A/N: Well hello internet! I am, in fact, still alive. So this is a companion piece to my story Beneath the Rubble. It basically goes side-by-side with that one except this one is from the perspective of the crew. I don't even know if there is still interest in this, but I wrote it, so I'm gonna post it. I have two chapters done now and I am working on getting the rest out in a timely fashion! We'll see how that goes!
Spock awoke from his slumber suddenly, the high-pitched chirp of his communicator rousing him. As a Vulcan he required far less sleep than his human shipmates, but he was still less than pleased when the few hours he did require were interrupted.
Especially after what had happened. Spock needed all the time to rest and meditate that he was given because he had felt himself crack that day. He'd watched as the life left Jim Kirk's eyes and something inside him had snapped, something that he wasn't fully in control of. He'd feel it sometimes, after going extended periods of time without a break; a bubbling, burning sensation in the pit of his stomach threatening to claw its way up his throat and escape in the form of a primal shout.
Spock swept a hand across his bedside counter gracefully and answered the call. His internal clock told him it was just past 0700 hours, he knew whoever was calling was doing so for an important reason.
"Spock, it's Nyota." The woman spoke, as if he was unable to recognize the sound of her voice. "You need to get downtown right away, there was a building collapse."
"Understood Nyota, has the Captain been informed?"
A pause from the other line, then, "I haven't been able to get through to him."
Spock could hear the tinge of worry in her voice, knew how deeply Uhura cared for the Captain even though she did her best not to show it. "I am certain he is just fine, sleeping soundly perhaps. He'd had a trying few weeks."
There was a sigh from the other end of the line and Spock could imagine the way her ponytail bounced as she nodded warily. "Yeah, yeah he has. Well, I'll keep trying, how soon do you think you'll be down here?"
"Approximately 1.23 hours." Spock responded, immediately calculating the time it would take him to dress, get ready, hail a taxi, and arrive downtown.
"Make it one." Uhura commanded, and in any other situation, with any other crew, it would have been deemed disrespectful.
"Understood." Was Spock's curt answer, before he hung up and quickly dressed in his 'Fleet issued plain blacks. It appeared as though it was going to be another long day.