Hogwarts - November 14. 1992

Harry laid in bed with a tired sigh while thinking about the duel last night. He hadn't been worried about winning, and thinking further, he was surprised on how easy it was to beat Wallenworth. It wasn't that Wallenworth was weak, his spells were potent enough and he clearly had experience in duels, but Harry realized during the duel that he outclassed Wallenworth.

It was actually the implications of the duel itself and the timing of it. Harry had been targeted during the Quidditch match, which would have hurt his reputation enough if it wasn't obvious someone tampered with the Bludgers. But immediately after he was challenged, not by Nott but Wallenworth.

A fifth year challenging a second year. It was practically unheard of.

"Nott had to have had a hand in the Bludger situation." Muttered Harry to himself, "Or was it just opportunistic on their part?"

"Shall I go listen in?" A small voice hissed.

Harry shot up and looked around, much to his shock there was the large black python on the floor by his bed.

"I assumed you would have gone back home." Harry said with a frown.

The snake slithered up to the bed to stare into his eyes for a moment, "It is rare to see a speaker." It hissed while curling into itself, "So I wanted to speak with you. But if that human is an issue, I can assist you."

Harry frowned in thought, "If you want to stay you will have to remain hidden, Hogwarts isn't keen on animals they don't approve of." Harry said with a shrug. "But the human is named Theodore Nott and if you were to hear something about myself, Harry Potter, then I would be happy to hear it."

The snake lowered its head then raised it, too slow to be called a nod. "I will look into it." The snake coiled into itself, "Are you in contact with her majesty?"

Harry frowned for a moment. "What do you mean? Who is her majesty?" He asked the python that looked like a spiral of darkness on his floor.

The snake raised its head, "You are unaware? You, who is a speaker?" It asked with incredulity, "She is the queen of all serpents, the one who's venom destroys all, who's eyes pierce the soul, who's flesh is neigh invincible."

Harry, having become friends with Hagrid and just being a curious child had read all about magical beasts. Like many children, he found interest in the dangerous and powerful ones of the world. Like the Nundu, a massive lion like beast with poisonous breath that could kill any who breathed it in. Or the dragons who have dozens of species. But as a Parseltounge he made sure to learn about magical snakes, which were rarer than he would have thought.

But he knew the one that stood at the top, and the python's description didn't leave him with any doubts.

"A basilisk?" Harry asked fearfully, "I thought the last one was hunted down and killed by the ICW decades ago?" As one of the most dangerous beasts in existence, even magizoologists acknowledged they were too dangerous to exist.

The python hissed angrily, "They did! The young king was killed in his sleep! But the great queen, she resides here! I feel her presence. All snakes are drawn to her." It whispered reverently.

Alarmed Harry tried to calm himself with his occlumency, "I will take you to the great queen." Promised Harry with a smile he didn't feel, "I only ask that you look throughout the castle, if you find her or a way to her please come to me. But it is best to remain hidden." Stressed Harry, the last thing he wanted was for the snake to be killed by Filch or his demon cat.

The snake uncoiled itself, "I will begin my journey to her majesty. I will also look into those humans if I see them." It looked like it was about to leave when Harry stopped it.

"What should I call you?" Harry asked.

"I have no name, I am python." It said simply before slithering away.

Harry didn't know where it was going to go or how it was going to remain hidden, but he was the only one who could speak to it, so he wasn't worried about being implicated in anything. Muttering a Tempus, he noted that it was a bit after seven am.

For now he would have to push the thoughts of Basilisks and Nott from his mind and enjoy his free day.

Going through his routines and getting dressed Harry made his way to the great hall for breakfast. Today was Sunday and he had some things he wanted to work on by himself. Blaise was already gone to do what he needed to, and the girls were off doing their own thing.

Today Harry was going to take his first step into the extremely dangerous and difficult subject of elemental transfiguration. There were two ways to utilize elemental magic; through summoning charms and curses like Incendio and Fulmen or the harder way but far more versatile elemental transfiguration.

Such things like turning the environment into water, ice, or fire. Molding elements into different attacks based on a variety of elements that can be bent and manipulated even after casting. The most common and easiest form of elemental transfiguration is conjuring stones like granite for shields, otherwise referred to as trans-shields in the dueling world.

However, while stone was the base of elemental conjuration, they were also incredibly useful outside of defense as they can be used as the foundation for creations. Dumbledore was famous for his ability to conjure massive slabs of granite then transfiguring them into large golems to attack or defend. Something that Harry intended to be able to do in his dueling career which he fully intended to begin after third year.

This was going to be his personal project for the rest of the year. His first goal will be a piece of granite the size of his body by Christmas, then he would look into transfiguring objects into water then that water into ice. Working with volatile elements like fire or lightning was too dangerous for him to think about trying. Especially since he was jumping into the field that has taken the lives of many witches and wizards in the past who didn't respect the difficulty of elemental transfiguration.

Arriving at breakfast Harry noticed that there weren't many Slytherins eating either because it was still early for a Sunday or because the early risers were already done.

Digging into his food he noticed the presence of Hedwig landing next to him with a letter floating around her head. Reaching out for the letter then offering her a few light strokes in thanks Harry opened the letter.

Dear Mr. Potter

You have been summoned as a speaker in the case of Sirius Orion Black scheduled for Monday November the 15th. You are asked to report to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at no later than 4pm.

Representing the prosecution of the case is Madam Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Representing the defense is Andromeda Tonks.

Thank you,

Madam Eliza Renfroe

Secretary of Department Head Amelia Bones

Harry folded the letter and looked over to Hedwig, "You didn't attack an owl that had a letter for me just so you could deliver it did you?" He asked tiredly.

All he got in response was a huff and a turned head from his familiar as well as the feeling of haughty frustration. It would seem that Hedwig thought him below receiving things from lesser birds.

"Just don't hurt anyone's owls please." He pleaded while offering some bacon to the Lunistia who gladly chomped down on the meat.

Harry put the letter into his pocket with a sigh, he was sure that Sirius was going to get released and was sure that Andromeda was going to go for the Ministry's throat in recompense. Not that the Black's needed wealth as Harry fully intended on giving back all of the Black finances after Sirius's exoneration. The Potters were far from the wealthiest family in the England much less the world but they had enough money that he would never need to worry about working if he didn't want to so he wasn't worried about losing the Black's wealth, but he would miss the other items in the Black vault.

Finishing up his food and wishing goodbye to Hedwig, Harry made his way to his private room.

Upon entering the room, he felt the ward he carved into the room take hold and the awareness of the surrounding area and knew he was alone.

Harry took out his journal and turned to the page about conjuration. Something not taught until sixth year, but he was about to begin in his second year.

The simplest conjuration spell was Avis which conjured small yellow birds. It was a difficult spell, but it was the simplest conjuration spell, so it was where he had to start to get a feel from creating something from his magic alone.

Transfiguration was in the simplest definition changing one thing to another. All branches of transfiguration while seemingly very different were at their core just that. Conjuration changed his magic into something physical rather than something physical to something else physical, vanishing was changing something into nothing.

Taking out his Holly and Phoenix feather wand he steadied himself, "Avis." He called with the proper wand movement.

Warmth spread from his core into his wand followed by the familiar buzz of power felt in his wand. A white light shown from the tip before the sound of flaps was heard. A pale white bird barely bigger than his palm was flapping in the air around his head. It wasn't a complete success as the bird wasn't even complete nor was it an actual species, but it was a moving bird of some sort which meant that he needed to work on his intent.

Not one to quit after the first try Harry got to work, he wouldn't stop until he got it right.

A bit after noon Harry was chomping down on his lunch brought to him by a house elf all the while a half dozen yellow birds were circling overhead showing his ability with the Avis conjuration. It took some doing but unlike animate transfiguration which focusing on the change and end product while casting, for conjuration it was merely what he wanted to create with as much detail as possible.

Although that made it sound easy, it also required a lot of focus and power for even a single bird. This meant that conjuring large slabs of stone would take much more power as it was far more mass to create.

"Can I get another helping?" Harry asked knowing that the elves would hear him, all the spell casting had made him much more hungry than normal. Like expected, another helping of fruits, potatoes and pork were switched onto his plate with incredible precision.

Opening his journal, he pulled up another spell that he could work on while here today. The Visprocul spell that was a widespread banishment spell, while he's gotten the spell down it was far too underpowered for him to use in a duel. He found that if he switched up every now and then while learning spells, he had better success. Maybe his brain got a bit bored after a while and needed to change paces every now and then? Who knew, but it has worked out in the past.

After finishing his food and cleaning himself up he got back too it.

The room he transfigured for himself and the others was moved so that one side was empty. The large chairs and tables over by the fireplace so that his spell didn't destroy anything.

Taking a deep breath, Harry reared back then whipped his wand forward before bellowing, "Visprocul!"

A shimmer of magic blasted from his wand. The force of the spell was great enough that he was nearly knocked off of his feet and the wall in front of him shimmered under the force of the spell. Harry had to wince as his spell hit the wards with some real power and he wondered if he was going to be greeted with another visit from Dumbledore for his practice.

Getting back to his feet he tried again, this time making sure all the power went into the spell. A clear sign that his control was off was that he felt the effects of it in the blowback. Visprocul or force away was supposed to blast away anything in front of the caster with pure magical power. Simple in theory, difficult in execution, and Harry knew that he wasn't going to master it in one sitting like the bird conjuring charm like earlier.

Harry went through the spell five more times before moving the room back to the way it was and going back to his journal where he wrote down the spell to conjure granite, Lapis Partum. Although masters of the spell can create any type of stone the most common use was granite due to its innate affinity to magic and natural durability.

There was no intricate wand movement merely a flick, "Lapis Partum."

Harry felt the pull of his magic and his wand responded. There was a blue light from the tip of his wand and a small stone was conjured in front of him the floated for a moment before falling to the ground. It was no larger than his palm but made of shiny grey and black granite, the spell worked just on a far smaller scale than what he wanted.

Harry sighed; it wasn't too difficult, but he was sure that it was going to take a while for him to get it to where he wanted by Christmas. The spell would need a considerable amount of power for him to make a slab of granite that was as big as himself.

"Lapis Partum"

Again, the blue light shown from his wand and from it conjured a piece of granite noticeably larger than before but still smaller than his hand. The biggest difference was that Harry felt the amount of magic used for the spell. It would seem that his control over the spell wasn't great enough as he felt magic being wasted and not utilized properly.

Harry felt someone through his ward and turned towards the door, it was barely noticeable, but the door shimmered for a moment then stopped. If it weren't for the ward in place Harry would have shrugged it off as a trick of the eyes but he knew someone was in the room with him, they didn't wish him harm, or the ward would have been screaming at him.

"That's a neat trick." Harry complemented, "I assume it's you, Headmaster?" he asked in the direction of the wall where the ward was telling him someone was standing.

The wall shimmered and Dumbledore undid his disillusionment to reveal his amused twinkling form. He gazed around the room before nodding.

"A simple ward scheme but not one people would look for," He commented as he conjured another ornate thronelike chair, "I must commend your growing abilities, achieving even a simple rune scheme and ward with no instruction is quite the feat."

Harry smiled to himself, "Thank you sir, I put it up at the start of the year."

Dumbledore stroked his beard with a quite hum, "I feel I must award you points, not just for your ward work but for excellent transfiguration." He pointed to the flying yellow birds and to the two pieces of granite on the ground, "Both of those are generally beyond OWL feats, yet here you are." His eyes twinkled merely, and he had a proud look on his face as he gazed at his feats.

"The Avis spell wasn't as difficult as I thought it would have been, took me three hours to get my first bird right from there it was just recreating the feeling until it was easy." Harry said before giving the spell a go and creating another yellow bird that flew up to join the others. "The spell Lapis Partum, however, is going to take some more time."

"Indeed, I imagine it would." Dumbledore said before flicking his wand. From it a small nearly unnoticeable blue light flickered from the tip and a massive slab of granite was deposited in front of him. It was a perfect rectangle with straight angles. "This spell requires equal amounts control and power something that I didn't achieve until midway into my third year." He said before another wave of his wand vanished the stone.

Harry looked down with a frown, "Is there a spell that would help me bridge the gap. I am having trouble with fine tuning my control." First the force away spell now this one, he had power, but he didn't have any finesse for this high-level spell.

"Fine tuning your control comes with time and practice, there isn't a fast route to it." Responded Dumbledore, "I will say that your being able to manage the bird conjuring charm is a good sign that your control and power is beyond that of a fifth year. Conjuring birds is a sixth-year transfiguration assignment and many of those students take a while to accomplish it."

Harry nodded, that was what he expected. "My goal is to make a slab of granite that is as big as me by Christmas. So, I'm just going to keep practicing at making it bigger and bigger."

Harry turned and casted the spell again. The light on the tip of his wand shown and a far larger piece of granite, easily the size of his arm, was created but as soon as it fell to the ground it broke into small pieces. Dropping his head with a sigh he turned and sat in a chair.

"It isn't going to be an easy project though." Harry grumbled causing Dumbledore to chuckle.

"I agree that this is quite the ambitious project, but I would expect such from a Slytherin like yourself." Commented Dumbledore. "I would assume that this if for your interest in dueling?"

Harry nodded, "Yes sir, I heard that transfiguration defenses are the best. It's also the gateway to a lot of powerful spells and combinations."

"Indeed, it does. I've had quite the success with stone statues and golems." Affirmed Dumbledore while stroking his beard. "Additionally, I would recommend learning hardening and defensive shielding spells. Being able to make a stone animal, statue or golem is good but an accomplished witch or wizard can quickly destroy it or take control if you aren't careful."

"So, I would assume the Duro spell is a good place to start?" He asked receiving a nod. "I would like to add the Protego Maxima, but I have been having trouble making a usable Protego Tria. Like the stone conjuring spell, I can cast it, but it is so small that it isn't viable to use in a practical sense."

Dumbledore hummed with his eyes twinkling brightly, "That's possibly even more ambitious than your semester project. The Protego Maxima is something that isn't even taught to our seventh years generally. I would recommend other shield charms; reflective, absorption and transfiguration barriers. While the Protego will serve you well in many situations it isn't good to rely on any one spell. Furthermore, I would recommend fine tuning your core spells, like the disarming charm and stunner, to the point of silent point casting."

Harry had been nodding and soaking in everything Dumbledore had been saying and making mental notes to work them into practicing either on his own or with the others. He'd never even thought of a transfiguration barrier, but it was something he'd have to look into.

"Now that we have gone over your impressive academic goals, I believe we should go over the reason I have sought you out. Tomorrow we are to be at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for Sirius's trial. I trust you've received the summons?" He asked.

Harry nodded and thumbed the letter in his pocket.

"I will expect you in my office at 3:30, from there we will floo to the ministry like before. However, you will need to be in formal attire rather than school attire. I trust you are ready for that?"

"Yes sir." Harry answered.

Dumbledore nodded, "Then I will leave you to your practice." With a flick of his wand his throne like chair was vanished and he left the room with pep not usually seen in men over 100 years old.

With that Harry went back to practicing, he alternated between the force away and stone creation spells every couple of tries so that he would slowly get used to the spells. By the end of the night, he had managed to make a fist sized stone of granite and he was no longer being nearly pushed off of his feet by the Visprocul.

Ministry of Magic - November 14. 1992

Harry made his way through the atrium of the ministry behind Dumbledore and surprisingly Professor McGonagall who looked her usual intimidating in formal robes. Harry had decided to go with a rather high end set of black and silver dress robes from Madame Malkin's. He noticed that dress robes were very similar to muggle suits just with a bit more flowing garments to accent it.

On the other end of the spectrum was Albus Dumbledore who for all his genius decided that bright blue robes with shooting stars sparkling all over the clothes as his 'formal' attire. Harry wasn't sure if Dumbledore was genuine in his thought that his choice of clothes was appropriate or if he didn't care what others thought of his appearance and just went with what he liked. But, if Harry were as accredited and old as the headmaster, he'd likely not care either, so it wasn't that big a deal.

There were brought to a large rectangular room with a large chair in the center with elevated seating around it and at the far end of the room in an elevated section was a stern looking man glaring at papers. Harry assumed that it was him that would preside over the trial in a judge capacity, Harry still wasn't familiar with how a magical trial was supposed to go. Not that he was too familiar with a muggle one either.

"That is Rufus Scrimgeour, Harry." Noted Dumbledore quietly as they took their seats in the stands. "He is the Head of the Auror Office and highly respected individual in the Ministry, no one doubts his unbiased adherence to justice."

"What should I expect of this?" Asked Harry.

Dumbledore stroked his beard, "Madame Bones will give an overview of the information on file then reaffirm the Ministry's stance on the situation. Then it will be Mrs. Tonks's turn to address the Council."

"Who are they?" Harry asked as he noticed more and more people entering the chamber.

It was Professor McGonagall who answered, "Bipartisan observers and members of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, they are the jurors for these cases: The Council of Magical Law. Usually, it is the head of the department that would preside over this case but as Madame Bones was head Auror at the time she has chosen to yield her position to not seem partial."

"That makes sense." Harry said while rubbing his hair, "I know that I have been called to address why I brought about all of these proceedings but what are you here for Professor McGonagall?"

She sighed sadly at the question, "I was Sirius's head of house and knew him quite well in the years after his graduation. I will be a character witness for Sirius to assure the Council that he wasn't the type to do something like he was accused."

Many more people continued to enter the chamber and eventually there was the sound of a gavel being hammered to quiet the muttering.

"Before we begin, I would like to address Mr. Harry James Potter." Scrimgeour ordered in a gravelly baritone, "Seeing as you are the reason for this hearing, I would like to ask you how this came about? How is it a closed case over a decade old has had new evidence?"

Like Dumbledore instructed him before coming here, Harry stood and spoke clearly, "Last year I was called to Gringotts bank for a reading of Sirius Black's will. Their policy is to read someone's will after ten years of imprisonment if there is no chance of the individual being released. I was named the sole beneficiary of Sirius Black's will, leaving me the entirety of the Black estate also the will re-instated Andromeda Tonks and her daughter Nymphadora Tonks into the Black family. Both actions were questionable to me as they went against Death Eater values. I'm a half-blood and enemy of Voldemort while Mrs. Tonks and her daughter have married a muggle-born and is a half-blood respectively." There were several jumps and winces when he said the name, but he moved passed it without mentioning it.

"I decided to look into it with the assistance of Mrs. Tonks which has led us to discovering that there was no formal trial and we worked to meet with Mr. Black in person to ask him himself which led us to Peter Pettigrew and then this hearing." Harry finished before sitting down with a sigh.

There were whispers heard in the chamber before Scrimgeour spoke again, "Very well, I have on file three statements of character for Sirius Black. From Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Remus Lupin. For the sake of simplicity, I will submit these statements to the council, and should it be needed will call on these individuals as they are all in attendance. Furthermore, all evidence and statements were compiled by Mrs. Tonks who is representing Mr. Black in this hearing."

There were papers passed between the dozens of council members and a few minutes of reading and whispers before they began again.

"Called to the floor is Sirius Orion Black." Announced Rufus. "You are called on two counts of assisted murder and thirteen counts of muggle murder. Originally the murder of one Peter Pettigrew was included but as we have been made aware, he is very much alive and in custody."

When Sirius was escorted in Harry noticed that Tracey's mother did a fantastic job of making Sirius look better for the trial. He was less pale not as skinny, he also held himself with more confidence than when Harry last saw him. He was dressed in very expensive robes and he was well groomed, hair was much shorter barely to his neck, but it was nice and clean. It was a far cry from a full recovery, but he was well on the road.

He was put into the seat in the center of the floor and two Aurors were stationed behind his shoulders ready to take him down if he tried something.

"Now, I give the floor to Madam Bones. The at the time Head Auror and representative for the ministry."

Madam Bones, looking as severe and intimidating as the last time Harry saw her made her way to the floor to address the council.

"We are here for the truth of one of the most infamous individuals in the last decade, Sirius Black. It was well known how close Sirius Black was to the Potters and that they had been under the Fidelius Charm, a spell where only the secret keeper would be able to reveal the location of their hideout. Following is the murder of thirteen muggles due to a gas explosion ignited by a blasting hex. At the scene of the crime, we had a verbal confession from Mr. Black saying and I quote 'It was me, I did it I killed them.' Repeatedly. This was heard by arresting Auror Alastor Moody several times. Furthermore, the Minister at the time, Millicent Bagnold, filed a quick on paper hearing that judged him guilty without the legal proceedings needed in a case such as this." She sent looks around the room before continuing. "However, we acknowledge that there is more to this case than what was previously believed and will move to call one Peter Pettigrew to the floor who is a key individual in all counts held against Mr. Black."

Mutters were heard and Harry looked over to a thoughtful Dumbledore, "What's going on?" He muttered.

"She is not trying to fight Sirius's culpability or reaffirm the Ministry's stance against him, rather moving directly to Pettigrew. I'm sure most are confused as to why a known mass murderer is being ignored on such an open and shut hearing." Dumbledore responded with a happy tilt to his voice. Looking over he noticed that Andromeda was unsurprised but no less pleased with the proceedings, she and Bones likely had discussed this hearing both knowing it was a formality. Sirius hadn't given much away in his expressions and had been silent during the whole time Bones' had been talking, likely at the behest of Andromeda to make him look sane and in control of himself to help his image for the council.

The doors opened again revealing Peter who didn't look any better than the last time Harry saw him. He was fidgeting and his eyes were frantically searching the crowd for anyone to save him and when he locked onto Harry's cold eyes he flinched and looked at the ground. Another chair was conjured, and he was chained to the chair and the Aurors took position behind his shoulders.

Rufus gazed down at Peter, "We have not come to a consensus yet as to what your charges are at the moment. But know that you are being tried for conspiracy murder and being an unregistered Animagus."

"Madam Bones." Rufus gestured for the woman to begin again.

Bones zeroed in on Pettigrew immediately, "Now Mr. Pettigrew I have one question for you. Where have you been for the last eleven years?"

Peter once again looked around the room frantically but upon seeing no one to help him shook out his answer, "I-I was hiding."

When he didn't offer more Bones leaned forward, "Where were you hiding, how were you hiding and why?" She asked slowly making sure he didn't have a way to avoid her intended question. Harry leaned forward in response.

"I was scared! I hid a-as a r-rat." He hesitated for a moment but under the unrelenting gazes of Bones and Scrimgeour he melted, "I was held by the Weasley's!" He shouted.

Mutters were heard and Andromeda stood, "Objection! I have statements from the Weasleys in question that they were under the impression that they were taking care of a common garden rat not an Animagus that never, in the ten years of them having it, ever transformed to tell them he wasn't an actual rat." A flick of her wand sent papers to Rufus who passed them around.

Harry noticed that Ron, Percy and their father were present on the other side of McGonagall a little down the bench. He had to shake his head at not thinking that they would be present for the case, they were a part of it due to their ownership of Scabbers, or rather Pettigrew.

A few moments of muttering in the council before Rufus gestured for Madam Bones to continue.

"Scared of who or what? You were recognized as a hero, even given the order of merlin for your actions by this ministry. The Dark Lord was vanquished, and peace was slowly being restored. What would you have to be scared of?" She asked causing Pettigrew to swallow and hesitate again causing the council to whisper between themselves and those in the audience to mutter to themselves.

"She's relentless, I'd hate to be down there." Whispered Harry getting a small chuckle from Dumbledore.

Three bangs of the gavel silenced the room, "Answer the question Pettigrew!" Shouted Scrimgeour causing Pettigrew to flinch.

Madam Bones pounced on his continued hesitation, "Could it be that you were in fact scared of being found, but not by Death Eaters but by us as it would have casted doubt on Mr. Black's situation! Which would've given him a chance to reveal the truths of the situation?" Pettigrew folded in on himself in terror, "Is it because it was you were the one to betray the Potters to the Dark Lord? Is it because you were the one to blow up those thirteen muggles and then framed Mr. Black?" She asked with a cold glare on her face looking directly into a meek Pettigrew.

"I-I…I didn't mean too!" Wailed Pettigrew desperately to the shock of those in the chamber. "The Dark Lord had powers beyond comprehension! I couldn't deny him! I had too!"

The whispers turned to shouts and the council looked between themselves with grimaces and hushed comments. Madam Bones pulled back and Andromeda Tonks took to the floor.

"It is at this point I would like to move to clear Sirius Black of all charges." She said and many in the room didn't bother to deliberate, as Harry expected as soon as the evidence and truth was laid out the rest was a formality. Now came the sentencing of Peter Pettigrew.

"I, acting as the head of the Council of Magical Law hereby clear Sirius Orion Black of all charges and award him 10,000 galleons for every year he suffered in Azkaban prison." Announced Scrimgeour with nods following his ruling from the council. "Now we must decide on the fate of Peter Pettigrew."

Acting quickly Harry stood, deciding to do something that he hadn't voiced to Dumbledore or anyone prior. This was something he wanted, something he needed said. "I push for Pettigrew to receive the Dementor's kiss! His crimes are heinous enough to warrant it and he had gone further to frame an innocent person, one who is to inherit a seat upon the Wizengamot!"

There were some shocked looks at his input none more so than from Pettigrew who gasped and looked at him pleading. "Harry, please! T-Think of your father- think of James! He'd offer me mercy!" He wailed pathetically.

It was then that all of Sirius's discipline left him and his mask of serious cool to the situation melted to reveal his fury, "Don't you dare speak to Harry! Don't you dare say James's name to him you filthy coward!" He roared as he stood to his feet, the Aurors not stopping him beyond keeping the two separated.

Surprised shouts at the situation were heard and Harry remained standing as he waited until the room quieted. It took several minutes, gavel banging and not a small amount of canon firing sounds from Dumbledore's wand to silence the room. The two Aurors had successfully kept Sirius from Pettigrew long enough for Andromeda to calm him back down.

Harry spoke again, "You may be right Pettigrew, my father might have offered mercy." He said getting the attention of the room once again. "But I wouldn't know, would I? You and your master saw to that." With his peace said Harry sat back down with a sigh.

"Are you sure that was a wise move, Harry?" Asked Dumbledore quietly as the council deliberated quietly. "That is not a sentence to pass lightly."

Harry looked over at the Headmaster, "I would do it myself if it were allowed." Harry growled, "He was a close friend to my parents and willingly led Voldemort to them knowing they and I would die. Not to mention what he did to Sirius, so no Headmaster I don't want him to live in Azkaban for years I'd rather him gone from the world."

Dumbledore nodded sadly, "I understand the feeling, just don't get too caught up in vengeance that you lose sight of yourself. As I trust that the true target of these feelings isn't truly Pettigrew." At that he sent a look to Harry that caused him to look down.

"You're right," Harry said quietly, "But that would be a much different trial if it were him down there."

"On that we can agree." Dumbledore added.

Minutes passed as those in the room spoke with those around them about the trial as the council deliberated. Harry saw the Weasley's whispering to each other, Ron going so far to offer Harry a hesitant nod that Harry responded to with one of his own.

Harry looked down at Sirius who was talking happily to a man on the other side of the room. He was a ragged looking man, stressed and tired features and his clothes hinted at a less than well lifestyle. If Harry were to guess this was Remus Lupin the final member of the infamous Marauders that he had yet to meet. He and Sirius were carrying on as if no time had passed and while both seemed to have gone through tough times, they looked years younger as they spoke to each other.

On the end of the room the Council and Scrimgeour were in quiet deliberation. Harry wasn't sure if his input had any sway, but his words were now in their heads. Truly, Harry didn't care what happened to Pettigrew beyond him suffering and there were worse criminals than him serving life in Azkaban so it is unlikely he would have gotten more than that anyway. He just wanted his opinion on the matter heard, what came of it wasn't that important.

After nearly thirty minutes the sound of a gavel was heard gathering the chambers attention.

Rufus Scrimgeour stood, "It is the decision of the Council of Magical Law to sentence Peter Pettigrew to life in Azkaban!" He announced causing Pettigrew to burst into tears.

Harry didn't let his annoyance show on his face, it would seem that his name and voice didn't have as much sway as he thought. Rather than being annoyed at the fact that Pettigrew was getting off with life in Azkaban rather than death. Harry was annoyed that his input and voice didn't have as much sway as he and the others believed when discussing his fame. Dumbledore must have caught on to his annoyance because he leaned in.

"It was Scrimgeour that fought your recommendation." He whispered, "Most sentencings take less than five minutes but the fact that it took so long means that many of them were going to follow what you called for. As I said before, no one would dare question Rufus Scrimgeour's sense of justice, he wouldn't give someone a worse sentence then they deserved no matter who called for it. Not even I could sway that man from what he believes is justice."

Harry had to sigh at that but in the end, he couldn't find fault in the situation, he'd rather someone fight for a lawful justice than one swayed by the words of a famous individual. But it was good to confirm that it was Scrimgeour's staunch sense of justice rather than his lack of sway that brought about this conclusion.

For the rest of the hearing, or rather the Scrimgeour stating the rest of the situation. Harry tuned it out as he waited for everything to finish so he could speak to Sirius. It didn't take long and Dumbledore's words that magical trials like this are quite quick rang true as less than ten minutes later he was walking over to Sirius.

Sirius noticed him as he rushed forward and pulled him into a tight hug, one that surprised Harry enough that it took him a moment before responding.

"I'm free." He said with a choked sob as he hugged Harry. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to get to you."

Harry felt a foreign emotion settle in his chest, and he smiled into Sirius's hug, "It's alright." He whispered back.

They pulled away and Sirius whipped his face before grinning down at him, "I have someone to introduce to you!" The rugged man stepped forward, "This is Moony!"

Harry tilted his head, "Moony?" He asked.

"Remus Lupin," Moony corrected with a laugh, "But you can call me Moony, Harry. It great to finally meet you." He said with an extended hand.

Harry took the hand, "You as well."

"Great!" Clapped Sirius, "Since you don't have to be back at Hogwarts why don't we go and get some dinner and catch up! I've waited eleven years to see my godson and I won't wait a second longer!" He announced with a wide smile while pulling Harry into his side.

The feeling in Harry's chest, the one he was unused to and didn't fully understand came back with full force. It was strange to Harry, growing up with his relatives who offered him no familial love or care. They never beat him beyond a slap or a whack here or there, but he was treated as an outcast and forced to watch as a passive observer in a family's life. He was never desired to be a part of their family; in fact, it was the total opposite.

Then he was reintroduced to the magical world and his fame kept people back from being too close. It was Hagrid that gave him friendship, then Blaise followed by Daphne and Tracey. But Harry's experiences with the Dursley's then Nott tempered him into not allowing them too close too fast, only recently thinking of them all as his close friends.

Now Sirius, the godfather he should have always known was here and with him some interesting feelings that he didn't understand. A member of his family that wanted him around, desired to know him, and longed for a relationship.

That feeling was a pleasant one, "Sounds brilliant." Harry said with a grin.

Chapter End.

There you have it, the beginnings of Harry's emotional journey. This story so far has had Harry being a staunchly independent individual as a defense mechanism and due to his upbringing. He never experienced the warmth of the Weasleys as he isn't friends with them, so the feeling of family is still foreign to him. Now we will see how having his Godfather in his life will affect Harry going forward, both positively and negatively.

Before people comment on it, check the harry potter wiki if you have complaints about the trial. The council of magical law is canon, I refused to do the cliché of the Wizengamot fighting to keep Sirius in prison when it wouldn't have been a part of it. Fudge had a part in this, and you will see it going forward, remember this is from Harry's POV so he doesn't see everything going on. (Side note I saw a review about Merlin being too old for Hogwarts, check the wiki it's canon he went to Hogwarts and was a Slytherin)

Harry has met Python, a character that will have importance going forward.

I added a note to the end of the last chapter as there was quite a bit of people needing correction on some things so go check it out if you were confused or saw all the flames. Not that I take guest review seriously, want to complain make an account so I can respond.

Other than that, thank you for reading. (Sorry for the long end note.)