A/N: I was going to wait to post this last chapter until more people had reviewed, but I figure I should probably upload it before I forget about it.
This is the end, beautiful friends.
Sheldon texted her what she missed every day and she texted back that her relatives were torturing her every day and that she'd never been more glad that she gets to go back to California when this dumb reunion week was over.
It didn't keep them from missing each other, but it kept them sane.
It was the longest week they'd ever experienced.
Finally, it came to an end. Penny had endured 6 whole days of "When are you gonna settle down and give me great-grandbabies?" and "Are you still on that acting thing? You should start thinking of a real career, maybe go back to school." She was ready to either rip her hair out or rip someone's throat out.
She'd slept most of the plane ride home.
She spotted Sheldon instantly. He was taller than average, and generally stuck out like a sore thumb, but today he had help.
Today he had Leonard, Howard, and Raj holding a glittering sign that screamed 'WELCOME HOME, PENNY!' in bright letters, with Pennyblossoms glued to the edges.
She almost cried.
She might have cried a little.
It was good to be home.
Sheldon didn't run to her - Sheldon didn't run, period, full stop - but he did almost get to a jogging pace as he hurried toward her. Penny had no reservations whatsoever and flat out sprinted to him, dragging her wheeled suitcase behind her.
She crashed into him, but the other three were there to back Sheldon up so no one ended up on the airport floor.
"God I missed you," she whispered into his 73 shirt, hugging him tight.
Sheldon held her just as tightly and murmured into her hair, "I missed you as well, Penny."
She pulled away from his chest long enough to wrap her arms around his neck instead and pulled his head down for a desperate kiss that just reiterated their statements.
Howard had gone to get his mom's van so they could leave, but Leonard and Raj watched the reunion. Leonard was accepting of their relationship, but still felt a little jealous. He'd probably always have feelings for Penny, but he could put those aside and be happy for his friends. Raj, on the other hand, was digging in his pockets for his handkerchief.
"It's so beautiful!" he wailed.
Sheldon and Penny finally pulled apart and grinned. He leaned his forehead on hers and their eyes fell closed, basking in each others' presence.
"I love you," they both said together. Their eyes flew open and they stared at each other a moment. Then Sheldon pulled her even closer and captured her lips again.
They each poured their hearts into it.
The people around them burst into applause. Raj might have started it but no one was paying much attention.
They broke apart again, gasping for breath.
Leonard's phone went off with a text from Howard saying he was at the door.
"Come on, guys," he said. "Let's go home."
Penny and Sheldon grinned at each other and gathered her luggage again.
"Yeah," Penny said. "Let's go home."