I looked down to my stomach and whispered "Your hear that?" I looked up at Ash who was smiling, "I love the name Keirran."
His beautiful silver eyes sparkled as he lifted me and laid me on the bed. He was so gentle, as if I would surely break if hugged too hard. He snuggled up next to me and whispered into my ear "sleep". I took his hand in my own and placed it into the spot where our child rested. I fell asleep in his arms, Ash holding my belly.
Chapter 1
I woke with Ash already awake, of course, and he was just watching me... us. "Good morning," he said as my eyes fluttered open. "Good morning". He came closer and laid his head on my stomach. I fiddled my fingers through his velvet hair, I could feel him smile every time my hunger got the best of me and I growled. My knight on my belly, my baby inside me, this was all I needed. We stayed like that for a while, until Beau jumped onto the bed demanding that he be let out. After one more big belly grumble Ash decided it was time for breakfast. We walked downstairs and as soon as I walked into the kitchen, all the smells hit me at once and a wave of nausea went over me. I ran for the bathroom. Ash knocked at the door asking if I was alright. "No" I murmured. He came in right away and held my hair.
After throwing up I lost my appetite and Ash brought me back upstairs. I tried to get to my desk to check on the railroad project but I was pulled to my bed and my capturer tucked me in. I moaned "But I have work to do" he seemed to ignore that. I was unsure if he heard me because my throat was sore and it muffled my voice. I opened my mouth to plead again but he shushed me and eased into the bed and wrapped his arms around me making sure I couldn't leave. Finally after I felt better and Ash was asleep I slipped out of bed and went to my desk. It didn't take long for Ash to notice I was gone, and he appeared at my side.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Better," I reassured him.
After a regularly long day of work, I came to our chamber and fell into bed to take a nap. It felt like five minutes before Glitch knocked on the door, "Majesty? Sorry to wake you but it is time for dinner." Groaning I rolled out of bed. I came into the dining hall to Ash waiting to escort me to my seat. I picked at my food and drank only water, Ash watched me and stared at my plate waiting for me to eat. That was his way of showing me that I was eating for two now and needed to eat. Watching everyone tear through their food made me kind of queasy.
Finally my day was done and I could relax. Beau and I sat on the bed while Ash was off sparring with Glitch or someone. I was able to think, but most of the thoughts in my head were overwhelming. I'm just a kid, how could I raise one? Was I even ready for this? As my thoughts scattered I thought of happy things and terrifying things. I can't believe I'm having a baby! What would my family say? Not even being able to control myself I started crying they started out as happy tears but soon changed. I cradled myself hugging my belly. Worrying about things that hadn't happened yet was a waste of time Ash said, but it's like I lost control over all my emotions and couldn't help but cry.
Ash came in after a while but his face went pale as he saw the tear stains on my cheeks. "Meghan, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"
I would have smacked myself for making him worry over nothing, if I wasn't so tired. "No, I'm fine. I just was overthinking things and I couldn't keep myself from bursting into tears."
His face showed a wave of relief as he held me reminding me of what he said when I told him I was pregnant. "I'm here, you're not alone in this. We'll figure it out."
"I love you" I whispered, which was all I could manage to get out before I started sobbing again. "I love you too," he smiled "And I love you." He said poking my tummy. Smiling I took his hand and again placed it on my belly. We drifted off into sleep like that.