Spock traced Uhura's movements as the Communications officer paced back and forth their make-shift command center, unanswered communicator still in hand. She was trying, unsuccessfully, to once again raise either the Captain or Doctor.
"You should talk to her." Sulu stated quietly. "She's been here basically since the building first collapsed and I don't think she's stopped to breathe once."
Spock's eyebrows furrowed, "Surely she must be breathing Mr. Sulu-"
"I meant she's been tense, on edge." Sulu quickly cut the Vulcan off. "Maybe you could talk to her?"
"I do not see how my words would be of benefit to her."
The young Pilot paused, "Well you guys are dating, aren't you?"
Spock released a terse sigh, "Actually Nyota and I have parted ways. Our relationship is now nothing more than that of two close friends."
Something akin to surprise flashed through Sulu's eyes. "Oh. Well still, you relax her, that much is obvious. Just try to calm her down?"
Before Spock could reply Sulu had run back into the fray, meeting up with Scotty and beginning a tense conversation with the Engineer.
Spock's attention was drawn back to Nyota as she released a low curse and slammed her communicator closed.
"I still can't get through to either of them!"
"Nyota, perhaps if you would take a seat."
"I don't need a seat Spock, I need to get in contact with Jim. Or Leonard, so he can get in contact with Jim. We need them here."
"I am certain we will locate them." Spock said calmly, doing his best to sooth her.
Uhura shook her head and stalked over to the table with pads containing anything from blueprints to a muted news channel. "I'm just relieved it was early enough that not many people were in there."
"Nyota, may I at least offer you some water?"
"Spock, we have other priorities right now! If this was a deliberate attack this could just be the beginning!" Finally her wide eyes, filled with worry and rage, met his.
They stood there for a moment, held in the depth of one another's eyes before Sulu and Chekov came darting in.
The young Russian was shouting something about a pad but Uhura missed the first part. "What?" She demanded, worry leaching into her voice causing the slightest tremor.
"Do you have the news?" Sulu huffed, breathless.
"It's on one of these pads, why?"
"Turn it on!" Chekov shouted by way of explanation.
Spock had already gripped the pad and placed the device in the middle of the table, so they could all see.
At first Uhura couldn't tell what she was looking at; the image was dark and grainy. But as she stared at it more, she realized what the image was. "Oh my god, this is the building." She breathed.
"The image just took over all the news channels. It hasn't really changed, we can't tell what exactly is going on." Sulu supplied.
"It looks like someone is there." Chekov pointed to what could conceivably be the outline of a person; but who they were and if they were even alive was difficult to ascertain.
"It appears as if someone is moving in the background." Spock pointed out, drawing everyone's attention to the shift in debris toward the back of the screen.
"This isn't an image," Sulu said in shock, "this is a video!"
Chekov's eyes widened, "Is it live?"
"How is there even video coming out of there?" Uhura demanded.
Spock looked perturbed, "Who is responsible for this broadcast?"
"No one." Sulu responded immediate, "It just cut into all the news feeds."
"You mean the frequencies were hacked?" Uhura demanded clarification.
Chekov and Sulu both nodded vigorously.
"If this was a deliberate attack this could be the culprit's way of taking credit." Spock postulated.
Sulu's eyebrows furrowed, "But how would they even be getting this footage? Live or not they'd have to have access to the inside."
The two officers continued to bounce ideas off one another but Uhura tuned them out, instead choosing to study the still blurry footage intensely, and will her heart to cease hammering.
"Oh my god," She whispered, voice quaking. "Spock, that's them."
Spock stopped his conversation with Sulu and turned his attention to her immediately, voice hard as he demanded, "Nyota clarify."
"That's Leonard and Jim."
Chekov's breath hitched as he snatched the pad out of Uhura's hands, Sulu standing over his shoulder as the two of them examined the grainy images intently.
Except Spock didn't have to see any evidence to know Nyota was right. He trusted her eyes, knew she wouldn't say something like that unless she was absolutely certain.
"Дерьмо." Chekov exhaled, coming to the same conclusion as his crewmember had.
Panic began to creep back into her heart as Nyota looked to Spock in terror and desperation, "Spock they're trapped down there."
A/N: Дерьмо: Russian, shit. Chekov has a potty mouth. Hope y'all enjoyed this! I will most likely be updating every week, either on Sunday or Monday, so stay tuned. This one also should not be nearly as long as the first. But for now, I hope you've enjoyed what I have so far, I'll get the next chapter out in a week!