Chapter 2
"Oh well Keirran just had a great idea," Meghan started. "We were wondering if you would be open to going out into the Wyldwood tomorrow and seeing Uncle Puck."
I shook my head and sighed. "Really?"
"Please Daddy?" Keirran smiled.
"Yeah, please Daddy?" Meghan repeated.
I sighed a deep sigh, "I guess,"
Keirran jumped up and down hugging my waist. "Yay!"
Meghan walked over kissing me in thanks.
"Good morning," I heard Meghan's voice trying to wake me. "Come on, Keirran is ready to go."
Moaning I pulled the pillows over my head.
"Do we have to go?" I asked.
"Yes." She demanded ripping the pillows from my grasp.
When I didn't get up I felt her get up and open the door. Then all of a sudden Keirran jumped on top of my stomach pounding the pillow against my head.
"Come on Daddy, get up, get up, get up."
"Ughhh fine, I'm up, I'm up."
We were flying over the Wyldwood when a flock of ravens flew from a tree.
"Well, it seems we've found him." Meghan proclaims.
Landing Keirran ran around yelling "Uncle Puck, Uncle Puck, where are you!?"
With a caw and a flash of feathers Puck appears.
"Little man!" He yells back. As Keirran jumps in his arms.
"Hi Uncle Puck," He smiled brightly.
"Hey little dude." Puck smiled back.
He put Keirran down and hugged Meghan. Then he turned to me.
"ICE-BOY! Did ya miss me?" He asked
I rolled my eyes, "Hello Goodfellow."
Keirran tugged on Puck's shirt getting his attention. Puck knelt down, "What's up?" He asked.
"Do you have any stories to tell?" Keirran asked with his grin full of anticipation.
"Oh boy, do I?" He said rubbing his hands together in thought.
"Well not too long ago, I was..."
Puck told us many many stories on recent monsters he defeated and quests he completed. Then Meghan and Puck talked for a while, I zoned out for a bit.
"Why don't you and me go up against Keirran for practice?" Puck asked me bringing me back to reality.
"Why not," I said. Standing up I called for Keirran, "Keirran,"
When no response came Meghan rose immediately.
"Keirran, if you are hiding come out here now."
Muttering a curse, Puck stood. "Welp, lets go find him."
Sprinting through the Wyld, calling for Keirran we went.
A shriek came and Meghan sprinted faster.
Goodfellow and I shared a glance, then caught up.
Then we saw him, pinned up against a tree with a catoblepas starring him down.
Instantly Meghan had her sword out running towards the monster.
"Ready Ice-boy?" Puck asked unsheathing his daggers.
We ran getting the attention of the catoblepas. Attacking the beast, Meghan saw her free chance to grab Keirran. She put him safely into the tree and focused her glamour onto the attacker. Suddenly iron vines sprouted out of the ground locking around the creatures legs. Holding it firmly in place for me to go in for the kill. After stabbing my sword through its heart and seeing the life fade from its eyes, I ran to Keirran.
He was crying in Meghan's arms, her clutching his small body, pressing it into hers. Her shirt muffling his quiet sobs.
Sighing I held them in a tight embrace. I pulled away taking Keirran in my arms. Meghan wiped tears from her eyes and hugged Puck.
After that we left the Wyldwood and went back to Mag Turiedh. No one said anything for a while. I could tell Meghan wanted to ask him what happened. After we landed the silence was broken.
"Keirran, what happened, why would you leave like that?" She started.
"I'm sorry, I saw a hart and I chased it through the woods." He trailed off at the end. "When I lost it, I was going to head back. But the the catoblepas came."
She sighed and stroked his hair, "It's okay, just promise me you will be more careful."
"I promise Mama."