Hi there! This is my first fanfic, so please be easy on me! If there are mistakes, please tell me!
Sophie paced the room of. So much had happened in a little bit of time. Her brain was working on multiple problems at once, and her body was tired. Between Keefe returning from the Neverseen, learning about Mr. Forkle's twin, saving her parents from Nightfall, and having to say goodbye to her sister a second time, this has been an emotional roller coaster.
She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. She smiled knowing who it was. She sobbed softly. He turned her to face him and she meet his eyes. Fitz looked at her with his gorgeous teal eyes that she remembers perfectly. He flashed his movie worthy smile, but his eyes were filled with sadness and concern. But above all, hatred. Sophie knew that it wasn't for her but for his brother next door.
They were at Choralmere, the Song family's house. Where Alvar was being kept under lock and key. Alvar Vacker was Fitz's brother. They were really close for so long, until Fitz and Sophie found out that Alvar was working for the Neverseen. He was devastated. He was slowly breaking, but
Neverseen. The word brought nightmares, injuries, deaths, broken hearts. Everything Sophie had been through, had been because of them. They wanted Sophie. She was powerful and destined to do great things and the Neverseen didn't want that. They wanted to capture her and make her work for them. But she wouldn't. She had friends who would protect her.
She smiled at Fitz, trying to make him feel better, but with no luck. He frowned, seeing her fake smile. His sweet, accented voice filled her head. "What's wrong?" transmitted. Sophie and Fitz were both Telepaths, meaning they could read other people's minds and transmit words directly into other's brains.
"Everything." she sighed.
"I can't fix everything," he responded.
"How is he?" Sophie asked, referring to Alvar.
"Awake, but he can't remember a thing. Mr. Forkle thinks that his memories were wiped so that he couldn't tell us anything," he sighed.
"Fudge," Sophie whispered. Fitz chuckled.
"Come on," Fitz said, leading her to the door in the corner of the room. "Maybe Mr. Forkle has an idea."
(Sigh) So that was it. What did you think? Sorry it was short, but my plan is to add a new chapter everyday. Or maybe every other day. Either way, please review!