A dark figure swung at another, wildly, knuckles colliding with his cheek. Dark green vapor seemed to appear with each step he took, each hit he made to his opponent.
The other just smiled hauntingly, jagged teeth visible as he took the hits with no problem. His eyes never left the others as he was pushed backward slightly by the other's anger. He would just laugh every time his feet slid back, before continuing forward and throwing his own swings and kicks that left a red smoke on their trail.
Powerful surges of magic from both soon lit up the room, blood red and dark, almost black, green mixing to create a terrifying array of color around them. The house they resided in shook with each hit, windows rattling and doors creaking.
"He doesn't know about them! About this! I never told him! I was never going to tell him!" the first one said, his blue and green eyes flashing with power as he punctuated each remark with another hit.
"Oh, so what were you going to do, plan on lying to him when he started asking questions? I didn't take you for that kind of man, Anti." the other, slightly taller and much bigger man replied with a chuckle. He pulled back and smirked at the other, pushing his red and black hair backward and dusting off his shirt.
"Don't call me that," Anti said, pulling back as well and pushing his hair back up. He straightened out his hooded shirt with a scowl.
"What, your name? Anti?" The taller said with a smirk, hands falling to rest at his sides lightly. His tone, though it might sound teasing to the ear of a passerby, was all too condescending to be just a light-hearted banter. It was meant to hurt, even if only in a small way.
"...Shut up Dark."
"About what? The fact that you're turning on your own kind? That you've betrayed everyone you've ever cared about? Your family? Me? Him?" Dark's voice was rough and loud. He was trying to make a point. Acting as though he might actually care what would happen if this got out.
"I said... shut UP! I haven't betrayed him! I will never betray him!"
A resounding thump could be heard and the house seemed to shake as Dark was pushed up against the wall. Anti's eyes burned and he sent out electric charges through his hands into the other's body, paralyzing him, if only for a few moments.
"Don't you ever say that to me again." Anti's voice was wavering, changing pitch and tone as if garbled and filled with static. Then he turned and went to leave the room, and Dark, behind him.
A deep chuckle arose from Dark, loud enough for Anti to hear. His next words were what glued him to his spot, though, hand on the doorknob and back turned.
"You think he'll still accept you? When he finds out who you really are? Or will you never let him know? Will you keep it from him forever?" The dark, foreboding chuckle rang out sending shivers down the spine of anyone in earshot.
"I... I won't tell him. He'll never know. He'll never need to know." Anti's voice could barely be heard as he spoke, his voice sounding softer than ever.
"You really think he'll never find out? You think you can hide this from him? And when he does find out, whenever he does, how do you think he'll feel?" Anti turned then, facing the other with a ferocious snarl, green flame like vapor surrounding his left eye in anger.
"Look, I've hidden it from him for years, Dark. Don't you get that? I can and I will keep this from him. I'm not telling him and putting him in more danger than he already is."
All that could be heard was Dark's laughter, as he sat against the wall. It was with a cold, malicious smirk, then Dark pushed himself up off the floor slowly, joints still a little stiff. He lifted his arm to point at the closet door next to him in the destroyed room.
"He already knows, Anti." And then he was gone in a dark cloud of smoke, and Anti was left not as alone as he'd hoped. For as he listened, he could hear another beings panicked breaths coming from the closet. He froze in his place, unable to move from the center of the room.
And the closet door began to open.