issei laughing at Akeno's comment and it told him that Akeno wasn't mad at him for fucking her mother

"Issei-sempai, has had sex with Onee-sama" said Koneko in her mind will fidgeting were she was sitting

"Anyway, Issei fancy hunting some rouge priest turned vampires?" said Integra blushing since she was still a virgin and wouldn't admit it but she found Vlad and Issei attractive and Seras secretly

"Yeah, it will give everyone the chance to become full vampires, what do you say everyone?" asked Issei with a toothy grin

"If they are causing trouble I don't see why not" said Rias

"Well then, they are in a church just out of London" said Integra

"A church?" asked Issei with understandable hate

"Yes, the reports said they went there to try and ask God to undo it but them some nuns that were at the church appeared and you can tell what happened" said Integra "They have devoured around a hundred-innocent people by now"

"How many are there?" asked Issei because a hundred people could feed a few vampires for a month and a bit

"There are eight vampires, they have been there for around a week" said Integra

"They are abusing their powers, now I want to kill them!" said a pissed Issei

"Well then go, your mother, myself and Integra are going to Newcastle for some shopping meet us there" said Vlad sighing since Seras's loved to shop

"We'll see you later then" said Issei as he opened a portal to leave as everyone left

(Near the church)

"Irina?" asked a blue and green haired girl in a white cloak

"Yes, Xenovia?" asked Irina

"I, wonder how Asia is doing?" asked Xenovia as they continued to the church where they were sent to kill vampires

"Last I heard see was taken in by Rias Gremory, Asia should be fine the Gremory's are said to be the kindest house in the devil world" said Irina trying to improve Xenovia's mood will hugging her

"I hope you're right Irina, I don't want Asia to be hurt in anyway" said Xenovia stopping

"Me to Xenovia, me to, well we are going to Japan to try and get the Excalibur pieces back, and the territory is owned by Rias Gremory so we can ask her if she knows about Asia" said Irina kissing her friend

"Okay let get this over with, then we are leaving right away" said Xenovia parting from the kiss and walked up to the church only to hear

"AHH DEAR GOD HELP USAHH!" screamed a voice from inside the church

"What's going on in there?" asked Irina confused

"Well whatever it is it's killing the vampires; will I would like to say leave them we have to get the stuff the priests where carrying" said Xenovia

"Well let's hope whoever it is won't attack us" said Irina as she opened the door revealing 18 shadows of people standing over several piles of ash and seeing that 10 of the people had red eyes meaning that they were vampires

"What are you doing here human?" asked the only male vampire with a heavy Transylvanian accent

"We were sent be the church to kill the vampires that were causing trouble round here vampire" said Irina as herself and Xenovia started drawing their swords

"You call these lowly things a vampire?! How dear you say that, they are nothing but pieces of shit!" said the male vampire very pissed off

"You take pride in what you are?" asked Xenovia surprised

"Yes, I do, anyway we need to leave, we have important business to do" said the male vampire "Asia open a portal back to the mansion"

"Asia?!" whispered Irina and Xenovia under their breath

"Yes, Issei-sama" said Asia coming into view

"Asia? Is that you?" asked Irina as herself and Xenovia removed their cloak

"Irina, Xenovia?!" asked Asia surprised

"Asia? Why did you become a vampire?" asked Xenovia

"Well I first became a devil under Rias-sama, then around a month ago Issei-sama appeared and helped Rias-sama out of a marriage with an ass, then about two weeks ago me along with the other asked Issei to turn us into vampires" said Asia

"If you have done anything to Asia, I'll kill you!" said Irina and Xenovia pointing their swords at the male vampire

"Please, even if they are parts of Excalibur they can't kill me" said the male vampire stepping out of the shadows

"Issei?!" asked Irina with a surprised look on her face

"It's been a long time Irina. You were only a kid back then, and I must say you grown up to be a lovely young woman" said Issei with a smile on his face

"Irina, you know him?" asked Xenovia

"Yes, he lived next door to me in a mansion, mom and dad told me not to play with him but they didn't say why" said Irina

"It's because of my heritage, I don't blame them it's not every day you live next to Vlad and Seras Dracula and their son" said Issei with a toothy grin

"So that's why you only told me your first name" said Irina

"Sorry, I felt bad but, you know things had to be done" said Issei

"Well then, I can tell Asia has been fine then" said Irina happily

"Irina! He's a vampire they are un trust worthy" said Xenovia stepping in front of Irina

"Calm down Xenovia, Issei never did anything to hurt me when we were younger" said Irina putting her sword away

"Fine, I trust but try anything and I'll" said Xenovia only to be cut off by Asia slapping her

"Xenovia! Issei-sama, has improved my life if anyone attacks him, I'll deal with them including you!" said Asia taking her hand away from Xenovia's face leaving a red mark

"I'm sorry, Asia" said Xenovia rubbing her check

"Wait Rias Gremory? What are you doing here?" asked Irina

"I travelled with Issei-sama to meet Integra Hellsing, why do you ask?" said Rias

"We needed to talk to you about the other pieces of Excalibur since they are in the position of Kokabiel, who is in yours and Sona's territory" said Irina

"Kokabiel? He must be trying to start another war. I know Azazel, he doesn't want to start another war and killing the little sisters of two of the devil kings would get the devil faction to start a war" said Issei thinking it over

"Well then, when we return we should get ready to fight" said Shuri

"Agreed, I'll contact Azazel when we return, I'll see what I can get on Kokabiel's plan" said Issei as he stepped into Asia's portal

"Wait Issei" said Irina

"Yeah?" asked Issei

"Do you mind if we stay the night? We aren't supposed to return for another whole week and I used up all the money the church gave us" said Irina rubbing the back of her head

"You haven't changed at all Irina, sure Integra won't mind" laughed Issei "Just step through the portal and you'll be with us on the other side, it might feel a bit weird but you should good after a few minutes" said Issei gesturing to step through

"Irina" said Xenovia

"Yes?" asked Irina confused

"If Issei does anything to us, I'm going to get you for it" said Xenovia

"Okay" said Irina a bit scared since the last time Xenovia said that was when they were out on a mission around a week ago after Irina fucked up, it ended with both of them falling asleep together naked after some fun thus starting their new relationship of being lovers of cause the church told them that same sex love is wrong but they didn't care they loved each other

When Issei and everyone returned they explained what had happened, Irina and Xenovia were given a room. When everyone become a true vampire, they lose their devil side (Rias included but kept her Power of Destruction) Akeno and Koneko keep their heritages, Vlad and Seras's best guess was that since vampires are considered a type of devil (distant relation of devil kind) the vampire part just replaced it. After explaining this to the best they can Issei contacted Azazel and found out that Kokabiel is working with rouge of fallen kind, Azazel said he would send Raynare with a few others over to Issei with all the paper work.

(Issei's room with Shuri and Kuroka going at it again)

"You know Akeno and Koneko are watching us, right?" whispered Issei into Shuri's and Kuroka's ear

"Yes, I can Issei-sama, why don't we let them in?" teased Shuri

"Yeah, lets" said Issei gathering some magic for a portal in his hand

(outside Issei's room a few minutes be for)

"Akeno, we shouldn't be doing this nyaa" said Koneko quietly as herself and Akeno were peaking in through the door seeing their mother and sister getting fucked silly by Issei

"You say that Koneko, but look at you down here" said Akeno pervertedly as she tranced one of her hands down Koneko's stomach down to her pussy which was dripping

"Nyaa?! Akeno, nyaahh?!" asked Koneko surprised as Akeno started to play with her pussy

"You're such a naughty kitty just like your sister" teased Akeno as she continued to play with Koneko's pussy will slipping off her Kimono which she had been wearing for a few weeks

"NYAAHH! AKENO NYAAHH!" moaned Koneko failing on the floor in a small puddle of her juices

"Wow look at this, only a bit of light teasing and you're dripping already" teased Akeno taking her hand away from Koneko's pussy getting a disappointed moan out of her

"What a naughty daughter I have" said Shuri appearing at the open door with Kuroka

"Agreed nyaa, I have such a naughty younger sister nyaa" said Kuroka as she was playing with Shuri's pussy

"Mother!" "Sister nyaa!" said Akeno and Koneko surprised

"What naughty girls, well since you're here you can help us please Issei-sama" said Shuri as herself and Kuroka grabbed Akeno and Koneko by the ear's and proceeded to pull them inside Issei's room

"What naughty girls you two are" said Issei sitting on the end of the bed as Shuri and Kuroka placed Akeno and Koneko a few feet away from Issei as they shut the door

"Umm, Issei-sama nyaa" said Koneko nervously as Kuroka and Shuri were now playing with him

"Yes, Koneko? Ahh" moaned Issei as Kuroka started giving him a blowjob will Shuri started kissing him

"What are you going to do to us?" asked Koneko scared since everyone knew Issei was a sadist

"Hmm, lets see, you to were spying on me, Shuri and Kuroka, so oh I have a great idea" said Issei darkly with a sadistic grin on his face

"Oh, I like that idea, Issei-sama" moaned Shuri into Issei's ear since she and Kuroka both knew what Issei was going to have them do

"Umm, Issei-sama nyaa?" asked Koneko asked confused as Kuroka and Shuri walked seductively to herself and Akeno

"Mother, mhh?!" "Sister, nyaamhh?!" asked Koneko and Akeno as Shuri and Kuroka kissed them and started pulling them towards Issei

"Teach them a lesson for spying on their master, then I'll deal with them myself" said Issei as he started jacking himself off

"Yes, Issei-sama" moaned Shuri and Kuroka as they pushed Akeno and Koneko onto their backs and started eating them out

"Nee-sama, nyaahh!" moaned Koneko as she could do nothing against her sisters skilled mouth since Issei had lost count of how many times he had Shuri and Kuroka eat each other out

"AHH, Mother!" screamed Akeno as her mother's mouth was a lot better than her hands were when she played with herself

"Ahh, what a lovely sight, do you like this Akeno, Koneko? Having your mother and sister eating you out, will your master jacks himself off over it?" asked Issei with a perverted smile plastered across his face as he continued to jack himself off

"I love it, Issei-sama!" screamed Akeno in bliss as her mother started tweaking her hard nipples making her moan like no tomorrow

"Nyaahh, it's so good, more Onee-sama" screamed Koneko as Kuroka was doing the same as Shuri making Koneko forget about everything besides the pleasure Kuroka was giving her

"Haha, well then, Akeno come here" laughed Issei as he commanded Akeno to come over to him

"Yes, Issei-sama" moaned Akeno as she started crawling over to Issei

"Now, get to work" commanded Issei as he slapped Akeno's face with his dick making her moan happily

"Yes, Issei-sama" moaned Akeno as she proceeded to lick Issei's dick then took it in her mouth

"Koneko, come here" commanded Issei as he laid on his back since he could see Koneko was getting jealous at Akeno getting all the attention from himself

"Nyaahh, yess, Issei-sama" purred Koneko as she started losing herself in the pleasure crawling over to him and placed her dripping pussy on his face letting him eat her out

"Nyaa, don't leave us out, your turn to eat me out Koneko-nyaa" purred Kuroka as herself and Shuri walked over

"Akeno, that isn't enough to please Issei-sama" said Shuri as Akeno was only about half way down on Issei's dick blowing him as she grabbed her daughters head and slowly started moving it down towards his base

"Shuri, it's her first time, let her get used to my size" said Issei since his size was long enough to go into Kuroka's womb and you needed to use two hands to fully rap around his dick

"Mhh, it's fine Issei-sama, mhh" moaned a muffled Akeno well that's what they could make out she said anyway

"Well then, I've been holding off for a will, here you go" said Issei smiling into Koneko's pussy making her shake with pleasure

"Nyaa, Issei-sama mhh" moaned Koneko into Kuroka's pussy as with Issei talking into her pussy it made her pussy vibrate sending waves of pleasure through her body

"Ara-ara, Issei-sama, fill my daughter full of cum will I eat her out" teased Shuri as she kept eating her daughter out will their master fucked her throat

"Well then, her you go Akeno" said Issei as he grabbed Akeno's face and started fucking it as hard as he wanted

"Mhh, Issei, mhh sama" moaned Akeno in pain but she loved it as ropes od cum flowed directly into her stomach making it inflate

"Ohh, this fells so wrong but I like it so much, seeing my own daughter full of Issei-sama's cum and not to mention covered in it" teased Shuri as Issei pulled out of Akeno's throat it made her cheeks inflate then with the last few ropes of his cum went and covered Akeno's face then slowly dripped onto her tits

What happened next surprised everyone, as Koneko tackled Akeno onto her back and started licking off Issei's cum, lapping it down like a cat drinking milk.

"Nyaahh, Issei-sama's cum is delicious" purred Koneko before she kissed Akeno trying to get more of Issei's cum

"Oh my, what a greedy kitten" laughed Shuri pervertedly into her hand

"Agreed, well Kuroka? Do you think she deservers more?" asked Issei smiling ear to ear at to lovely scene

"Nyaahh, it wouldn't matter would it? You're going to fuck my little sister anyway aren't you Issei-sama-nyaahh" teased Kuroka seeing Issei's sword still standing tall meaning he was nowhere near satisfied

"Haha, true, now we still have a few hours before the sun starts rising so let's have some fun" laughed Issei since when having sex, he had never been the one to pass out it was always Shuri and Kuroka, but with his new harem and a few more on his way by a few more that meant Sona and her peerage, Serafall, Grayfia (those two were the main people he wanted since he was five, I mean who wouldn't? All the cosplay Serafall could do, not to mention getting everyone else involve, Rias with dog ears would look nice. He could make her scream like a bitch in heat to fuck her, oh the possibility's. Not to mention he had his sites set on Gabriel, it would be the biggest middle finger to God in the world, to fuck his own daughter, if you consider the Arch-angels to be God's kids

"Well then, let's have some fun" moaned Akeno kissing Issei

(During the time Issei, Shuri, Kuroka and in time Koneko and Akeno left that night)

"So, Irina, what has happened since the last time we spoke?" asked Seras as everyone was having a glass of wine

"Mum and dad moved us here to England, they had ties to the church, dad raised me to be an exorcist from the day we got here. I trained with various people and one day got put on a job with Xenovia, which was to escort Asia to the Vatican. We quickly became friends and soon me and Xenovia were placed as Asia's permanent guards, a few years passed and are friendship grew until one day, we were told that Asia had healed a devil. We were told to kill her, but we couldn't do it, so we told her to run and told the church we killed her, we had heard she was taken in by the Gremory's but we didn't know for sure" said Irina explaining how she met Xenovia and Asia

"The Vatican? How have they bin after the 9th crusade?" asked Vlad laughing remembering that day 20 odd years ago

"Still licking their wounds, serves them right. They killed so many innocent people, they deserved what they got" said Xenovia surprising most of them

"Why do you say that? You're a Christian, shouldn't you be defending them" asked Sona surprised at what Xenovia was saying

"Will I am Christian, I'm not blind to see what the Catholic church has done, and to be honest I've been thinking of running away because with mine and Irina's relationship it has made the church start to hate us" said Xenovia fidgeting

"True, it's not everyday you find to lesbian's serving the church nyaa" said a black cat appearing on Seras's lap

"Catacomb? You can talk?" asked Irina surprised since Catacomb was around when she was still living in Kuoh Catacomb had followed her and Issei around everywhere

"Catacomb is Issei familiar, he can talk to others if he wants" said Seras petting Catacomb

"It's been some time since I've seen you and Catacomb together Seras" said Integra smiling

"Is my kitty happy?" asked Vlad since Seras's nickname had always bin kitten since her main familiar was a cat as well

"Vlad!" pouted Seras cutely

"Well that was surprising, wait did you say lesbian's?!" asked Sona surprised at what Catacomb was saying

"Hugh, yes me and Irina are in a lesbian's relationship, and with the church saying it's wrong for us to be in love they won't mind one bit if we die" said Xenovia blushing since she was sitting next to Irina

"Hugh, another reason to hate the church, love is love it doesn't matter if you're the same sex" said Seras

"Thank you, Seras" said Irina blushing happily

"You know I thought all vampires were evil, but you don't seem evil at all" said Xenovia

"Are kind isn't truly evil, it's just the church that made us look evil and the choice a vampire takes in his un-life" explained Seras

"Explain, please if you would?" asked Irina confused

"Just because we drink blood humans think we're evil, but how are we any different to humans they need meat to survive, we need blood to survive, how are we evil for just feeding ourselves" said Seras making a good point

"I've never thought of it that way, but I can understand your point" said Xenovia thinking it through

"Another reason to hate the church, they have such a set way of mind that they can't see the truth" said Integra sighing

"I have to ask, what are your plans for the future?" asked Vlad

"Well, with hearing all of this, I think it would be best to leave the church, but that will be hard since we hold parts of Excalibur, they will come after us and most likely kill us" said Irina sadly with Xenovia holding her lover

"Well then, why don't you join us? I'm sure Issei would be happy to have more fledglings" said Seras suggesting that they could become vampires

"I'm not sure, I don't know if I could drink from a living being, don't you take their souls when you drink from them?" asked Irina surprised at what Seras was saying

"Normally are kind does, but we have found a way to not consume their souls but still take their powers" said Seras

"Hmm, well that does make it sound better" said Xenovia

"Stay with Issei and the others for a bit and see what you think, and if you decided that you don't want to become vampires you can stay at are place as long as you want" said Vlad

"What do you say Xenovia?" asked Irina since she would go anywhere with her

"I think we should at least give it some thought, then decided after around a month or so" said Xenovia

"Okay" said Irina happily kissing Xenovia

"Well then, whoever Azazel sent should be here any second now" said Seras smiling letting her fangs poke out of the corners of her mouth

"It's great to see you again, Lord and Lady Dracula" said a black-haired female fallen angel as she appaered in the room with a smaller fallen angel with blonde hair making everyone who didn't know who they were get into a defensive position

"Raynare, Mittlet, how have you two been?" asked Seras happy to see them again making almost everyone in the room feel like their jaws hit the ground

"We have been well thank you Lady Seras, I hope you have been well" thanked Raynare happily

"We have Raynare, I'm surprised that Azazel is sending his own daughters for this" laughed Vlad

"Father said we should go since we trained with Lord Issei" said Raynare remembering back to when herself and her younger sister met Issei

(Flashback Issei age 10, Raynare age 6, Millet age 5 and a half Grigori)

"That's it Issei, now put more power into it" commanded Azazel who was training Issei

"All right Azazel-sensei" shouted a young Issei as he had been training for the past two hours so he could control his massive amounts of power as he sent another ball of black fire at Azazel

"Onee-sama, father said not to trouble him will he was training this kid" said a small young Millet hold her teddy bear

"Shh, I want to see who father is training" said Raynare to her younger sister

"Come on out you two I know your there" said Azazel looking over to a small gap in the wall

"Daddy, how did you know we were there" said Raynare a bit scared at what her father would do to her as they stepped out

"I known you two have been hiding there for a will" said Azazel

"Azazel-sensei, who are they?" asked Issei curiously

"These two Issei, are my daughters, be good girls and say hello" said Azazel standing behind them hold one of their shoulders

"Hi I'm Raynare, I'm 6 years old" said Raynare

"I'm Millet, I'm 5 and a half years old" said Millet hiding behind her teddy bear

"Nice to met you Raynare, Millet, I'm Issei Vladimir Dracula" said Issei smiling showing off his fangs which had almost fully grown

"Dracula?!" asked Raynare and Millet backing away scared since they knew who Dracula was thanks to Azazel telling them

"Haha, don't worry, Issei is here by his parents for me to train him" said Azazel laughing

"Azazel-sensei, can I get something to eat please?" asked Issei since he was feeling peckish

"Yeah, I'm a bit hungry as well, since you two are here you can join us" said Azazel to his daughters

"Umm" said Raynare a bit nervously

(After a snack)

"Azazel-sensei, can we get back to train?" asked Issei as he finished off his blood

"If you're ready, then sure" laughed Azazel seeing Issei's determination to grow strong like his parents

"Can Raynare and Millet join us as well?" asked Issei

"I don't know, what do you say?" asked Azazel a bit concerned since he was training probably the strongest vampire ever and he had to train him to the best of his ability's meaning that Raynare and Millet might not survive

"Yeah, I want to train with daddy!" said a happy Raynare

"Umm sure, if big sis is" said Millet holding her teddy bear still

"This will not be easy, you may not even survive" said Azazel since he did want his daughters to die since he lost their mothers to old Satan faction devils around a year after they were born

"I'm sure daddy" said Raynare with determination in her eyes

"I'll do it big sis does" said Millet with the same determination in her eyes

"Well then, let's get back to the training room" said Azazel as they left

Issei, Raynare and Millet trained each day together for around 5 years, they had developed a strong friendship. Of cause with Issei being trained Azazel a massive pervert he picked up on his perversion, once Seras found out about this she along with Vlad made Issei promise that he would never just look at a woman just for sex. Issei agreed without a thought since he didn't want to piss his parents off, the last time was when they went a saw Integra for a week. He went into a blood lust and killed around 60% of the Hellsing workers, and when I mean he killed them he mutilated them, cutting of their arms, legs be for draining them dry. He got punished by only being able to drink when his parents said and when he didn't have training he had to go to his room and stay there.

(Back to present time)

"True, now onto the important matter" said Seras laughing slightly

"Right, (Boom) what was that?!" asked Raynare as she was about to start giving the report on Kokabiel's movement

"I since fallen, they must be a part of Kokabiel's group, quite a solid message he's sending" said Issei appearing with Kuroka, Shuri, Akeno and Koneko

"Issei-sama, shall we punish them?" asked Shuri and Akeno darkly as they laughed into their hands

"I think we should, they need to learn bot to interrupt man having sex" said Issei darkly as his eyes turned a dark crimson

"Agreed, OW!" laughed Vlad as Seras hit him round the head

"Vlad! Well then, let's deal with them" said Seras

"Right!" said everyone

The battle didn't last long, the rouge fallen didn't last long even thought they had the advantage of light against beings that were very week against it, well they were supposed to be weak to it but Issei had made they fight against Akeno using her light power as strong as she could, allowing everyone slowly to grow a resistance to it. (to a certain level) The Hellsing butlers were killed, the maids almost completely destroyed, will they did take out a lot of the rouge fallen with them they were only human after all. When the fight was nearing the end Kokabiel was pissed, he had taken an army of multiple winged fallen in an attempt to kill everyone at the hellsing household. So as a last-ditch effort be for he ran, he aimed for Integra and sent a small light spear towards her, Seras sensed it moving towards Integra and started pushing Integra away from were it would hit her. But she was just a second to late as Kokabiel's light spear ripped through he right lung, sending her flying into a wall then falling to the ground with a load thud.

"KOKABIEL!" screamed Vlad, Seras and Issei in pure rage making everyone stop in pure fear as their combined voices created a terrifying atmosphere that even made Kokabiel shake in primal fear

"What is this? I haven't felt something like this since the great war!" asked Kokabiel as sweat flowed down his forehead

"YOU'RE DEAD!" screamed Vlad, Seras and Issei so darkly it even Shuri and Kuroka got scared they had seen Issei go into a blood lust but this was even worse. Even Integra, who was semi-conscious was scared

"Sorry, but I'm not dyeing tonight!" screamed Kokabiel in fear as he opened a portal not be for multiple gunshot's hit him in the wings "AHH!" screamed Kokabiel as he fell through his portal disappearing

"Vlad, Seras, (cough) Issei, snap (cough) out of (cough) it, your (cough) better than (cough) this don't (cough) let it (cough) control you (cough)" coughed Integra barely keeping conscious making more blood spill out of her mouth

"Integra" said Vlad, Seras and Issei weakly regain some of their senesces

"Come closer (cough) my vampires, (cough) let me see (cough) your faces (cough) one last (cough) time be (cough) for I pass on" coughed Integra weakly

"Integra, please don't say that, you can join us in the night" cried Seras she didn't want her best friend to die

"Seras, you (cough) know I (cough) couldn't become (cough) what I've (cough) killed my (cough) whole life (cough)" coughed Integra as all vampires there could tell she only had a few minutes left to live

"Please, Aunty!" cried Issei falling to his knees

"Integra, please, I couldn't stand to lose a person I've loved since the day we met to die, please Integra" begged Vlad crying like his queen and son

"Hugh, I (cough) better not (cough) regret this (cough) go on then" coughed Integra only just being able to see the begging looks in Vlad, Seras and Issei's eyes realising she couldn't win against them

"One usually closes their eyes for this" said Vlad as he bared his fangs along with Seras and Issei

Integra closed her eyes, as she felt Vlad bite into the left part off her neck, then Seras going for her left collar bone then Issei on her neck. Integra's blood had Seras and Issei hungry, with their current state of mind it made them very hungry. It was a good thing they still had some control otherwise they would've drank her dry and turned her into a Ghoul, but thanks to their senses they could tell how much blood she had left in her.

"Is Sir Integra okay?" asked a maid that gave of a similarity to Walter

"She's fine, she'll be out for a few days, now why do you reminded me of Walter" said Vlad as he put his red frock overcoat around her and picked her up

"That would be because Walter is my Grandfather, I'm Claire C. Dornez, I'm honoured to meet my Grandfather's best friends, I've been serving Sir Integra for the past 2 years" bowed the maid to Seras and Vlad

"We thank you for looking after Integra for us" said Seras smiling "Now, what are you maids going to do now?" asked Seas to the 15 maids that had survived

"We'll keep serving Sir Integra, even if she is human or not" said the maids making Seras, Vlad and Issei smile

"Well then, let us head home, since the mansion is destroyed, Shuri if you would please?" said Vlad smiling this is what he wanted to happen this showed that vampires and humans can live side by side

"Of cause, my King" said Shuri bowing opening a porta back home since they could tell the sun was rising

(back at the Dracula mansion 1 week later)

"Hugh, my head, what happened?" asked a groggy Integra as she slowly woke up feeling empty

"Oh, Lady Integra you're awake" said Claire coming in to check on Integra

"Yes, I just woke up, it's good to see you well Claire, wait your eyes" said Integra greeting her personal maid then seeing that she had red eyes

"Yes Integra, me along with the other surviving maids became vampires under Lord and Lady Dracula and now are you my Lady" said Claire holding a mirror to Integra

"So, I choice to become one in the end?" asked Integra looking at her face seeing fangs her eye had come back and she looked like she did be for the London war

"Yes, would you like some blood? You have been out for a week" asked Claire

"You best drink Integra, you chose this path now you must live in the dark" said Seras as herself, Vlad and Issei stepped through the wall

"Seras-sama, Issei-sama, Vlad-sama!" said Integra surprised covering her mouth when she called them her masters

"Haha, and I thought when I made Seras call me master was good" laughed Vlad he had been waiting years for those words to come out of Integra's mouth since she would never call anyone her master

"Father, you don't need to tease Integra the first moment she is awake" said Issei laughing slightly

"Hugh, just get me some dam blood already!" said Integra pissed

"Haha, Rias and the other's want to see me, I'll leave you along for a few minutes" said Issei sensing Rias in his mind link as he disappeared

"Oh, that reminds me, my grandfather left me this a few days before the London war" said Claire pulling out a letter with Walter's signature on it

"That's Walter's signature, what is it about?" asked Integra surprised

"I do not know Lady Integra; my grandfather left another note saying only to open it when you three were together" said Claire passing the note to Integra

(Walter's letter read as such pretend it's in his voice)

Dear Integra, Vlad and Seras

If you're reading this then I have passed on after to what you would see as my betrayal. I don't blame you, but if would please just give me a chance to explain the truth about why I did what I did. The reason I went and join the Millennium group was so I could fight Vlad and Seras again, with me being 69 I would've not lasted long. I never agreed with their set of mind, I took the operation so I could fight with my full again like we did back in ww2, I missed those days and I could tell Vlad and Seras missed it as well. That was the only reason I did what I did, Seras, Vlad I leave Integra to you and to whoever joins the Hellsing house hold.

I hope one day you can forgive me.

Sincerely your butler and friend Walter C. Dornez

"Walter" cried Integra along with Seras and Vlad as blood tears came from their eyes

"I knew Walter did betray us" cried Seras happily

"Rest in piece my old friend" said Vlad happily

"I don't want to interrupt, but we're all going into town for a bit" said Issei halfway phasing through the wall

"Okay sweetie" said Seras not turning since the three were now hugging

(town lunch time)

Everyone went around town looking for Kokabiel and his group of rouge Fallen, the group consisted of Issei and his fledglings, Sona and her peerage and Irina and Xenovia.

"Does lunch sound good?" asked Issei hearing Irina's, Xenovia's and Sona and her peerage stomach's rumble

"We don't have any money remember" said Irina as her stomach rumbled again

"It's on me" said Issei


"We'll have some wine please" said Issei

"I'm sorry sir but I" said the waiter as Issei's eyes turned his eyes red

"Everything is fine, bring us the wine" commanded Issei as he pointed his finger at the waiter

"Everything- is-fine-sir, I'll-bring-you-your-wine" said the waiter in a trance state as he walked off

"Issei, what was that?" asked Irina a bit scared along with Xenovia

"A bit of mind control" said Issei smiling seeing Irina's and Xenovia's reaction

"Why would you do that?" asked Irina

"The human round here are greedy, they wouldn't even care if anyone in this room dropped dead" said Issei "The human race has always had the choice to be good or evil, but 9 times out of 10 they choice the evil path"

"Wow, I had no idea" said Irina surprised

"Issei I have to ask, do you ever regret being a vampire?" asked Xenovia

"I can't really say, I've been a vampire my whole life, when I was younger when Irina was still living here, we would eat ice cream together, go swimming and more. If I was to do most of them now it would do some serious damaged to me or even kill me, that I do regret" said Issei remembering those days

"I was meaning to ask that; how did you do some of those things when we were younger?" asked Irina

"I was able to do those things then because I hadn't become a full vampire, think of it as human puberty, once are kind reaches a certain age are body starts shutting of the needs are kind doesn't need" said Issei

"Are Asia and the others the same?" asked Xenovia hoping they could do swimming again

"No, they have to be vampires from birth, when I turned Asia and the other's their bodies became that of a vampire straight away" said Issei

"Oh" said Irina and Xenovia sadly

"Are kind is powerful, but we give up a lot of thing for that power" said Issei "Anyway, let us get off this subject" trying to improve the mood

"Right, we still need to deal with Kokabiel and his plan" said Xenovia

"Agreed, since it's getting later in the day we can help more effectively" said Issei since it was getting on to around 5pm so the sun was starting to set "Spilt into the same groups and if you do find Kokabiel contact me be for you engaged"

"Alright" said everyone as they left

(time skip to forest scene Anime)

"Irina, Xenovia, I've hid us, don't draw your swords otherwise I won't be able to, Issei-sama should be here any second" said Asia as herself, Irina and Xenovia phased into a tree thanks to Issei's extreme training she could hid a few people for some time

"Okay, Asia" said Irina

"Lord Kokabiel, when do we start I want to rape and kill those devil bitches!" screamed Freed evilly

"Soon Freed soon, Valper is almost ready to combine the pieces of Excalibur we have, did you have any luck getting Xenovia's and Irina's piece's?" asked Kokabiel not noticing Asia, Irina and Xenovia were hiding in the tree

"No, those bitches seem to be working with devils and vampires that live here!" screamed Freed

"Hmm, the vampires that live here are the Vlad, Seras and Issei Dracula and Issei's fledglings, they will want to kill me since I tried to kill that Hellsing bitch, we best be careful" said Kokabiel still scared from a week ago

"I've always wanted to try and kill the Dracula family!" screamed Freed madly

"We need to leave now, I can sense one of the Dracula's coming, this is not the time to fight" said Kokabiel sensing a strong vampire coming with fledglings and a few devils

"Fine, let's go" said Freed sadly since he wanted to fight now as they disappeared as several gunshots were heard going through the portal

"Damit! If we could've got her a second earlier!" said Issei appearing with everyone "Did you get anything by listening to him?"

"Yes, he's going to combine the pieces od Excalibur he has" said Irina

"Hmm, we'll return back home for now, father said Claire had something for us" said Issei opening a portal back home

(Back at the Dracula mansion)

"Ah, there you are, any luck on finding Kokabiel or anything about his plan?" asked Sirzech who was there along with Serafall, Grayfia, Seras, Vlad, Integra, Azazel and Michael

"Irina, Asia and Xenovia found Kokabiel, he's planning to merge the pieces of Excalibur he has, I'm guessing he going to use it to try and kill us" said Issei

"Hugh, I'm sorry for what Kokabiel is doing, he needs to let the past be in the past and look for the betterment of are kind" said Azazel sighing

"Well then, let's get a plan together" said Sirzech

(a few hours later living room)

"Lord Issei" said Claire coming into the living room seeing Issei and his groups

"Yes Claire?" asked Issei having some blood wine with his fledglings and wine with Sona and her peerage and Irina and Xenovia

"Would you please come with me, I have something to show you" said Claire bowing then gesturing to follow her

"Okay" said Issei as he got up

(one of the underground rooms)

"So why did you take my guns without asking?" asked Issei as he stepped into the room seeing his guns on a table his eyes flashing red

"I'm sorry I didn't ask your permission personally Lord Issei, I asked your mother and father, they wanted some work done on their guns and I asked if you would want any work done on yours, but by the time I went to ask you, you had left so I asked your parents and they said I could work on them" said Claire bowing scared hopping

"Hmm, depending on the work you have done to my guns, it might chance my mind on punishing you" said Issei slightly pissed since he loved his guns and only a few people were allowed to touch them

"Of cause Lord Issei, I have modified your guns to be more efficient so they are less likely to fail you, and with the help of Lady Seras we have made it able for the guns to use your magic, I would suggest using them a bit be for you go into a battle" said Claire as she passed Issei's gun to him

"Hmm, well then let's give them a go" said Issei as he opened fire on the targets destroying them "So how do I use my magic with them?" asked Issei smiling showing he liked the upgrades

"Just focus the magic you want into the bullet" said Claire relaxing a bit since it seemed Issei was happy with her work

"Great work Claire, but you are never to touch my guns again without myself saying so myself, is that understood?!" asked Issei pointing his gun at Claire's chest aiming directly at her heart

"Cristal, Lord Issei!" said Claire shacking in fear

"Good girl" said Issei as he put his guns back in their holsters and leaving back to the living room

(living room will this was going on)

"Seras, where's Issei-sama" asked Rias

"He should be with Claire, she asked if she could do some upgrading to Issei's guns" said Sears

"You do know Issei loves his guns, are you sure that was a good idea?" asked Integra

"I'm sure it will be fine" said Vlad

"I was meaning to ask who gave Issei-sama those guns?" asked Yumi

"I did, well it was a gift from Walter, he made it for Vlad and Seras" said Integra drinking some blood wine

"When Walter left us be for the London war he knew me and Seras were trying for a kid, and he knew are child would probably have a love for guns the same as us so he made them as a birthday gift, Issei got them the day we left to live here" said Vlad remembering the look on Issei's face as he disappeared to the gun range

"BANG! BANG!" two gunshots rang out taking Vlad's clean heads off and hit Seras's right shoulder

"That's for saying Claire could work on my guns without my permission!" said Issei standing in the doorway holding his guns with smoke coming out the end of the barrels

"Issei, dear that wasn't very nice. And I can tell you like the upgrades" said Seras as her should regenerated as Vlad's head regenerated

"True, but my point still stands" said Issei as he sat down and started drinking some more blood wine

"Well at lest you didn't kill her" said Integra sighing

"I'm going to my room to clean my guns" said Issei disappearing

(later outside Issei's room)

"I know Issei-sama is going to be mad at me, but I need to get Issei-sama's blood" said Rias to herself sneaking towards Issei's room her inner vampire was screaming at her to drink from Issei and be her own queen of the night

"Hmm, so you want to be free of me?" asked Issei materializing next to Rias scarring her

"Issei-sama!" said a panicked Rias as Issei teleported themselves into his room

"You want to drink me powerful blood don't you" said Issei

"Yes, Issei-sama" said Rias nervously

"So, you deem yourself worthy to walk the night as your own master?" asked Issei with a lot of seriousness in his voice

"Uhmm!?" asked Rias scared

"Then fight me! Prove to me that you are strong enough, only then I'll let you drink me blood" said Issei as he got into a fighting stance releasing a certain scent that his parents and Kuroka and Shuri recognised

"Issei-sama, I don't want to fight you" said Rias shocked

"You want to drink my blood don't you, fight me!" said Issei getting pissed as Rias showed no sings of fighting him "Then if you won't fight me, then your fate is left up to me then" making Rias very scared

(living room)

"So, Rias is trying to free herself from being Issei's fledglings" said Seras smelling the scent along with everyone else

"What do you mean Seras?" asked Integra confused

"Rias, she wants to be her own master of the night, to do so she will have fight Issei, if she losses or refuses the fight her fate is left up to Issei" said Vlad

"Mother have you done the same?" asked Akeno

"I tried but failed and so did Kuroka and failed the same" said Shuri

"What's going to happen to Rias-Onee-sama?" asked Asia since they were like sisters now

"If the fledgling wins they get their freedom, but if they lose well let's just say their un-lives end or why do you think vampires can only turn the opposite sex?" said Seras

"Onee-sama, what did Issei-sama do to you and Shuri?" asked Koneko

"Well, we were in a relationship at the time but none of us had take the step to go any further, until we tried to get are freedom" said Shuri

"What's the more common thing chosen by the master?" asked everyone scared for the outcome

"Death" said Vlad in an emotionless tone

"Oh no!" said everyone now realising what Issei would do

(back in Issei's room)

"Issei-sama?" asked Rias nervously as Issei was eyeing her it was no normal eyeing it was of that when Issei was hunting the eyeing of a predator about to claim it's next meal Rias then remembered when Issei told them what they would have to do if they wanted to become free vampires

"Rias, you have put me in a hard spot and now you are going to take responsibility for it!" commanded Issei as he grabbed Rias by her throat "I will give you this one chance to apologise for your actions you have done against me your master, then I might consider not killing you" as he looked into her eyes with anger but Rias could see the sadness he didn't want to kill her

The two options raced through Rias's head as time itself seemed to slowed down, she could give in and be Issei's servant for the rest of her un-life, it turned out all right for Shuri and Kuroka. But at the same time, she didn't want to be a slave to Issei, it would be like her marrying Riser she didn't want that, but she couldn't fight the person she loves. Memory's flashed by in her mind, the thing she had done since she had become a vampire, the strength she gained, losing herself in a blood lust with everyone killing lowly vampires and rouge priests, a deeper bond with her family, but most of all a man she loved but did he love her back? He's probably the strongest vampire to ever exist, her a spoilt little princess that had never really trained a day in her life barfrom Issei appearing in her live. Then it hit her, Issei wanted Rias to be more reliant on herself, he knew she could be powerful as long as she believed in herself. Issei had set it up for her but she needed to take the final step.

"Well then Rias, what are you going to say?" asked Issei as he held Rias in place "Rias, you're a smart girl figure out my point I'm making" said Issei to himself hoping that Rias did get it, then only thrown into the wall

"You want a fight I'll give you a fight master!" said Rias as she charged at Issei who was still surprised at what Rias did as her eyes flashed red

"Bring it on Rias!" said Issei happily as he caught both of Rias's hands "Sorry Rias, but I'm going to need to beat you, we will all need are strength to go against Kokabiel and whatever else he throws at us" said Issei to himself as he threw Rias into the wall then slammed her by the throat onto the bed then pinning her hands above her head then went straight for her neck biting into it tasting her sweet lovely blood "Nice try Rias!" commanded Issei as he parted from Rias's neck he had drained just enough blood from Rias's system to make her submit

"I'm sorry for what I've done master" said Rias sadly looking up at Issei looming over her "I'm yours to do with what you want master" said Rias sadly as blood tears came from her eyes closing them ready to accept her fate

"Rias, please stop crying" said Issei as he wiped away her tears "I'm not going to kill you" said Issei as he kissed her

"Issei-sama, why I'm weak mhh" said Rias surprised as Issei kissing her

"You're not weak Rias, you can be as strong as you want, you just have to wish it" said Issei cupping her face in his hand seeing the bright red blush on her face

"Do you really mean it?" asked Rias blushing even more

"Yes Rias, you can be as strong as you want, you just have to believe in yourself" said Issei kissing her again

"More" moaned Rias weakly

"Rias, once we are done with Kokabiel, I'll be more than happy to do it with you" said Issei as he helped her sit up

"You mean it?" asked Rias blushing

"Of cause" said Issei kissing her again

"Issei-sama, it time to deal with Kokabiel" said Shuri nocking at the door she sensed Rias was still "living"

"Well then let's go, ready my beautiful crimson no-life queen?" asked Issei offering an arm to her

"Of cause, my no-life king" said Rias happily will she didn't like being called a princess