Chapter 2 - Prologue - Him

A/N: - See end of Chapter -

Disclaimer: As the protocol goes I need to ascertain that y'all understand that I don't own anything of the Inuyasha franchise etc. Except for the plot of this story, in which case Is mine cause you imagination.


Her father The devil, has had many names bestowed upon him. First Lucifer meaning The Bringer of Light, this name, however, was stripped from him when he rejected God, he and others were cast out of heaven as is gods will. Therefore with the change of status comes with a change of name, Satan, his title The devil. He is no longer The Bringer of Light but instead, The adversary of God. He still, however, enjoys the use of his first true name, he likes to be antagonistic.

But Lucifer has another persona you see, The God of death, Grim Reaper people call him. He likes to play with the souls of the beings subjected to life on earth by the one they worship. This is just another one of his tactics to assert dominance over God, so he says but its really only a hobby for him. He finds it amusing when the humans cower in fear of what has come to past when demons of Human the realm try to fight him consumed in anger of their own demise. It's futile he says, what is set in stone can never change.

So it should have been, but when Inu no Taishou brought forth the swords of life and death, of power and healing. Well, let's just say Lucifer was not amused. This sword of healing changed the rules, challenged God even, this fact is the only reason Lucifer left it alone. But the times are changing, history re-written. All starting with a single letter, a letter from one humans called Kagome Higurashi. One demons of old call The princess of hell, and one holy beings refer to as Azrael - The Angel of Death, One Whom God Helps, Angel of the Abyss and of Dark and Light. She is a contradiction of herself, like father like daughter till the very end.

She holds in her hands the power of heaven and hell. But it was not what she craves, it was not freedom and love... Fated to never to be with who she longs for, never with him. Could God truly be that cruel? Too cruel to let her be, cruel enough to mess with her fate. Is mating, loving a demon truly more sinful than being kin of the one who committed the very first transgression? Is it truly a crime to love and to care for the Prince of Youkai, is it not only proper for a Princess to mate a Prince?

Does it not seem like God has prioritized the wrong issues? Orders the isolation and seclusion of one's heart for such a superficial reason such as the purity of his servants? Let us question the will of supposed supreme and all loving being. If that was truly the case then why would he forsake her of all people? Her who has already suffered too much, too much for someone as young as she. Too much she has put others before her own. Too much she has been altruistic. Does God not care at all, care for her well-being when she has sacrificed so much? Abandon her only selfish desire for the sake of another faceless person who's committed countless sins that she has corrected repeatedly without rest? The sins she has rectified only for it to happen again and again and again, in a continuous cycle of self-indulgence.

The time will come to pass when she seeks me out and learn what and who she truly is. It is after all written in the ancient book of Codex Gigas, The book of Satan. Though it is mine and mine alone, I do not know how it came into this world, only that it presented itself to me when my child was born. And inscribed in it, letters and sentences of prophecies that will come to pass.

Legend speaks of the one who can move the unmovable, break barriers and put a wrench fate's plans. The one who will aid my endeavors to open the eyes of the people towards their Almighty God. And release her from her unjust duties. And by all the power I have gathered upon me, she will be set free.

I will make sure of it.

Youkai Lore states of a being of innocence tainted by the warring heart and soul, the Youkai and Tenshi within. A being of unadulterated and raw power, an entity who if one succeeds in subduing it, can perform miracles and force calamity upon the populace. Belonging to not one but all realms, the existence of such a creature will create an imbalance of power within the 4 domains of the 2 ruling Deities.

She will be safeguarded.

Myth tells us of the joining of the honor-bound Prince, the one who can repress her strength, and Satan's Princess, the one who transcends time. recognizes and assures us that the end, will only to fall by their hand.

It will come to pass.

The devil's offspring is death. She is Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust is all and more. She has acted upon the 7 deadliest sins to mankind, youkai and Tenshi alike. She is the godless and the immoral.

This is not a tale full of love happiness, not one of those typical fairytale stories. No, not one of those. Instead, this is the series of events that have occurred before The End. When all that was wrong has been righted, and all that should have happened, happened.



1. 'The End' - A phrase that I will use to describe and introduce an event in the story.

2. 'Father' - I used the word in a way that you could make your own conclusions as to who i'm actually referring to. i.e God (He took Kagome in when she was but a child, trained, clothed and fed her. So therefore acting as a father-figure), and Lucifer for obvious reasons (He's Kagome's true father)

4. Youkai lore - Traditions and knowledge held by Youkai's

4. Legend - History/Documented stories of Youkai, Tenshi, and Humankind

5. Myth - Traditional stories of the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

A/N: hmmmmmm...uh well I guess I actually have to get on with the story now. Lmao, I already wrote this so I thought, hn I might as well post it. So here we are 1 chapter more but nowhere close to the start. I'll be updating sporadically, i'm sure of it. I'm too lazy lmao. Oh, and by the way, the definitions are mostly true but I changed it up a bit to fit the story.