I have taken over Pippa's computer to update three out of the four stories we have been writing. Fissures of Thirteen, unfortunately, does not have any chapters to post up. Pippa and I have been extremely busy. She is currently getting settled in to her apartment (which I have been able to visit for about twelve days and will be leaving Tuesday :'( ). So I figured I could steal her computer to update for us. It's been about eighty years after all. But she will have to go back to updating until I can get a computer.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
Chapter 2
I stare at the man in the middle of my bedroom. I can feel myself start to hyperventilate as I stare. "Obito…"
Instead of replying to me he rounds on Orochimaru fire flying at the Sannin.
Fire and water clash as he blocks the blow. Jiraiya pulls the kids to a safe distance as the fight starts.
Yet I can't move.
Jiraiya walks over putting a hand on my shoulder and leading me to a seat. "Sit and breathe."
I try, but it's so hard. This… this can't be real!
His body locks for a second, but he forces his way through it.
"Not bad," Orochimaru comments. "But you'll find facing me was a mistake."
"Just shut up."
"Uncle Kakashi?"
I look down at the four kids staring up at me.
"Do you know what to name them?"
"I want them to have meaningful names. Important name."
"Do you have anything in mind?"
"Yes, I'd… like to name them after my father and teammates."
"I think that's a wonderful idea."
I pull my children close as I watch.
Obito growls as his body starts to lock up thanks to whatever venom Orochimaru used.
"You should have known better than to face me. Though I admit you've improved. You're still not at my level."
"Fuck off!"
"I was going easy on you for Kakashi's sake. Plus you've become strong and interesting killing you here would be a waste."
He glares at me. "What?!"
"You… why?"
"If you really want a reason, well… I guess you could say it's because you let Rin die."
I close my eye and I wish I hadn't.
I look around me. There are too many of them, but I have to protect her at all cost. Even if it kills me.
I weave signs making my-no our jutsu. The jutsu we made together. This is the jutsu that I perfected thanks to his gift.
I move forward, but as I do Rin does too. I can see it happening, but I can't react to it. I can't move. There is no way out.
Why? Why is she doing this?!
I can't stop now. The jutsu goes right through her chest and-
I blink, wait… when…?
Blood coats my hand and I look up into the face of my former teammate. He grins a bit despite the blood trickling down the side of his face. "You…"
"Genjutsu, you were too busy to notice," he says jerking backward coughing up more blood.
"What the hell was that for?!" I demanded staring at my hand. I can't… not again…
He laughs. "Oh, no special reason. Though don't think this is over yet. It's far from over."
His body starts to vanish but then appears again as he coughs.
"Did you forget about the venom I injected into your body? You can't move enough right now."
"I will kill you!"
"You can say that, but you'll pass out in a few seconds with that wound so I'd suggest you shut up."
He growls but does just that falling to the ground.
I rush over to his body. "Obito!"
"He'll be alright, he just needs to est for the most part," Orochimaru says walking over as well.
"I stabbed him through the damned heart!" I yell at him.
He kneels down taking Obito's shirt off. The wound already starting to move together. Even though it's only moonlight in the room it's easy to tell the two different tones of Obito's skin.
"What's that?" Jiraiya asks.
"The reason he survived, that being said if the cave-in happened like you described then he should have been more injured. It's possible the ability to pass through objects saved his life even without the mangekyou since he wanted it bad enough."
"The Mangekyou… that's…"
Pain seared through my eye and brain. Chakra felt like it was drawn straight there and for a second my vision became even clearer before I fell to darkness.
"Okay, but what is that stuff?"
"The cells of the first Hokage."
"But how? And who?"
"That's something only Obito can answer, but it must be someone with extensive knowledge of his cells. I can tell that just by looking at him. Those cells are dangerous at the best of times. He must have really wanted to survive."
"But now this…"
"Again, that's only something he can tell. Whether he will or not is a question, but he's the only one who knows."
"I think we should keep this between us for now. There are too many unanswered questions, and with what happened tonight there will be a big fuss already."
"You're not wrong. Though he had a hand in it. He must have."
"Things are never black and white. Though on the outside we can never tell the story, and if we try to hear other's stories it really isn't for us to say if they're true."
"I just…"
"I know it hurts."
I look down at my children and Naruto. I hug them feeling tears falling.
"What did he mean we don't know our names?"
"He meant that you three were named after my father and my teammates."
"So I was named after him?"
I wonder how that makes him feel. I've told him stories about Obito, but this…
"But… why he kill Momma?"
"I'm not sure."
"We won't tell on him, Daddy."
"I know little ones. Thank you."
"I'll take him to another room. He'll need some help with his body's recovery, plus I need to make sure his body is alright."
"I'll go tell Sarutobi-sensei the issue. I will leave some things out, but he'll understand. I think you should also take some time off, Kakashi, you've been overdoing it, and you need rest."
"But I-"
"Rest," Orochimaru orders picking up Obito.
"Okay," I sigh.
"We'll be here too, Daddy."
"I know you will."
"Can I stay too?" Naruto asks.
"If Kakashi says you can."
"Yes, I'd like that," I say. "Let's get some sleep."
Then again… I doubt I'll sleep.
Little Obito
I look down at the person who Daddy said I was named after. Apparently, he's not a Ghost Zombie, it's just because of the power of his Sharingan. That's really cool.
I know Aunty Orochimaru said to leave him alone, but I want to know when he wakes up. The others do too, but I want to know why Daddy named me after him. It's weird.
I mean… he's mean!
I blink looking at him.
My sister is named after their teammate. I guess he means Daddy's teammate.
"I'm… sorry…"
Maybe I should leave him alone like Aunty Oro said to. I mean…
I look at the man again. I know I should, but…
I reach out touching the white skin of his right side.
He hisses. I pull my hand away.
"I'm sorry," I say though I think he's still asleep.
"You know some shinobi have a lot of trouble waking up with people touching them. I'm especially sensitive about my right side, so don't do that again."
"I didn't realize you were awake…"
"I am. Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"It's day."
"Then shouldn't you be in the academy?"
"It's the weekend."
"Then where are your siblings?"
"Being boring. Sakumo convinced Aunty Orochimaru to help him with sword practice. Rin is reading some of Aunty Tsunade's medical books. She's not around, but Orochimaru found some while working at the hospital and let her study the basics, Naruto and Uncle Jiraiya are doing some special training, and Daddy's on a mission. No one wanted him to go, but apparently, they wanted Daddy, and Lord Third apparently said they couldn't afford to decline right now and Daddy said he wanted to. Oh, and Sasuke's here, but he wants to train with Aunty too so I'm bored."
"Well, I'm not here to entertain you."
"I know, but I just want to know."
"I doubt you'd understand why I did what I did."
"Yeah, cause I'm the stupid one."
"That's not it at all. It's just complicated."
"Yeah, yeah, it always is, right? I mean…"
"You're still a child. You should be happy with the time you have," he says. "It's good to have time to just be a child."
"Yeah, but… but… I used to practice with Momma, but you kill Momma," I say clenching my fists and punching him.
"You're too soft. You're holding back."
"You're holding back. You're afraid to hurt others even if they hurt someone you love. You don't want to cause pain so you pull your punch even though in your heart you know that you wouldn't really cause that much pain you don't want to do it. You want to protect what you love, but you aren't ready. Now that I'm letting you hit me you're trying to hold back. In the heat of the moment you were able to build up strength, especially because you wanted to prove yourself to your siblings and Naruto, but now there is only the two of us."
"I can to do it!" I say getting on the bed and punching him more.
"Are you trying to prove something to me, or yourself at this point?"
I stop looking at him. "I…"
"How long has it been?"
"Umm… a week or something like that?"
"Yet you still haven't done it have you? You activated your Sharingan when your mother died, but you haven't since. It was a freak accident that happened because of your emotions, but you can't muster the same emotions that you felt that day. You don't even realize how you managed it. You may as well have not achieved it. All you've proven is that it's there within you."
"I can do it!" I exclaim ready to try and hit him again.
Before I have the chance he lits his left and poking me in the forehead.
"Don't yell," I tell him. I look at the young boy. Maybe Orochimaru was right in some ways. Maybe I am honoured Kakashi named this brat after me, but…
I shouldn't be here. I know I shouldn't. I need to get back to the plan, and back to Zetsu, but… this bed is really comfortable and…
It would be a lie to say I've slept all through this time. Actually, I've been half asleep. Able only to listen to what has been going on, but for some reason with this child…
I'm not wrong. He hasn't brought forth the power of his Sharingan. Just like I wasn't able to bring out the power that saved my life to escape.
"Hey, mister?"
"Why did you make Daddy stab you? I mean Daddy was really upset, and I mean…"
I didn't want to be his puppet anymore. And now I can die whenever I choose to die. I can do what I chose to do. I suppose I shouldn't have found out about it, but I did want to die once, and sometimes I still do. This world is too dark too….
"It's complicated."
"That's what adults always say."
"Adults have the right of it."
I have to remember he's a child. Was I this annoying at that age. No… then again the only person I really had was…
"I'm sorry if I'm annoying."
"Can you get me some water, kid?"
"Yeah, but my name's Obito."
"So is mine."
He sticks his tongue out getting off the bed. I watch him leave the room.
They know my secret. That's a problem. I should just leave. I wish I could make them forget. Maybe I can pretend to die again, but… they may see through that. Now that Kakashi is aware I think he'll be more attentive to anything that comes between us and… this little family… it's kind of…
I know that boy doesn't have the heart. He's angry about his dead mother, and who can blame him, but even though Uchiha blood runs through his veins he doesn't truly want that.
Yet… I thought the same about myself. I thought I would never be like them. And aren't I just…
I stare down at my hands. The mismatched tones just a reminder of the war inside my head.
Senju and Uchiha.
Will of Fire and Curse of Hatred.
What are they?
What does it all mean?
What am-?
"Hey umm… I brought you water."
"Thanks," I say taking the cup and drink. I look at it. I raise a brow at his-our name written in big letters, and a few owls printed on the cup.
"What? I like it!" he defends. "Aunty Orochimaru gave them to us on our birthday once. Rin has one with Turtles and Sakumo has one with wolves. Naruto has one too, but his has foxes on it."
"You do know Orochimaru is a man."
"Yeah, but he said call him Aunty. Naruto said he likes being more of a mother so we just call him Aunty."
"The story of how those two came to raising Naruto must be an interesting one. I can understand Jiraiya, but Orochimaru? Then again I doubt this child would know anything about it.
"Why did you give me this one then?"
"Because you're Obito too."
But who am I?
"Also I…"
"What did you do?" I ask him. "If you've done something you shouldn't have you're better off admitting it. Lying only makes things worse in the end."
"I know… but I just…" he pulls something out of a pocket and hands it to me.
I look down at the photo.
I mean it fell out when Aunty took your shirt off, and I didn't want you to lose it so I just thought I'd give it to you when you woke up and… that's Daddy and your team isn't it?"
I don't respond looking at the picture. I know I shouldn't keep it, but I really can't help myself. No one knows about it, but now this kid knows. He knows a lot of things, but really what does he know?
Just because he has my name doesn't mean he's anything like me. We're from different times. We're not even the same family. He's a Hatake and I'm an Uchiha.
"But he's half Uchiha."
A part of my mind reminds me. He has some of that running through his blood.
Even so, he's different than that.
"He has the eyes. The Sharingan are hidden behind those eyes."
If the council knew that Kakashi's kids were part Uchiha, and if they knew that one of them was capable of the Sharingan what would they do about it? Would they leave them be or would they want to get rid of them? Itachi didn't make them swear to protect them like he did with Sasuke. Because of that, these kids are subject to anything. It's important that they don't find out about that.
I suppose if I was worried about them that much I could take them, but Kakashi would sulk so damn much, and Zetsu wouldn't approve of it, plus the kids would be upset. And then there's Naruto…
He was… a cute baby, but… I had to make a mark. I had to, and yet…
Sometimes I wonder about my choices and the ones that sensei made. Why did I do that? They were so damn happy!
"What would you have done if Minato recognized you?"
I don't know. I can't tell that. I have no idea what would have happened. Maybe something similar to what has just happened? I've been found out. The whole thing is over. I may even be able to come back, but…
Do I want to?
What do I want?
No, I'm an Uchiha, that means something to them. I am a threat to them even if they don't know I'm the one who set the Kyuubi free. I'm sure they suspect something along the lines of an Uchiha. That's one reason they feared the Uchiha. They wouldn't let me back. I don't even know if Lord Third could make that happen.
But if I go back to the way things were… now that I know… now that I know what I could have then… then what?
If I know all of this will just be destroyed in the end then why do I want to protect it?
If I know all of this is pointless, and it isn't worth living then why am I still holding on to memories?
If I want this plan to succeed, why do I want to live here? Be… happy? They'll be around in our new world and yet… It's not enough…
Why do I need a new world when…?
Because they'll die…
But I'm stronger now…
Rin's dead…
Kakashi's alive…
Sensei and Kushina are dead…
They have a son…
Kagerou's dead…
Her children are here…
I jerk back to the real world looking down at the little boy. I look into a pair of Sharingan. He did that for…
"Don't… please…"
I look down. I'd managed to open the wound that Kakashi left with his Chidori to find my heart. I could feel it. It was…
"You can't!"
"I can."
"No! I won't let you!"
"You can't stop me."
"No! No! No!"
I stare at the boy in front of me. As if it has a mind of its own my hand moves away from the organ dropping out trailing blood.
The kid puts his hands over my chest, but any medical ninjutsu he might actually know is rather useless on the large wound in my chest.
"Why can't I do anything?"
"It's not your job."
"I don't care! You can't die too!"
I can feel my body shake, but it's not because of the pain or the hole in my chest. I can barely feel that after all.
This kid is so determined. He's upset because I killed his mother, but at the same time, he doesn't want to lose something.
"Why? You'd think you'd want the person who killed your mother to die."
"Well I want to beat you up, but… I want to do it and besides… I don't know…"
I think he does know. He doesn't want to see me hurt, he doesn't want to see me die, but why?
I stare down at my hands. My right one stained with the closest attempt at my life I've ever done.
Odd how I was…
"Kakashi's father, Sakumo took his own life."
I feel myself start to get sick. Why? What's happening to me now? This isn't because of the wound it's because… because…
Damn it!
What the hell am I?!
"Madara is my great grandfather if you want to know. And Izuna is Sasuke's and Itachi's. Those kids are directly related to Madara as well. If you know so much about it I'm surprised you couldn't see the family resemblance."
"You claimed his name just because he's your ancestor?"
"I'm not giving you answers, but if you must know it's as simple as it makes people fear me. It's a name everyone knows, so it's just easy. I'd be more worried about Sasuke right now. His Curse of Hatred burns in his blood."